East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 23, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Heavy Nickled
Fixtures and accessories that
Just think a minute aad see
if you could not use soma of the
following articles:
Being Pendleton's only ex
clusive plumbing ahop, we must
stand or fall on the class of
work we do.
We have gained business
steadily since we started the
highest compliment that could
be paid us.
If you have any plumbing let
an experienced plumber do It
you will save money and
temper by seeing
Beddon & Lliller
Court and Garden Sta.
Phone Black J65I.
The Home Beautif ier
Murphy Bros.
The paint men
will tell you about
Cass Matlock, Prop.
awl illustrated eongg in
the city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
Next to French Restaurant
Entire change three times
each week. Be sure and
see the next change.
Adults 10c. Children
under 10 years, 5c
Icq Broom
Made to Order
We make a specialty of speci
al designs and colorings that
will match your table decor
ations or lodge and club colon.
Pure Materials and
Skilled Workmen
Out of town orders receive
our prompt and careful atten
Phone M. 80. 121 E. Court St.
WILL Xl'MBKR 673.243
Slate linn Miule Great Advance, Ac
cording to Census Figures Assure
Another Oongrcsaiiinn Cities Grow
ing; Rapidly t'luutilla Has Gained
2000. - . V .
The census enumeration of tho state
of Oregon, so far as St can be con
firmed by officers of the census bu
reau, will show a population of 675,-
879, says the Sunday Oregonian. The
net gain to the state will be 262,343.
While official figures are not ob
tamable, a comparison of the totals
for each county, as gathered during
the progress of the work, the votes
cast for Judges of the supreme court
since the census of 1900, and the vote
on congressmen, warrants the belief
that the Oregonlan's figures are ap
proximately correct.
An Interesting feature , of the result
pertains to the total number of con
gressmen which will be awarded to
the state, and the. possibility that
Multnomah county will be declared a
separate congressional district.
On Congressman to Be Gained.
Representation in the present con
gress Is on a basis of one member
for each 194,000. Congress Is likely
to be Increased by the addition of 20
members on a total population of 90
000.000 In the United States. On that
ratio representation would be on a
basis of one for each 215,000 people
Oregon would hen gain at least one
In both congressional districts the
work of the field enumerators Is still
In progress and will probably not be
concluded prior to June 1. At that
time all of the remaining records will
be boxed and shipped to Washington
for tabulation. Estimates furnished
from Director Durand, of the census
bureau, indicate that official figures
as the result of the content will not be
available before October.
Drifts Still to Cities.
Immigration to Oregon appears to
have held close to the lines of rail
ways and water routes, as it did prior
to 1890. During the 10 years preced
Ing that date, 95,832 people came to
make their homes In Oregon, and of
the , total population 183,642 lived In
the 114 Incorporated towns. Census
supervisors have found their work
in the cities and towns during the
present enumeration.
Widely scattered settlements In the
Interior counties of central, eastern
and southern Oregon 'have consumed
much time In efforts to reach each
homesteader, but the net results to
the total population- have been rela
tlvely small.
Since 1906 Oregon has steadily
gained on the total of homebullders
seeking locations In Malheur, Harney,
Lake, Klamath, Crook, . Wheeler,
Grant and Wallowa counties following
the old trails and stage roads Into the
fertile valleys which are soon to be
come Intense rivals of Willamette
productiveness. Without railroad
transportation and unable to market
the grains and hoof products of their
farms, the pioneers of that section
have remained without neighbors un
til within a short period of time.
With an east and west line of rail
road under' construction by the Hills,
and running from Ontario to a Junc
tion with the Deschutes road at Bend,
an exodus from the east to the unde
veloped counties of the interior em
pire Is in full tide.
Rome Counties Double.
Union, Umatilla and Wallowa coun
ty wheat lands have steadily merged
Into Imense tracts, owned by a sin
gle individual or corporation and
while the production of cereals and
livestock has steadily climbed, the
number of emigrants have steadily
balanced the total of immigration, ex
cept in the principal cities.
La Grande. In Union county, has
more than doubled the 2991 popula
tion allowed on the count of 1890.
Baker City, the chief city of Baker
county will probably show a small
gain, while the county will . not more
than hold its own. Ten years ago
Baker county was booming because
of the new mineral fields then at
tracting attention, her mining camps
carrying a large fluctuation popula
tion. Today the mining camps are on
a .steady producing basis, where they
are working at all. and the "drifters"
of the boom days are gone. Baker
county has conteracted that shortage
with a substantial growth among the
ranchers and in the farming country.
Taken entirely from the territory of
Wasco county. Hood River will show
a large population, but without pos
sibility of comparison. Wasco coun
ty, deprived of the 6000 gobbled up
by the new county,- will show a clear
gain over the figures of ten years
ago had Its territory remained Intact.
Gain Made in Four Tears.
Practlcallv the entire gain made by
the state has been Becured within the
past four years. Beginning at Ash
land on the south, Jackson county,
Josephine, Douglas. Lane, Benton,
Linn and Marlon located in the ricn
valleys of the Umpqua, Rogue and
Willamette rivers, have awakened a
large Interest In horticulture and
West coast counties have waited in
a large. measure the railroad devel
opment necessary for reaching their
harbors and handling dairy products,
but a clear gain In population has been
experienced. Clatsop, Tillamook. Lin
coin, Curry and Coos show an increase
of from IB per cent to 50 per cent,
the gain In Coos being the largest.
It is probable that Salem, jumping
from 4258 people In 1900, to 18.000
during the present enumeration, will
lead all cities of the state outside of
Portland. The first congressional dis
trict will have seven cities which ex
ceed 5000 population, Salem, Eugene
Albany, Medford, Roseburg, Ashland
and Grants Pass. Roseburg Oregon
City and Corvallis are clamorlnc for
admission to the select circle.
When the state shall -be redlstrlct-
ed by the legislature in order to ac
rommodate another congressman
that body will be asked to designate
Multnomah as a district. -The sug
gested plan' then places all of eastern
Oregon, including Klamath and Lake
counties, Jn a district with Clackamas,
Washington, Columbia and Clatsop,
where 40.494 votes were cast In the
last election. The remaining district
would contain all Willamette valley
counties, together with southern Ore
gon and the coast, except Clatsop
and would have 43,494 votes.
The following table shows popula
tion by counties and congressional dls
trlcts: . -Totals
by Counties.
First congressional district:
Census. Census
County of 1910. of 1900
Benton . , . 10,780 6.706
Clackamas 25 689 19,658
Coos .............. 14,416 10,32
Curry . 2,112 1,868
Douglas 20,552 14 565
Jackson 23,817 13,698
Josephine .... 12,812 7,617
Klamath 9 856 . 8,970
Lake . .., 4.660 2.847
Lane 35.667 19.604
Lincoln , . . .. 4,286 3 675
Linn 26,613 18.603
Marlon 88.401 27,713
Polk '. 13.715 9,923
Tillamook 6,679 4,471
Washington 20,986 14.467
Yamhill 19,723- v- IS 420
Total 289,564 192.929
Second congressional district:
. . Census. Census.
County of 1910. of 1900.
Baker 15,289 - 15,597
Clatsop ..: .. . 14.906 12,765
Columbia 9,121 6,237
Crook 6,182 - 8,964
Gilliam .. 4,115 3 201
Grant 5,699 6,948
Harney 4,351 2,598
Hood River 6 257.
Malheur . 5,621 4.203
Morrow 4,802 4,151
Multnomah 248,000 103.167
Sherman y 4.117 3,477
Umetllla . 20,511 18.049
Union 18,298 16 070
Wallowa 7,331 ' 5,538
Wasco 9,302 13,199
Wheeler 2,513 2 443
Total ..386,315
Total for state in 1910
.676 879
Total fon state In;i900 413,536
Net gain through out state. . . 263.343
Hood 'River county created out of
A Man Wants to Die .
only when a lazy liver and srtiggish
bowels cause frightful despondency.
But Dr. King! New Life Pills evpel
poisons from the system; bring hope
and courage; cure all liver, stomach
and Kidney troubles; Impart health
and vigor to the weak, nervous and
ailing. 25c at Tallman & Co.
Chicago. Fifty days without a
morsal of food!
This Is the record reached by Rich
ard Fausel, long time faster, and he
claims he has scarcely more than
Seven weeks ago Fausel, who Is
staying at a sanitarium' . at Forty
second street and Grant boulevard,
decided he was getting too fat So
he quit eating.
Going without food hasn't bothered
him at all. He has a lot more time
to do other things. Fausel loves to
fast. He does it every once in a
while. '
A 'year ago he weighed 870 pounds.
He went over to Battle Creek and
fasted for 43 days. It cut down his
weight to 235 pounds. Then he went
back to his home in Doland, S. D.
Several weeks ago he decided to be
gin another fast. Since .he came to
Chicago and quit eating he has lost
a pound a day. Fausel thinks -he can
beat the record of 80 days, und is out
for it now. - -
"Tomorrow makes my fiftieth day
without food," he said. "I'm all right.
He picked up a chair in each hand
and waved them around s if they
were feather dusters.
"I drink about three glasses of
Lake Michigan water that's .thick
enough every day, and that seems
to be all I need. .1 fast every once
in a while when I get to- fat. I've
done it a number of times.
"I am going to keep this up until
the sixtieth day. If I am feeling good
then, good as I do now, I'm going af
ter the long distance record.
, "It isn't a hard trick at all. The
first two or three days re uncom
fortable. Then It Is easy.- Only be
careful when you start eating again.
A little grape Juice and an apple once
a week is all you dare tackle at first."
Second Annual Convention
Oregon Thresher
Albany, Oregon, Jane 2 and 3 1 0
Round trip rate of one and one-third fare on
the certificate plan yill be made by O. R. & N.
and S. P. Cos. Tickets on sale May 29th to
June 3d inclusive, good for return until - June
1 Oth. Important subjects will be discussed includ
ing an address by a Special Representative of
the U. S. Government.
Fot further information as to rates, dates of sale, etc.
call on any O. R. & N. or S. P. Agent
T. F.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Age rit
Paris. Mile. Juliette Thaldy now
shares an almost vice-regal throne.
Six months ago she was an unknown
young actress. The other day she was
quietly married to M. Merlaud-Ponty,
governor of French West Africa. The
story of. her engagement and court
ship was rapid and dramatic. Last
September a company in which she
was touring was homeward bound
from South America.
At Rio de Janeiro the manager de
cided to give one performance at
Pakar, on the coast of West Africa,
where the ship called for 12 hours,
and he cabled to that effect. The
boat was due at 6 p. m., and the per
formance was announced for eight.
A storm delayed the vessel several
hours, and she stood .off Dakhar at
midnight "No matter," says the
manager, "we will give the perform
ance." Blacks rowed the company
ashore in canoes in the dead of night.
and toward 1 o'clock the perform
ance was ready to begin. -
"Where are the spectators?" "In
bed." "Then wake them up," said
the manager, and he was obeyed.
"Where Is the governor?" "In bed,
too." "Then wake him also," and
awakened he was. By 2 a. m. the
audience were in the theatre, rubbing
their eyes, the governor among them.
Before the curtain rose the gov
ernor gallantly paid his respect to
the country women behind the
scenes, entering the dressing room
of' the leading lady, and, the latter
relates, "stood transfixed." He had
beheld In a corner of the room Mile
Thaldy, a young colleauge of the lead-
ins; lady, and' it had been the coup
de foundre. Henceforth he would
love only her till death did them part.
He never took his eyes off her during
the performance. At the close he en
tertaintd the company at supper in
his house towards 6 a, m., and at 8
he 'accompanied them on board to
bid goodby to the lady who should
bo his wife or he would die single
A month or so later he obtained leave
came to Paris, married the lady, who
had accepted him by letter, and took
A Senile.
is a pretty hard thing to accomplish
when you're blue, bilious and out of
sorts. There Is a sure cure for all
kinds of stomach and liver complaints
constipation and dyspepsia. Bal
lard's Herblne Is mild, yet absolutely
effective In all cases. Price 60 cents
per bottle. A. C. Koeppen Bros.
Berlin. Augusta Zabel, a Berlin
milliner, who murdered her rival in
love, Frlda Barthold, owes her life to
the birth of an heir to the Grand Duke
of Mecklenbug-Schwerln. There
wer arreat rejoicings . on the
happy event, and the grand duke or
dered the reduction of sentences on
the criminals Imprisoned. Among
them was Augusta Zebel, whose ex
ecution was to have taken place this
The sentence was commuted to pen
al servitude for life. The woman's
crime was committed at Rostock,
where the young opera singer, Frlda
Barthold, was appearing. Zobel's
Jealousy was aroused by her lover de
sertlng bet for the singer, and she
went to visit Frauleln Barthold with
a revolver concealed In her muff. Af
ter the tragedy the murderess was
arrested at the railroad station.
his bride back to Dahkar, where she
now reigns with him over French
West Africa. -
Milan The first International Juri
dical Congress for the regulation of
aerial navigation opens on May 81 at
Verona. The congress will discuss
the state ownership, the nationality
of airships and flyers, and the prob
lem of extra-terrltoriallty.
The congress will also be concerned
with the rights and functions of the
state In the shape of taxes, custom
and duties; also In relation to publlo
health and safety.
The delegates are mainly Juris-consults,
who will devote their energies
to formulating an International cod.
for use In time of peace and In time
of war.
Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklun&s.
Steadiest, cheapest and most
reliable power for .small or
heavy work. Less danger and
easier to operate you tors a
lever and It does the work.
The Housewlfe'swork will be lessen-i
ed when Electiicty and Gas
come into the home
Make the work essler for ker
and save on your fuel as welL
No dirt, dust and excessive heat
No fuel to handH and fires' to
kindle and U costs leas.
For Her sake, put gasjln your home
befose thehot weather arrives
Northwestern Gas & Electric Co.
Phone Mate Ml
8av money by reading today's ads.
tfJOien You BUflLD,
BuiOd ifco STAY!
Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks
are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more
substantial and far more comfortable in
either cofd or warm weather.
Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda
tions,-Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone
See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks
before you build your home.
1 will furnish your estimates for' any class of
work on application.
Contractor and Builder
Cor. Railroad amd Willow'Sts. Pendleton. Ore