1 TEN PAGES. IILY EAST 0.:K;OXtAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATl ltDAV, MAY 21, 1910. PAGE THREE , The Fountain Head of Life Is The Stomach A mm who hat weak and impaired stomach and who docs not properly digest hia food will soon find that hit blood has become weak and impoverished, and that his whole body is improperly and sufficiently nourished. Dr. PIERCE'S GOLDCN MEDICAL DISCOVERY , makes the afomavli etronii, promotes the flow of MieatSve Juices, restores the tost appetite, makes aaalmllatlon pcrlect, Invigorates the liver and parities and enriches the blood. It Is the treat blood-maker, tltnb-bull-iar and restorative nerve tonic. It makes men strong In body, active In mind and cool In ludjiemeat. This "Discovery" is a pure, glyceric extract of American medical roots, absolutely free from alcohol and all injurious, habit-forming drugs. All its lafredients are printed on its wrappers. It has no relationship with secret aostrums. Its every i.igredient is endorsed by the leaders in ell the schools of medicine. Don't occept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this time-proven remedy op knotvn composition. Ask your neighbour. Thcv must know of many cures made hv it during past 40 years, right in ycur ov'-i neighborhood. World's nisnfMism-y Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, . !'ifrR0, N. Y, 1 V U. OF 0. AND 0. A. C. WILL NOT DUPLICATE COURSES IN TWO COLLEGES AHE TO BE DIFFERENT Complaint kMade Agalnwt Diuriicfltlon of" Instruction Trends to Remedial Order by Board of nigrlicr Curricu la Each Cuts Out Some Depart ments. Hereafter, there Is to be very little duplication of instruction In the Ore gon Agricultural college and the Uni versity of Oregon. An order issued by the board of higher curricula, created by the last Oregon legislature, gives to each a distinct field, and removes cause of complaint by those who for merly objected that the same char acter of instruction was given at both Institutions. Courses In mechanical and mining engineering which have been given In both Institutions are ordered by the board to be confined to the agricul tural college. The courses in com merce are so well dlvfded that practical-commercial Instruction as now given at Corvallls is continued there, ' while a higher course in the branch Is given at Eugene, but so segregated that there Is no duplication. The only cases In which the same subjects are taught at both Is In electrical and. civ il engineering, and on account of the wide demand for them, together with the fact that both institutions are al ready equipped for giving Instruction, the board ordered both subjects con tinued at each. A further upecificn tlon In the order Is that no addition al courses shnl be established at either institution without the consent Of the board of higher curricula. Result of Investigation. The order Is the result of much In vestigation and a succession of hear ings, the last of which was held in Portland April 28. The members of the board are Dr. J, R. Wilson of Port land academy. Representative Reals of Tillamook. Senator C. J. Smith of Pendleton. Senator J. E. Hedges ot Oregon City, and Senator Coshow of Rosehurg. The full order of the board Is as follows: "1. The department of inccliankHl engineering and mining engineering, shall be confined to the state agricul tural oollege. "2. In view of the fact that strong departments in civil engineering and electrical engineering are now estab lished in both the state agricultural college and the university, these de partments shall continue to be a part of both Institutions. "3. The school of education, as such shall be confined to the Univer sity of Oregon, but this rule shall not bo construed against the mulntonunro by the state agricultural college of a department of industrial pedagogy and the provision by this institution for such work: In connection there with, or related thereto, as may be necessary in training persons to teuch industrial subjects ih the common and high schools. In accordance wlth the provisions of the NelBon amendment of 1007 to the Norril act of 1890, and the Interpretation thereof, and the In structions given In connection there with, by the United States department of the Interior. lcmrtnients Defined.. "4. The department of economics and sociology as defined and describ ed on-pp. 91-93 of the Current Issue (1909-1810) of the catalogue of the University of Oregon, and the school of commerce as described on pp. 80-81 of the same issue of the catalogue of the University of Oregon, shall con tinue In the University of Oregon. "5. The course in commerce In the" state agricultural college as describ ed and defined In tho current Issue of the catalogue of the state agricultural ocrtlege (1909-1910) on pp. 90-91 and pp. 165-19. shall be continued in the state agricultural college. "6. No new school, department, or course may be established in either thu state agricultural college or the University of Oregon until the , plan of such school, department or course shall have been submitted to this board and have received its approval." Portland Journal. THE KAISER WOULD ROIl .STUDENTS OF THEIR DEER Berlin. The Kaiser has given an othefproof of his Imperial freedom of spirit by condemning thhe beer drink ing habits of German students. Among young men at the universities of this country excessive drinking of beer is not regarded merely as a par donable indulgence, but as a positive virtue. Many of the students' clubs or "corps" as they are called, exist for no other purpose than to encour age the consumption of malt liquor. Tn most cases they Impose on their members the obligation to attend dur ing the teum a certain number, of "beer evenings" at which for hour af ter, hour mugs are emptied In eager rivalry. For some years past there has been a strong reaction among the mure thoughtful - students themselves against this custom, "which is un doubtedly to some degree respon sible for flie unseemly corpulence of so many young men in this country, to say nothing of more serious con scqueiu'es. During his visit to Alsace the' em peror took occasion tj address an earnest protest against this drinking practice, which he described as a gr:it disadvantage for the German nation as well ns for the individual student." Roth, he said, fell In con sequence behind foreigners and par ticularly the English and Americans. The emperor added that residence In the tropics, on which the Germans, with their increasing world trade, were becoming more and more de pendent. Vus exceedingly dangerous fur men who had habituated them selves to overindulgence in beer drinking. Foley Kidney Pills are antiseptic, tonic and restorative and a prompt corrective of nil urinary irregularities. Refuse substitutes. Koeppen Bros. It is said that Rockemorganheim is sad; he sees no way to corral and capitalize the comet for his enrich ment. s j4 BEAVTIFVL COMPLEXION & BETTER HEALTH Will come, naturally, if Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna Is used, when a pleasant laxative remedy is needed, to cleanse the ystem gently yet effectually and to dispel colds and headaches due to constipation. Its world-wide acceptance as the best of family laxatives, for men, women and children and its approval by the most eminent physicians, because its compo nent parts are known to them and known to be wholesome and truly beneficial, are the best guarantees of the excellence of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effect Always buy the genuine, MANUFACTURED BY THE California Fig SyrupCo ' Buy a bottle today to have irTtfieTouse when needed. 3sL RETORT THAT JAPANESE ' ARE PREPARING FOR WAR . Berlin. Disquieting news reaches Berlin from the far east. . According to the reports which areVcurrent In high circles, the situation in Japan is very similar to that which existed Just previous to the outbreak of the Russian-Japanese war. At all the Japanese dockyards the men are working the full. 24 hours on the ships under construction and the same thing Is true of tho arsenals and establishments for the manufac ture of war material. At both army and navy headquar ters the general stuffs are working under full pressure. Of course this may all mean nothing but it is recall ed that for months before she enter ed upon her great struggle with Rus sia she -adopted the same tactics. It Is believed In diplomatic circles that directly Japan considers her financial position Is sufficiently strong to war rant her adopting a belligerent atti tude, trouble is in store for one of the other powers. And by general consent that power Is the United States. It Is believed here also that some idea of this sort Is felt at Washing ton and that the recently announced Intention of President Taft to send the American battleship fleet' on another voyage around the world is due to Japanese activity. The kaiser has said In case there should be trouble between Japan and the United States, Germany's moral support would certainly be given to America, and if needed more than mdral support would be forthcoming. The kaiser .regards Japan as a dan gerous enemy to the western civiliza tion and has more than once express ed himself strongly along this line. For More Than Three Decades. Foley's Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs'. For In fants and children It is best and safest as it contains no opiates and no harm ful drugs. None genuine but Foley's Honey and Tar In the yellow packa-. Refuse substitutes. Koeppen Bros. NORWAY IS IN FIGHT AGAINST WHITE SLAVERY Copenhagen, Denmark. Norway Is taking a very deep Interest In . 'the crusade agalnfft the white slave traf fic. King Haakon at the suggestion of the queen has made a study of the situation, as it effects Norway, and at his suggestion the minister of re ligion has issued a circular to the clergy requesting "that young girls preparing for their first communion should be also Instructed respecting the dangers of taking situations In for eign countries without previous In quiry." . Not only this, but at the king's re quest the Scandinavian-American line has decided to place upon its vessels a reliable woman whose duty it will be to look after all young girls and women traveling m the. ship. This Is a most excellent Innovation and one which can not fail to be productive of the happiest results. The dangers of the young immigrant girls are so many while at sea. Foley's Kidney Pills contain In con centrated form Ingredients of estab lished therapeutic value for the relief and cure of all kidney and bladder ailments. T'oeppen Bros. YACHT VALIANT IS SOLD. W. K. Vanderbilt Disposes of His Fa mous Craft for $150,000, ' London. The sale of W. K. Van derbllt's yacht Valiant for $150,000 removes from the sphere of Vander bilt Influence the craft which Freddy Beach once said should be called the "Scandal Seagoer." It is recalled that the Valiant was the seine of the negotiations between the Duke ' of Marlborough and Mrs. Vanderbilt when the unfortunate mar riage between her daughter and the Lduke was arranged. Afterward It was the scene of the first meeting- of the couple.. Later it was on ' the same yacht that W. K. Vanderbilt had- a furious quarrel with his wife over O. H. P. Belmont and the resultant divorce. MOTOR nOATS ON K1LLARNEY. Inkcs of Poem and Song W1U Hear Staccato "Chug:." Dublin, Ireland. At last the Kil larney lakes are to be set free. from the thraldom and peril of the old row ing boat, which was the cause of bo many disasters and loss of life when battling with the waves in the sud den storms for which the place is notorious. The first Bteam and motor vessels will ' be placed on the lakes for the coming season. Good Roads. A special representative of the U. S. department of agriculture, Wash ington, D. C, Dr. Maurice M. Eld ridge, best known authority on good roads In this country, will speak on that subject at the following points on the dates shown: ' Baker City May H. Enterprise May 18. La Grande, May It. Heppner May 10. ' Pendleton May tl. Condon May IS. Moro May 14. ' The DallesMay 25. Hood Rlver-May It, Dallas, May 27. Portland May 28. McMInnvllle May 30. Forest Grove May 81. Oregon City June 1. Salem Jane I. Albany June 8. Corvallls June 4. Eugene June I. Roseburg June 7. Grants( Pass June 8. Medfofd June 9. Ashland June 10. T. F. O'BRIEN. Agent. Pendleton, Oregon. WM. MMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Remorse is the only steadfast friend of grief, y and reform the sole support of repentance.. i...7K i,:t n-to --ekt.i . v r-- A" ' JlL Jr& A on The Addition With Character There is an individuality about Laurelhurst which appeals especially to the man who is looking, for a home-site where he may feel certain that his family will be subjected to an environment of refinement, culture and beauty. Aside from the fact that the tract is being most highly improved by the city ' and that the property i3 restricted to only the very highest type of dwellings, . Laurelhurst appeals to the conservative investor because of its proximity to the heart of the business and shopping district and its accessibility, being served by three different carlines. At, Original- Prices Oto From $.900 Up Laurelhurst offers rare opportunity for ideal investment. It is absolutely safe Li-cause it ics in the heart of the best residence- district of the East Side, a dis trict where values are. assured and have Iwn assured for years, a district in .which there has always been a demand for home-sites, a district where values will advance from 50 per cent to 100 per cent within a year. This is why Laurelhurst is selling so rapidly. It explains the enormous sales which have been made during the past few months. . , v 4 Laurelhurst offers ideal investment because all lots in the south half, which is that portion lying south of East Glison street, are still being offered at the original prices. It is in this half in which Ladd Park is located. TIIIS property will soon be sold out. BETTER get some of it never again will such an OPPORTUNITY present itself. 1 Join Our Representative W. C. Koehne on one of his SATURDAY trips to Portland and see this beautiful property. If you make a purchase the company will pay your R. R. Fare both ways--plus yow sleepers That Seems Fair Enough-Don't It. Terms, 1 0 per cent Cash 2 per cent per month FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE OR WRITE Hotel Pendleton, Pendleton. Ore w c. TOE