East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 21, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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pacs ssvm.
Salem, Ore. The vast amount of
detailed Information which the can
didate for office under the Oregon
primary law must keep In his head la
shown by a statement Issued by the
secretary of state's office.
Chief Clerk Frank Lovell and other
members of the force have been at
work for weeks on the state's com
plicated election laws, in an effort to
compile a succinct and comprehen
sive statement of the requirements of
the law for the convenience and guid
ance of voters and officials. It will
be noticed that amon the preliminary
dates, August 14 is given as the lat
est date on which candidates or their
friends can file petitions under the
corrupt practices act.
However, in case candidates do not
wish to file cuts and arguments, as
provided under the corrupt practices
act, petitions may be filed up to Sep
tember 3.
Fllowlng are some of the import
ant primary nominating election
da ten:
Aug. 14, 1910 Latest date on which
candidates or friends of candidates
for nomination by a political party
(which at the next preceding general
election for its candidate for repre
sentative in congress polled at least
25 per cent of the entire vote cast for
that office in the state) can file pe
tltion for nomination under the cor
rupt practices act with the secretary
of state,
August 18. Latest date on which
opponents to candidates for nomina
tion by a political party (which at the
next preceding general election for its
candidate for representative in con
gress polled at least 25 per cent of
the entire vote cast for that office in
the state) can file reasons against
nominations of such candidates with
the secretary of state under the cor
rupt practices act
August 22. Latest date candidates
for nomination by a political party
(which at the next preceding general
election for Its candidates for repre
sentatlve In congress polled at least
25 per cent of the entire vote cast for
that office In the state) or friends can
file cuts and arguments In their fa
vor with th secretary of state under
the corrupt practices act.
August 25. Latest date cuts and
statements for and agalnnt candidates
for nomination above mentioned must
be given to state printer by secretary
of state.
Sept. 3. Latest date on which all
petitions for nominations of candi
dates of a political party (which at
the next preceding general election
for Its candidates for representative
in Congress polled at least 25 per cent
of the entire vote cast for that ornce
in the state) can "be filed i with the
secretary of state.
Sept. 3 to 6. Dates between which
secretary of state must arrange names
and information for primary nominal
ing election, filing one, posting one
and registered one to each county
Sept 4 to 9 Dates between which
state printer must deliver separate
nominating campaign pamphlets to
secretary of state.
September 15. LateBt date pamph
lets containing cuts and arguments
for and against candidates for nomi
nation under corrupt practices act can
be sent Out by secretary of state.
Sept. 24. Date of primary nomlnat
ing election.
Oct. 4. Date committee, treasurer
or anv person not a candidate, ex
pending more than $60 for candidates
for nomination must file statements
of receipts and expenditures witn
vhnnhara therefor with secretary of
state on or before.
Oct 9. Date state board must
canvass vote of primary nominating
election on or before.
Oct. 9. Date candidates for nom
ination must file statements of all
moneys contributed, expended or
promised by them, with the secretary
of state on or before.
General Election Dates.
Oct. 23. Date state printer must
deliver all general election campaign
pamphlets to secretary of state.
Oct. 29. Latest date secretary of
state can send out general election
campaign pamphlets.
Nov. 8. Date of general election.
Nov. 18. Date party treasurer or
any person not a candidate expend
ing more than $50 must file state
ment of receipts and expenditures
with the secretary of state on or be
Nov. 23. Date candidate must file
sworn statements of all moneys con
tributed, expended or promised by
them with the secretary of state on
or before.
Dec. 8. Date state board must pro
ceed to canvass votes for state and dis
trict officers on or before.
Dec. 8. Date state board must pro
ceed to canvass vote on initiative
measures on or. before.
In case such candidates do not
wish to file cuts and arguments al
lowed under corrupt practices act, pe
titions can be filed up to September
3. See statement against that date.
London. In a poem just published
Rudyard Kipling pays a tribute to
the late King Edward. The poem Is
entitled "The Dead King," and voices
a eulogy by the English natioia The
general idea Is one of homage'to the
monarch and climax comes in the last
stanza, which runs as follows: '
We accepted his toll as our right
None spared, none excused him.
When he was bowed by his burden his
rest was refused him.
We troubled his age with our weak'
The blacker our shame.
When he heard that his people had
need of him
Straightway he came to us.
As received so he gave, nothing grudg
ed, naught denying,
Not e'en the last gasp of his breath
when he strove for us.
Dying for our sakes without ques
tion, he put from him all that
he cherished.
SimDlv as anv that served him he
served and he perished.
All that kings covet was his, and he
flung it aside for us.
Simply as any that died In his service,
he died for us."
It is assumed that the poem has not
been "bulled" In cable transit, but
Its lack of euphony would suggest
that it had.
On Monday morning, May 23 we will move to our elegant and up-to-date
store room in the Betz building
This is the last week! This is your last chance to secure spring and summer
clothing and gents' desirable furnishings at Removal Sale Slaughtered Prices.
Your Choice of Any
Suit on our Tables lor
Representing regular
$15 to $25 Values
This Season's Styles.
Think over your needs for the coming summer, gentlemen, and then pay us a
visit the savings we can afford you are actually cheering. You'll
find many suggestions and examples listed below
Read a little and Save a lot for alter this week the Big Removal Sale
will be History
A Sane.
la a pretty hard thing to accomplish
when you're bin, bilious and out or
sorts. There Is a rare cure for all
kinds of stomach and liver complaints
constipation and dyspepsia. Bal
lard's Herblne la mild, yet absolutely
effective In all cases. Price 10 cents
per bottle. A. fc Koeppen A Bros.
Work Sox
51, 101, s for 25
'or 25.
Fancy Hose
SOc Hose, Removal Sale Price 254
50o Hose, Removal Sale Price 35
75c Host, Removal Sale Price 45
25c Fancy Sox 12 l-2c
50c Suspenders 25c
An Exceptional Underwear Bargain
Fine line of men's Underwear, regular price $1.00
per suit, flesh color, all sizes. For this week OCf
only, garment m39
Stetson Hats
$3.00 and $3.80 Hat $2.00
All $5.00, $5.50 and $.00 Hats for .' $4.50
$2.50 Work Shoes, Removal Sale Price $195
$6.00 Shoes, Removal Sale Price 3.50
$.00 Dress Oxfords and Shoes, Removal Sale Price $4.50
Mexico, Mo. Always eccentric,, the
neighbors thought nothing of it some
years ago when they saw James Rey
nolds, of Guthrie, preparing for death
by building a large vault with lime
stone slabs from the cliffs on his farm
and to notice him hewing the boards
from the walnut logs down in his pas
ture for his coffin.
Reynolds finished the coffin some
time ago and set it away till neeaea.
Later, when he was past work, it
dawned upon him that his exceeding
corpulency, although hinted at during
the months he worked on the casnet.
was increasing at a rapid rate, ana li
he lived too long he might not fit the
box, or, rather, the box might not fit
This came true, and a few nights
ago when he died the relatives had to
not only send for an undertaker, but
a coffin as well. He had, grown too
fat and It was Impossible to bury ntm
May 8. Date election laws must be I m the casket because it was too small
complied by the secretary or siaie.
June 6 or 7 (approximate aaw.
Date county clerks must begin to
register voters, but not registering
from September IE to September 28
June 11 (approximate da.te). Date
Bora Win Be Boy
ad are always gettms scrsftsfcee, cuss
aoralM. bruises, bvesps, burns I
scalds. Don't netlest rack tain
tfcev mav result serious If you da.
AddIv Ballart'a Saaw Liniment
trouble. Price Sic, Ifc and ii.
Koeppen A Brea.
A. G. I
county clerks must begin to send lists I cording te directions right away ana
of registered voters weekly to secre-1 t will relieve the pain and neai rm
tarv of state.
July 4. Latest date on wnicn ar
guments for Initiative or referendum
petitions cftn be filed with the sec
retary of state.
July 7. Latest date on which Ini
tiative measures can be filed with the
secretary of state.
July 25. Latest date on which ar
guments against lntllatlve or refer
endum measures can be filed with the
secretary of state.
Aug. 1. Latest date pamphlots con
taining initiative and referendum
measures and arguments can be
. Sept. 14. Latest date " pamphlets
containing initiative and referendum
measures and arguments can be sent
out by secretary of state.
Seot. 23. Latest date on which cer
tiflcates of nominations of candidates
by a political party (other than one
'Which cast 25 per cent of the entire
vote for representative In congress at
the orecedlng election) or an assem
"bly of electors can be filed with the
secretary of state.
Oct. 8. Latest date certificates of
'nominations of candidates by peti
tion of individual electors can be filed
with the secretary of state,
1 Oct Latest date committees or
officers or independent candidates can
. file cuts and arguments for ' and
nmlnnt nominated candidates, etc,
-with the secretary of state.
''Oct. 8 to 10. Dates between which
secretary of state must arrange names
and ballot titles for general election,
filing one,' posting one and register
in one to each county clerk,
net. 11. LateBt date secretary of
state must deliver cuts, etc., for gen
oral election campaign pamphlets to
Soft Negligee ancTGolf Shirts
$5.00 Shirts, Removal Sale Price,
$4.00 Shirts, Removal Sale Price,
50, 65, 75 '$1, 91.255,
, 91-50, ?1.75 and $2.00
$S.t Shirts, Removal Sale Price,
$2.50 Shirts. Removal Sale Price,
$2.00 Shirts, Removal Sale Price,
v orit 0111115
rj , 13.&O sniris, Kemovai saie mw,
Hansen Gloves for men who care
Straw Hats
81.50 and $3-00 dress and straw hats, all shape and all slsee, Removal
Sale Price $1.00
Sweet Orr Overalls and Jumpers
All slses at per pair $1.00
Summer Underwear
that will outwear and at under prices.
$2.50 Garments, Removal
Sale price ....$2.00
$2.00 Garments, Removal
Sale price ....$1.65
$1.75 Garments, Removal
Sale price ....$1.35
$1.50 Garments, Removal
Sale price ....$1.15
I1J5 Garments, Removal
Sale price 95
$1.00 Garments, Removal .
Sale price 75
75o Garments, Removal
Sale price (JGC
So Garments, Removal
sale price . -50f
50c Garments, Removal
Sale price ..
Our Removal Sale
Prices on Hats a
great saving for you.
Summer Union Suits
$5.00 Union Suits, Removal Sale price $4.09
$4.00 Union Suits, Removal Sale price $300
83.50 Union Suits, Removal Sale price S2.CS
$3.00 Urlon Suits, Removal Sale price SSiisO
2.50 Union Suits, Removal Sale price '. . ..... $1.95-
82.00 Union Salts, Removal Sale price SlIoS
81.50 Union Suits, Removal Sale price $1.15
BOSTON STORE-Where You Trade to Save
Mother Objects to Removal of Body
Buried Half Century.
New York. Supreme Court Justice
Whitney was asked to decide If the
has been buried for 43 years could be
removed to please its father if the
child's mother objects. The court re
served decision.
Charles Keeler was the ' dead !
fanfs father. He has a lot In Wood.
lawn cemetery transferred to Mary
Salter, fits sister," a number of years
mo. and now owned by Jasper C.
Salter, her son. On this lot Is inter
red the body of the baby tnat aiea
more than half a century ago.
Keeler desires to have the body ex
humed and relnterred in another part
of the same plot, in order that a
monument he would like to erect may
stand where the child's grave Is now
inrntpd But the nresent owner or
the around, and Keeler's own wife,
who is separated from him, and the
cemetery trustees, object to the plan.
Nampa, Idaho. G. A. Meffan, sec
retary of the chamber of commerce
" 10 u.o .1 - of thla ..tv haa been aDDOlnted on the
body of a child aged 10 months wno committe' for boo8tlnK K00d roada
of the state with Governor J. H.
Brady and S. Plowhead of CaldwelL.
The committee thus appointed comes
as a result of the smoker held ' in
Caldwell the latter part of the week.
which was attended by people from
various towns of this part of the
state, and at which time Governor
Brady delivered a speech outlining an
active program for good road build'
ing in this part of Idaho.
A P It Tom Boy.
was Susie climbing trees and fences.
jumping ditches, wattling-, always
getting scratches, cuts, sprains, onus
es, bumps, burnt or scalds- b lewsi
Her mother lust. applied BuoKiens
Arenlca Salve and cured her quick,
Heals evervthln beatable bolls ul
cers, ecsema, old seres, corns or pll
Try It. He at Tallman Co.
An exchange says Taft is a true blue
republican. But an extended defini
IJon Fondles a Child.
In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled
tk haad that a child thrust Into his
cage. Danger to a child is sometimes
great when least regarded. Often It
comes through colds, croup and
whooping cough. They slay thou
sands that Dr. King's New Discovery
could have saved. "A few dosea cur
ed our baby of a very bad case of
croup" writes Mrs: George B. Davis.
of Flat Rock, N. C "We always give
It to htm when he takes cold. It's a
wonderful medicine for babies.'' B
for coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma.
hemorrhages, weak lungs, 60c, $100.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Tall
man & Co.
Be ready to keep the pestiferous fly
out of the house when the weather
turns warm. He Is not only a nul
When Vou BUDLH),
BafliDd to STAY!
Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks
are cheaper in he end; are prettier, more
substantial and far more comfortable in
either cold or warm weather.
Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda
tions, Walls, Fences'and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone
See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks
Deiore you build your home.
1 will furnish your estimates for any class of
work on application.
Contractor and BuHder
Cor.' Railroad amd WfllowStt. Pendleton. Ore
1 ,
state printer.
tion is necessary.
sance but a danger.