EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION WEATHER REPORT Increasing cloudiness tonight; Saturday showers and cooler. Calling caria, wel ding stationery, com mercial stationery and ib printing to order the East Oregonlan. )ItT&11AL PAPER. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 23. PWNDLKTON, OKWiON, FIJI DAY, J UNE 10. I!H0. NO i25 T TEARS Ihree Persons Dead and Many Are Injured in Terrific Storm. I MICH DAMAGE DONE TO PKOPKKTY AND CHOI'S Wind (Want Sports in Arkansas and I .caves Great Havoc In Itn Wake Heaviest Rainfall In Ten Years Farmers Are Ileviet lasers ' Bridge Goes Out, Dropping Train into Klvcr. Pine Bluffs, Ark., June 10. Three are dead and many Injured as a re-' suit of a tornado which swept east-' ern Arkansas last night. Many build ings were unroofed and the cotton crop was damaged. The Arkansas river Is rising and a flood Is feared. The cities of Fort Smith, Van Buren, ! and Kittle Hock were damaged by the heaviest rainfall In a decade. Basements were flooded and the streets were ankle deep with water. The farmers lost heavily. The torna do struck a Flat Hock creek bridge1 and the structure collapsed, dropping a Frisco freight train into the chan-; nel, but none were killed. I I CHARGE OF FRAUD IX PITTSBURG ELECTIONS Pittsburg, June 10. Representa tive Dalzell today presented a peti-1 tlon to the county commissioners charging fraud and Irregularities in 15 precincts during Saturday's prl-1 mark's. It is believed the commis-' sloners will order a recount In 90 of! the 166 election districts. Dalzell and lilaVk had a hot contest for con- gresslonnl nomination, and Dalzell' won. His charges therefore have caused a surprise. ! AMERICAN ESCAPES FROM MEXICAN PRISON TO U. S. Nogales, Orizona, June 10. LouIh Fblschncr, an American clothing i merchant, Is safe on this side of the border t"day after a sensational mld-i night escape from a Mexic an jail. I where he eluded the guard of 25 1 rurales who pursued him. i Pleischner was arrested In Feb ruary on a charge of contrabanding,' but was not brought to trial. I.A GRANDE GRAND JURY'S ! INDICTMENTS ARE SECRET j La Grande, June 10. A sensut1 ; was created here today wl 1 the . ..1.1 i, ,,.. lit B grand jury nie.i 42 secret - and announced warr-'tt4 wl" " 87V- . 'onlo are indicted Is ec soon, vt nai ' i a myster'- 1 lu' J"ry ,,,,,?n nnd ' .i minor indictments had been re turned previously. Wool Sulc Not Held. Although this Is the day on which the Second Pendleton wool sale was to have been held, the sale did not ma terialize. The J. E. Smith clip Is the only one In the warehouso not sold and It Is probable that It will be put up tomorrow after the buyers return from Pilot Rock, wher the second j sale for that town Is to be held. It Is hardly probable that the Smith! clip will be sold at the existing prices. ' Admlrnl Dillingham Retired. Washington, June 3. Rear-Admlral A. C. Dillingham was placed upon the retired list of officers today, having reached the ago limit. Gladys Nosier, aged 14 years, who had run away from her homo in fipoknne, was arrested here yesterday, morning by Deputy Sheriff Bert Wil son. When picked up the girl was alone and without money enough to buy her breakfast. J. E. Harmon, probation officer In Spokane, was no tified, transportation was wired to this point and the girl was sent homo. She Is a daughter of Mrs. Nelson Lafave of Llncolnhlde Park, Spokane. According to the story told by the girl, she and another girl, Hazel Bowen, aged 17 years, boarded the Pendleton local In Spokane Monday afternoon. They arrived in Pendle ton the following morning at 1:30 The remainder of the night was spent at the Hotel Bowman, while for the two succeeding nights a room was se cured at the Queen chop house. In the middle of the third night here, the Bowen girl arose quietly MM SPOKANE CI PENNILESS IN PENDLETON STANDARD OIIj GETS BUMPS IN AUSTRIA Vienna, June 10. In the hope of protecting the Austrian oil Interests, the Austrian minister of finance, commerce and labor has decided to curtail the Vu- cuum Oil company, the Austrian branch of the Standard Oil. In ;i legal way if possible. They plan to take advantage of every technicality in the mining; laws. If these measures fall probably legislation against the Amerl- can company will be asked. MXiltO TROOPER CONFESSES TO ATTACK ON WOMAN Seattle, June 10. Nathan Bledser, the negro trooper who confessed to the attack on Mrs. Redding, was ar raigned today, plead guilty and asked that the maximum sentence be inflict ed, which is from five to 10 years in the penitentiary. Thhe intcrbay sec tion Is ca'med today but the people wont be pacified till the colored sold iers are removed. Twenty-five special police are on guard but there Is. no necessity for their presence. Hledser will be sentenced probably today. TEXAS RANGERS ARE GUARDING STRIKEBREAKERS El Paso, June 10. Texas rangers today are protecting section men and pump men on the Galveston, Harris hurg and San Antonio railroad as strikers threaten violence. Tho strike breakers were driven from their hous es by masked men. They fled to Marafa where they appealed for pro tection and they were escorted back to Alpine where they were working by the rangers. E GUEST CLUB SPRINGS UP CONGRESSMAN HARRISON , IS THE FIRST MEMBER New York DeiniKTnl Denied Audience With Tn ft Because of Post Ulter ancrs President May Elect Oilier Members. Washington. June 10. come 'Guest club, with Harrison of New Tork member, Is thriving. The Fnwcl Congrcssman as its first Harrison, a democrat, was denied audience with President Taft yesterday when he es corted a party of Jewish rabbis to the white house to appeal to the presi dent to assist In relieving the op pressed Jews in Russia. Secretary Norton admitted today Harris" 1,1 Ind wl1 fat. I'fvnus. ,r- gave an lierview in which he accused Taft ind Wlckerslinm of "misleading con- j gress by antedating Wickershnm's Glavls report." Congressmen are reviewing their ut terances to determine whether they belong unofficially to the new club. Harrison says he will rise to the 'Itiestlon of personal privileges in the bouse and reply to Taft. "Of course if the White House goes any further against me I will defend myself.'" CASHIER OF VALE BANK MIST ANSWER CHARGES Vale. Ore., .Tune S. Following a 10 day's secret investigation of the books of the First National bank of Vale, As sistant Cashier Hoehmer was this morning bound over In the justice court to the federal grand Jury In the sum of $5000. Information as to the nature of the charges Is with held, but it Is understood that an overdraft of several thousand dol larns constitutes one of the prlncl. pal counts. without disturbing her companion, took all the money the two had and is supposed to have taken a train for home. When the younger girl awoke yesterday morning she found herself alone In a strange town, not only without frieds but also without the price of a meal. Not having anything else to do she began walking the streets and finally wandered out into the residence dis trict. At 717 Aura street she stopped and told her story to the woman of! tho house. The officers were imme diately notified and the girl taken in to custody. She offered no objection to being sent home and seemed to bo glad that her escapade was at an end According to her story the girl's mother has been married twice and since tho second marriage the girl's life has not been very pleasant for her. This was the only excuse for leaving home. I i 1 If) THE TOILS Telegraph Company Indicted by Grand Jury on Forty two Counts. CIIAHGFII WITH VIOLATION OF RUSKETSHOP LAWS Etld v Tends to show Company's W ires Supplied Standard StiH'k and (.rain Dealers With Dutu William Price- Company Draws Another In dictment for Operating Bucket Shoj 28 Brokers ure Also Involved. Washington June 10. The feder al grand Jury today returned indict ments against the Western Union Tel egraph Co. on 42 charges of having violated the laws against bucket shops on March 1. The wire service of the company Is alleged to have supplied data to Edward Altemus and Lewis fella who it Is alleged operated as standard stock and grain dealers In the District of Columbia and other cities. The William Price company was again indicted today charged with operating a bucket shop. The action of the grand jury follows the Indict ment of 2S brokers. Members of firms In New York, St. Louis, Cin cinnati, Jersey City, Boston, Balti more. Philadelphia and Washington are charged of bucket shopping. SIR I KING TEAMSTERS THINK THEY WILL WIN Portland, June 10 Five non-union teamsters joined the strike today. The strike leaders declare they have the strike won. This is a problem, how ever, as the Draymen's association Is planning to import strikebreakers a few at a time to put on wagons, thus not creating trouble as an Introduc tion of a large band of strikebreakers would do. FINAL CHAITER IN BIG ROW IS APPROACHING Washington, June 10. Briefs in the Ballinger-P.nc hot controversy will be submitted to a special investigation i oniiKiiiie Monday by attorneys rep resenting Glavis, Pinchot and Ballin ge.r The committee, then starts the preparation of its decision. It Is generally believed there will be a ma jority and minority report. The com mittee holds a short meeting tomor row. FREIGHT TRAIN PLUNGES INTO LAKI- iiiniH'ir, Man., dune 10. A Oi nndinn Pacific freight train crash ed into a ImmiIiIci' on the main line near Fori Caldwell early today nud l lie train plunged into Lake Superior, currying Hie freight and crew. En srinecr Wheat Icy. Fireman Clark, Biakctnaii McMillan, nil of Schrilier, were killed. SYS I . S. WANTS TO BUY CANTO ISLANDS Madrid. June 10. Senior Abruce. owner of Canto Island, has asked for mal permission of the Portuguese government to sell the islands to tne United States. The islands are near the Azores and would make a splen did coaling stat. on. European na tions, it Is said, will oppose the sa c. PORTLAND IS AFTER MOTHERS CONVENTION Denver, June 10. The National .Mothers' congress convened here to day, in the 14th annual session. Port land, Oregon, Is trying to secure the l:'12 congress. DENIES U. S. TRIED TO BUY CANTO ISLANDS' Washington. June 10. The state department today denied the U. S. has made any attempt to buy the Canto Islands for a coaling station. Troops Defeat Indians. .Merida, Yucatan, June 10. The government troops met and defeated the Mayas Indians near Valladolld to day. The Indians were driven Into H e hills after losing heavily. HAS SPOOK SWEETHEART: ! WIFE WANTS A DIVORCE i Minneapolis. Minn. A "spirit af- finity" Is named in the divorce com plaint filed by Maybelle Bowler against K chard Bowler in the Henne pin county district court and the plaintiff is relying largely upon this factor In the case. Mrs. Howler as serts In her complaint that her hus band humiliates her In public by flirt ing with an invisible affinity which he calls a spirit. In street cars, In theaters and other public places. Bowler will carry nn his flirtations and lovemuking, his wife says. Both the Howlers are spiritualists. IE T County Court Appoints Judges and Clerks for Every Pre cinct. ELECTION" TO BE BOTH PRIMARY AND GENERAL Primary Election Is to Be Held on September 21 auc General Election on NuwiiiImt 8 Three Clerks, Two Bulges ami u Chairman Named by Court for Every Precinct in Uma tilla County. Judg.s and clerks for the approach lug primary and general election fur every precinct in the county have been named by the county court. The primary election Is to be held Sep tember 24, while the general election is to be held November 8. The following Is the complete list of election officers for the county: Pendleton. J. M. Cook, chairman: D. Keinler. judge; J. T Laing, Judge; R. M. May berry, clerk; C. H. Penland. clerk; M. T. Milarkey, clerk. North Pendleton. R. Alexander, chairman; J. P. Earl, Judge; J. F. Hill, judge; L. D. Drake, clerk; J. W. Daley, clerk: Mark Moorhouse, clerk. South Pendleton. A. J. Gibson, chairman; L E. Pen land, judge; G. L. Elgin, Judge; F. F. Ferham, clerk; J. M. Spenee. clerk; Lee Curtright, clerk. East Pendleton. J. M. Ferguson, chairman; T. J. Tweedy, judgv; M. J. Callahan, Judge; C. II. Marsh, clerk. D. B. Waffle, clerk: J. T. Lambirth, clerk. Adams. B A. Marquis, chairman; C. C. Darr. judge; P. T. Hale, judge; T. A. I.ietiallen. clerk: J. A. Winn, clerk; J. F. Wallen. clerk. Allx-e. A. S. ijtiant. chairman; Arthur Struthers, judge; William Howard, judge;' Clarence Adams, e'erk: Walt er Hhineheart clerk; J. M. Stocker, clerk. North Athena. J. F. Zcrbu. chairman; G. W. Ban nister, judge; W. M. Thompkins, judge; J. V. Mitchell, clerk; York Bell, clerk; M. L. Watts, clerk. South Athena. G. W. Hansel, chairman: Henry Schmidt, judge: W. H. Booher, judge; W. U. Taylor, clerk: W. II Keen, clerk: M. W. Hansell, clerk. Bingham Springs. J. F. Thompson, chairman: U. C. linger, judge; Fred C. Davis, judge; .loli ii Hager. e'erk: E. S. Wilbur, clerk; Henry Lacy, clerk. Cottonwood. C. T. Cockburn. chairman; Louis Bowlus, judge; G. nf. McKenzie. Judge; J. F. Casper, clerk; C. H. Hu her, clerk. Joseph Lynch, clerk. Echo. Joe Bailey, chairman; T,. V. Elder, judge: Joe Cunha. judge: F. T. George clerk; Elmer Spike, clerk. J. F. Thomson, clerk. Encampment. J. L. Barker, chairman; B. F. Mar lin Judge; J B. Baker, judge: Earl Gillfindirs. clerk: George D. Hilyard, e'erk; W. B. Ross, clerk. Ferndnle. E.-J. Davis, chairman; L. M. Van dewater, judge; C. W. Whorten. judge; l II. Bibcock, clerk; A. Winn, clerk; V. B. Smith, clerk. Fulton, John Barr. chairman; H. J Taylor, judge; William Duff, judge: W. W. Harrah. clerk; Hugh Bell, clerk; J. Frank Snyder, clerk. Gilliland. J. M. Wynn chairman; E. F. Car ney, Judge: David Horn, judge; A. M. Isaac, clerk; J. A. Hubbard, clerk; G. E. Adams, clerk. nellx. W. E Potts chairman; R. C. Dun nlngton, Judge; Charles Stanton. Judge: O. J. Piper clerk; James Hill, clerk: Edgar Norvall. clerk. IlOfftlC. Kwante Anderson, chairman; A. G. Bulioltz. judge: C. H. Reinman. Judge. J E. Arkell. clerk; John Martin, clerk: C. W. Brown, clerk. Holdman. Joseph Gugin. chairman: J. N. Gentry, judge; Charles Jensen, judge; W. R Meiners, e'erk; E. L. Dodd, clerk: W. N Claypool clerk. Juniper. John K. Wyrick, cha rinan; Charles Medellan, judge; Andrew Larse.i, Judge: J. C. Hoyce. clerk; C. L. Gues n.an, clerk; Bert Winn clerk. North Milton. W. E. Putnam, chairman; J. S. Vin son, judge; R. S. Vancil. judge; How ard Evans, clerk; Alta Rogers, clerk; George Cowl, clerk South Milton. 11. M. Cockburn. chairman: Claude stern, judge; B F. Winn. Judge; R. Q. Still, clerk; C. K. Wilcox, clerk; C. K Samuels, clerk. r$'!:i Mu lain. Frank English, chairman; T. E. :It IY I D. , WHOLE PORTUGUESE ARMY REPORTED MUTINTF Babajos, Spain, June 10. Mutiny of Portugal's arrny," in- volving nearly every army corps is reported in dispatches today from Lisbon, but strict censor- ship la enforced. According to the dispatches there are hardly ' enough troops left to guard the palace and it is reported that Emanuel is preparing to ft-e and take refuge in Spain. Gould, Judge; S. G. Price, judge; J. E. Walden, clerk; J. O. Hyatt, clerk, Charles H. Phillips, clerk. McKay. Alex Hudson, chairman; D. K. Bell, judge; H. C. Dunn, judge; O. B. Sparks, clerk; W. T. Perrin, clerk; E. F. Straughan, clerk. Pilot Rock. Charles Matthews, chairman; L. E. Boy. judge; J. M. Royer. Judge; Frank Done, clerk; Alfred C. Hemp hill, clerk; F. M. Smith, clerk. Prospect. George Tierney, chairman; S. B. El (b r. judge; M. J. Foster, judge; D. A. Feebler, clerk; E. F. Tierney, clerk; Ira Perkins, clerk. North Reservation. J. M. Butler, chairman; Joseph For est, judge; Samuel Pambrun, judge; Joseph Bergevin. clerk; Harry Sayer, clerk; A. O. Kirk, clerk. Soutli Reservation. Charles Hamilton, chairman; S. A. Ment.er, judge; C. C Hhieiiiiardt. judge; Ed Morgan, clcik, E. V. K.rk patrick, clerk; J. M. Cornellson, clerk. Ukiuh. Frank Hilbert, chairman; J. A. Bowlin, judge; A. R. Turner, judge; (Continued on page 8.) MEXICAN EXILE ASKS TAFT FOR ASSISTANCE j OPPONENT OF DIAZ WANTS TO RETURN TO MEXICO I j Says he is Not Anarchist. That he . Has Been Ruined by Dlai, That His Followers ure In Jail Declares ' Diaz Fears Him. New York, June 10. Herbert Bar I ron, the exiled republican and demo- cratic candidate for president of Mex ! ico who ran against Diaz, today wrote j President Taft asking him to use his j influence to allow his return. Bar , ron said he was exiled because he was the head of a party which opposed Diaz In 1!'0S. He said he isn't an an- ' nrchist agitator or revolutionist. He j said his business is ruined and his I followers are in jail by order of Diaz. He also said Diaz fears his return on ; account of the alleged fact that the people only want a leader to down Diaz. CUSTOMS RECEIITS ARE LARGEST IN 9 MONTHS ! Washington, June 10. The customs receipts for the first time In nine j months under the new tariff law are j greater than ever before for a like j period, according to a siateineiu filed ; today by the bureau of statistics of the i di partment of commerce and labor. I The receipts amounted to $250,112,000 land merchandise valued at $601,530.- 00a was likewise admitted. This Is i also a greater amount admitted to this country In nine months. NIGHT RIDER WITNESS j IS SHOT FROM AMBUSH Princeton Ky.. June 10. Judge Robanson. an Important witness In j the night rider cases, was shot and ki'led from ambush today. He had been warned to leave but he had re fused. TIT: M M SOLD FAKE OR REAL Umatilla county dispensers of the sc-cnllcd "near beer" which was found to contain more than the allowed two pt r cent of alchohol and who are now awaiting the result of the supreme court decision on the test case, are not supposed to be still selling the bever age, as is now alleged to be the case. This was the announcement made this afternoon by District Attorney Phelps when asked concerning the status of the local option law cases. According to the district attorney, these men, as well as all others, are supposed to be selling real "near beer" at the present time. That Is, beer v hlch does not contain more than two per cent alchohol, the government regulation. If it Is shown to the dis trict attorney that anyone In the county Is selling beer containing more than the two per cent he will Immedi ately begin prosecution. R. EMBARKS FOR AMERICA Distinguished Wanderer Over Globe Turns Face Home-- ward. TEDDY IS MIGHTILY PLEASED AT PROSPECTS E.-Preldcnt and Family Board Kalserin for Home After Wandering Over Two Continents T. R. Saf he has Hud Great Time But is Glad to Start Home English Forget His Criticisms and Laud His Man ly Virtues. South Hampton, June 10. Colonel Roosevelt, his wife, daughter and Kermit, sailed for America this after noon on the steamer Kaiserine, Au gusta Victoria, and will arrive In New York on June 18th. There waa a great crowd at the pier to give the party a send off, among them beint; . many notable Englishmen. Roosevelt spent the night with Sir Edward Gray ami went aboard early this morning. He said. "And now for home. I tell you I am glad. I have had a great time. It could not have been finer and I have enjoyed every minute, but I will be glad to get home," The party occupies two flower decked suits on the forward prome nade deck. Among the passenger are Frank Kellogg, government trust buster, Mrs. George Vanderbllt and Mrs. Mary Thaw. English Forget Rancor. London, June 10. Their rancor for gotten over his criticisms, the preaa today united in praising the depart ing American. The Telegraph said, "Roosevelt's stay was a liberal edu cation in energy, courage and modern politics. .T P SEAL LOOTERS WTLL BE SHOT DOWX Victoria. June 10. A warm recep tion Is being planned for Japanese, seal looters off Pribyloff islands thia year. The government Is mounting machine guns at the rookeries and fha guards will shoot to kil'. The Jap anese previously raided the rookeries successfully. P.ODY OF LOST ENGINEER FOUNT) IN MOUNTAINS North Yakima, June 10. The body of George Wilson of the Un.ted States geodetic survey, found yester day in the mountains was brought here today and searching parties out have been recalled. Wilson got loat May 30 when he attempted to return to this city from the mountains. Holiday in South. Atlanta. Ga June 3. A general pub'ic holiday reigned throughout Dixie today in honor of the memory of Jefferson Davis, first and only president of the Confederate States of America, who was born in Ken tucky 102 years ago today. The birthday of Davis is a legal holiday in this state, Alabama. Flor ida, Mississippi, South Carolina, Ten nessee and Texas. In Louisiana the day is observed as "Confederate Me morial Day." and in Virginia the an niversary is celebrated with patriotic exercises In public schools. Tri-stato Travelers' Meeting. Kansas City, Mo., June 3. The Joint grand convention of the Kansas-Oklahoma-Missouri Commercial travelers opened here today. The meeting brings to this city betweea 3000 and 5000 visitors. ; The prosecuting attorney says that lit" there is anyone in any community that thinks the law Is being violated and is anxious to have It enforced. , that all he needs to do is to secure ! the samples and show the district at torney that they contain more than the two per cent. The law will be en forced at once regardless of the fact that the test case is now before the supreme court. Neither will it be necessary to wait until the grand Jury' meets In" Septem ber for the district attorney has sls nlfled a willingness to call a special ! session of the old grand Jury at any time that it becomes necessary. 1 If the supreme court decides against ! the "near beer" men and the district attorney thinks there Is no doubt of ; this, that will stand as the first of j fense and a second conviction will mean a Jail sentence, for the law does not permit of nn alternative. IS NEAR H