East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 31, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Minneapolis, Minn. "I was a frreat
sufferer from femalo troubles which
caused a w eakness
and broken down
condition of tho
system. I read so
iiitu-ti of what Lydia
K. l'inkhaui's Veg
etable Compound
had done for other
Buffering women I
felt sure it would
help me, and I must
Bay it did help mo
wonderfully. My
pains all left me, I
grew stronger, and within three months
1 was a iei fectly well woman.
"1 want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound." Mrs. John (1. Moldan,
2115 .Second St., Is'orth, Minneapolis,
Thousands of unsolicited and genu
ine testimonials like the above prove
the efllciency of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, which is made
exclusively from roots and herbs.
Women who Buffer from those dis
tressing ills iH'culiar to their sex should
not lose sight of these facts or doubt
the ability of T.vdia E. l'inkham'a
Vegetable Compound to restore their
If you want special advice write
to Mrs. Pinklmin, at Lynn, Mass.
Shewill treat yourk'ttcrasstrictly
connaenuai. f or years sne
bas been lielnintr sick women in
tliis way, free of charge Don't
nesitate write at once
iu; INDIAN atiim:tk
AciVMIHllll-M Kcv. li. 1". Iliii'p'r uutl
AIImiI Mhilliorii lu i'kiali Wlicrc
Kcvlviit Scrvhv are Conducted
Molimlc' Holds 'Audience Ylik-l
t rlits for I lint lu ; On When lie
Around the Circle
For Forty Dollars
Returning Via
Going Via
Inland Empire SEATTLE
or Vice Versa.
To the
Tlcketa sold dally, June 1 to
September 1. Final limit Oc
tober 31. Unlimited stopover.
Write for particulars.
G. M. .JACKSON, T. P. A.
Itev. It. I' Harper, the Sunday
school misKlonary of the presbytery
of Pendleton came in on the Pilot
Uock train from Ukiah, yesterday af
ternoon. Mr. Harper, together with
Albert J. Minthorn, superintendent of
the Tutuillii Indian Sunday school and
Parsons Motanlc, conducted revival
services at Uklah, Sunday.
Mr. Harper preached at the morn
ln service and Minthorn addressed
the Sunday school. At the evening
service the Sunday school missionary
was the leader while the two Indians
were the speakers. The principal
uddress was given by Parsons Motanlc
and he made a vigorous appeal for a
moral upright life.
Mr. Harper reports that It was a
strong layman sermon after the
Itooseveltlan style and that it seemed
to go home to the hearts and mln.ls
of the people. A large crowd was
present for It happened to be a "high"
day at Uklah with baseball, bronco
busting and other sports and the
whole crowd "turned In" to hear the
Indians speak and sing.
In his usual "stralght.from-the.
shoulder" style, Parsons Motanlc, the
noted Indian athlete and wrestler told
how he used to play all, his games
Just at the time of church services
so as to keep people away, but now ho
saw It all differently and saw how
wrong he had been. He therefore
urged all present to think of the
course they were pursuing lest they
mislead the children.
He had spoken in this vein until at
least !:30 and had indicated that he
better rlose when voices from the
audience called, "give us some more."
The Indians therefore spoke and sung
Minthorn and Motanlc returned on
horseback while Harper returned by
stage to Pilot Rock and then by train
to Pendleton. After a conference
here last evening with Chairman J.
M. Cornelison of the Home Mission
Committee, he left for .his home at
Milton on the evening train.
It is said that Harper and the two
Indians left warm spots In the hearts
of the Camas Prairie citizens and
were given many urgent Invitations to
Just Lik a Woman.
A Boston physician was describing
week's drive that he took last fall
through some of tho most picturesque
districts of New England.
'I saw much that was memorable
and heard much that was worth re
membering on this quiet, bucolic ex
'I remember au elderly Justice of
the peace In u beautiful New Hamp
shire village near Lake Smiapee. I
stayed there all night with this One,
keeu old man. He amused me ana
impressed me with his mordant humor.
'During the evening the question of
the uureasouableness of womankind
came up for discussion. 'Ah,' said the
old Justice, 'woman Is unreasonable,
very unreasonable Indeed. In fact,
there- Is no living creature bo unreason
able as woman. 1 remember that my
wife and 1 were talking over our af
fairs ono day, aud we agreed that It
hod come to the poiut w here we must
both economize.
"'Yes. my dear,' 1 said to my wife.
'wre must both economize both!'
"'Very well, Henry,' she said with
a tired air of submission to an un
pleasant condition, 'you shave yourself,
and I'll cut your lialr.'"-I5oston Post
I Every Business Institution Uses Stationery
I of some sort successiul tirms demand
Hymnological Ineptitude.
The story of a minister who held a
religious meeting In n penitentiary and
aroused the Ire of the Inmates by an
nouncing as a hymn that one begin
ning :"The dying thief rejoiced to see"
Is equaled by the tale of a local
preacher whose church got In debt not
long ago. A congregational meeting
was held for the purpose of extricating
It. and the chairman of the board of
deacons, or whatever the financial body
was, got up and stated the situation
and ended by calling for a special col
lectloD to make up the deficit.
"I suggest that weeing a hymn," one
of the members of the church sug
This idea was carried out, and the
number of the song was announced. A
smile overspread many faces, however,
when they reached the line, "When we
asunder part It gives us Inward pain."
Nevertheless the "sundering" process
was most successful aud wasn't partic
ularly painful either. Louisville Courier-Journal.
Does your present printing satisfy you? Do you
think that it will create the impression with your
correspondents that you wish it to?
If you want suggestions or samples of up-to-date
printing, phone the
Phone Main 1
Largest Job Printing Plant in Eastern Oregon
Lion Fondles a Ctilld.
In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled
Via hand that a. child thrust Into hie
cnge. Danger to a child Is sometimes
great when least regarded Often It
comes through colds, croup and
Whooping cough. They slsy thou
sands that Dr. King's New Discovery
could have saved. "A few doses cur
ed our baby of a very bad case of
croup," writes Mrs. George B.' Davis,
of Flat Rock, N. C. "We always give
It to him when he takes cold. It's a
wonderful medicine for babies." Best
for coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma
hemorrhages, weak lungs, 60c, 1100.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Tall
man & Co.
Tailed Englishmen,
Natives of southern Arabia believe
that Christians wear hats only to hide
their horns. Formerly the continent
! of Europe clung to the conviction that
the Englishman's nether garments con
cealed a tall. So late as the reign of
Edward VI., according to Bale, "an
Englysbman cannot travayle In anoth
er laud by way of inarcbnndyse or
any other honest occupy Inge, but It Is
most contumelious!)' thrown into his
tethe that all Englyshmen have tails."
The belief probably arose from the
legend of the "Kentish Lougtails."
The jieople of either Canterbury or
Btrood (for the legend varies) mocked
at Hecket as he rode by on an ass
and cut off the ass" tall. Wherefore
thev and their descendants were cursed
with tails thenceforth. At least so
said Jesters of other countries, and the
slander eveutually reacted upon Eng
land lu general. Another version sub
stitutes St. Augustine aud Dorsetshire.
AMKIUCAX SINGERS 1878 Death of Princess Alice in
j 1891 Death of the Duke of Clar-
Paris. The great musical centers ence, 1892.
of Continental Europe are literal'v 1901 Death of Queen Victoria,
thronged with American singers. As 1901.
there are more opera houses in Gei-- Outside the British royal family
manv than In Italy or France of the following deaths are associated
course the greater number are to be i with Encke's comet
from con
Always pure and delivered
promptly. If you phone the
Central Meat Market i
108 E. Alta St, Phone Main It. 2
Vienna. Americans and other In
nocent foreigners are to be protected
by law against the Viennese pirates
who ply for hire with cabs.
In view of the large number of
tourists who ore expected here for
he Field Sports Exposition, the gov
ernor of Lower Austria lias issue. i
special regulations with the obje -t
of compelling cab-drivers to keep
within their legal rights In eharsr'nj
their fares, antl not to demand ex
horhltant rates from strangers who
ire not well acquainted with the city
and the regulation scale of fares.
hn r n 1 w lTvetllalvA On-
VJ sT tometrtst located In
e5N5 :,vV- TTmatllla eountv.
Office John Schmidt building, Pen
dleton, Ore. Over 30 yeare practice
fitting glassea. Remember I grind
my own glasses. Byes carefully ex
amined and glassea ground to fit.
Phone Main 5SO.
In the District Court of the United
States, for the District of Oregon..
In the Matter of A." R. Turner, a
To tho creditors of A. R. Turner
of the county of Umatilla, and district
aforesaid, bankrupt.
Notice la hereby given, that on the
I7th dov of May, A. D 1910, the said
A. R. Turner was duly adjudicated a
bankrupt, and that the first meeting
of his creditors will be held at the
office of the undersigned referee In
hnnkrnntev at Pendleton, Umatilla
conntv. Oregon, on June 10, A. D,
1910 at ten o'clock a. m , on said
dav. at which time and place the
creditors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine the
bankrupt and transact such business
as may proporly come berore tne saia
rnn Pendleton. Oregon, this
18th day of May, 118.
Referee In Bankruptcy.
ANYONE, anywhere, can start a 1
ardar business at horn. N can-
..n. Re nur own boas. Sand fa
fret booklet. Telia now. Heaeock
1701, Lockport, N. T.
A Regnlar Tom Boy.
was Susie climbing trees and fences,
Jumping ditches, whltllng. always
getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruis
es, bumps, burns or scalds. Rut laws!
Her mother Just applied Bucklcn's
Arenlca Salve and cured her quick.
Heals everything healable bolls ul
cers, eciema, old sores, corns or piles.
Try It. tic at Tallman & Co.
Cold as a Curs.
Cold of a certain Intensity produces
not ouly hunger, but, as It has been
proved, health as well. Raoul Pietet.
the famous Swiss chemist, was mak
ing experiments ou a degree of cold
considerably lower than any which
occurs naturally, and he found that
at temperatures between 111) and 150
below zero no covering of any kind
would keep cold out. or, more exactly,
would keep warmth In. There Is uotli
ing surprising about that. The sur
prise is lu the result. M. Pietet is a
gentleman who has suffered greatly
from Indigestion. After an exposure
of several minutes to the cold which
he bad produced he experienced a sen
satlon of hunger which he bas de
scribed as ravenous. When he had
eaten he experienced none of the tor
tures of his ailment, and when he bad
alternately frozen and eaten three or
four times he found himself entirely
cured. London Telegraph.
found singing In Germany. In seven
concerts recently given In Berlin none
but American singers figured on the
Paris retains some transatlantic
stars. Miss Minnie Tracey, of New
York, has just been engaged at the
Gaiety. Her voice is not powerful,
but it is exquisitely cultivated and she
bids fair to become a great Parisian
favorite. Miss Tracey is a daughter
of the late Commissioner John Tra.
coy. This is the first time an Am
erican singer has been engaged at
the Gaiety.
1736 Frederick the Great.
1 cnR Velson.
10 19 1 BcQDcItiatlf n rt 'Premier
1S52 Duke of Wellington.
1878 Victor Emmanuel, King of
1S82 Lord Beaconsfield and
Thomas Carlyle.
1885 General Gordon killed at
1SSS Emperor William I and Fred
erick of Germany.
189S Gladstone and Bismarck.
Monacans Angry at Pope
Monaco. So Indignant is the popu
lation of Monaco at the pope's re
fusal to receive the prince of Monaco
that it is proposed to refuse papa
5 franc pieces at the tables In tb
Casino. As these coins are not gooil
currency elsewhere, the protest la formidable.
A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge
of enuralgia. hateer the trouble 1-,
Chamberlain's Liniment drives away
the pain at once ana cures the com
plaint quickly. First application
gives relief. Sold by all dealer.
Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklunda
Boys Win Be Boys
and are always getting scratch, cut
sprains, bruises, bumps, borne r
scalds. Don't neglect such things
they may result serious If you ux.
Apply Ballard's Snow Liniment ac
cording to directions right away an
it will relieve the pain and heel U
trouble. Price 25c, 60c and $1. A. C
Koeppen A Broa.
To Remodel Hotel.
Cottage Grove, Or. A. L. Atlee, o
McMinnville, and C. Nagle of Sherti
dan. have leased the Graham hoteS
for a term of years, and after remodel
ing the hostelry will open It to ti
public about June 1. Both are exr
perlenced hotel men.
Jerseyvlile, 111. The model Illinois
village of Elsnh, where there are no
doctors, lawyers, undertakers or Jails
and where there has not been a death
In a decade, Is shocked. It has been
more or less shocked ' r a good while
but the unwelcome thrills never came
In nulto such rapidly Jarring measure
ns they did when President R. L. Mott
of the village board and 10 young men
were fined the other day for shooting
But the worst enme In tho discovery
that Mott had paid his fine and costs.
$11.20, not to Justice Henry Worthcy,
who Imposed the penalty, but to Jus
tice Envln at Jerseyvllle. the county
That their mayor for so the presi
dent of the board Is generally known
should so far forget himself as to
sTioot craps with a group of youths
grieved and somewhat surprised the
villagers. But that, having been fin
ed, he should deprive the town of
$11.20 revenue by paying ttho fine at
$11.20 revenue by paying the fine at
When tho hoard passed an antl
whoclhnrrow ordinance forbidding the
trundling of monocycles on the side
walks, Mott defied them by making
a public procession through the vil
lage, pushing a wheelbarrow. The old
men declined to test the ordinance by
arresting him, but one of them later.
It is believed, obtained the Informa
tion which led to the mayor's arrest
for crap shooting.
The Gallant Cabman.
Nothing perhaps produces quite so
much wit from a cabman as a sense of
being underpaid, which lu most cases
means that he has been Justly paid. A
lady w ho had beeu guilty of this kind
of Justice experienced the usual seuse
of discomfort when her driver straight
ened the palm Into which she had Just
dropped her shilling and looked at her
speechlessly. She was weakly about
to add another sixpence when the cab
by's Beuse of humor prevailed. He
transferred the shilling to his pocket
and smiled sweetly down at his em
barrassed fare. "Course, missy," he
remarked, "there was the pleasure o'
drivln" you!" London Chronicle.
Arundel Castle.
The most singular circumstance
about Arundel castle Is that Its owner,
by mere right of ownership, is Earl of
Arundel In the peerage of England. It
Is believed that there Is no similar ex
ample of a peerage held on such condi
tions. Apparently there would be uo
legal obstacle, were the house of How
ard to fall upon evil days and the cas
tle be sold to some millionaire, to pre
vent the millionaire taking his seat hi
the house of lords as Earl of Arundel.
London Standard.
London. The fact of King Ed
ward's death happening while Hal-
ley's comet was approaching the
earth has naturally been seized upon
by dabblers In "occult science" as a
fresh argument in favor of the theory
of heavenly portents.
Much has i.lready been published
regarding the supposed malign Influ
ence of Halley's comet, but Encke's
comet, which appears at much short
er intervals, has also a remarkably
sinister recordin portending the death
of kings and other great personages.
Here is the list:
1819 Death of George III In 1820.
Death of the Duke of Kent In 1820.
1838 Death of William IV In 1837.
Takes Hair
Off Arms
This Proven Remedy Permanently Re
moves Superfluous Hair from Fare,
Arms or Bust Without Burning.
A Reflection on Him.
"Quarreled ou their wedding day?
Dreadful! And what about?'
"The bride's girl friends cried too vo
ciferously to stilt the brldegroom."
Loulsville Courier Journal.
To be vain of one's rank or place Is
to show that one Is below It Stanislaus.
fluuuiaaful bribery la (all of the
spirit of give and take.
Another Shipment of
H3QD(d) (Qloftlhes
to be sold at money saving prices.
Come in and try them on
To prove to yon that Klec-tro-la will pos
itively relieve yon of superfluous hnlr lis it
cured thousand of other Indies we w 111 send
you n liliernl trial Nit tie by return mull
upon receipt of the coupon below properly
tilled out. There Is notliliur to pay. This
remedy Is sure mid unfiillliiir. It Is the only
remedy for the purpose which Is Imuran,
teed harmless n ml positively will not injure
the most sensitive skin. IK) not fall to send
this coupon today.
Fill In yotimame n.l ttlilreta on tloiiptl linen
below nJ trml II lo Ko-lieo-llr Co., u Smtn
Si., Chicago. 111. We will fml tt onto frte
trim bottl Hint win ihrvw you wlist Klec-tro-la
win do for you. O 3.101
East End Grocery
Main 536
Is always in front rank when tt cornea to fresh and seasonable
Fruit and Vegetables. Don't forget us when you want aomethlng
extra choice.
Weston Potatoes, per sack
Grand Ronde Apples, per box
Orpheum Theatre
J. P. MEDEHNACII. Pr4rtctor
For Men, Women and Children1
Program Changwi on Sundays. Tuesday's and Frkly'.