PACK MX. DATLT BAST ORBGOTOAJf. PENDLKTON, OREGON, Tl'ESDAY, MAY SI, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. - ; T ?2jgf$f- - fnihit-iTiiriV" 44lakins Ho Dosort Prink." E. 0. S. N. S. HOLD BIG REUNION axxual BAXQrrrr at WESTOX OX SATVUDAY lrge Xumber of Formor Sttlcnl9 in Attonilanco Kxix'Uent Program anil Jlenu Weston Couple Married Decoration Pay Obsered Fittingly. friends and relatives, and early ii: the morning kind and thoughtful hauls placed the national emblem at the head of. the graves of the o!d soldiers who lay' beneath the green sod. The work of removing all traces of the evidence of the two days of jolli fication began early and by night the big tent, booths, decorations and all will be removed and the fifteenth re union will be of the past. MAIL DRIVER RUX OVEK, LOSKS WOODEN IX)OT New York. John Rothgang, 50 years old, of No. 451 West Thirty eighth street, a postoffice driver, suf fered a compound fracture of his right leg a wooden one in front of 1 the postoffice substation at No. 3 I West Seventeenth street when he was , run over by a delivery wagon. I Rothgang had Just Jumped from a wagon when a wagon owned by the Empire Shipping Co. bowled him over throwing him to the center of the ' street. Before the driver of the wa gon could stop his horse, two wheels ' passed over Rothgang's right leg. ' "Gee! he's gritty," said Policeman West Twentieth street station as he saw Rothgang un said I Rntheane "Mv whole leu's wooden." Welles' "Well. I wouldn't stand for losing (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., May 30. On Satur day evening. May IS, in the dining hall of the ladies dormitory, the Alum ni Association of the Eastern Oregon Normal School, held its annual ban quet. The dining room was tastefully decorated with clematis and school pennants The school colors were carried out in red and white rose9, red candles also ornamented the ta bles. Mr. Joseph Scott, president of T-'nger, of the new tne association, acted as toastmaster. A very pleasing program, consisting Jer the wheels without a sign of pain of the following numbers, was ren- n h's face- As UnBer ran to Roth dered: j gang's assistance and carried him to Vocal Solo J. E. Keefe, jr. the sidewalk, he noticed the man's Vocal Solo ...Clark Wood right foot hung as though It had no Address Dr. C. J. Smith ' connection with the leg. Toast "Ten Tears Hence ' i "Look at your foot," he said to Mary Zurcher . Rothgang. Address Alvah Shumway' "Oh! That'll be all right," Toast "The Chicken" Sunt. Frank K. Vocal Solo Mrs. J. D. Plamondon' it," said TTnger. and he offered to Toast "The Last Leaf I call an ambulance. "Nothing doing," Lillian Holman'said Rothgang. "An ambulance doc- Address JoseDh N. Scott tor can't fix this leg. I need a car An excellent menu was'served by1 penter." Despite Rothgang's objec the Epworth League, consisting of tlons Vnger called Dr. Donnell from pineapples, chicken, mashed potatoe?, ' Bellevue, who found that he could do Pickles, olives, fruit salad, tea bis- nothing for Rougang. cuits coffee cake and ice cream. Vnger arrested the driver of the About fifty euests were present, wagon, Arthur Daly, of No. 37 St. Chiss of '04 was represented by M;ss Marks place. Brooklyn, on a charge Aniro Ttamoa ami Mi Alma Ramtt. : of assault, and Rothgang, In the care Cass of '07 by Miss Stella O'Harra of his friends, went home carrying his and Miss Anita Kirkpatrlck. Cass right foot witn mm. of '08 Mary Zurcher. Alvlna Riedan, Etta Woodell, Bertha Booth, and class ' commander Julius A. Pratt Post No. of '09. Z. May Meighen, Claudie Kel- 143 Dept. III., G. A. R. ly, Lillian Holman, Bessie Winn and' Mr. Isaac Cook, commander of Doris Barnes Other members of the above Post, Kewanee, 111., writes: "For alumni were present, and taken alto-' a j0ng time I was bothered with back gether a most enjoyable evening wa3 ache and pains across my kidneys, had. A short business session followed About two months ago I started tak the banquet during which Clark Wood ing Foley Kidney Pills and soon saw presented plans fur future campaign they were doing Just as oJalmed. I work and a'so gave out blanks to be kept on taking them and now I am filled for the initiative petition. j free from backache, and the painful Miss May Ashworth and Clyde ( bladder misery Is all gone. I like Fo Staggs, both of this city, were mar- ley Kidney Pills so well that I have rled in Pendleton Saturday even ng, 'told many of my friends and corn May 28. Mr. Staggs is a weil known rades about them and shall recom- young man of Weston, having been a resident for a number of years. The bride Is a daughter of James Ash worth and was born and raised In tha vicinity. Memorial day not generally observ ed here save the closing of the bank and postoffice. Many were at the cem eteries and decorated the graves of mend them at Koeppen Bros. every opportunity. ADAMS NEWS AND PERSONAL NOTES (Special Correspondence.) Adams. Ore., May 30. L. L. Rogers made a bus'ness trip to Pendleton Friday. Clark Maxie and Miss Nellie Dan went to Weston to the picnic Friday. George Woodward and the Misses Lula and Stella Lieuallen, all went to Weston to the picnic Saturday In the auto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson went to the Weston picnic Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers and fam ily went to Weston Saturday in the auto to attend the picnic. Fred Blake visited in the City of Pendleton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Marquis of Pen dleton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. G. M. Morrison of Adams this week. Robert Morrison of Portland. Is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison this week. Mrs. M. A. Watrus returned to her home in Pomeroy after visiting a week with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mar quia of Adams. Frank Whitely visited at the coun ty seat Saturday. Fred Dupuls of Weston, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers over Sunday. Misses Lola and Gwendoline Rogers came up Friday from Pendleton where they are attending school to spend Sunday at home and will return to school Monday morning. Miss Jessie Chestnut won the first prize of $1.50 cash for the one hun dred yard race for girls of 12 at the Weston picnic Saturday. Miss Bertha Brewster of Spokane, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Brew ster this week. Miss Alta Smith of Spokane Is the guest of Miss Sella Semlngton this week. Allie Kidwell of Walla Walla, is visitinsr his aunt. Mrs. A. J. Baker, of Adams, this week. Mr. Ed Wallan visited in the city of Athena Sunday. Rena Green and Frank Krlbs visit ed in the city of Athena Sunday. The Adams baseball team played Holdman Sunday and the score was 8 to 11 In favor of Holdman. Walter Adams and several of his Walla Walla chums went to the river Sunday to camp out and fish for a few days. Frank Wallan and Charley Owens went fishing Monday. A great many of the farmers in and around Adams are cutting tne rirsi crop of alfalfa hay now. They expect a big yield of hay this year. AN UP-TO-DATE STOVE Do you realize there is no longer any reason why you should use a coal range? Oil is cheaper than coal; it is lighter and easier to nandle, and gives an intense heat. Provided you have the right stove, oil is more economical, cleaner and less trouble. Have you seen the Hew TPerSctioit 302 E. Court Bt iril.l iXJ W tl -I J W1TJ1 I Oil Cook-stove The accompanying illustration gives you only a rough idea of its appearance. You really can't appreciate it until you either use it yourself, or talk to someone who has used it. It does everything that coal range will do except heat the room. The New Perfection Oil Cook Stove will do anything, from heating a riu kettle of water to cooking a course dinner, but it won't heat a room. It doesn t "smell," it doesn't smoke, it can't get out of order. Light it and it is ready. Turn it down' and it is out. Only a woman who knows the trouble of carrying coal and cooking in a hot kitchen can appreciate what it means to have a clean, perfect atove that will cook anything, boil, bake or roast, and yet won't heat the kitchen. How is it done? The flame is controlled in turquoise-blue enamel chimneys, and directed against the bottom of pot, pan, kettle or Oven, and only there. The flame operates exactly where it is needed and nowhere else. With this stove your kitchen is cool. The nickel finish with the bright blue of the chimneys makes the stove orna mental and attractive. Made with 1, t and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. ETry 1 .lprfiTrywhfrp; tf nnt nt yoon, wrlta for nwnpiiTi I'lrraiar 10 ui ntftrcai Agency 01 ui Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) : Berlin Dye House : Jack Webster, Mgr. J 1 fl -r - mem m -v z: f CandwwT Rote: Be sure 11 you get this atove tee M that tha name-plate II "M-T Perfection.-, j reads Honor In Wall Street. One would hnrdly consider the New York Stock Exchange exactly in the llgut of "n communion of saluts." In deed, to judge by much that appears in the daily papers and the muck raking magazines, this might be the last place to look for the very soul and spirit of Integrity. But tbere it is "In the midst of them." Between members of that marble mansion of trade In securities on New York's famous Broad street no paper writing passes certifying to the binding obligation of a transaction. In the very fiercest rush and maddest vor tex of the wild corner a word, a nod, the merest sign, amply suffices. What ever It may lead to Irreparable loss, ruin, bankruptcy, -no matter the deal Is closed. I am not professing to be an apologist for whatever crimes may be committed In the name of honor. 1 simply record the fact, to be easily verified, that the dealings on that ex change are "on honor." The Corinthian fairness of Its pillared and entablatured front Is not shamed by the constant and consistent uprightness of the traf fic within. Christian Register. THANKS WOMAN IXR "LYING ON HER" Jefferson, Ind. Mrs. Pearl Arm strong, convicted of manslaughter for killing her husband, has published a card In which she says: "It is Impossible for me to write everybody a personal letter, as I would like to do, and therefore I take this opportunity to sincerely thank my friends who so faithfully stood by me In the recent trouble. And to those who opposed and condemned me have nothing but the kindest of feel ings toward them." She thinks her attorneys, the Jail officials and others, and says, "And may God bless my dear niece, who so bitterly lied on me, and Dr. Twomey for his kindness and faithfullness to ward me. May God bless you all. and my very best wishes and kindest thoughts be with you all and God bless you all Is my prayer." LOOKED A ITER HIS CLOTHES. SOLDIER WANTS TO HE LEGALLY RESURRECTED " 1 1 ii At J r 1 ra n n vt f.vl 11 M Washington. Andrew G. Staley of Salt Lake City has denied to the war deDartment the official record that ! he is dead. Being very much alive ! Stak-y is seeking legislation which will I correct the war department. Senator Sutherland of Utah has prepared a ! bill designed to correct the record which sets forth that Staley died on December 31. 1862. in a hospital at The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this 1 eouatrvsiost dangerous oecausesodectp- 1 - . - , Mprann s. rriaiev was .i mtrinut-r ui iieaius aie caused 1 ----- - - . . -r. i... i . -i- omnanv M. one nunureu anu -X ease, nnenmonia. 1 beart failure ot p apoplexy are often the result ot kid ney disease. Ii kidnev trouble is allowcdtoodvance the. kidney-j cison t'l blood will at tack the uul or causing catarrh of the bladdrr, hrkt-:.. t cr sci'in-ent in the uritK h: . 1 Trtk ache, lcine ba:k, diziucwj, Uwcplcssness, nervous nes, or the kidneys ll:tn:rclvcs Ircak down and waste away cell y cell. lilaudcr troubles a.niost always rctuj Eighteenth Illinois. For many years since the war he has made Salt Lake his home, but only recently learned that the war department had listed him among the dead of the civil v.-ar. KING'S DEATH NOT TO STOP AVIATION MEET London. The death of King Ed. ward will In no way Interfere with the various aviation meetings which have been arranged to take place in July ' and August, and several fashionahio seaside resorts hope to make hand- o ,t,,.mt f n, i, ;,!-... " j ' some profits. The flying craze has 1-wTTfr tieaitn in IhflT rrtrnn IC it Ininc ici-curu tremendous Impetus and the young Marquis of Anglesey has got as far as "gliding." quickest byapropcr trcUn.ctittf thtkid- 1 through the example set by Mr. Gra neys. Swamp-Root corrects inability to ! hame White, and at Oxford and bold urine and scalding tdninparsinj' it, Cambridge several young undergradu gnd overcomes that mn iiafcnt nccerrity ates are experimenting with aero ef beinjf compelled to vo often threw li planes. the day. and to get tip rtanv limes duniin I The Duke of Westminister, who the night. The mild and immediate effect owns three machines, has not yet at f Swamp-Root, the preal kidney remedy . tempted a flight. Lord Howard de is soon realized. It Elands the highest be-; Walden Is another flying enthusiast cause of its ren:arkal le health restenrg properties. A trial will convince anyone. Swsmp-Root is pleasant to take and is old by oil dmt'ists in f fty-ctr.t end one-dollar i.e bottles. You may heve a Sample bottle and a book that tells ell bout it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., iin;;b.amtoii, N. Y. When writing mention reading this pec erous offer in this paper. Don', eiake ny mistake, but rememljer the name, Bwamp-Root, and don't L-t a dealer k1. you something in place of Swamp-Root U yon do you will be disappointed. Liquid Foot Ease. Relieves tired, aching and sweaty feet. Happiness for evedy one at 1 6c a bottle. First Class Drug Stores. Notice to Public. Dr. I. U. Temple wishes to 1 nounce the removal of his office from the John Schmidt building to the Am erican National bank building. A Tragedy In Writing. Illegible handwriting, which has giv en rise to so many comedies, led to a tragedy In the case of Bacher, a musical enthusiast of the last century who devoted several years to the com position of a history of Viennese mu sic. His task finished, he submitted the manuscript to the Austrian Im perial academy, which he had been led to believe would defray the cost of Its publication. After three months his manuscript was returned. Despite their best efforts the members had been unable to decipher It, Bacher then endeavored to have I1I9 work copied, but every professional copyist who undertook the task had to confess himself battled. He thereupon at tempted dictating the work, only to find that even he could not decipher It, and, heartbroken at the discovery that his years of toil had proved fruit less, he attempted suicide and finished bis days in a lunatic asylum. Good Roads. A special representative of the O. S. department of agriculture, Wash ington, D. C Dr. Maurice M. Bia ridge, best known authority on good roads In this country, will speak on that subject at the following points on the dates shown: Baker City May 18. Enterprise May 18. La Grande. May 19. lleppner May 20. Pendleton May tl. Condon May 23. Moro May 24. The Dalles May 25. Hood River May 28. Dallas, May 27. Portland May 28. McMinnvllle May 30. Forest Grove May 81. Oregon City June 1. Salem Jane 2. Albany June 2. Corvallls June 4. Eugene June 8. Roseburg June 7. Grants Pass June 8. Medford June . Ashland June 10. T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent. Pendleton, Oregon. WM. M'MURRAT General Passenger Agent, Two women were talking over the back-yard fence, when one of them remarked: "My husband always wears a clean shirt every Sunday morning." "Well, now," said the other, "I never cares about Sundays; but I al ius do see that he has a clean shirt every Saturday afternoon, 'cause that's the time he's generally drink in,' and when he does take off his coat to fight, I do like to see him looking nice and clean." Juno Lip- pincott's. A Smile. la a pretty hard thing to accomplish when you're blue, bilious and out of sorts. There Is a sure cure for all kinds of stomach and liver complaints constipation and dyspepsia. Bal lard's Kerblne Is mild, yet absolutely effective In all cases. Price 60 cents per bottle. A. C. Koeppen ft Bros. For More Than Three Decades. Foley's Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for all ailments ot the throat, chest and lungs. For In fants and children It is best and safest as it contains no opiates and no harm ful drugs. None genuine but Foley's Honey and Tar In the yellow pack 1. Refuse substitutes. Koeppen Bros. Her Cab. Mary Ann of Lancaster Gate, base ment, was having 11 week off and had arrived back nt her little native vll liiire In all her metropolitan paint and feathers. It was a very little native village, ami Mary Auu, nfter ber many months' service In town, didn't think so very much of It. Even James, the station porter mid her old sweetheart, seemed hopelessly Insignificant, and Instead of staggering hltn with the kiss that he expected she looked him up and down, comparing him with a certain gentle man whose acquaintance she haa re cently made aud who wore piusn breeches and silk stockings. "Porter," she said grandly, "do you know if there la a cab here to convey me and my luggage homer "Well. I don't know about a cab," responded the staggered yokel, "but there's yer mother outside wi' a bar-rerr'-T.ondon Scraps. Phone Main 46. Old Snots i Never come back when cleaned by the Dry, Wet, Chemical and Steam Cleaners. Work called for and delivered. A Priceless Jewel Jewels differ in value according to Ize, brilliancy, perfection and rarity. But one Jewel upon which none of these things depend for value Is the tye. Come see us once In a while and let us tell you If you are affected by eyestrain, weak muscles, astigmatism or anything else that neeas correcting. We Fit Glasses Properly Aid your sight and only charge little for such service. A. E. SERUM, Optometrist, with A. L Schaefor Jeweler Jap-A-Lac The Home Beautifier Murphy Bros. The paint men will tell you about Jap-A-Lac D 1 A 8trong Prescription. Menellk, emperor of Abyssinia, often dabbled In medicine. Some years ago Mme. Steveulu, the wife of a promi nent member of the French colony nt Addis Abeba, was laid up with fever. Menellk Inquired what treatment she was undergoing aud expressed disap proval when he learned that she was being dosed with quinine. The fol lowing day a messenger called with a large pot of very rancid butter, accom panied by a letter from one of the em peror's secretaries stating that his roy al master hoped that mndaine would take three glasses dally of the butter sent, which had been stored for two years and would be found an Infallible remedy. The present was gratefully acknowledged and promptly burled, and when mudauie recovered Menellk took to himself the credit of her cure. By standing on a lofty peak of In dlvlduallty you are almost certain to become noticed. Thief River Press. Maybe, but you are likely to get aw ful lonesome. wisely directed, will cause her to give to her little ones only the most wholesome and beneficial remedies and only when actually needed, and the well-informed mother uses only the pleasant and pontic laxative rem edy Sj-rup of Fifrs and Elixir of Senna when a laxative is required, (is it is wholly free from all objec tionable substances. To get its ben eficial effects always buy the genu ine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. r Ms Sanitary Methods prevail in our factory. This Sail Siuranttti punT Candy PatroniM the "Modern Dealer" MoJm Conltctlontry Co., Mfrt.. Porllind, OrtfM Every Woman ! ininrmuxi ana anemia kd"w itxTUt th wonilmTul Marvel I aVVA 71 'AMWUU for "f ,Jmjshi mm- c', 1 itf Ask vow drnptrtrt It. If h cannot annnlv the MAHVi:U accept no o'hef. hut end Rtamn rnr tr iti d book Healed. It Itmi full uirMcnlars and directions InvalnaMe 'oUdloa. HAHVEL C0 44 C, Hi M jf (!(. lUriAJ hlwl dart. not M Mrlciar, Frt Cot lauri, jTiiEEvmCwtMicuno, c mum 11.1: 1 on m .1 k n- ft. a. j ts. cmoiai:i,B.a 3 MEN AND WOMEN. Has Blf ) foronnatoral dlacharKM,lnaammattona, irritations or nitrations of m neon a msmbranas, Palnlaaa, and not utrln f ant or poitonoua. old by ttraraUta, or aont In plait wruppor, br sasreM, prvpitld, for 1.00, . t bnttlaa 93.76. circular sanl oa raqoait Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and ilhutrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change threo times each week. Be sure and lee the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 vears, Re. ,WILLIAMyKDN HAFFNBRCD ENORAVBRJ-PRINTHW oiui?: CUTS JVBlt.'CO Dally East Oreoalan oafy IS