EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OilEGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGOX, llUDAY, MAY 27, 110. PAGE THREE AFTER FOURYEARS OF MISERY Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md. " For four yrcuv: mB Ufa mna n tnlonKn f r Til r f . . - 'V - irom irrn'nii::".. ties, terrible dnr.; Bing sensaUoim, extreme nervous ness, and that all gone feeling in my stomach. , I had given up hope of ever being well when I began to take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Then I felt as though tic w lifA had been given me, and I am recommending it to all my friends." Mrs. W. 8. Fokd, 2207 W. Fiimklin St., Baltimore, Md. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints 1 Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It has stood the test of years and to-day is more widely and successfully used than any other female remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflam mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means had failed. If you are suffering from any of these ailments, don't give up hope until you have given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a triaL If you would like special advice write to Mrs. Plnkhain, Lynn, Mass., for It. She lias ptiided thousands to health, free of charge. NEWS OF THE p Heavy Nickled n Fixtures and accessories that will LOOK WELL AND LAST WELL. Just think a minute and se If you could not use soma of the following: articles: TOWEL RACKS, SOAP CUPS, SPONGE HOLDERS, TUMBLER HOLDERS, TOOTH BRUSH HOLDERS, ROBE HOOKS, TOWEL BARS, TOILET PAPER HOLDERS, ALL KINDS OF GOOD GARD EN HOSE AND SPRINKLERS. Being Pendleton's only ex clusive plumbing shop, we must stand or fall on the class of work we do. We have gained business steadily since we started the highest compliment that could be paid us. If you have any plumbing let an experienced plumber do It you will save money and temper by seeing Beddow & Miller EXCLUSIVE PLUMBERS. Court and Garden Sts. Phone Black 356$. Icq CroQin Sherbet Ices Punches Candies Pastry Made to Order . We make a specialty of speci al designs and colorings that will match your table decor ations or lodge and club colors. Pure Materials and Skilled Workmen Out of town orders receive our prompt and careful atten tion. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Hohbach's Phone M. 80. ill E. Court 8t. Cnptuln Ilailry Goert to AIuhUu. Pasco, Wash. Captain Henry Bailey, the veteran pilot of the Moun tain Gem, has departed fur his annu al sojourn In Alaska, where he will have charge of a boat on the Kus kokwlm river during the open season. Lit do Tuberculosis in Cattle. White Salmon, Wash. Dr. Brown,' Mtate veterinarian, has completed an examination of-tlie cattle throughout the valley nnd pronounces the dint rid tlio cleanest he has found, for leHS than 2 per cent of the stock were Infected with tuberculosis. linker High Graduate 33. Baker City, Ore. Baker high will this year graduate the largest clans which has ever left the institution, and 33 young men and women will receive their diplomas on Friday night. Of this number 15 are boys und 18 girls, being the most evenly divided of any class. Runaway Hoys Returned. Vancouver, Wash. Arthur John Hon and Louis Gurnsey, the two run away boys, thought to have been drowned in Columbia slough, were lo cated Wednesday at Cliffs, Wash., they having got that far on their way to Spokane. They were returned to Vancouver by a freight crew, but made their escape after reaching the city. They were later found at the circus grounds and returned to thelt parents. THIS $TORE WILE BE CLOSED MAY 30, MEMORIAL DAY, 9 to 12- iiJjl New Building at La Grande. La Grande, Ore. Plans and speci fications are being submitted by ar chitects to Julius Roesch for the con struction of a three-story building on the corner of Adams and Fair streets, to Include all of the vacant space now embraced In the basement used by John L. Mars for the ii:anufa:ture ot cement blocks. The construction of the building will make the second three-story structure In the city, and the Investment will he a large one. Mine by Electricity. Mnrshfield, Ore. William H. Ad ams, a mining engineer from New York, will operate extensively In Car ry county In an endeavor to extract the gold and platinum from the black sands. The machinery which he will use weighs over 30 tons and has been shipped to Curry county by boat. The gold saving device is an electrical appliance and the process if saving the valuable miners In the black sands does not require the us9 of water. Many attempts have been made to save the gold In the black sand and If this effort Is successful it will mean much to the locality, as there are large deposits of black sands In both Coos and Curry county. The first experiments Mr. Adams will make are to bo at what Is known as Gauntlett's beach, along the Curry county coast. F. A. CLISE, the only Exclusive Op- i tometrist located in TTm.lllla M.f a? ... ...- Office John Schmidt building, Pen dleton, Ore. Over 80 years practice fitting glasses. Remember I grind my own glasses. Eyes carefully ex amined and glassea ground to fit Phone Mala 660. Read th "Want" ads today? To Lwturo on Fruit Pests. IjB Grande, Ore Receiving a posi tive promise from A. B. Cordley, dean of the Oregon Agricultural college, to the effect that he will be present dur ing the' chautauqua meeting In La Grande, the committee feels very good today and announced that special ad vertising would be done In order to Inform every fruitgrower of eastern Oregon what may be learned by at tending the meeting. Dean Cordley will lecture on "How to Fight the Fruit Pests." Special at tention will be given to pear blight and he will while here Investigate con ditions In the valley giving the people full benefit of his knowledge along the lines of growing better fruit. This Is looked upon by the com mittee as- a very strong point for the chautauqua, for the dean seldom leaves the college and It was with no small amount of work that his pres ence in La Grande was guaranteed. Te.icliers For Baker Chosen. 3aker City. The school board h.'.s selected many of the teachers for next year, and among the number ar.- The American $ fi)LAYER N O ITia The finest, most durable and most practical player piano made today. Sensitive as the violin to the tonch. A combination of the most extreme simplicity of con struction with the highest pos sibilities of musical execution 200 less parts than other play ers, meaning less repair. Every Instrument guaranteed absolutely. A child can play the moat difficult music, on the Ameri can Player Piano. Call and see demonstration. i Jesse Failing AGENT. near the bridge. FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AND LARD. I Always pure and delivered ' ' promptly, If you phone the ;: Genfral Meat Market X 108 E. Alts St, Phone Main 88. w Coistimiie Another Week Owing to the big success we had and the demand of the public for the Celebrated Stein-Sloch Clothing at such a saving. Your choice of any suit in the house for S I tf.i.JI 11 1 'frtr t t. ...nil X i I BM I I I $iacerity Clothe I ALEX AMBER'S The Progressive Store J. A. Churchill, for more than 20 years superintendent of the schools here, and Miss Helen M. Stack. fr nnrly the same time prlnclpalof .the high school. The Baker schools have a reputation all over the northwest, and the teachers are the best that can be obtained. The others who have been hired are: V. B. Wood, Maude King. Ethel Hindmnn, Ella Thompson, Frances Healjoi, Susan Deal, Maude Ueagon, Maude Service, Vada Miller, Emma Hadley Graves, Jessie Gilfillun, May Dcnham, Bertha McKinney, Mary Gyllenberg, Hattle Cropper. Lena Clark, Lillian Voldt, Mabel Hunstock, Emma Valsley, Jean Blake, Edna Bemant, Irene Campbell, Omar Bit tner, Mabel. X. Oarrett, J. R. McNeil, Alice Waldron, J. A. Goodwin, Lilith Ison and Snllle Mcllvalne. SPORTS W. L. P. C. Vernon 30 23 .566 San Francisco 29 24 .547 Portland 27 23 .540 Oakland 28 27 .509 Los Angeles 28 29 .491 Sacramento 18 34 .346 COAST LEAGUE. Sacramento 5, Portland 1. Portland, Ore., May 27. It was a one-man game between Portland and Sacramento yesterday and. Baum of Sacramento was the man. Port land found him completely unsolvable except in the seventh, when the local boys hit him four times and netted fine run. To make It all the worse. Baum got Into the box by accident. Whalen who had been sent In to pitch, got Into a wordy wrangle with Umpire Van Haltren In the first in ning, and was sent out of the game. Score: R. H. E. Sacramento ..: 5 7 0 Portland 1 0 Batteries Baum, Whalen and Splesman; Krapp, Seaton and Fisher. Vernon 6, Oakland 1. Los Angeles, May 27. With two home runs and playing an errorless game, the Vernonjtes defeated Oak land yesterday I to 1 and broke the winning streak of the Commuters. Carlisle, the first manto bat, connect ed with one ot Christian's curves and sent the ball over the right fence. The other homer was made by Coy, who smashed one over center field fence. Wares of Oakland made up for a costly bungle by getting two two baggers, one of which netted the visiting team their lonely tally. Score: R. H. E. Vernon 10 0 Oakland 1 7 Batteries Hitt and Hogan; Chris tian and Mltze. Ixs Angclea 8, San Francisco 2. Oakland, Cal., May 27. San Fran cisco ha.d a 2 to 0 lead until the sev enth yesterday, but lost to Los An geles 8 to 2 Score: R. H. E. Los Angeles 8 10 S San Francisco 2 8 4 Criger and Orendorff; Stewart and Williams. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Vancouver 16. Seattle 1. Vancouver. B. C, May 17. Seattle played a loose game In the field yes- l terday and Vancouver had no diffi culty in hitting Dretchko, winning by the one-sided score of 16 to 1. Seat tle made five successive errors in the seventh inning. Score: R. H. E. Seattle l ft 7 Vancouver ' 16 16 2 Pretohko and Hemlnway; Gardner and Lewis. Game Postponed. Taeomn. May 27. Tacoma-Spokane game yesterday postponed ; wet grounds. 't:onal I.cniJio. At Pitlnbuig R. H. E. Boston , 4 6 4 Pittsburg 1 4 4 Batteries Brown and Graham; Adams. Maddux and Gibson. At Chicago R. H.E. Philadelphia 0 1 4 Chicago 2 2 1 Batteries Moore and Dooin; Over all and Archet. At Cincinnati R. H. E. St. Louis . : 6 6 0 Cincinnati 7 11 1 Batteries Harmon, Corridon. Rel ger and Phelps; Suggs and McLean. American Ioagiio. Boston, May 26. The score: Cleveland ..3 6 8 Boston 7 11 1 Batteries Linke and Easterly; Ci cotte ami Carrlgan. At Philadelphia R. H. E. St. Louis 3 5 2 Philadelphia 6 8 2 Batteries Bailey and Kllllfer; Mor gan and Livingston and Thomas. At Washington R. H. E. Detroit 6 18 S Washington 1 9 1 Batteries Killian and Schmidt; Reisling, Walker and Street. At New York R. H. E. Chicago 3 13 0 New York 4 6 2 Bntterles Scott and Block; Quinn and Criger. Sweeney. LET AN ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and most reliable power for small or heavy work. Less danger and easier to operate you turn a lever and It does the work. lr 1 VST'! 1 The Housewife's work will be lessen-i ed when Electricty and Gas come into the home COOK WITH GAS feSfeJlSs Make the work easier for her t5Sk'i ' V"' : ) -h.vuvli..- - 'i'i nil save on ronr fuel as well. H '"l ... .r. ... J 5 No dirt, dust and excessive heat No fuel to hand? and fires to kindle and It costs leu. For Her sake, put gasin your home before thehot weather arrives Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. Mattoe BaOdiag. COST OF BEAUTY. How New York Dames Keep Yonng. Recently a young New York society woman received her monthly bill from a downtown beauty parlor. This particular bill amounted to fifty-two dollars for the month, which was, perhaps a little lower than the aver age monthly accounts' rendered by this shop. Tt contained such Items as Turkish Baths. $2; Violet Water Rub, $.75; Facial Massage, 8 75. The at tendants at these exclusive "beauty parlors frequently make as much as ten dollars a day on tips. Occasion ally some "grand-dame" In sables ex tracts a perfumed ten-dollar piece from her gold bag and tosses It to iiwiivy wilii an mr 01 lony groctt wiioj of these attendants confided to af inena in an ungnaraea moment xnai among the many lotions and beauty restorers used In such establishments, a preparation for restoring gray hair was most In demand. It Is usually charged on the bill at five dollars a bottle, under a fancy name, but In reality is the same formula as HAY'S HAIR HEALTH, which retails at all druggists for 50 cents and a dollar per - bottle, and Is manufactured by PHILO HAY SPECIALTIES CO.. Newark. N. J., U. S. A. HAYS HAIR HEALTH has many Imitators, but those who have used different prep arations agree that HAYS HAIR HEALTH is the most effective and safest. Pendleton Drug Co. SPECIAL RATES for the Portland Rose Festival June 6th to 1 1 th Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. of ONE and ONE-THIRD FAR.E Prom all points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho Sales Dates: From Pendleton and all stations west thereof, in Oregon including branches: June 6th, 8th and 10th From all other stations June 6th and 8th Final Return Limit, June 15th. Forfurther particulars as to rates, etc., apply to any O. R. & N. Jagent, or to Wro. McMurray, Gen. Passenger Agt., Portland.