East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 27, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Men's Shirts Cut to the Core
Not a shirt in the house but is rc
durtl. bring this sheet along with you
when you buy nnd see that you get
exactly what is advertised.
Men's 50 work shirts will go for
nly 43k
M -n's 75C negligee shirts, light col
or, will go for only 59
Men's SI. 00 negligee and golf shirts
all colors and black go for . -73
Men SI. 30 negligee and golf shirts
.v.! colors and black go for 1.2T
Men s 2.00 negligee and golf shirts
all colors and sizes, go for S1.6T
Men s S2.50 negligee and golf shirts
ail colors and sizes go for 1.97
Men s .ilk shirts. regular S3.50and
S4 values will go for S2.87
In this sale are Included Manhat
tan, Emery, Monarch, Interstate and
other good brands of shirts.
More mm Merely
uuarantd Hose
that srive . 1 1 1
do so at Xjl JJ
fort and
Yen surely y'A
this -LfrSJh
great many
long wear, but
the expense of
do not want
kind. For a
or stocking
feels awkward
and clumsy that does not even fit well or
look well is worse than none.
Everwear Hose are the guaranteed kind.
Each pair of six must wear six months or
new hose will be given free. But they pre
more than merely "guaranteed" hose.
Everwear dies not sacrifice ease or style for
durability. The heel and to are given extra
strenttth but not extra thickness. These parts
are Uie same ply as the balance of the hose-the
weave is merely made very much closer at these
points, but not rliickened.
Thi is done by theexelusive Everwear rrocess
That is why you cannot get the Everwear
quality in any other hosiery.
W; have them in all popular shadings.
Our Prices are making them go.
Every suit we are offering is a bargain at
the price we offer it.
This store is the home of-
Hart Schaffner
& Marx Clothes
The best clothes in America, all wool cloth,
the very best workmanship. Perfect fitting
and stylish as well as the most efficient.
The front of the coats never break and roll
up. They ALWAYS hold their shape.
During this 14 days bargain sale
they will go as follows
$12.50 Men's Suits will go for 7.85
815.00 Men's Suits go for 11.80
817.50 Men's Suits go- for 13.85
S20.00 Men's Suits go for 16.35
22.50 Men's Suits go for 18.75
823.50 Men's Suits go for 19.90
825.00 Men's Suits go for 21.25
826.50 Men's Suits go for 822.60
827.50 Men's Suits go for 23.65
S28.50 Men's Suits go for 24.80
830.00 Men's Suits go for 25.60
832.50 Men's Suits go for 27.30
iiilf II li 1 mm- Wt 'f mmwm&m
few wwm
Copyright Hart Schaffner rnr
Where it Pays to Trade
Bill by Senator Chamberlain Provides for Allotment
Lands on Uinntllla Reservation.
and Sale of
The following bill which wai Intro-! from the sale of such lots within the
duced by Senator Chamberlain on, town sites as aforesaid, less the
amount set apart to aid in the con
struction of schoolhouses or other
public buildings or improvements,
shall be added to the funds derived
from the sale of surplus lands as here
inafter provided.
Sec. 3. That the secretary of the In-
in the state of i terior is hereby authorized. In his dis-
Oregon. and making appropriation cretlon. to reserve from allotment, lo-
May 5 has been referred to the com
mittee on Indian affairs:
To authorize allotments and the sale
and disposition of the surplus and
unallotted lands In the Umatilla In
dian reservation
j school purposes, and In case any of , enable the secretary of the Interior
tosaid state by reason of allotments, and sell the lands In said reservation
I thereof to anv Indian or Indians, or no nmvMoJ hnrsln thA lnrrer mm in
I otherwise, the governor of said state,! be reimbursed out of funds arising!
I with the approval of the secretary of . from the sale of said lands.
i select otner unoccupied, unreserved, interior may make such rules ana
j nonmineral and nontimbered lands; regulations as may be necessary to
within said reservation In lieu thereof, I carry the provisions of this act Into
not exceding two sections In any one j effect.
township, which selections must bej
made at least sixty days prior to thei An IdeaI ngband
date fixed for the opening of the sur-j (1 patient, even with a nagging wife,
plus lands: Provided, that the Unit-: for h(J knog Bne needs help- She
ed States shall pay to said Indians formay De go nerVous and run-down In
health tha trifles annoy her. ir she
Is melancholy, excitable .troubled with
loss of appetite, headache, sleepless
ness, constipation or fainting and diz
zy spells, she needs Electric Bitters,
the latul.-i !n ?a!d sections sixteen and
thirty-six, so granted, or the lands se
lected in lieu thereof, the sum of one
dollar and twenty-five cents ' per
Sec. 7. That the lands allotted, those
V ra n U
( About I 5,000 Acres of
the most wonderful remedy for ailing
the same'catlon' entry. or other disposition all;
. lands within said Umatilla Indian
Be It enacted' by the senate and , reservation chiefly valuable for pow-j
iQ : oi ic auu i caci uir 01 it.o. . i v v iu
I fV. a. A.. - A 1- J 4. -
Rtat. nf America in Congress assem- inal lno Ba'a "ecreiury oe, nu ..e
and provision to carry
into effect.
house of representatives of the United;
retained or reserved, and the surplus women. Thousands of sufferers from
bled, That the secretary of the In
terior be, and he is hereby authorized
and directed to cause to be surveyed,
or resurveyed if necessary, all the
lands within the limits of the Uma
tilla Indian reservation, in the state
of Oregon, not heretofore surveyed,
and to cause allotments to be made,
v. . , , .... , j - ... I 1 4.ak1a. nf,vnil.
i -i u tt .in- t ji miius soia. et usiue lur tuwiiaitu uui - icmuio ti yuuiLu.
poses, or granted to ine state or, oacKucne ana wean iuurjj
er sites and reservoir sites: Provided, otherwise disposed of. shall be sub- used
,. jeci, ror a penoa or tweniy-uve year, uaw. n ..
hereby, authorized to cancel any al- " " ' . ,aW8"t l"e
lotments within any such power or, ,rumuu" ",e 1,1 u" VL
faction guaranteed by Tallman & Co.
Good Roads.
A special representative of the U.
under the provisions of the general vaIu of such Improvements to be de-
illotment laws of the United States,
I'ninruis nililin ally dui.ii yvvrci VI, ; .....
reservoir s'te. after notice and hear- lcantJ lnto the IndIan country.
. . . . I C3rt Q ITknt . I. MAnA.,a
'"Si wuiuu juajr ue imciicu t tiiu- ----V ...v, ... rtonnrtment nf agriculture WaBh-
vided herein, the allottees of such from the sale of said lands In con- f- P"ment or Srlc" Eld-
canceled allotments to be reallotted formlty with this act, after deducting , br t known authority on good
and reimbursed for any ImDrovements! the expenses of making the allotments , , , ,..w
survey, appraisement, ana ciassmca-i r 7 . , . . , ,, "
, , - , . , , . , that subject at the following points on
tion, and sale of lands provided for; " . 1
1 ' 1 viii, mm out.i uiiili iuviuciilui v.
upon such canceled allotments, the
termined under such rules and regu-
..... lotijirn an t V, o aniirotarv nf ttin Intftflfif
to evory man, woman, and child De- ,1- U 72 . .
longing to or holding tribal relations', T Prwcribe: Provided further
on Bald reservation who have not that secretary of the Interlar shall
heretofore received allotments. r-P- congress all power and res-
Section 2. That the secretary of the "voir sites set asde and reserved un
Interior mav reserve such lands as '1er the Pulsions of this act.
mav be necessary for agency, school i Sec. 4. That the special allotting
and religious purposes, to be reserved ; agent designated to make the allot
as long as needed and as long as, ments provided for herein and the
agency, school or religious Instltu-j superintendent of the Umatilla Indian
tlons are maintained thereon for the: school shall constitute a commission
benefit of said Indians, and the said to classify all of the lands remaining
secretary Is hereby authorized to set unallotted, unreserved and otherwise
aside an.1 reserve such lands fori undisposed of. Said lands shall be
townslt mirnoReo on the Urrlatllla ' classified into grazing lands and tlm
reservation as In his opinion may befber lands, and the secretary of the
penses as shall have been necessarily I
incurred, shall be paid Into the treas-j
ury or tne united states to tne creait
of said Indians, and shall draw inter
est at the rate of four per centum
per annum, to be expended in the ed
ucation and civilization of said In
dians in such manner and at such
times as, in the opinion of the secre
tary of the Interior, may be for their
best Interest and welfare.
Sec. 9. That nothing In this act
contained shall in any manner bind
the United States to purchase any
portion of the land herein described,
except sections sixteen and thirty-six.
1 or the equivalent. In each townah.p,
. V. ..., n IntAi.! f n f ft T-1 ft. t horoViv niilhnrlsiin tn HP r
- . ., M ... .
estj. and he mav cause the same to aside and reserve the timber lands or to aispose 01 saia iana except as
be purveyed Into lots, blocks, streets 1 for the use of the Umatilla Indians as provided herein, or to guarantee to;
and alleys and disposed of under such a tribal forest reserve, the timber find purchasers for said lands or any
regulations as he may prescribe, lnj thereon to be disposed of to said In- portion thereof, it being the intention
accordance with section twenty-three, dians for their domestic use under, of this act that the United States 1
hundred and eighty-one of the United, the direction of the commissioner ofisnau act as trustee ior mia inuians
Baker City May 1.
Enterprise May 18.
La Grande. May 19.
Heppner May 20.
Pendleton May tl.
Condon May 13.
Moro May 24.
The Dalles May 26.
Hood Rivei1 May 26.
Dallas, May 27.
Portland May 28.
McMinnvllI! May 30.
Forest Grove May 81.
Oregon City June 1.
Salem Jane 2.
Albany June 8.
Corvallls June 4.
Eugene June I.
Roseburg June 7.
Grants Pass June 8.
Medford June t.
Ashland June 10.
T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent.
Pendleton, Oregon.
States revised statutes; and he Is Indian affairs. to dispose or the said lands and tojWM.
hereby authorized to set apart and re- Sec. 6. That the surplus lands shall, expend and pay over the proceeds re- General Passenger Agent,
serve for school, tark and other nub- he disnoserl of bv Droclamatlon' 0? thei celved from the sale thereof only as;
lie ourooses not more than ten acres, nresldent. which Droclamatlon shall received and as herein provided: Pro- All the good qualities of Ely's
In any town site, and patents shall j describe the time when and the man-jvldcd, that nothing In this act shall Cream Balm, solid, are found in Li
be Issued for the lands so set apart' ner in which said lands shall be dls-' be construed to deprive the said In-, quid Cream Balm, which is intended
. -.1 -.....j . .-hnni norv a a nh a . T.n..i tunia' ili.ina nf the TTmAtllla. Tndinn reserva.- for use In atomizers. That It Is a
CIIIU ICDCIIU V ' ' 1 ,1.1 . iav w..- 1 J. I OTT 1 U L I A.W.IUGV, V.IV W.? . ------ " - j
er public purposes to the municipal-! shall be sold to the highest bidder forjtlon of any benefits to which they are! wonderful remedy for Nasal Catarrh
Ity legally charged with the care and;
custody of lan da donated for such
purposes. The purcnase price or an
cash, with the right to reject any or
all bids: Provided further, that not
more than three hundred and twen
town lots sold In such town sites, as; ty acres shall be sold to any bne per-
hereinbefore provided, shall be paidjeon: And provided further, that when
at such times and In such Install- any of the lands so sold shall have
ments as the secretary of the Interior
may direct, and he shall cause not
more than twenty per centum of the
proceeds arising from said sales to
be set apart and expended under bis
direction In the construction of school
houses or in Improvements In the
town sites In which such lands are
located. The net proceeds derived
been paid for and the sale thereof
shall have' been approved by the sec
retary of the interior, a patent shall
be Issued to the purchaser thereof.
entitled under existing treaties or is proved by an ever-increasing mass
agreements not Inconsistent with the
provisions of this act.
Sec. 10. That there Is hereby, ap
propriated out of any money In the
treasury not otherwise appropriated,
the sum of twenty-four thousand dol
lars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, to pay for the lands grant
ed to the state of Oregon for school
Sec. 6. That sections sixteen and . purposes at the rate of one dollar and
thirty-six of each township within the : twenty-five cents per acre, and there
Umatilla reservation shall not be sub- is hereby appropriated a further sum
Ject to sale and the same are hereby of fifteen thousand dollars, or so
of testimony. It does not dry out nor
rasp the tender air-passages. It al
lays the inflammation and goes
straight to the root of the disease. Ob
stlnate old cases have yielded In a
few weeks. All druggists, 75c, includ
Ing spraying tube, or mailed by Ely
Bros, 58 Warren street, N. T,
Notice to Public.
Dr. I. U. Temple wishes to an
nounce the removal of his office from
the John Schmidt building to the Am-
granted to the state of Oregon for much thereof aa may be necessary, to, erloan National bank building.
Sherman County.
now under Crop Leases in
varying sized parcels re
newable or subject to can
cellation at buyer s option.
Price about $40.00 j
Pei Acre
(Crop rental 1910 reserved) (
Part Cash Part on Time
Apply to
Eastern Oregon
Land Company
Care of Balfour, Guthrie & Co.
Board of Trade Building
Portland, Oregon