East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 04, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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and now for fruit canning and
Fruit Jars
Economy and
Mason Jars
Also a large line of extras, covers, rubbers, etc.
Our Prices are the Lowest
Standard Grocery Co.
214-216 East Court Street Phone Main 96
Company L Men Will Seek to Win
Governor's Medal Blanchett Was
Second Last Year Store Recruits
Needed by Company.
Orders have been received by Cap
tain Ferguson of company L for the
annual rifle and revolver competition
of the Oregon national guard which
will be held on the state rifle range
near Clackamas from July 12 to July
The commanding officer of each
company is to nominate a team of
four men and one alternate, all to be
selected by previous competition on
some outdoor range. This team must
be nominated by July 5.
The receipt of this order has awak
ened the interest in range work and
lowing members qualified as marks
men: Captain D. P. Smythe, Ser
geant Vinier, Privates Skiles & Kill
ingsworth. These medals have not
arrived but are expected any day.
The work of recruiting the company
up to the minimum is not progressing
as rapidly as was expected owing to
the opposition of a great number of
the parents. If the co-operation of
the town is not secured Captain Fer
guson says Pendleton is apt to lose
the company. The company still re
quires about 15 men to come up to
the minimum number. The officers
have worked hard and the young
men are interested but the parents
in several instances have interfered.
This is very discouraging to the offi
cers and may mean the loss of the
company to Pendleton. It is under
stood the Commercial association will
again be asked to use Its influence to
aid the officers In holding the com
pany ogether.
j M. L. Morrison, the Helix merch,
ant, is a Pendleton business visitor
j Mrs. Roy Kirkley antr'slster. Miss
: Lou Flood left today for Portland to
attend the rose show.
I Attorney C. T. Godwin returned to
j Kaker City last night after a brief
'. professional visit tothis city.
J. L. Hall of Gurdane, who has
been in the city on business for a
few dnys, returned home yesterday.
Carl Cooley of the Alexander depart
ment store leaves tonight for Port
land to attend the rose show and wit
ness some ball games.
Mrs. Hugh Taylor and two children
passed through Pendleton today on
their way to Echo where they will be
the guests of. relatives.
Mrs. A. H. Sunderman and young
son left today for the ranch In Butter
creek where they will spend a great
part of the summer.
John Hughes, a formr resident of
Pendleton and Umatilla county, but
now or rrame t ity, Oregon, Is a
Pendleton visitor for afew days.
Mrs. H. Stewart. Mrs. Lillian Spicer
and Mrs. Julia Luhrs left last even
ing for North Yakima. Mrs. Stewart
will go from there to the rose show
at Portland.
Marcus Struve, son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Struve, has returned from Phila
delphia, where he has been attending
the University of Pennsylvania dur
ing the yast year.
Miss Maud Bentley, Miss Hazel
Hamblen and Miss Grace Elder re
turned this morning from Milton,
where they had been to attend the
strawberry festival.
President W. H. Bleakney of Pen
dleton academy, returned this morn
ing from Milton, where he had been
to deliver an address at the big
celebration yesterday.
Mrs. J. A. Cooper came up from
Stanfield yesterday and left today for
The Dalles in answer to a message
telling of an Injury sustained by her
brother, Thome Kinnersley, by be
ing thrown from a horse.
Mrs. M. A. Murphy, accompanied
by her daughter, Mrs. Darr Phelps
Spokane, Wash. Miss Emma La
Barge of 2516 North Standard avenue,
has a Plymouth Rock chick with and Mrs. Joe Ell will leave for Port
three legs and Joseph Gump, living: land tomorrow to attend the Rose
a, 914 r.a. A ... a.a.,A Jt. i Ti -..' H'l. thA.. It.. T" 1 1 ...111 V.
icii uul mi ot' uuc, loiiiim u 19- i i" . ii uiic nitric .i is. cij n in ut:
company L will hold their first shoot tlnetion for a single-combed Rhode! a guest at the home of her parents.
tomorrow. All desiring to participate Island Red, which laid its first eggj
must assemble at the armory by 8 four months and 23 days after It was! ACTRESSES ARE SCVRED
a. m. i hatched. The Plymouth Rock has! '
There are some good shots in com- 14 toes ot them growing on the p0son Plots, Black Hand Letters ami
pany L and the boys expect to make
a sufficient showing to enable them
to get places on the state team.
Sergeant Blanchet came within one
point of winning the governor's med
al last year and is determined that he
will bring this trophy home this year.
Captain Ferguson has also re
ceived the medals for 190$ competi
tion and is now distributing them,
imra leg. uuierwise tne cmcK ap- Apaches Ar0 Cause
pears to be norma!. The third leg is' Paris Actresses hv thl vv
one and a half Inches In length. it' ha?n excTt.nmeVu
Is perfectly formed and Is as useful , Par,8 , these f comet
fS ZVX tVfZ W n H One has been the victim of attempts
L"8,;raiChLnl,f0r.f00v ,Mr ump8 to poison her. another has had sev-
pullet probably has broken all rec
ords for early layers, but there is
nothing remarkable about the bird.
eral terrifying warning letters, and a
third spent one evening of apprehen-
The egg Is of oru.uary size and I v , - , . , .
V ti - t-. , ' u'ilirhl TV, CnnUono ,l: v,.. ivui it..uua niuic,
L u...,r, i-ivuicimm l,. u. uraKe was: .-o-" "'"""'" - , Mme Marguerite Carre wife of
awarded an expert rifleman badge. Pet Stock association will award a I th fl, Opera ' Comlque.
S' ESS I SU eaSe t'hear' "uK glas 5
sharpshooters' badges and the fol-1 ffi ?! anfstage'
. Wit. and photograph of the pul-! ma"a" hV
ouvis.ci uau mine, VUl 1 g liifCIl
let addressed to R. H. Hughes, as-
of the eye
Grow to great ones. Er
rors of Refraction are the
cause of most Eye diseases
as well as poor sight.
Properly Fitted Glasses
are the best standby In times
of eye trouble.
sistant secretary of the Spokane! slp, 0 r tne w, lne sne relt M a
uiB atuoaviuii. out; ai uni;e uc
clared that there was somethinz the
I ENGLAND HAS 7 DREADNAUGIITS ! fmatter wlt the '"e- Tn dresser,
I I to reassure her, took a sip. but was
A I 111 V. . M t. I t n
Commission! at I " . l"c "1 "l l"e
Portsmouth. I l"e. ol,".Be tlTK , Z "
T j rm.. j u i As the bottle had been opened the
aay oeiore ana tne contents were
t. Vincent Pnt in
m i London. Tne new, improved Dat-1
tleship St. Vincent has been com-, u.e coniems were
ml.slonPrt t Portsmouth for service then Perfectly good It was evident
Here the fitting Is Scientific.
Dale Rothwell
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler
in the First division of the home fleet j hf 1 14 ,na5 Jeen tampered with In the
in which It Is to fly the flags of Rear ",au,r was placea l"
Admiral F. C. D. Sturdee. The St. ! tne hands of the police at once, and
Vincent Is the seventh battleship of j 11 waa 8tatel that the presence of
the dreadnought type to fly the white j su'Phonate had been detected,
ensign and with the armored cruisers; For AaV3 Past Mne. Carre has been
Indomitable, Invincible and Inflexible I receiving anonymous and threatening
there are now 10 ships of the dread- j letters. Strangely enough, Mme.
nought class In commission. The St. j Yvonne de Bray, an artist at the Re
Vincent Is the third ship of the "Im. j naissance, has also been receiving
proved dreadnought type" commls- letters similar In character to those
sioned during the past few weeks, her , 8ent to Mme. Carre and containing
sister battleships, Vanguard and Col- mysterious hints to her to be on her
lingwood, being respectively commls-1 Kuard against the flowers she is of
sioned on March 1 and April 19. i fered, the rouge she uses In her make
With the commissioning of the St. "P. steel traps In the wings, and
Vincent the First division of the home , steps down which she might fall. The
fleet now consists of seven dread-1 letters have been handed to the po
noughts and Is the strongest and Hce.
fastest battle squadron in the world. ! Mile Lanthelme, who Is playing a
principal part in "Le Costand des
Read the '"Want" ads today? ! Epinettes " at the Vaudeville, had an
i i a'arming experience the other eve-
" ning. The story of the play is that
'& it young man w no turned ipucne
for the soiling of many nice dresses
in lieu of something better to do. One
of the first "Jobs" assigned to him
was to demove a young woman who
The New Boston Store
cordially requests the honor of the presence of every man
and boy in Pendleton and Umatilla County
at their
which is beyond a doubt
one of the
Most Modern Store Rooms
in Eastern Oregon
A visit to this up-to-date Clothing Emporium will disclose
to you the season's most desirable merchandise
for men, including clothing, shoes hats,
y and dependable furniihings for
the coming hot days.
... i helrl In her nosResnfon ermnroTYil!nir
and other garments, out nine sat-1 - 7 ,7
Isfaction can be obtained from the vv- y"""6 " mm
culprits. You can, however, have the wlth hls vlctm and -saves her from
satisfaction of having your clothes i another Apache, who would be be
carefully cleaned so they will look like! fore nl" n the deed. It Is Intended
new at Sullivan's dying and cleaning
establishment. When spots cannot be
removed, our skill and experience en
ables us to dye the garment a darker
shade of most pleasing effectiveness.
Pendleton Dye Works
l0 1-1 East Alt St. Phone Main lt
as a skit upon the Apaches.
Therefore, when four evil looking
men occupied the box on the stage on
the evening referred to, a little tremor
of apprehension went through the
p'ayers. Had the Fabourg Mont
martre sent a bloodthirsty depu
tation to take vengeance? Mile Lan-
Save money by reading today's ads.
At Home
Alter This Date
725 Main St.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallls, Or. On Friday, May 27, every
member of the college community,
from the oldest and most learned
pedagogue to the youngest and most
verdant freshman worked on the
campus grading ground, mowing
grass and cutting down trees, for It
was college labor day at the Oregon
agricultural college. Seven hundred
men, Including the members of the
faculty, responded to roll call at 8
o'clock that morning and Immediate
ly took up the work of Improving and
beautifying the campus, which con
tinued until 6 o'clock In the after
noon. Many trees were cut down,
many yards of dirt moved and much
rubbish cleaned away. No partiality
was shown in the division of labor,
professor and students worked at the
same tasks. Toward the end of the
day the campus had Indeed witnessed
a very marked change, and the work
which had all been previously arrang
ed was carried out to the letter. In
the morning where large and stately
fir trees stood, where plies of rub
bish and mounds of dirt existed,
were a thing of the past when the
day was over, and the work was so
complete that the ravages of a cy
clone could not have done a better
Job. The college had surely received
the best efforts of this army of seven
hundred men.
The work which was performed Is
the first step In the execution of the
campus plans recently submitted by
J. C. Olmstead.
Frank Jones, a Pendleton boy. for
merly associated with the Working
men's Clothing Co., of this city, Is
now In business for himself In Port
land. In connection with Mr. Rosen
feld he conducts a gentlemen's fur
nishing goods store at 249 1-2 First
street, called The Banner.
All his former Pendleton friends are
cordially Invited to call and make
his store their headquarters while In
Portland attending the rose carnival
next week.
If you are not satisfied after using
according to directions two-thirds of
a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets, you can have your
money back. The tablets cleanse and
invigorate the stomach, Improve the
digestion, regu'ate the bowels. Give
them a trial and get well. Sold by
all dealers.
$85,000 for Sagebrush Land.
Hanford, Wash. A deal was clos
ed last week at White Bluffs where
by 1000 acres of sagebrush land was
sold to New Jersey capitalists for
185,000. The entire tract will be
put under Irrigation Immediately. A
pumping plant will be installed and
the tract set to a commercial orchard
I,, i he pring. One hundred thousand
dollars will be spent on the Improve
ments within a year.
Do yoa take the East Oregon Ian T
Jast received, a car of Rock
Springs nut coal. This is what you
need for cooking. Price 19 per ton
delivered loose or $10 per ton sacked
Orsgon Lumber Yard.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is
sold on a guarantee that if you are
not satisfied after using two-thirds
of a bottle according to directions,
your money will be refunded. It Is
up to you to try. Sold by all dealers.
The $10.00
Gold Filled
which I am making a
feature of Is proving very
popular with the young
men of the town.
"The Healthy Summer Drink"
Uelch's Grape Juice
Pure and unfermented. Made from the choicest concord
grapes. Guaranteed under the pure food and drug law
Pint Bottles 30cQuart Bottles 60c
Phone your orders, for prompt delivery, to
The fans will see a red hot game, as the season is nearing a close and no team as yet has a cinch on the pennant.
Game Called at 2:30 P. M. sharp. Be There