.'.T. EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OHEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, S.VI U)Y, Jl'XE 1, 1910 PAGE THREE SEASON OF 1910 NOW OPEN Tonight Your Last Chance to secure the greatest Bargains ever offered in PERSONAL NOTES We are positively selling $1.00 Union Suits at the suit 50c No more will be sold at that Price after 9:30 tonight Also 20 per cent discount on any Suit in Our Store TONIGHT ONLY (If you bring this ad with you) VORKINGMEN'S CLOTHING CO. FARMERS' PICNIC WAS BI6 SUCCESS MILTOX THRONGED AS NEVER IN HISTORY Members of Farmer I'nlon riiiilek cd in Overalls and Jumpers Rc sulls of the Horne Show Straw berries Were Served All Visitor. Never In her history has the town of Milton seen Mich crowds of peo ple as thronged her streets and proves yesterday. The occasion was the trl crlphration of strawberry day, horse how and farmers picnic. Hundreds went from this city and other points In this end of the county, thousands poured across the line from Walla Wal'a and neighboring towns until It Is estimated that more than 3000 people were In attendance. All reg ular trains ns well ns special were crowded to capacity. In the morning the program con sisted of exercises at the grove, and . speaking was the order of the fore noon. On the program were: S. D. Peterson, president of the Milton Commercial club, who gave the ad dress of welcome; President S. P.. L. Penrose of Whitman college; Presi dent Bleakncy of Pendleton academy; D. C. Sanderson of Frecwater; J. L. Dumas of Dayton; C. C. Connor of Athena, and E. F. Barker of Walla Walla. t n tha iriArnincf tnn wAs Rtr&wherrv prize winners In much larger shows. The results of the show are as fol lows: Draft norses. Sweepstakes stallion, Grlsou. Ed. Hoon. Clyde stallion, Prince William, H. H. McLean. Percheron, Grlsou, Ed Hoon. Grade stallion, shire owned by Rob ert still. Draft team, Robert Frazler first; William Hodgons second. Two year old draft team, William Smiley. Registered mare and colt, H. H. McLean. Yearling filly. Lady Esther, H. H. McLean. Grade colt, Laeur Brothers. Sweepstakes colt, R. W. Brown. Family sweepstakes, Ed Hood, colts sired by Grlsou. Truitimr ami Pacini;. Standard bred stallions. Carlyle F. W. II. Franklin, first; Thomas M., Matt Mosgrove, second; Counterdale, J. D. Kel'ey, third. Grade stallions, Westerfield, Jr., A M Elam. Ladles' saddle horses. Prince, Ida Clary, first; Bird Alex. Jr., J. H Minnick, second , Darkey, S. L. Ken n:ir,1. third. Gentlemen's saddle horses rhalde. j attended the social at Milton Friday (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., June 4. K. J. Mar quis, city druggist of Adams, and A. Watrus went to Midlcton Monday In j an auto to attend the Decoration day ; celebration. Mr. Lewis, Adams' barber visited In the city of Pendleton Monday. Mr. Smith Fergerson, a former resident of Adams, and our obi time post master arrived In Adams Mon day and is shaking hands with old time friends. Mrs. Thornton and daughter of La. Grande, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. O.. Richardson. Miss Edith Peringer went to Milton Monday to stay over for the strawberry day. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Stockton and daughter Augusta, went to Milton Monday to be on hand for the straw berry day and to pick and can straw berries and cherries for winter. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers drove to Pendleton In the auto Tuesday mor ning and to Athena in the afternoon. Elmer Hall, one of Undo Sam's R. F. D. men, repainted his mall wa gon, and its a dandy now. Tom Coffy returned to his home in Adams Wednesday after spending the winter in North Yakima, Washing ton. T. A. Christopher, one of Umatilla county most prosperous wheat grow ers, took his son to Portland Wed nesday to a doctor. He has been In poor health for some time and will stay for two months and take In the rose festival. Mrs. Jim Stanfield and daughter Myrtle of Meacham, former residents of Adams, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bently for a few days this week. Mrs. E. Burham and daughter Ida made a business trip to Pendleton Wednesday. Frank, Ora and Wade Holdman came up from Cold Springs Wednes day to look after their farming In. terests In Adams and to take their auto to Pendleton to the repair shop. Dr. McKenny reports the visitation of the stork at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Barker Monday, May 30, a 9 1-2 pound girl was the result of the visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hale and daugh ter Thclma. Mrs. H. CIrby and Mrs. L. Devoln and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Giess, Mrs. A. T. Winn, and Mr. Owens. lT. S. mail man. went to Milton Saturday to the strawberry festival. , Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adams went to Milton to attend the strawberry fes tival. Frank Kribs went to Milton Fri day to the social. Mrs. G. O. Richardson attended the strawberry social in Milton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Marquis and A. J. Watrus went to Milton In the auto to the social. Frank Whitly went to Milton today to the social. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wallan and wamilv WEN AH A SPRINGS THE POPULAR BLUE MOUNTAIN SUMMER RESORT WILL CELEBRATE July 3 and 4 Fine large orchestra has been secured for this occasion. Dancing and other amusements afternoon and evening. Everybody invited to celebrate with us. Cool and Healthiul. An Ideal Place to Spend Your Summer Vacation Tents and cottages rented furnished or unfurnished. Special Picnics, Parties and Banquets arranged on a few hours notice. Good fishing and hunting. Hot mineral water baths that will tone up your system. Swimming pool and other amusements. ,1. II. Minnuk. first; Black Diamond. M. Swaggart, second; Teddy, J. T. Barton, third. Indies' single drivers, Minwall, Mrs. T. Elliott, black mare driven by Mrs. D"tson, second. Gentlemen's sing'e drivers, Dolly. Frank Price, first; Mac, S L. Ken nurd, second; Babe Brown, Jess Ml icck. third. Double team drivers driven by Alex Still, first: bays driven by E. L. Stlm- day most observed, for the visitors nu,, Sl,4.0nd; bays driven by John The Rig nead Is of two kinds concjlt and the big head that comes from a sick head ache. Does your head ever feel like a gourd and your brain feel loose and sore? Tou can cure it In no time by acting on your liver with Ballard's Herbine. Isn't It worth trying for the absolute and certain relief you'll get? A. C. Koeppen & Bros. SPECIAL RATES MADE TO FAMILIES Excursion rates to Gibbon, Oregon, and Wenaha Springs from all 0. R, & N. points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Stage Line Connects With O. R. & N. at Gibbon. P. A. McPHEE, Manager Hp Byers Best Flour I3 made from the choicest wheat that errows. Good bread is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. were served liberally, and freely, with Wcblli third. strawberries and cream, all they could cat. This lasted all day, but most of the 3000 people who were present had their surfeit before noon. In connection with the strawberry festival was the annual picnic of the Umatilla County Farmers' Education al and Co-operative Union. All were dressed in overalls and Jumpers, and their wives wore aprons. They pic nicked in the grovo with tho rest of the visitors. In tho afternoon was the annual horse show, and at this were exhibit ed many fine animals, some of them Standard bred mare and colt, won by Mike Stubblef ield. Standard bred 2-year-olds, won by J. B. Wood. Standard bred 3-year-olds, won by J. E. Wood. Standard bred 3-year-olds, won by 11. M. Cockburn with Maid or Miuon. Sickling colt, won by Dr. C. . Thomas. Standard bred yearlings, Matt Mos grove, first', 1. A. UOSIWICK. Btvuuu, Dr. C. W. Thomas, third. Three-year-olds by Btandard Dreu sire, IjuI.v, A. M. Elam. Shetland. Stallion, Peter, Tom Mosgrove. Mare and colt, Tom Mosgrove, first Willie Retzer, second. Saddle ponies, Victor Cockburn. The Judges of draft horses were Jenks Dudley.' H. M. Cochburn and Sam Drumheller; clerk, William An derson. Judges of driving horses, Morodo McDonald and Ed Hoon; clerk, J. D. McKnlght. Rei-ui-il of llalloy's Comet in 100(1. Rome, Italy. Mgr. Revilacqua has discovered a diary in the archives of the Cathedral at Vlterbo containing an entry dated April 5, 1066. record ing the appearance of a comet. The discovery is very Important since It constitutes proof that Halley's comet was seen at Vlterbo 13 days before it was seen anywhere else In Europe. Wlint a Summer Cold May Po. A summer cold if neglected is lust ns apt to develop Into bronchitis orj pneumonia as at any other season. D not neglect It. Take Foley's Hon ey and Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the Inflam- ed air passages, and expels the cold' from the system. Koeppen Rros. What a man don't know may not hurt him, but what he does know helps him a whole lot. Ctprrlftii 19 fcjr Ooirault AtnUln Co., C June 4, 1910. Dear friend: Tea Is good If you get good tea, You can get good tea If you go to a good grocery. Tea makes you think because It makes the blood flow faster. It makes you feel good when you are tired good tea. We buy choice tea for 60c per pound. The whole family likes It. Tour friend, JACOB. p, Tou can get Clossct & De vcr's full line and everything in Pre ferred Stock, Allen & Lewis, at CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174. 544-546 Main Street HOW TO MVF. AXD love. IVciu'li Countess Gives Friends Hints on Methods. Rerlln. The Counless Vera de Tallvrand, a well-known social leader In the highest circles in Paris, has lust prepared a surprise for her wide circle of friends by having printed for nrlvntn circulation a little book of aphorisms on life and love, entitled "Thoughts and Remembrances." In this little work the Countess Vera re veals herself as a keen student of mankind and tho possessor of a de lightful wit tempered by broad and kindly philosophy and by tnnt touch of cynicism which points an epigram. Hero is some useful advice to men, couched In epigrams on women: "To please women one must adhere to one only." "Women never come of age; reason irritates them, sentiment guides them." "Woman is like the dew. If it Is a tear of dawn, a fall of pure alabaster. It Is a pearl. If It falls to earth It Is mud." "When woman loves she pardons even crime; when she ceases to love she does not forgive even virtue." Of her own sex the countess re marks: "The coquette takes her desires to please for her need to love." "The first thing that women know Is that they are beautiful; the last think they perceive Is that they are old." "A woman Is like an army; she Is Irretrievably lost If she has no reserve." In the First Place.. Remember that backache. either acute, or of the dull aching kind, j rheumatism. urinary Irregularities lassitude, headache with "specks be- i fore the eyes." are all Indications of! kidney and bladder disorders. Or you may have a run-down feeling gener ally, loss of appetite, sleeplessness. ; and a lack of interest In your work I and Inability to perform It readily and satisfactorily. Then remember that I Foley Kidney Pills are especially and carefully compounded of ingredients noted for the relief and cure of these conditions. Remember too that your kidneys can not be replaced and that you cannot live wtthout them. Fo'ey & Company stand back of these pills as they do the other of their well known list of standard preparations and urge you to try Foley Kidney Pil's at once if you have any Indica tion of kidney or bladder disorder. The genuine Is In a yellow package. Do not accept n substitute. Read how II. C, Hicks of Canton. 111., derived great benefit from Fo ley Kidney Pills: "In the past year I had trouble with niy kidneys and bladder First a. dull constant pain In thp small of my back, then sleep lessness from the necessity of getting up many times a night. I became very nervous, headnche and dlzlness on rising and specks always before my eyes At this time I began taking Foley Kidney Pills and I soon saw an Improvement, so I kept right on. The pain in my back left me. the action of my kidneys and bladder became regular and natural and I again slept soundly. My natural strength and vi tality came back and T could again do a good day's work. I gladly rec ommend Foley Kidney Pills." A. C. Koeppen & Bros. . ' -.' .11 LLi, 1 3 ..." , B J Combined Harvester vs. Stationary Harvester The following figures will show you why the progressive fanner who uses the HOLT COMBINED HARVESTER succeeds and is able to buy his neighbor's land. Two fanners, Mr. Brown and Mr. Jones each have S00 acres of grain to harvest Neither one have their own outfit and each must either buy an outfit complete or hire the work done. Mr. Brown hires a stationary outfit to head and thresh his grain, under the following: terms : Heading 800 acres, at $2.00 per acre $1,600 Threshing S00 acres, 30 bu. grain, at 7c per bu 1,6S0 Waste (from header and thresher in field) 3 feu per acre at 75c per bu 1,800 Brown's total expense ,$5,0S0 Mr. Jones buys a HOLT COMBINED HARVESTER and his complete equipment costs him $2,000 Hires 26 horses to operate his machine, at 75c per day per animal, for 25 days 492 Labor, 5 men 25 days at $3.00 per day - 375 Board of 5 men 25 days . 3 Jones' total expense ..$2,940 Subtracting Jones' expense bill from that of Brown show us that Mr. Jones has a new combined harvester and $2,140 in money more than Mr. Brown from the same acreage in one harvest, besides Jones will have his harvester the next year assuring another saving of $2,000 on his next year's crop. ' Figures will not He. Can you show us any'good reason why you should not own your own harvester? If you want to buy a nOLT COMBINED HARVESTER for June shipment, see E. L. Smith, Pendleton, Ore. A complete line of extras always on hand.