East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 31, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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f Dresses by the Hundred
This is the greatest dress season
we have ever known. Every
Lady wants a ready-made
We are Selling them
We have them in stock ready for
you, over 600 new ones direct from
New York
Our Prices are Right
$ 1 .50 to $25.00
Come and see for Yourselves
No Charges for Alterations
The Ladies' and Children's Store.
Two Montlw OU1 Daughter of Mr. and
Sirs. JusiM-r Wiiim Discovered to Be
Dead When Family Arrives In Town
.Sunday Oilier News Items from
Pastime pictures please all.
Help wanted at Domestic Laundry, j
Got your horses clipped at the Com
mercial barn. i
Oats and timothy hay fed at the !
Commercial Barn.
Good gentle saddle horses for la-
die?. Commercial Barn, '
For sale A bull. Peth M. Richard-I
Sun. Pendleton, Oregon. J
Stop the Cheney Jersey dairy wagon!
for the best milk and cream.
Room and board In private family.
23 College street, phone Red 1087.
We make a specialty of caring for
private horses and r'gs. Commercial
Loose wheat hay, baled hay and
chopped hsjr fed at the Commercial
More moving pictures shown than
any other theater In the city the
Frank Nodo. shoe shining parlor,
located in front of State saloon. Eight
shines for SO cents.
Lost Gold watch, near O. R. & N.
depot platform Return to this of
fice and receive reward.
For rent House corner Alta and
College streets, opposite Presbyterian
church. Apply to F. E. Judd.
- Fix up your roofs with the best
shipment of shingles ever received In
Pendleton. Crab Creek Lumber Co.
About 4000 feet Qoodyear Rubber
company hose, best and cheapest in
the market, for sale at Sharon & Ed
dlngs. Do you care whether you use the
best coal? Then see us. -We Just re
ceived the best shipment of coal ob
tainable. Crab Creek Lumber com
pany. Lost Ladles gold watch with gold
fob attached. Name of owner In back
of wntch. Finder plcnse leave at
Hanscom'a Jewelry store and receive
You are not only assured of better
prices by figuring with us. but you
get better material when you buy of
us. It pays to see us. Crab Creek
Lumber company.
Just received, a car of Rock
Springs nut coal. This is what you
need for cooking. Price 19 per ton
delivered loose or 110 per ton sacked
Oregon Lumber Yard.
Be sure and notice the collar dis
play in the Peoples Warehouse) win
dow. They ore the Karl & Wilson
two for a quarter collars. The best
styles and the best collars In the
Are you going to see the Johnson
Jeffries fight July 4? Why not get
your round trip ticket free? Buy
your suit at the Peoples Warehouse.
They are giving a round trip ticket
free with every suit they sell. They
give n coupon. You may get tho right
one. it's worth trying.
Today's program.
1. The Final Settlement. A Bio.
Krnph drama, 1000 feet.
2. His Wife's Testimony. Eclipse
ilramn, 1000 foet.
3. The Girl from Arizona. Pathe
ilnima, 1000 feet.
4. Somebody's Waiting for You.
The PuMllinc,
Tin; following program for today's
"Carininella." Edison. Drama. !,
010 feet. Esp.clal y written for Ed
ison production by Edward W. Town
send, representing an Italian flower
girl who aspires to the love of a mil
lionaire youth whom she met under
romantic circumstances.
"The Cowboy's Devotion." Dramat
ic. 1000 feet. A real man is unques
tlnoably the king of a woman's heart
as is plainly shown in this love story.
"Villainy Defeated." Drama. A
('ever story well told.
"Accidents Will Happen." Com
edy. A film that contains several
Kood laughs.
"l'ete Wants a Job." Comedy.
kxhiiu i i;
Berlin. A very Interesting exhi
bition has Just been opened In Ber
lin; unique, too. of Its kind as noth
ing like It has been attempted In any
other country. Described briefly It
is an assemblage of all that can di.
reel the makers of cities In the layli g
out. building and organization of an
Ideal place of residence for popula
tions, large or small. Plans. pic
tures, photographs and models of
parks, streets and houses are to be
seen, and not nlone of the Greater
Berlin of the future, which Is even
now engaging municipal attention In
the German capital, hut of cities like
New York, rails, Boston and Chicago.
It is recognized In Germany that o
ureat, and perhaps the chief glory of
(lie nineteenth century, Is the publle
awakening, which occurred during
Its last quarter, to the so.callcd "so
cial question." and particularly that
part of it which Is concerned with the
organization of towns with a viey to
dwelling, to transportation, and to the
exploitation nf the town's naturM
surroundings for keeping young and
healthy Us Inhabitants of every class
dow nto the poorest.
Card of Thank.
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to our friends and neighbors
for the many kind acts of assistance
rendered us during the late bereave
ment and also for tho many beautiful
floral pieces.
(Special Correspondence.)
Milton, Ore., May 31. One of the
saddest deaths ever occurring In this
city was that of Ernestine, the two
months old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs.
Jasper Sams. When the parents
started for church Sunday morning
the babe was well, and during the ride
to town was apparently asleep. When
they arrived at the home of Mrs.
Sams' parents, the lady handed the
babe to her father, Mr. Matt Hudson,
who proceeded to unwrap it and klss
the little face, when he found that
life had fled. A physician was at
once summoned but it was no use
Hear', failure was the cause of death
The suddenness of the death of their
baoe almost prostrated the parents.
Funeral services were held from the
Hudson residence at 10 o'clock this
morning, the Rev. C. H. Hilton offi
ciating. Interment was made In the
I. O. O. F. cemetery In Milton. The
sympathy of the entire community of
Milton-Freewater is with the bereav
ed parents In this, the loss of their
onlv child.
The recital of Prof. W. A. Bacon
will be held at the South M. E.
church Tuesday evening.
Mrs. J. F. Campbell of La Grande,
is visiting relatives In Milton.
Mrs. J. P. Hayes is in the city, the
guest of her daughter, Miss Mina
Hayes, who Is manager of the tele
phone office here. Mrs. Hayes came
up from McMinnvlHe, Ore., yesterday
aj,.; "! v-: ;t this week at the home
! Mrs. Verne Van Vranker
a: '. , Walla.
Miss Ethel Martin, musical instruc
tor at Columbia college, was present
ed with a beautiful ring today as a
token of appreciation by her friends.
Miss Martin will teach school next
year in Idaho.
A game of ball will take place be
tween Bade's team of Walla Walla
and the Milton fans Strawberry day.
Mrs. John Frazier is reported on
the sick list this week.
Mrs. Sharp and daughters of Athe
na, were guests over Sunday at the
Theodore Danner home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk, Mrs.
Dan Kirk and J. F. McRea were
among those from Walla Walla who
decorated graves in Milton yesterday.
c. E. Brown, who has been on an
extended trip through California, re
turned home Sunday.
Mr. Leslie Obert of Eugene, Ore.
is a guest of friends In this city.
Wm Petzer and family are visitors
in Wnlln Walla.
Miss Bertie Elam will leave Satur
day for Portland, where she will at
tend the rose carnival.
Mrs. Nathan Pierce is visiting rela
tives and friends In Milton. She will
return to her home in Walla Walla
Mrs. Mary Hinghoffer and daugh
ters of Walla Walla were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Miller Sunday.
Wednesday. June 1, Miss Beryl Pat
rick will become the bride of Rev.
Leslie Obert of Eugene. Ore. The
wedding will be a quiet affair, only
the Immediate relatives and friends of
the contracting parties being present.
Tile ceremony will take place at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Patrick. The couple wlil
live In Eugene.
Mrs L. B. Storm. Mrs. C. J. Wal
lingford. Mepha Walker, Miss Taylor
and Ethel Dupre were Walla Walla
visitors today.
The lecture given in the Christian
church Sunday night by the Hon
Clinton V. Howard, was one of the
best ever listened to by a Milton au
dience. The gentleman kept the house
in an uproar by his wit and Milton
have him a great ovation.
Clearance on Shoes
None reserved, your choice of any shoe, oxford, pump,
or slipper in the house for
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at,
"Better Goods for Less Money"
Notice to Public.
Dr. I. U. Temple wishes to an
nounce the removal of his office from
the John 8chmldt building to the Am
erican National bank building.
Circus Is Coming.
The Mig Consolidated Shows of the
now famous I'ainpoeii urotners win
exhibit in Pendleton, Friday, June 17,
showing, this season, added attractions
in every department of amusement
and making It the greatest canvass
show in existence, according to the advertisements.
Effects of Drugs.
Persons employed In India rubber
factories sometimes inhale bisulphide
of carbou and suffer from frightful
dreams of being murdered or of fall
ing over precipices. Opium stimulates
Imagination; alcohol In excess excites
dread and suspicion; hasheesh, from
which the word assassin was derived,
produces homicidal maula. These
drugs have a distluct effect upon the
moral sense. Sometimes, as from al
cohol, a coarse and stupid brutality Is
stimulated, or, as from morphia, a
gloomy and morose temper, or, as from
cocaine, while tho manner remains
gentle, the victim develops thieving
and lying habits.
Makes It Two Straight from Tailend
crs by Capturing Yesterday's Con
trast Game Was Won and liosst
Several Times Other Notes.
(Special Correspondence.)
Echo, Ore., May 31. By a superior
article of ball Echo defeated Umatilla
Sunday by a score of 6 to 0. The
game was full of good playing on
both sides, Laymen of Echo, only al
lowing two hits and havinc 9 strike
outs to his credit, while Umatilla's
pitcher only allowed 4 hits and struck
out 7 of the husky Echo batsmen.
Stung by defeat of Sunday they
came back Monday with blood in
their eyes and had the game cinched
until the last half of the 12th in
ning when a timely two bagger bv
Cillbert which was followed up by an
other from Hosklns brought in the
winning run.
The score stood 5 to 4 in Umatilla's
favor in the first half of the ninth
and was tied in Echo's half, Umatilla
making two more in the eleventh an 1
Echo tying in their half, and at the
end of the 12th stanza the score stood
7 to S In Echo's favor.
After the game the firemen gave
one of their fine dances which was
well attended. Music by the Echo
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scholl, Jr.. have
gone to the mountains on a fishing
trip. Thev expect to return Wednes
day. Mrs. Roy Cooper of Prineville, who
has been visiting M. C. Baragers, ret
turned to her home this morning.
Mrs. Bert Longnecker has gone to
Portland and expects to take in the
rose carnival before returning.
Mr. Thompson of Hermiston spent
the day in Echo yesterday.
The funeral of the late Mrs. J. Me
Cullough was held from the residence
of Orandma McCullough in Echo,
llev. Lambert having charge of the
services. Interment in the Odd Fel.
lows cemetery.
f W Cheaper Than Gas Jj
Denatured Alcohol
vft I
a gallon at
( - - i ) ' F. 3. DONALDSON, Oo '' g
' - -r-. LS Reliable Druggist. I
The new Earl Wilson Redman
Collars that are now heing displayed
by the Peoples Warehouse, where it
pays to trade are the best two for a
quarter collars in the world. Try
i hem.
Barrill, Cook's former guide, say.
he does not believe the Fairbanks
expedition reached the top of Mt. Mc
Kinley. We would lii( be aa:
Koeppens'Bed Bug Destroyer
GetsJThem All. EvenBecT.Bug.
25c The Bottle
It is in liquid form nnd so thin and penetrating that it goes
into all the little cracks, killing tho hugs nnl destroying tho
fggs as well, heing of an antiseptic nature it gets tho germs
also. Eachhottle is equipped with a shaker cork which
makes it quite easy to apply.
K a E P IP E
The Drug Stoi-e That Serves You Best.
Blind Justice.
We meet our philosophical friend and
observe that he is smiling couteutedly.
"What has gone wrong now'" we
"Nothing has gone wrong," he ex
plains. "Soiuetulug went right Sprlg
gans owed Ilennett $10,000 and put his
property In his wife's name so that
Ilennett couldn't collect"
"But that lsu't auythlug unusual."
"And last night Mrs. Sprlggans elop
ed with Ilennett !"-Life.
"I am always horribly nervous when
I buy n suit of clothes from a strange
"Yes; a person you don't know is
hard to stand off."- Houston Post.
A Leading Part.
"My brother has 11 leadlin: part In
M,.,l (l..r,..
"What lv! : '!?"
v r 'o across the In
tin' I i : " ! "
No matter what else you may say
of him, Beverldge Is no dry talker.
!'r- "
of the eye
(trow to great c
rors of Refrae '
cause of most E(j
as well as poor sight.
lroicrly Pilled Glasses
are the best standby In times
of eye trouble.
Here the filling Is Scientific.
Dale Rothwell
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler
We can supply all your needs in
Loose Leaf Binders
Loose Leaf Sheets
Loose Leaf Billing Outfits
Counter Sale Slips
Engraved and Steel-die
printing of Every Description
UR prices are the same as you
will pay by sending away
and you will keep your money in
circulation in your home city.
It Costs Nothing to Consult Us.
thentlc, low.prlced book. Liberal
terms. Outfit free. Remarkable
easy seller. Many agents making
1 10.00 a day. Act quickly. Uni
versal House, 825 Wabash Ave.,
For sale at the East Oregonian office Large bundles of news
papers, containing over 100 big papers, can be had for 25c a bundle.