wwaa.r "tin 41 MinwiwMiH t.ii'wtl-!'T-' '- '"-"- ; - " '.i .. 7 f 1 i X r PAGE BIX. DAILY KA8T OREGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. FIRST GRADUATION II OF HERMISTOrJ HIGH CODE TO CLOSE ? I. 1K. 1U.KAKXEY AXD Sl'lT. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES ': WEIXKS MAKE ADDRESSES ON TOMORROW EVENING I -1 v . I n if .V; CORSETS $1.00 to $5.00 A Priceless Jewel Jewels differ in 'value according to lie, brilliancy, perfection and rarity. But one Jewel upon which none of these things depend for value Is the ye. , Come see us once In a while and let us tell you If you are affected by eyestrain, weak muscles, astigmatism or anything else that neeas correct- fog. We Fit Glasses Properly Aid your sight and only charge little for such service. . A. E. SERUM, Optometrist. A, L. Schaofor Jeweler WILMAMJQN HAFFNERCD ENGRAVERS-HUNTER! (aura JVBR'CO tot Itfor Calls Attention to Great Growth of School During Last Four Years Last- Shipment of Govern, ment Machinery Leaves for Sun River Project. (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston, Ore., May . 24. Last night the first students of the Her miston high school were graduated, and also at the same time a number of eighth grade students. Dr. W. H. Bleakney of Pendleton academy, de livered a very excellent address to the graduates and following him County Superintendent Wells made a 4 4 H til .1 . .V. n fact that on the 30th of this month it will be four years since the Hermls- j ton school district was organized and( in that year there was one teacner in charge and but a mere handful of( pupils were in attendance. At the clos- ing of this term there were six teach-; ers employed and nearly 100 pupils In attendance. Next year several ad-, ditlonal teachers will be employed and school will be held in one of the! finest stone school buildings In the country, costing $25,000. W. T. Hosklns of Echo was over at tending commencement . exercises. E. Embry and C. Hume Park came In last night from Clarkston, Wash ington, and will make Herm'.ston their future home. Mr. Embrys father and Mr. Park are owners of a fine twenty acre tract under the government ditch. Yesterday the last shipment of gov ernment machinery left Hermiston for the Sun River government project In Montana. It consisted of two engines. 30 dump cars and several cars of steel rails. This machinery will have to be sauled 45 miles overland in or der to get-to the place they are work ing. All the balance of the machln ery Is now being used by Twohy Bros. In their work on the O. R. & N. com pany's lines. . Flaal Exams Now In Progress- YVee ; ton People View Eclipse of Moon Rut Fall to See Halley's Comet Other New ' Jap-A-Lac The Home " Beautifier Murphy Bros. The paint men will tell you about Jap-A-Lac pftnn.it im.ui Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in I the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week? Be sure and we the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. Orttolis fcy (Special Correspondence.) ' Weston, Ore., May 24.: Final ex aminations are being held at the pub lic school this week, and also In the high schoo'. Commencement exercis es of the sen'trs of the high school will be held Thursday evening, and a most attractive program will be ren dered. The exercises will be held In the U. B. Church. The total eclipse of the moon last night "was viewed by -many of Wes ton's citizens, and also Halley's comet was watched with the expectation . of having a good view of this heavenly visitor, but owing to clouds forming Just at the time that the moon was hidden when it was expected the view of the comet would be the best, the gazers were not permitted to any more than see a pale glimmer but to those who waited- until about the time the comet set the view was more satisfac tory. , Mr. I. Kemp of CelvlUe, Wash, father of Ira M. Kemp, cashier of the bank, is a visitor at his son's home. All the good qualities of Ely's Cream Balm, solid, are found in Li quid Cream Balm, which is Intended for use in atomizers. That It is a wonderful remedy for Nasal Catarrh is, proved by an ever-increasing mass of testimony. It does not dry out nor rasp the tender air-passages. ' It al lays the inflammation and goes straight to the root of the disease. Ob stinate old cases have yielded in a few weeks. All druggists, 75c, includ ing spraying tube, or. mailed by Ely Bros, 66 Warren street, N. Y. CHAIilAPINE MAKES HIT - IN NEW GRAND OPERA An Ideal Husband la Datlent. even with a nagging wife for he knows she needs help- Bhe may be so nervous and run-down In health tha trifles annoy her. If she Is melancholy, excitable .troubled witn loss of appetite, hehdache, sleepless tiesfl nnatiDation or fainting and diz v onoiia aha needa Electric Bitters. thA moat wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of sufferers from female troubles, nervous troubles hakacha and weak kidneys - have used them and become healthy and hapoy. Try them. Only 60c Satis faction guaranteed by Tallman & Co 90-YEAR-OLD MAN IS MARRIED FRIDAY IS Guilford. Conn. George Durkin, the only man in town who saw Hal lev's comet on Its last as well as Its present trip, deliberately picked Fri day, the 13th. to marry ma nouseaeep- er, Mrs. Cleveland Grlswold, whose husband broke the United 8tate rec ord in obtaining a divorce when he was awarded his decree from her sev eral months ago. It took onlv five minutes for the Judge to hear the story and sign the papers. Durkin is ninety years old and his bride Is Just half his age. The couDle walked to the Methodist parsonage where the Rev. Otis Range, pastor, performed the ceremony. Mr. Durkin is a civil war veteran and is wealthy. He says that the marriage Is the re sult of a comet courtship. Paris. The sensations of the hour In Brussels wero the annearancp of the great Russian basso Chaliapine in Massenet's new nnera of "Don Quix ote;" and of Frieda Hempel, the fa-( mous coloratura soprano with M. j Smimoir, tne wonuenui nuwun itiui in "La Traviata." Chaliapine's "Don Quixote" was a revelation. It was marked by poetry, picturesqueness and power. The opera Itself con tains many very vivid and beautiful musical episodes, but also much is sadly lacking In originality. The U- brettn bv Henrv Cain Is only here and there based on the novel of Cer vantes. In tha ooera. for Instance, Dulcinea is an attractive and at times sympathetic courtesan, while the poor Kntgnt dies in me ena oi gnei m wc rejection of his matrimonial address es . . fTnnaehold Remedies - o Maaains- to tha vast army of peopl ewho live in rural districts ana neb. standard medicines as Lydia jsj. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which has stood the test of time, growing In popularity and favor every year, will continue to De tne saie guard of American women for all dls eases peculiar to their sex. a . ,. . - fi GRAND DUCHESS NOW ' v A MOTHER SUPERIOR A Man Wanp to Die only when a lazy liver and sluggish bowels cause frightful despondency. Bat Dr. King's New Life Pills evpel poisons from the system; bring hope and courage; ovre all liver, stomach and Kidney troubles; impart health and vigor to the . weak, nervous and ailing. 25c at Tallman 8t Co. t Farmers Union Picnic The second annual Farmers' Pic nic will be held in Milton on Friday, June J. ' v By a vote of the locals it was decld-t-A that all male members wear blue striped overalls and jumpers and all ladv members wear blue bandana handkerchief aprons with two pock ets. Everybody invited. C. C. CONNER, County Pres. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Xlfe When s Pea dletoa Citizen Shows You the Care. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, backache, urinary , disorders, lame ness, headaches, lankuor. wny auow thamaaivea to befoca - chronic Inva lids, when a certain cure Is offered i hem? Doan'a Kidney Pills Is the remedy to use, because It gives to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. ' If you have any. even one, of the avmntoma of kidney disease, cure yourself now, before diabetes, orepey nf Rrte-ht'a disease seta in. Read this Pendleton testimony: Mrs. Arthur Hammer, 717 Aura treet, Pendleton, Ore., says: --or the last five years Doan'a Kidney Pills, nrocured at the Pendleton Drug Co., have been just ae effective In eliminating backache aa they were when they first came to my notice In the spring of 1991. Doan's Kidney Pills proved conclusively to we wnen recommended them to my friends that they were a reliable remedy and I still vouch for their merit as I have the greatest confidence In them." For sate by all dealers. Price SO ceats. Foeter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Uni ted Statea. Remember the name Doan's and take ether. Moscow. The widowed Grand Duchess Sergius, who is a daughter of Princess Alice of England ana urana Duchess of Hesse, has taken formal vows of devotion to the service of God and "love- for one's neighbor." The community or ss. Biartna ana Mary Sisters of Mercy, which she founded, and of which Bhe Is now Mother Superior, numbers forty-five members. Including Princess Obolen- sky and other aristocrats. The Met ropolitan of Moscow officiated at the service and bestowed upon the grand duchess the veil and cross of a Mother superior, removing the white veil and cypress of the ordinary sister. The errand duchess' confessor' pre sented her with ikons of the SS. Nich olas and Alexandria and with the blessing of the T8ar and Tsaritsa. 7,000,000 TO GIVE SALUTE. f , - Children All Over British Empire Will Observe "Empire Day." London. "Empire Day," on May 24, is becoming more and more a great national festival. Thousands of children, not only in the British Isles, but also In the colonies, celebrated In drills, songs and displays the "Em pire Day" motto, "One King, One Flag. One Fleet, One Empire." The Imperial cadet meeting held in T-nndnn on "EmDlre Day" was one of the most Interesting events of the festival. It was a vast rifle match for boy marksmen, boys from Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand being represented. Bute it Onto, city or Toledo. Lucas Cona Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is color partner of tb firm of F. i. Che ney Co., doing boslaeas In tbe City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and tnat aaia iirm win vJ " ununuon nnf.T.AAH for aia aaa aver I case of Catarrh that cannot be en red by the se Of 1111 irr v-urw. . wen to before ate aad subscribed la nreMOce. title tu oay pi iMKemoer, D. 18M. . A. W. ULIIBUR, (Heal) Notary Public. u.m.. f-tf iih la lakM lataraalt and acts directly oe the blood and ocooe surfaces of tne system, sera lor wnir tail free. . , . Sold by all Drngklsta, 78c. Take Hall's Family Pllle for eoastlaev tloa. Notice to Public. Dr. I. V. Temple wishes to an nounce the removal of his office from the John Schmidt building to the Am erlcan National bank hu'ldlng. De yon take the East Oregonlan? Everybody Wins a Prize -VlirV-A- IV f . 'A Vis. r.)r ! f. I t e t ft-: i V i T3J Henry Lindeman, Greatest Living Pianomaker By Copying This Picture You May Win a $450 2Tg. Lindeman .Piano fffif $10,500 in Other Valuable Awards 10 Credit Checks, values 20 Credit Checks, valued 20 Credit Checks, valued 20 Credit Checks, valued 20 Credit Checks, valued 20 Credit Checks, valued at $150.00 each at $130.00 each at $110.00 each at $ 90.00 each at $ 70.00 each at $ 50.00 each .91500.00 .92600.00 .$2200.00 .91800.00 .91400.00 .91000.00 See how accurately, neatly and artisticallyyou can draw the above picture of Henry Lindemaa. To afford everybody who enters the. contest a fair chance, we have placed a dotted outline of Mr. Henry Lindeman's features in the right-hand panel You can trace your sketch over the dotted outline, with such additions or omissions as you believe will improve the picture--or you can send in a free-hand drawing either pen or pencil nray he used. To the person submitting the best t sketch neatest and most artistic we will award and deliver FREE a $450 HENR.Y S. G. LINDEMAN PIANO This offer is 'made and the gifts will be awarded by Henry & S. G. Lindeman, for the purpose of advertising their celebrated Pianos in this section, nenry & S. G. Lindeman "will award a person ally signed check in the order as listed above to each person sending in the next best drawing. This check will be applicable on the purchase of a new Henry & S. G. Lindeman Piano, Player Piano, cr Little Grand Piano. All entries must be mad? to Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., Sixth and NBurnside street, Portland, Or., who have agreed to act for Henry & S. G. Lindeman. Guaranteed 14-KaraL Gold Point Fountain Pen They are fully warranted, exactly as if they were sold for $2.50 instead of being given away. Write easily, smoothly. ' Will give great and lasting satisfaction. One of the excellent fountain pens will be awarded to each contestant who fails to win any of the principal prizes. , The judges who will make the awards will be three well-known business men. These simple rules will govern the contest: ' 1. The competition will close at 10 p. m., Saturday, May 28, 1910. . 2. No contribution from a professional artist will be considered. 3. The decision of the judges must be accepted as final. .4 The sketch submitted may be traced over the dotted outline in rightrhand panel, with additions or omhsions or it may be a free-hand drawing. - 5. ' The $450 Henry S. G. Lindeman Piano wil! be delivered to the successful contestant abso lutely free, of any charge. 6. All answers MUST be mailed to ART DEPARTMENT, Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co., Sixth' and BurnBide, Portland, Or. " 7. Every contestant is to correctly answer the following questions on this Coupon: Reed-French Piano Mige Co. SIXTn AND BURNSIDE, PORTLAND, OREGON. Name Address Give the Name and Address of a friend yon think is about to buy a Piano. Friend's Name . : Address Reed-French Piano Mtg. Company SIXTH AND BURNSIDE, PORTLAND. OREGON.. SOLE REPRESENTATIVES HENRY ft 8. G. LINDEMAN, PIANO.