ii ; A,-'-! mm mm ... . ' , ,, EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON,, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, J10. PAGB BITS. Newsy Notes; of Pendleton- ast, Week Of Thettig Don't Miss The Big v SHOE SALE 1 000 Pairs Ladies, Misses and Childrens Pumps and Oxfords in Tan, Gun Metal, Patent, Suede, Cravenette and Bronze. This gigantic stock must be greatly reduced with fay the next 10 days One lot of tan Oxfords and Pumps sold always for $3.50 to $4.00,. now . All Black $3.50 Oxfords and All Black $4.00 Oxfords and All Black $4.50 Oxfords and All Black $5.00 Oxfords and ChiM nm's $3.00 Oxfords and Children's $2.25 Oxfords and Children's $2.50 Oxfords and F. E. Livengood & Go. LOCALS 1 1. - Pastime pictures please all. Help wanted, at Domestic Laundry, 'Fresh buttermilk at Jensen cream ery. Oats and timothy hay (ed at the Commercial Barn. Get your horses clipped at the Com mercial barn. Farmers'; blacksmith coal cheap. Crab Creek Lumber Co. Oood gentle saddle horses for la dles. Commercial Barn. Stop the Cheney Jersey dairy wagon for the best milk and cream. A shipment of best cedar posts Just arrived. Crab Creek Lumber Co. ""-Kooni and board In private family. 623, College street, phone Red 20 ST. We make a specialty of caring for private horses and rigs. Commercial Barn. i Loose wheat hay, baled hay and chopped hny fed at the Comrfierclal Barn. More moving pictures . shown than any other theater In the' 'city the Pastime. Frank Xodo, shoe shining parlor, located In front of State saloon. Eight shines for 60 cents. For rent House corner Alta and College streets, opposite Presbyterian church. Apply to F. E. Judd. Fix up your roofs with the best shipment of shingles ever received In Pendleton.- Crab Creek Lumber Co. About 4000 feet Goodyear Rubber company hose, best and cheapest In the market, for sale at Sharon & Ed- dings. ' - t Iyost Ludies gold watch with gold fob attached. Name of owner In back of watch. Finder please leave at Hnncoms jewelry store and receive reward. Just received, a car of Rock Springs nut coul. This Is what you need for cooking. Price $9 per ton delivered loose or 110 per tpn sacked. Oregon Lumber Yard. .More Tenchors Resign. Through resignations to accept po sitions In linger cities, Pendleton Is losing some of Its best teachers this Koeppens' Bed Bug Destroyer Gets Them All, Even'Bed Bugs 25c The Bottle 0 It is in liquid form and so thin and penetrating that it goes into all the little cracks, killing the bugs and destroying the f g9 as well, "being of an antiseptic nature it gets the germs also. Each bottle is equipped with a shaker cork which makes it quite easy to apply. DC E IP F BM The Drug Store That Serves You Best. $2.45 Pumps now 92.85 Pumps now ... $3.15 Pumps now $3.45 Pumps now , $3.95 Pumps now $1.65 Pumps now $1.85 Pumps ndw $2.15 spring. Two further resignations have been placed with the school board. Miss Roslne Epple, principal of the Field school for several years, has resigned and will teach either in Seattle or Portland. Miss Lulu Keller, teacher of the sixth grade in the Washington school, has also resigned. She will probably teach In Spokane. TESTIMONY NOT GIYKX IN RETURN FOR LIBERTY New York, May 25. An attempt by the attorneys defending Charles H. Heike, secretary of the sugar trust, to Impugn the motives underlying the testimony of Oliver Spitzer, the con victed sugar trust employe, who was recently pardoned, was checked today by Spltzer's declaration that his tes timony was not given in exchange for his freedom. - He said, "During the three months I spent in prison my conscience would hardly let me sleep. I finally decided to confess to set my self right. I didn't ask any one to promise me anything In return." Helke Is being fried for alleged knowledge of the trust's system in shortweightlng sugar importations. Tobacco Stakes. Louisville, May 24. The feature of today was the Tobacco stakes In the fourth for 3 year olds at furlongs, the race carrying a value of $1000. The winner turned up in Long Hand, which wore Royal Report down In the run for the wire, and won handily. Negro Baptists Meet. Atlanta, Ga., May 25. All sections of the south and many northern cit ies have sent delegations to Atlanta today to take part In . the National Baptist congress, an organization of colored religious workers and clergy men. Orplieum Today's Program. 1. Speed Versus Death, (Melles drama.J" 2. Tempestuous Adventure, (Pathe comedy.) " 3. Milk Industry In the Alps, (In; dustrial.) 4. Paying Attention, (Gaumont comedy.) 5. Solving the Puzzle, (Gaumont comedy.) 6. The Potters Wheei, (Indus trial.) 7. How Can I Leave Thee. Read the "Want" ads today? .. Official Weather Report. Minimum temperature, 52. Maximum temperature, 78. Rainfall, .05 of an inch. : iu Will Undergo Operation. Art Grover of Helix, was brought to St. Anthony's hospital this morning to undergo an operation for appen dicitis. He was accompanied by his wife and mother. ' Lowell Spoke at Walla Walla, - Judge S. A. Lowell returned last evening from Walla Walla, where he had been to deliver an address before the Open River association which met In that city yesterday. Finishing New Depot. The finishing touches are now be ing placed on the new O. R. & N. de pot and the structure will soon be ready for occupancy. The woodwork on the Inside Is all completed and painters are now at work on the out- wide woodwork. . , - Will Ask for Rehearing. - Attorney S. A. Lowell of counsel for Mike Ryan, stated , today that, they would take advantage of the oppor tunity allowed and will 'file a petition for a rehearing. They are allowed 20 days In which' to file this petition. There is small chance that the pe tition will be allowed. Street is Fenced Off. The portion of Cottonwood street between Water jrtreet and the levee has been fenced off so that it is no longer possible for the place to- be used as a public hitching yard. There is therefore much rejoicing on the part of Water street residents, nob withstanding the fact that the fence Is unpalnted and is not exactly a thing of beauty and a Joy forever In itself. Off for Mcdford. M. A. Rader and son )onald left today by wagon for their new home In Medford. They will drive out through the Camas prairie country and on across by Crater lake spending considerable time along the road in hunting and fishing. They are not going to break any speed records but will do the best they can to have an enjoyable outing. Smyllio Shins Slieep. - ' Ten car loads of sheep belonging to Smythe & Smythe, were shipped through Pendleton this ' "morning - to Duncan where they will be. unloaded and placed on their summer range. The unjust trail regulations across the reservation made It cheaper for sheep to be shipped across the Indian reserve than to pay the toll demanded. Change of Time Fools Many. Several passengers for Spokane and way points who expected to take the early train this morning are still In Pendleton. Their extended visit here was due to the fact that the new time of leaving went Into effect this morning and that the train pulled out at 7:00 instead of 7:30 o'clock. The passengers who were left will now be compelled to , wait until 2:15 tonight at 'which time the' new train will leave on its first trip. Funeral of Mrs. Rowland. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the fun eral service for- the late- Mrs. Ralph Howland was held at the Methodist church. The church services was con ducted by Rev. Nathan Evans, pastor of that church and the body was then borne to the Olney cemetery where the Interment occured. The funeral was largely attended. Pallbearers were B. L Burroughs, Royal M. Saw tefle, Cliff -Bellinger, Joe Murphy, Mark Monrhouse and Will McKinney. Indian War Dance Sunday. Arrangements have been made for an Indian war dance and bronco busting contest at the Matlock ball park, Sunday afternoon. The suc cess of the contest held two weeks ago Induced the promoters to arrange for another with the result as stated above. The fun Is scheduled to start at 1:30 and it la said that good riders and good bucking broncos will be on hand. Cash prizes will be given to the three best riders. ConinieiMpnitiit at Keho. County School Superintendent Frank K. Welles and Judge S. A. Low-ell, went to Echo this afternoon on the motor car, ti attend the grad uating exercises of the1 public schools at that place. The class of 12 which will receive eighth grade diplomas to night made the highest average of nny class In the county and was the only one to have every member of the class pass the recent final examina tions. One of the. members made the highest average of any student in the county. Household Science Deimrtntent. When the Pendleton academy re opens for work next fall it will be with a very tastefully arranged de partment of household science and for the same Mrs. Anna Z. Crayne, In charge of the department' and also of the department of English, deserves the credit. With money derived from the profits of the "Sunny south' min strel" entertainment given Inst win ter the household science department has been vastly Improved. The big room In the academy building used by the department has been partition ed off so as to provide both a kitchen and dining room. . The dining room has been finished In blue and com pletely refitted with new . furniture. The windows are furnished with sten ciled curtains,"" the stenciling being done by members of the class. A complete set of Havilland china is an Interesting part of the new equip ment. Further additions to this de partment are planned for the future. If they can be carried out they will still further strengthen that depart ment and the academy In general. The devil often gets the most out of it when a collection is taken in church. Positive Proof of This Stores Absolute Supremacy in Value Saving May Sale Prices on Corsets The best $1.00 Corsets for The best $1.25 Corsets for The best $1.50 Corsets for The best 45c Mercerized Dress Linens, May sale, yard : ' 32 The best 25c India Linens, May sale, . yard 1 '. 17 The best 12 l-2c Silkolines, May sale price, yard : : ; 9 The best Oil Cloth made, regular '20c val., May sale, yard 16 The best 12 l-2c Percales, 36-in. wide, May sale ; ! , 9 The best 25c Long Cloth, May sale price, yard L 16$ The best 15c Curtain Swisses, May sale, ' yard : 10f WOHLENBERG DEFT STORE "Better Goods for Less Money" FAMOUS TAX SUIT NOW BEING TRIED ASSESSOR STRAIN IS ACCUSED OF FRAUD Suit Flle Nearly Two Years Ago by J. R. Dickson and Otlier Taxpayers Up Before Court Today Plaintiffs Allege Discrimination. The more or less famous tax suit brought by J. R. Dickson and other Pendleton taxpayers against County Assessor C. P. Strain, the county board of equalization and the sheriff, Is now being tried after many months' delay. The suit was filed nearly two years ago and the sheriff was enjoin ed from collecting the taxes last year. It was alleged In the complaint that the county assessor had discriminated In his assessments against certain city properties and In favor of the farm ers. It was charged that he did this for political effect and that he. was therefore guilty of fraud. The county board of equalization was also charg ed with fraud in permitting the dis criminating "assessment to pass, while a temporary Injunction was procured which prevented Sheriff Taylor from making the collections. The case has been set for' trial on two or three different occasions, bu' each time It has been postponed at the request of the plaintiffs, who appar- their wedding followed his body to ently found difficulty In getting ready . the cemetery. or arial. After several postpone- ! n was not. until Miss Zanella be ments the case was finally called this I held his features in the coffin that morning, and County Assessor Strain ; su knevv her fance Eugene Blazzba, has been on the stand practically the Was dead, as none of her friends could entire day. vnn ne is tnrougn om ei witnesses will be culled. Killed by IJuhtiiiii. .Canon City, Colo., May 24. Eme-r son Brewer, a fruit grower, was killed by lightning in an electrical storm to. day. He was struck hile sitting on the roof of a house he was building. MAN ASKS TAFT HE GOT HIS OVERCOAT Passaic, N. J. President Taft one of 400 or so persons who will receive a postal card from Richard Morrell, a resident of this town, asking for in formation regarding an overcoat which he lost nt the recent Taft banquet of the Passaic board of trade. ' Morrell has sent copies of his pos tal card message to every person who was present. It reads: "Whiise coat did you get? There was some mixing of overcoats at the Taft banquet. Did you get yours? I missed mine. Maybe yours and mine were mixed. Will you kindly make sure that you did not get mine by mis take? Mine is a black cloth coat with silk lining. My coat and I are close friends and if you can help me find It I shall be grateful." .lust Got His Bill. "Hello. Is this the 'gas company?" "Yes, sir." "Well, say! Did you read In the papers that the tall of Halley's comet Is composed of gas?" "Tes, but what has that " "And did you notice that it w;.s measured as being 15.000,000 miles long?" v'Yes. sir, but what " " "Nothing. I just wanted to say that If the astronomers measured It with this meter In my house it would be 40.000,000 miles long." Save money by reading today's ads. May Sale Prices on Silk Petticoats 79 89 $1.20 The best $5.00 Silk Petticoats. $3.95, '.The best $6.00 Silk Petticoats..- ?4.75 The best $7.00 Silk PetticoatsJ ?5.15 The best $7.50 Silk Petticoats ?5.65 The best $8.00 Silk Petticoats ?6.00 The best $8.50 Silk Petticoats $6.35 The best $9.00 Silk Petticoata-?6.75 The best $10.00 Silk Petticoats. ?7.35 The best $12.00 Silk Petticoat8..:.?8.45 The best 25c yard The best 35c yard : PHYSICAL CULTURE SURE. Women Students at Eugene to Be Trained for Teaching It. - University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. The young Woman who desires to fit her self as a physical culture direc tor will be able to do so at the Uni versity of Oregon next year. Dr. Bertha Stewart, dean of women and physical director for the co-eds, has arranged a course making a. specialty of such subjects as physical culture, botany and sanitary hygiene, which fills ail requirements. The new physical culture depart ment will be installed in splendidly equipped quarters. With the comple tion of Hayward Hall, the new-$30,-000 gymnasium for men, $5000 Is be ing spent in remodeling and enlarg ing the old gymnasium and fitting it for the exclusive use of the college women. Thirty-five shower baths, 40 dressing rooms and 250 lockers with all necessary gymnastic apparatus, are some of its equipment. .aesiues tne regular gymnasium work, consisting of drills, military marching, fancy dancing to make the young women graceful, dumbbell and Indian club exercises special classes will be held for girls who are physi cally unable to do heavy work. CROSSES SEA TO WED; FINDS FIANCE DEAQ Baltimore. As a dramatic and pit iful climax to her long trip from Italy to this country to marry the sweet heart of her girlhood dys, Miss Mad eline Zanella at the hour fixed for muster up courage enough to break the news to her. Piazza died of pneu monia. Whin Miss Zanella reached this ! city she went at once to her fiance's . home. The fact that he was dead ! was concealed from her and jt was not until several hours had passed that she suspected something was wrong and broke into the death cham ber and fell in a faint across the cas ket. JOSEPH CANNON'S CAT EATS RUBBER BANDS Washington. The department of justice is confronted with a case 'of trespass and depredation. It Is that of a big tomcat, which the messen-' gers say belongs to the household of Speaker Cannon, who lives in the house adjoining. The animal's greatest weakness is that of devouring rubber bands, one of the clerks re cently declaring that the animal ate For 290 acre wheat farm four miles from Pendleton, good house and barn, young orchard, plenty of water. 4 horses and harness. 2 cows, 8 dozen chickens. Gang plow. Drill, Harrow, Weeder, Mowei, Rake, Fanning Mill, 2 Wagon$, 1 Hack, 1 Buggy, other articles, too numerous to mention .All for Eight Thousand Dollars Five thousand cash, easy terms on balance. Must be sold by June 1 st. This is one of the biggest snaps I have for sale. DAN KEMLER, 210 W. Blulf St. Pendleton, Ore. Ecru Curtain Swiss, May sale, ; 1 . 15 Madras Curtaining, May sale, . 22 twenty-five in one day, and that at the same time he ate a piece of pen cil eraser. In consequence of existing conditi ons the suggestion has been made that Attorney-General Wlckersham sue out a writ of injunction against the speaker's butler, enjoining him' from permitting the cat to jump the fence and visit the department of justice. FIRST EDITION "FAERIE QUEEN E" SELLS FOR $400 New York. A first edition of Spen ser's "Faerie Queene," dated 1590 6, was one of the most Interesting of fers at the auction of the library of Mrs. N. Q. Pope, of Portland, Maine, and other properties at the Anderson auction rooms. It went for $450. A first edition of Spencer's "Complaints" dated 1591. was sold for $235. A less valuable edition of Spenser's collec ted works was sold for $35. In 1903 an Italian named Xestore Leoni was brought to this country to illuminate an entire set of Dickens, and the volumes were to be valued at about $2000 apiece. The venture was unsuccessful, and after one volume had been completed It was abandoned. This single volume sold for $800. John Heywood's "The Spider and the Fly" went' for $200 and a very fine com plete edition of George Meredith's works brought $100. Help Wanted. We want a, good reliable young man of good address who will begin at the bottom and learn the grocery business thoroughly. We also want a boy to work Saturdays. Apply in the grocery department. The Peoples Warehouse, where it pays to trade. The man who has no religion at home too often sets up for a saint in church. 302 E. Court St. Phone Main 46. Never come back when cleaned by the Berlin Dye House Jack Webster, Mgr. Dry, Wet, Chemical arid Steam, Cleaners. Work called for and delivered. Sale Oil SDOtS ! -4 iT' "