EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREQONIAN. PKNDLH7TON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 111. r SWAIN'S BACK ACHE AND KIDNEY PILLS Boe kidney and bladder troubles, tatetJca, rheumatic pains, neuralgia, headache, weariness and sleeplessness, "that dragged down feeling." , EXPEL THE P0IS0I1 HAKE LIFE A JOY Acting directly on the kidneys these Bfld pQls give almost instant relief because they not only act as a tonic bet dean the kidney tissue of impuri ties and expel the poison from the system ASIC YOUR DRUGGIST FOR SWAIN'S PILLS 80 marvelous and universal are the results obtained that these pills are fully guaranteed. Every druggist has fbem. Ia 50-cent boxes only. If not satisfactory your money back. Don't delay dont run the risk of Bright' Disease. Get Swain's Kidney sad Back Ache Pills today. C3TAIN MEDIClNECOIno. Kansas City, Mo. FOR 8 ALE BY TAI.LMAX & CO., PENDLETON, OR. ADDRESS BY COL J. II. RALEY PcllTcrcO at the Graauatlng Exorcises of the Pendleton Academy WcilncMlay Evening, May 24. To this HuJionce who are gatheri-d here this evening to witness nnil assist n the graduating exercises of the 1910 class of the Pemileton' academy. I feel that I can first extend my con gratulations and compliments upon you, as the .friends, the neighbors, relatives, the mothers and fathers, this Is, and in fact ought to be an occasion for rejoicing yet I, as one of you, am assured that I only ex press that sentiment that is shared alike by us all when I say that there is a tinge of sadness coupled .with the joy of the o'ccaslon, for these exercises and the part taken In them by this class of young lady graduates must A Priceless Jewel Jewels differ in value according to ai hriiiianrv perfection and rarity. But one Jewel upon which none of these things depend for value is the ye. Come see us once In a while and 1st 1,1 tell vou If vou are affected by eyestrain, weak muscles, astigmatism or anything else that neeas correct ing. We Fit Glasses Properly Aid your sight and only charge little for such service. A. E. SERUM, Optometrist, with A. L. Schaefer Jeweler pathway to the valley from whence you came? Ah, but one glance and In retrospect you again recall how what seems to be so long, long ago, when you stood, hands clasped and hearts filled with doubt, gazing upward, up the success of the occasion, for it Is ward, ever upward along the narrow indeed a source of congratulation and (crooked, stony path and way out and worthy or compliment when, as in this over and up and beyond and almost! Instance, a class of esteemed young la-1 hidden behind the last rocky turn.j dies have completed a task that has! you could see, written In figures and been the object of their endeavors andi letters oh, so small, the words, "Grad-j almost their life work from Infancy uating Class 1910." So small, yes to young womanhood; and while to, so small may be some one must point them out to you maybe once, maybe several times before you could dis cern their full Import. I can almost; hear your words again as you stand! at the foot of that winding, twisted! pathway, hesitating, discussing the vicissitudes of what then seemed to you so great an undertaking. I can again hear Edith say, "Oh, It seems' Imlm War Dance and Broftco Busting Contest Matlock Grounds, Sunday, May 29th Good riders and a bunch of wild broncos a lively old time assured to all. 3 Cash Prizes. Commences at 1 :30 p. m. too far; the road Is so long," and Leila is saying, "There are so many support that has guided and led you serve to remind us that the children' bad places to get over," and Maud: safely thus far. But soon It may be the school girls that have heretofore! "See, the cliffs block the path," and all too soon will come the morrow,' composed this class are no longer! Annie Is saying. "The boulders, the even with, the dawning of morning, children, no longer the happy school! rocks and the brambles;" and Edna, the roseate sky will bear for you a girls of yesterday or of today, but "Pour years! Will we ever, ever get cloud. No! You will not awake to this event has transformed them toiup there?" and Sadie closes the dis find you have been only dreaming. young ladles, who, upon the closing discussion by reaching out a helping All the beauties, all the pleasures of of these exercises, must take upon hand and a cheery "Come on." And this occasion are real and will last themselves many of the burdens, ob-jthen began the days and days and forever; but with the waking must ligations and responsibilities that have long days of work, but always and come a realization of your own great hitherto been assumed and borne by! each day, and just as the sun seemed self-responsibility. The great object others for them. This class is no almost to stop in its course, you. of Pendleton academy has been to longer to be guided by the mature would look up and out and there in prepare you to accept and meet this Judgment, the kind and solicitous the west the luring letters still shone responsibility which now must rest care and forethought of tne admir able president and faculty of this in stitution, and 'even the parental re straint and home life is in the vary nature of things somewhat relaxed by the issuance of the graduating di ploma. A most beautiful sentiment was re cently expressed in public by the president of this academy, wherein he referred to the tenderness and solici tude of the remaining family when a child took Its departure from the household to take up its school work. How the hearts were sad dened by such departure; and it seems to me that a reflection of that sentiment must cast a shadow over Pendleton academy at the departure from Its ranks, from. Its classrooms and Its threshold, of these young la dles who have completed their work here. For years they have been as members of this family; they have brightened its halls with gladsome smiles, with humor, mirth and song. CRACK IRISH RUNNER BACK TO OLD PEAT BOG Jap-A-Lac The Home Beautifier Murphy Bros. The paint men will tell you about Jap-A-Lac PUTIN THEATRE 1 Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES an illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined' and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and ee the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. out; and don't you remember now on you. How well It has succeeded how each day they grew Just a little, must be recorded by your future lives just a little easier to read, Just a lit- and your future conduct. The cloud tie nearer to you, and, strange to' in the sky for you Is the realization say, just a little more fascinating and that while you slept, those who led alluring? Day by day, week by you up the pathway have moved on week, month by month and year by to other work. Yes, the plateau Is year, the long road shortened. Hand just as beautiful, the flowers are In hand you crossed the bad places,1 blooming with the same profusion, and Ah, let's not forget the cliffs and the music of the birds and the brooks boulders and the rocks and the bram- are Just as fascinating as before the bles, for midst all these, guiding, night fell, but the guides that led you helping, rescuing nands were near here are gone. The fringe of ever and needed. The strong arms and green that bordered the enchanted willing hands of Pendleton academy mountain valley has grown about you have reached down and lifted you step jn a night to a forest, that dazes and by step up the walls of the cliffs, the bewilders you with Its density, for thorns and the brambles have been n0w each of you must choose and smoothed by other hands that you make for your own self a pathway might not be torn by them. Loving through its entangled meshes. In mothers watching every step of your nfe'e jungle are many thorns. In progress have carried blossoms while life's pathway are many stones and you slept, and covered over the bad , murshes, and oh, so many times In places so that you might tread over, life's future Journey you will wish without even knowing of the marshy, again and again for the hand that places In the road. And tonight, sur-j ie(j you, for the hand that smoothed Happiest days of their young lives rounded by friends who love - you, ! the thorns and parted the brambles, Portland. Tom Collins, the crack distance runner, who gleaned many laurels in America, has returned to his old home In County Mayo, Ireland, for his health. For a long time Col lins has been ailing from dyspepsia and he hopes that the open life In the peat bogs with plenty of plain whole some food and outdoor exercises may make a new man of him. Collins hopes to effect a cure In time to re turn to the states and take part in the national championships In the an tumn. spent together here. And tonight they take their departure not like the child, who again returns to the fam ily, but from these halls, as class mates, Then may I be pardoned for expressing with you a tinge of sad ness among all the great abundance of Joy and pleasure that otherwise surrounds the occasion. And to you. young ladies, who compose this class of 1910, let me ex tend my deepest congratulations, and at the same time impress upon you the full meaning and Importance of this occasion. The pleasure, the grat ification and Joy that overwhelms you tonight Is only of the "surface. To morrow the ink will be dry, on your diplomas. Tomorrow the plaudits that tonight seem to last forever, will be silent. Tomorrow, next day, a few days at most, the roses, the blossoms, the garlands and wreaths of tonight will wither and fade but you forever will and must represent the Pendle ton academy as the class of 1910. It is meet and proper and altogether right that you should to the fullest extent enjoy all the pleasures and plaudits that are showered upon you this evening, and I would not, by any Word or thought, expressed, detract In the least from your great pleasure, and if any word is said or thought ex pressed that has behind It a shadow. the shadow Is meant for a future day and not for tonight. For tonight you are out on a high plane in the sun light of happiness. The shadows of the past are all behind way back maybe some of them are left along the road you've traveled In your school years. You've passed through them and tonight there's only sunshine and brightness, and may we not for a moment, as we pause upon this beau tiful eminence, this plateau along the highway of human ambition, if I may so liken it, may we not pause here and look back along the winding clasping the hands of those who help-: and for the blossoms that covered the ed you along the stony path of en- marshes, deavor, almost lost in the glamor of! choose deliberately, cautiously and plaudits and praise, you at last rest wisely your future pathway through on the sunlit plateau of . success. life's forest. Be not afraid to seek How beautiful this plateau of sue-J out the snow-capped peak of further cess, your little world, Is tonight. A knowledge, If such Is your Inclina- mountaln garden, If you please, ever: tlon, for in this there la a sure reward blooming' with highland flowers, the and a safe return. But beyond this wild syrlnga, azallas and columbine. I j can scarcely advise. This life and Myriads of sweet songed birds, chor- the pursuit of happiness Is largely used by the murmur of rippling one of Imitation. Almost any lndl an Ideal of perfection, and tonight, as a parting word of admonition. If should urge your course In life, I'd brooks, make music here, alone for you tonight A valley of verdure,! carpeted with leaves of wild roses upon which none but you may tread. Adorned and hedged all about with a fringe of monarch evergreens that nod and bow in the breeze for only you. And the heavens! In the grand eur of sunset, changing from gold to crimson, and anon to shining blue. How beautiful! Yes, even heaven re members you tonight, for behold, In the east the angels In rainbow colors have builded a Jeweled arch over the pathway of your entrance here. And say: In deeds and work emulate those who have been your superiors and Instructors In Pendleton academy, and as an ideal of perfection, choose you each your own good mother, and you and the world will be satisfied STRENGTH comes from well digested and thoroughly assimilated rood, uooas Saruparllla .ones the digestive organs, sod thin builds op the strength. If you era Betting "run down," begin taking Hoods .i nant.A nnnn n the at once, it Rives nerve, mental ana ui ""V ' J """" " " i.VJ.. t1 gestlTe strength colors of your own Alma Mater. Be neath this Jeweled arch others may; enter here, but none will ever return. Over and beyond, rising even yet above the fringe of evergreen mon archy, are snow-peaked mountains, majestic in their towering loftiness, and some say that this winding path way somewhere broadens into a high way of universal knowledge, and knows no ending save at the apex on yonder cloud-capped peak of fame. And it Is told that others less brave than you have attained its heights and dwell there as oracles of wisdom; and why not you? But for that some other day for tonight we rest in this Arcadia, and as the sunset glory begins to fade, you are happy, for yet gathered about you, but just a little removed, you still feel the protecting Influence and Baker cab stand, Hotel St. Phone Main IS. George. Muddled Brains result from an overloaded stomach, sluggish liver, in active bowels, or impure blood. Clear thinking fol lows the use of BEECHAMS PILLS Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c and 25c. Liquid Foot Base. Relieves tired, aching and sweaty feet. Happiness for every one at lit bottle. First Class Drug- Stores. Notice to Public On and after Sunday, May 19, all drug stores will close at I p. m. oa Sunday and 9 p. m. on week days, ex cepting Saturday, on which day all stores will remain open until 10 p. m. A. C. KOEPPEN & BROS. TALLMAN & CO. F. J. DONALDSON. PENDLETON DRUO CO. A Smile. Is a pretty hard thing to accomplish when you're blue, bilious and out of sorts. There Is a sure cure for all kinds of stomach and liver complaints constipation and dyspepsia. Bal lard's Herblne is mild, yet absolutely effective In all cases. Price tO cents per bottle. A. C. Koeppen A Bros. Do you take the East OregonlanT Known For Its Strength The First National Band PENDLETON. OREGON! CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . RESOURCES OVER SO 2,000,000.00 SECURITY East End Grocery Sft5 .Is always In front rank when It cornea to fresh and seasonable Fruit and Vegetables. Don't' forget us when you want something extra choice. Weston Potatoes, per sack Grand Ronde Apples, per box $1.00 $1.25 Orpheum Theatre 1, P. MEDKRNACH, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION . PICTURES For Men, Women and Children) SEE PROGRAM IX TODAY'S PAPER. Program Changes on Sundays, Tuesday's and Friday's. Nine miles east of Weiser, on the Pacific & Idaho Northern Railway, surrounded by 10,000 acres of unsurpassed fruit land and an unlimited stock range is situated the new and promising town of R ETM IMH Backed by the Crane Creek Irrigation Project and the Pacific & Idaho Northern Railroad, this new town affords a rare opportunity for business as well as investment and special attention is here in vited to the favorable conditions concerning the sale of lots and acre tracts. Read carefully the con ditions, and mail your check to Lee Teutsch, covering first payment and your name will be registered for the drawing. The price of each lot, parcel or tract is -3 1 00, of which $25 is to be paid when name is registered, and ihe remaing $75 at the rate of $5.00 per month without interest for a period of fifteen months, when deed will be issued to owner. ADDRESS OR CALL ON LEE TEUTSCH PENDLETON, OREGON