EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKKttO.MAN, PENDLETON, OMGQN, MONDAy. MAY M; 1910; PAGJE WTVM. Our Special Offer In The Ready-to-Wear Section For This Week Only With every Wash Dress or Suit sold we will give FREE a pretty Shirt Waist. Garments to $4.90, a pretty .$1.00 Waist Free Garments to ?G90 . ...........a' pretty $1.2 Waist "Free Garments to $8.50 ,.....(.a pretty $1.50 Waist Free Garments to $lO.00 ..........a pretty $2.00 Waist Free Garments to. $ 12.50.....:. ...a 'pretty $2. 50 . Waist -Free Garments to $15.00 a pretty $3.00 Waist Free Garments to $2O.00........j.. a pretty $4.00 Waist Free We are showing over 500 Wash Dresses and Suits,, by far the largest and best assortment thjs store has ever shown. Let us show you. NO CHARGES FOR ALTERATIONS. F. E. Livengood & Co. LOCALS Pa.. time picture. ple-e all. Hay for sale. Phon. F. L. 17. Ice cream at Hohbach's. Court at Fresh buttermilk at Jensen cream try. Furnished' house fur rent. S01 Wa ter. (Oata and timothy hay fed at th) Commercial Barn. Get your horses clipped t the Commercial Barn. 1 Farmers' blacksmith coal cheap. Crab Creek Lumber Co. Good fentle saddle horses for la dies. Commercial Barn. Stop the Cheney Jersey dairy wagon (or the best milk and cream. -A shipment of best cedar posts, Just arrived. Crab Creek Lumber Co. Room and board In private family. CIS College street, phone Red 1017. We make a specialty of caring for private horses and rigs- Commercial Barn Loose wheat hay, baled hay and chopped hay fed at the Commercial Bam. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre In the city the Pastime. x Frank Nodo, shoe shining parlor, located In front of State saloon. Eight nines for BO cents. For rent House corner Alta and College streets, opposite Presbyterian irch App'y it V E f jjl . Fix up your roofs with the best shipment of shingles ever received in Pendleton. Crab Creek Lumber Co. About 4000 feet Goodyear Rubber company hone, best and cheapest In the market, for sale at Sharon & Ed dings. . The Parish Aid of the Church of the Redeemer, will serve a dinner In the . Smith-Crawford building on Wednes day, May 25, beginning- at 11 o'clock. Price 35 cents. Just received, a car of Rock Springs nut coal. This Is what you need for cooking. Price $9 per ton delivered loose or $10 por ton sacked. Oregon Lumber Tard. ' . An Even Break. Los Angeles, May ii. Vernon and the Angels broke even on the double header today! Los Angoles won the morning game, 4 to 1, the villagers barely missing a shut-out by scoring their lonely "tally In the ninth, when Wheeler let down a bit and allowed three hits. The afternoon game was taken by Vernon, 5 to S, Hltt outpointing the Tozer scores. Score: Morning game: ' R. H. E. Los Angeles 4 11 1 Vernon 1 8 I Wheeler nnd Smith; Breckenrldge and Brown. Afternoon game: R. H. E. Los Angeles 3 E 4 Vernon 6,8,1 Tozer and Orendorff; Hitt and Ho gan. There Is no promise in the Bible for the man who Is not willing to trust in the Lord and do right. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieuin Today's Program. 1. Roosevelt In Cairo. A number of beautiful scenes in Egypt and good, clear pictures of Roosevelt in every scene. This picture Is no fake. 2. Purged by Fire. Eclipse drama. 3. Chief Blackfoot's Vindication. Kalem drama. 4. Mr. Mix at the Mardi Gras. Selig comedy. 6. Sweetheart's a Pretty Name when It's You. A Curious Experience. Lombroso, the famous Italian crimi nologist, once had a curious experi ence. He was in a printing office cor recting the proofs in his "Delinquent Man" with the chief reader when on reaching a page which dealt with a young man who, impelled by Jealousy, had stabbed his fiancee be made a surprising discovery. The proofreader was this man. "Suddenly," Lombroso aald in telling the story, "be threw himself at my feet, declaring that he would commit suicide If I published this story with his name. His face, before very gen tle, was completely ul'.oivU and almost terrifying, and I was rcnlly afraid that he would kill liiaisei. or me on the spot. I tore up the proofs and for several editions omitted UU .story." Cooking Your Goose. The phrase "I'll cook your goose for you" originated In this manner: Eric, king of Sweden, coming to a certain town, besieged It, but, having few sol diers, was obliged to desist. The In habitants in derision hung out from the walls a goose on a pole. Later Eric returned with re-enforcements and in reply to the challenge of the heralds observed that be bad come "to cook their goose for them" and pro ceeded to storm the towu and make it hot for the Inhabitants. - A Sporting Chance. "I'll teach you to play at pitch and toss!" shouted the enraged father. "I'll flog you for an hour, I will!" "Father," instantly said the incorrigi ble as be balanced a penny on bis thumb and linger, "I'll toss you to make it two hours or nothing." Cas sell's Journal. The Thief of Timet- Teacher Johnny, what Is the mean lug of the word "procrastinate?" Pu-pll-To put off. Teacher-Right. Use It lu nu original sentenyp. Pupil The brnkeman procrastinated the tramp from the trnln. Cleveland Leader. Thero Are Exceptions. "We are all burn equal," quoted the wise guy. "Don't try to tell that to the tnolher of n first baby," cautioned the simple mug. Philadelphia Record. Different Wants. "What we want," said the attorney to the reporters, "is Justice." "What I want," sold the client to the attorney, "is a verdict in my favor." Life. Koeppens' Bed Bug Destroyer Gets Them All. Even Bed Bug$2 25c The Bottle It is in liquid form and so thin and penetrating that it goes into all the little cracks, killing the bugs and destroying the eggs as well, being of an antiseptic nature it gets the germs also. Each bottle is equipped with a shaker cork which makes it quite easy to apply. The Drug Store That Serves You But. COLTS SLIP ONE over on inn BATTLE OF LEADERS RESULTS IN VICTORY FOR PENDLETON Great Game Played on Local Grounds Yesterday Mountaineers Outplay Colts In Field Work But Batting Rully Saves Day for Latter. .. . " Standing of Teams. , " W. L. P.C. Pendleton 7 2 .778 Weston 7 2 .778 Pilot Rock'. ....3 6 .333 Athena 1 , 8 .111 -J'We have met the enemy and' they are ours." When Commodore Perry coined that phrase to convey the glad tidings of victory, he little wot that it would be the chanted refrain of a full mouthed chorus of Pendleton fans almost a century later. But it happened even so, and the why and wherefore Is Ihusly: Frazier's Colts and the Weston Mountaineers, after several weeks of vain boasts, taunts and threats, clash ed in open battle yesterday at Matlock park, and when the hot smoke of the engagement had drifted lazily heaven ward, a victory and a defeat had been written Intn thn hlstorv of the Blue Mountain league, and while forth from the camp of the Colts Issued exultant cries of triumph. In the bivouac of the visitors a doleful dirge told of dead hopes and lifeless spirits, and there was "weeping and walling and gnash ing of teeth." The score of 8 to 3, which Is em blazoned upon, the score books, would seem to Indicate that the contest was not fraught with exciting rivalry, but right there is where figures tell not the truth, for the game was undoubt edly In the superlative class of thrill producers. In the beginning, the star of victory seemed shining for the Weston boys alone, for, although Har lan was pitching fine ball, the remain der of the team played in genuine kindergarten form. Not a single chance was accepted by the Infield until the fifth inning, and by that time three runners had circled the hags for scores. As up until this can to not one of the Colts had been with in sight of the home rubber, the spir its of the Weston supporters were like effervescent Joy water and there was a golden glitter from the baok gal lery as they sought to place their shiners on their champions. However, be it said In passing, that many a imiui. that hplonecd to those howling betters now nestles In the pockets, of the sporting gentry of Pendleton. It was In the fatal fifth that the balloon of the Mountaineers began its ascension into the empyrean atmos phere, and before it had again settled upon oldJterra flrma at the end of the sixth, the fickle goddess of fortune had shifted her favors and eight blue colts had made round trips for tallies. In these two Innings. Slabster Wheel er, the twirling phenom of Weston, who had been shooting the ball over the plate In a puzzling manner, came In for his bumps.. Ward, Frazier's new acquisition behind the bat, was firat nr. nriH sent out a sizzling single through the groove between first and second. Rader followed wltn a neai snfrlflce and Harlan came to bat with a chance to start the scoring. With a mighty swat he sent the Spaulding far into the left garden and took two bases on the hit, while Ward scam pered to the plate Hays rapped the ball to short and reached first on the unsuccessful attempt to catch Harlan at third. Collins laid one down the third base line and reached first, but Harlan was tagged trying to reach the rubber. Dickson filled the bases by a prettv single, and then came the great thriller of the day. Nelson was next at bnt. and his face wns not good to look upon as he picked up his bludgeon and walked slowly to the nioi Thom"ivns that about his at- 11... .r. ..v titude that suggested the hero of a Tip Top Weekly in a do-or-aie aci TT!n Una A1A 1 1 f? fl I I v drawn, his Jaw firmlv sot. and a steely glitter flashed from his steady eyes. Nelson hart en dured much during the day for the TOwn fun. hart made him the target r . . .. eli sit i inra an ,i llhes. and his proud sptrlt rankled against his for mn fnllnw townsmen. It was, then. with malice in his heart and a desire for vengeance burning In his soul that he faced the pitcher with two down, the bases full and the score 3 to 1 against his team. The crowd, too, realized that the crisis was come and a hush fell upon the scene. The twin er glanced uneasily around and then delivered a bender at the grim fig ure before him. Nelson stood un moved nnd in stentorian tones the um pire, bellowed "Ball one." Again the form on the mound unwound itself and a second shoot was on Its way. This was the one for which Nelson waited and he swung his club with a mighty force. A sharp crack follow ed and the horsehlde globe hurtled through the air with the velocity of a comet at Its perihelion. The men on bases were off like hounds slipped from the leash and when the pellet had been relayed back to the Bcene of play, all three of them had record ed at the tally pan. As. he stood breathing heavily on the second bag. a smile played over the grim visage of the Battler and It. was the smile of exulting triumph. His honor was yln dlcated, and the thought that his deed hnd won the game served as a sooth Ins; balm to assuage the pain of wounded pride. In the next Inning four more marks were added to the Pendleton columns when two passes by. the pitcher, two sacrifice hits and a scorching two sacker by Dickson demoralised" the desciples of Keefe. After that there una nnttilntr Hnlnff hu nlthar team. and Weston called the -game in the eighth inning in oraer to maice train con nectlon. ,aslL Week if Tlhe Mg May Sale Positive Proof of This Store's Absolute Supremacy in Value. Saving Nay Sale Prices on Corsets The best $1.00 Corsets for 79 The best $1.25 Corsets for 89 The best $1.50 Corsets for $1.20 The best 45c Mercerized Dress Linens, May sale, yard 32 The. best 25c India Linens, May sale, yard . 17 The best 12-l-2c Silkolines, May sale price, yard ' 9 The best Oil Cloth made, regular 20c vai, May sale, .yard 16 The best 12 l-2c Percales, 36-in. wide, May sale 9 The best 25c Long Cloth, May sale price, yard '. 16 'The best 15c Curtain Swisses) May sale, yard 10f Nay Sale Prices on Silk Petticoats The best The best The best The best The best The best The best The best The best $5.00 Silk Petticoats $6.00 Silk Petticoats $7.00 Silk Petticoats $7.50 Silk Petticoats... ?4.75 ?5.15 $8.00 Silk Petticoats. $6.00 $8.50 Silk Petticoats?05 $9.00 Silk Petticoats $6.75 $10.00 Silk Petticoats ?7.'35 $12.00 Silk Petticoats. ?8.45 The best 25c Ecru Curtain Swiss; May sale, yard I 15 The best 35c Madras Curtaining, May sale, ' yard 22f WOHLENBERG DEFT STORE "Better Goods for Less Noney" ii Tabulated Score. Pendleton ...AB. R. IB. PO. A. E. Dickson 4 1 3 0 0 0 Nelson 4 0 1 0 0 0 Alexander 3 0 0 1 2 3 Powell 3 1 1 0 0 3 Ward T 8 3 1 14 1 0 Rader 1 1 0 1 2 1 Harlan 3 l'l 0 3 0 Hays ....'......2 10 10 0 Collins 3 10 7 0 1 Totals 28 8 8 24 8 8 Weston. AB. R. IB. PO. A. E Keefe 5 2 1 9 0 0 W. NorDean ... 4 0 1 0 0 0 A. NorDean .... 4 0 2 4 1 2 Groves 4 0 1 6 4 1 Wheeler ..: 3 0 1 0 2 0 Filomgren 4 0 1 1 1 1 Barnes 4 0 0 2 0 0 W. O'Harra 4 0 0 0 0 0 Lansdale .3 1 0 0 3 1 Tot-, h 35 3 7 21 11 5 Summary. Earned runs, Pendleton (. Weston 0. Three base hits, Keefe. First on balls, off Harlan 1: off Whieler 1. Left on bases, Pendleton 8, Weston 10. Wild pitches, none. First base on errors. Pendleton 3, Weston 7. Two base hits, Harlan, Nelson, Dickson. Home runs, none. Struck out, by Harlan 13, by Wheel er 8. . Double plays. Groves to A. NorDean. Passed balls, Keefe 1, Ward 2. Hit by pitcher, by Wheeler 2.- Ptolen bases. Hays, W. NorDean, Groves. Wheeler, Blomgren. Sacrifice hits. Ward. Rader Hays, Wheeler. - DIAMOND DUST. The most enthusiastic Pendleton fan will not deny that the Weston team put up a better fielding, game than the Colts. Harlan was troubled by a sore fin gr yesterday and did not deliver his usual choice assortment of slants but even with his straight ball he was only found for seven safe ones and thir teen ofthe Weston swatters whiffed the atmosphere for strikeouts. With the exception of the fifth and sixth cantos, Wheeler pitched a fine game. Dickson was the premier batter of the day. He secured three safe hits out of four times at bat and was robbed of a fourth by the clever little second Backer of the Mountaineers. Ward, the new man behind the bat for the Colts, is a great addition to the team. His exhibition both in the cage and with the stick pleased the fans. Harlan performed a miracle in the first Inning according to the Weston fans when he struck out their three best batters In one, two, three order. Keefe Is undoubtedly the best man of the league at the receiving end of the battery. He is the mainstay of his team and his foxiness makes him a dangerous man. And then that three bagger he got. Wow! Nelson will be able to hand down to his posterity the story of a mighty swat That boy Groves Is some second baseman. It is an unusual occurrence to have Powell credited with three errors in one game. There is much speculation as to whether Weston's third baseman drew an error when he muffed Collins' foul fly. The rules explicitly state that any play which prolongs a batter's time at bat Is an error. I went Into a butcher shop the oth- . er day and ordered a pound of dog meat. The butcher cut It off and t'ten . said: "Shall I wrap It up, or do you want to eat It heret Liquid Foot Bate. Relieves tired, aching and sweaty feet. Happiness for evedy one at 16c a bottle. - First Class Drug Stores. Save money by reading today's ads. For rent Furnished house close in. North Side. Tel Red 2537 mornings. Read the "Want" ads today t 302 E. Court St. Z Phone Main 45. Old snots Never come back when cleaned by the Berlin Dye House Jack Webster, Mgr. Dry, Wet, Chemical and Steam - Cleaners. " Work called for and delivered. For SaDe 290 acre ' wheat farm four miles from Pendleton, good house and barn, young orchard, plenty of water. 4 horses and harness. 2 cows, 8 dozen chickens. Gang plow. Drill, Harrow, Weeder, Mower, Rake, Fanning Mill, 2 Wagons, 1 Hack, 1 Buggy, other articles, too numerous to mention. All for Eight Thousand Dollars Five thousand cash, easy terms on balance. Must be sold by June 1 st. This is one of the biggest snaps I have for sale. DAN KEMLER, 210 W. Bluff St. Pendleton, Ore. linidkin War Daimce and Bronco Busting Contest Matlock Grounds, 5unday, May 29th Good riders and a tunch of wild broncos a lively old time assured to all. 3 Cash Prizes. Commences at 1:30 p.m. SS