'v ."V J 4 DAILY EAST OREGON1AN, PENDLETON. OREGON. SATCRBAY, MAY 21. 1910. TEN PAGES. PAGK TWO. After Supper FOR Saturday Evening Only 10GS YDS. OF FINE VALENCIENXES LACK value 8, 10S 12 1 2 SAT URDAY AFTER SUPPER,, yard 5t COLLAR PINS, SHIRT WAIST SETS, values up to 50, Saturday After Sup- , 23 per Embroideried Handkerchiefs, 25c and 35c Grades, After Supper 18c Rushing25c and 35c the yard, Saturday After Supper, 14 inch 11 l-2c Men's Golf Shirts Without collars, fine grade, extra well made. A frod assortment of patterns. Regular $2.00 and $3.00 Shirts, Satur day After Supper, choice . $1.19 PANAMA HATS HALF PRICE. 'EM OUT." TICK Red Goose School Shoes Will go at the following special reduced prices After Supper Only: Sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2 will go for .. .....?2.95 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, patent leather go for $2.75 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, kid button, go for $2.45 Sizes S 1-2 to' 11 will go for $1.98 si ! W. L.. PC. Vernon 28 19 .696 San Francisco 27 21 .B63 Portland 24 20 .545 Oakland 24 ' 25 .490 Los Angeles 24 27 .471 Sacramento 16 31 .340 COAST LKAGVK. j Oakland, 7; Portland, 6., ' San Francisco, May 21. Oakland's tussle up the 'percentage hill was aid ed yesterday by another victory over Portland. After 12 Innings, Willie Hogan drove the ball down the line for a long single and Wares scamper ed home with the winning run. The score at the finish was 7 to 6. Oak land batted Seaton In free and easy style In the third Inning, scoring four runs off three hits berore he knew what was happening. Hogan was re sponsible for these runs also, his two- base hit with the bases full making three and his own arrival at the plate the fourth run. With two more runs Oakland was in the lead until the ; ninth, when Portland tied the score, The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade ADAMS IN ATHLETIC MEET FINAL EXAMS FOLLOWED BY DAY OF SPOUTS Mrs. T. A. Lleuallen visited in the city of Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. G. O. Richardson went to Pen dleton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lleuallen of Ad ams, and Mr, and Mrs. E. Leonard of Walla Walla, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bane of Helix Wednesday evening. They drove over from Adams In the auto. Bert Curby of the Inland Mercan tile Co., of Adams, Visited In the city of Athena Wednesday. Mr. Pain, an Insurance man of Pen dleton, was transacting business In Adams Thursday. N. O. Carleton of Pilot Rock; Is an Adams visitor this week. j SE. Darr returned to his home In (Special Correspondence.) . ' Adams this week after spending a few Adams. Ore., May 20. At the con- months on his ranch at Meacham. elusion of the final examinations In Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adams visited wliich almost the entire Adams school In the city of Pendleton Thursday, was successful, a grand carnival of F. Blake made a business trip to thletlr. was held, the students being Walla Walla Friday. Contests Arranged for Children of AH Age Large Crowd Witnessed Va rious Events Short I News Notes and Personal Items. . FISH ARE STARVING AXGLKRS DECLARE THEY ARE IX FIXE COXDITIOX SPORTS Standing om TUnnm. ANY $12.50 TO $17.50 en's Spring Suit in our store for only We can fit you and please you our prices are lower all through the store Workingmen's Clothing Co. Then the fight was on until Hogan performed again. Score: R. H. bj. Oakland 7 11 5 Portland 6' 7 4 Batteries Nelson, Dank and Mitz; Krapp, Seaton and Fisher. San Francisco 4; Sacramento 1. ; Sacramento, Cal., May 21. A triple by Vitt, singles by Mohler and Mel-; choir, coupled with "Ping" Bodie's two-cushion shot and. a brace or boots by Darrlnger and Boardman gave the. Seals four runs In the fourth Innjng yesterday and the-game, 4 to 1. nh.rn , i;il .HV,.l flna hall fnr Cti r TTVa T --"'l-"B Cisco, holding his opponents to nine hits, well scattered. Brown was ef fective In every inning but the fourth. Score: . R. H. E. San Francisco 4 6 0 Sacramento' 1 9,5 Bateries . Miller and Berry; Brown and Spiesman. . Vernon 5; Los Angeles 3. Los Angeles, May 21. Franz Hosp settled his differences with Berry yes terday and after signing a contract went Into the box and pitched a los- ( ing game for the Angels. The Ver- j nonites won, 5 to 3, and Los Angeles got the three tallies with only the two , hits allowed by Wlllett. Vernon's four errors accounted for the dis- crepancy. Score: R. H. E. ; Ls Angeles '. . . . 2 2 1 Vernon 5 10 4 Batteries Hosp and Smith. Willett and Brown. ', American League. Philadelphia, May 20. The score: R. H. E. Detroit .....2 10 2 Philadelphia 6 8 I Batteries Summers and Stanuge; Blank and Lapp. ' ' Washington, May 20. The score: R. H. E. St. Louis 1 5 2 Washington 1 3 1 Batteries Lake and Stephens; Wal ker and Street. (Called end sixth inning, rain.) Boston, May 20. The score: R. H. E. 9 1 Boston 4 6 2 Batteries Young, Scott and Block; Smith and Carrlgan. New York, May 20. The score: R.H. E. Cleveland 2 4 0 New York 3 10 1 National League. Pittsburg, May 20. BoBton-Pltta-burg game postponed; rain. Chicago, May 20. Brooklyn-Chicago game postponed; rain. Cincinnati, May 20. The score: ' ' R.H. H. New York 7 10 1 Cincinnati 3 13 Batteries Drucks and Meyers; Schlel, Gasper, Beebe and McLean. Mr. Sportby had given It out that ho was going to spend the day In the country and commune with nature. "What sort of a day did you have, dear?" asked his wife that evening at dinner. "Poor." was the absent-minded re ply. "Five favorites were beaten." Cvery lad who reaches the age of 21 without some definite conviction that he is worth more than $'s in the Batteries -Falkenburg and Clarke; j man market, Is Just so much more Manning and Klelnow. grist' for the exploiter's mill. Many Sportsmen of Project Towns go Out to Reservoir Every Day Other Short News Items. j the participants. The following events were pulled off: A basket ball game by the girls of Prof. Haley's room, In this contest, Ethel Perrlnger, Eleene Bowling and Martha Labodore were the prize win ners and win receive twelve poami photos of themselves. !' A young ladles' tennis game, . in Frank Whitney visited in the city of Walla Walla Thursday. Mr. A. J. Watrus and sister Mrs. E. G. Marquis went to Pendleton Fri day in the auto. At Athena, i Mr. and Mrs. J. Gless and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Winn and children went to the picnic Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lewis and ram- whlch Edith Peringer carried off the ,ly went t0 tne plcnic Friday. prize, a box of bon bons. i jjrs e. Hale and daughter Thelma, 100 yard dash for girls of, 16. Miss went to tne pcnc Friday. Mable Mclntire won this event and ; Mrs H j Curby went to the plc- wlth it a box of bon bona. j n-jc Friday. 100 yard dash for girls of 15, in j Rev. Stockton and daughters, which Edith Peringer received the ' gina and Augusta, went to the picnic box of bon bons. Friday. ' Tug of war, won by a team com- I Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison and posed of Howard Peringer, Bert La- j family attended the picnic Friday In bodore, Revella Lleuallen. Chester j their auto. Spencer and Otis Lleuallen, each boy ( Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Hale attended receiving ten cents. .-, ! the picnic Friday in the auto. Running broad Jump for boys be- j Mrs. Mclntire and daughters. Misses tween tfie ages of 9 and 12, Hobard Mabb and . Guendoline, went to the Peringer winning the prize of fifty Athena picnic Friday, cents. ! Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers went to Hurdle race In which Ravela Lleu-1 Walla Walla Thursday on business, as alien wpn out from a field of seven j he is thinking of investing in an auto, boys, thus winning the pocket knife j F. Martin and family attended the put up as a prize. picnic Friday. Climbing the greased pole. Hobard I ; Peringer succeeded in getting to the usT OF CXCALLKD FOR top and picking off the. one dollar j LETTERS AT LOCAL P. O. Din wnicn was mere. 100 yard dash for boys from 16 to . jhe following list of letters were 20. Elmer Pirard taking first place j unclaimed in the Pendleton, Ore., ani winning one dollar In cash. i postoffice for the week ended May 19, Boys' tennis game, doubles. Chester Spencer and Dan Mclntire won the contr-st, getting a box of bon bons each. Egg race by little girls. Evelyn Ilaley won the first place, receiving fifty cnts In casTi 1910: Grace Allen. A. M. Ames, Henry Al bers, Harden Atterbery, Tommle Bal com, Roy Belts, Blandy Bottby, Arthur Bromley Mrs. WH Brogg, Will Cath-j H G. Newport returned from La- uhans. E. and W. Chandler, Robert Charlie. Chung Lung Kee, Thos. J. Potato race for girls of from 12 to: Connelly Mias Elle Coen, C. M. Cros 15. Augusta Stockton carried off the,!gon jijgg Mamie Crowe Claude De prize, s box of bon bons. j Wesse Eilrr3l. Nabb, Lester Erwln, 300 yard dash for girls of from 12 i Edna V. Floranch, Susie- Fowler, W. to 16, Velta McGlnnls winning the one h. Gatward F. W. Gaines, Geo. B. dollar prize. Gariner, Frank Humphrey, Ammon SO yard dash for girls of from 8 to I Heady. Bessie Joshua, Roy Johnson, 9. Helen Blake coming out In the r-has. E Jones. Mav Krebbs. Mary lead and getting fifty cents in cash. Ilah Blake received the prize in the fourth grade for the most headmarks in spelling. Almost the entire town of Adams t s there and all were well pleased with the sports and games of the chil dren, which was arranged by the teacher, Prof. Haley, Miss Barnes and Mr?. Stockton. F. Blake, T. Collins and H. . Lew Is made a business trip to Pendleton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. O Hale of Pendle ton, came up to Adams Monday in their automobile and spent the day on the ranch. H. L. Lewis Adams' barber, made a business trip to Helix Monday. Dr. Plamondon of Athena, made a business trip to Adams Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Gless returned to their home in Milton Tuesday after visiting relative in Adams for a few days. Lent!, J. C. Miller. Philip Martha, Lotta Marshall, Mr. and Ms. Owen, Maud Patton 3, Nellie Peters, Mrs. W. J. Proudfoot, Ot Parker, I. Robinson, Katie E. Ray. Mattle Rugh. Wm. Rathfur Alice Smith, Francisco Siuseppl. Ed Swaney, D. C. Sloan, An drew Skelm, John Schull, Ed C. Umlfh Willi. TXT.ilf OTontnn TTrAfl Avanton. Fred 'Weaver, Johnson Yon- pumpkin. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of enuraigia, hateser the trouble Ij, Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the pain at once and cures the com plaint quickly. First . application gives relief. Sold by all dealer. Love la It own witness to the soul that love; communion Is It own at testant to the spirit that lire in fel lowship; and we can only enter Into Christianity through the door of dis clpleshlp. John Cuckson. (Special Correspondence.) Hermlston, Ore., May 20. Several articles have appeared in the Pen dleton papers lately to the effect that the fish in the government reservoir were starving and that they were not fit to eat. There Is not a day but what three or four parties of local an glers Journey to the dam and report good catches and that the fish are fine. In fact they are equal to the fish taken from the Umatilla west of town. Many Echo and Stanfield an glers visit the reservoir nearly every day and it is attaining quite a repu tation as a good fishing place. Mrs. H. D. Newell has gone to Port land for a short stay. Phillip A. Stover is getting his out fit ready to leave here the beginning of the week for Alaska, where he will Join a United States geological survey party. This makes his third season in the far north. Last night the ladles of the Meth odistchurch gave an Ice cream social Quite a large crowd was In attend ance and all present had an enjoyable time. i Frank Reed of Hood River, Oregon, has been here for the past few days. J. W. WIed of Jefferson, Oregon, came In yesterday to look after his property Interests. W. G. Frltts and W. A. McLallen are here from Erie, Pennsylvania, looking over the project, and will likely locate here permanently. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Henderson of Detroit, Michigan, has been spending a few days In Hermlston. John Waller one of the prominent ranchers In section six received a car of household goods yesterday. It Is reported that John will soon quitthe ranks of the bachelors club. Miss Louise Wise who has been teaching school here the past term will leave for the Sound tomorrow Grande yesterday where he has been looking after his large force of men and teams employed there. G. W. Woterlng and family have returned, from California where they have been for the past month visit ing 'friends and ' relatives. Ihe splendid woric of Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Is dally coming to light. No such grand remedy for Hver and bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless, them for curing constipation, sick headache, biliousness, Jaundice and Indigestion. Sold by all dealers. Genius is the most beautiful gift with which Nature favors mankind from time to time. Through it we are allowed to enjoy what Is most sub lime self-oblivion In a loftier life. Hlller. You Can Cure That Backache, Pain along tbe back, dlEzlnes, headache and general lanenor. Get a package of Mother Gray' AUSTRALIA!! LKAF, the pleaaant root and berb ear for all Kid ney, liladder and Urinary trouble. When you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy one thl remarkable com bination of nature's berb and root. A recnlnto It haa no equal. Mother Gray' AUSTRALIAN-LEAF fa sold by Drngglat or sent by mall for SO cents. Sample seat FRKK. Addreaa, The Mother Gray Co., La Roy, N. T. NORTHWESTERN' LEAGUE. Taooma 8; Seattle 2. j Tacoma, ' May 21. Tacoma bunted Gus Thompson out of the box yester- ! day afternoon and hit Seaton hard ' with men on bases, winning a ludicr- ' us game from Seattle, 8 to 2. Every : Tiger bunted through two Innings and Thompson threw four times to first ; base, the runner going on to third. ; Home runs by Bassey and Stevens and the fine fielding of te Tigers were features. Score: R. H. E. Tacoma .. 2 7 1 Seattle T.2 6 5 Batteries Hall and Blankenship; Thompson, Seaton and Custer. w,'-,v...l!.---l i lv '1 - - -a : : J J""'' " 1,1,1 I 4 TFr .w. . V . til v;...l, ' , - 4 .-,i'fc.a '.H'! IIov. Oregon, located cornet of .Seventh mid Shirk Streets, extending through the block to Park Jitret-i. Portland 'rcoia. Our now Park Street Annex Is absolutely fireproof.- Rates $1 per Day and Up. European OREGON THEATRE t COMMENCING Sunday, May Lowe's Stock Go. Presenting High Class Plays at Cheap Prices OPENING PLAY vi f I it .MISS OM.1IC COOK leading Indy. ddTJIhi(D)?s .Voqdp WnW jfi, .it.j,v-l,.iu-. -jV (T MB. F. BRYAN BOOARDU8 11 Leading "Man. Show Changed Sunday and Thursday Show every night in the Week. Matinee every Saturday 10c to all PRICES Gallery and Balcony Dress Circle Parque. and Boxes 1 0 cents 20 cents 30 cents .5