rAGK TKX. DAILY EAST OUEGOXLAN, PENDLETON, OHEUON, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1010. TEN PAGES. nB am mum 1 Boxes for 25 cts. Standard Grocery Co. 214-216 East Court Street . Phone Main 96 PERSONAL MENTION Newsy Notes of Pendleton J. P. McManua returned to Pilot Rock this morning. J. E. McGrew of Dayton, Wash., has been registered here today. Mrs. Nora Williamson of Lostine, Oregon, Is registered here today. v s 'ting in the city fo a couple of nd' now employed at the Tallman Tta Day's Temperature, Maximum temperature, S6. Minimum temperature, SB. New Druggist Here. E. F. David, formerly with the Woodward-Clarke company In Port- 10 iilLllULIIJLIl I 10 AT ITS BEGINNING BACCAIiACREATE SERMON FOR TOMORROW EVENING Faculty of Pendleton Academy School of Muslo Give Recital Monday Eve ning Clam Day Program Tuesday Afternoon Commencement Wednesday. At the Pendleton academy the commencement whirl is now on In fifll sway and it will continue until after next Wednesday when the grad uating exercises will be held. Tomorrow evening occurs the an nual baccalaureate sermon and as usual the service this year will be for both the high school and academy , Piano Duet (a) (b) (a) (b- j (From Symphony D Major.) i Miss Perry, Mr. Carruth. Miss Young I (a) Mother o' Mine Tours (b) At Parting Rogers i Miss Gates. Toccata and Fugne in D mi nor Bach Etude Nevln Miss Young. Air Varle :....Dancla Cavatina . . . Raff Mr. Carruth.. Kamennol-Ostrow Rubenstein Miss Perry, Miss Young. ...... (a) When to Thy Vision. .. .Gounod t (From Faust) (b- Love is a Bubble AUItsen Miss Gates. Scherzo Chopin Miss Perry. Trio Rondo in G Major. .. . .Hayden Miss Perry. Mr. Carruth. Miss Young Class Day Exerclsea Tuesday afternoon at the Presby terian church and commencing at 3 o'clock will occur the class day ex ercises for the academy. The program for that occasion will be. as follows: graduating classes. The service is to be held at the Methodist church in the evening. The program will be as follows: Organ voluntary. Doxology. Invocation. Solo Miss Edna Gates Scripture. Prayer Rev. Ralph E. Storey Hymn "Come Thou Almighty King." Offering. Special Music .... Mrs. J. S. Landers Sermon .... Rev. Raymond C. Brooks Prayer Rev. Nathan Evans Hmyn "Coronation." Benediction Rev. Nathan Brooks Faculty Recital. Monday evening at the Presbyterian church will occur the recital by the faculty of the school of music at the academy. This affair will be held at the Presbyterian church and the program will be as follows: Trio Andante Hayden Our Optical Work is the Best that a Skilled Workman can make it Let us serve You Dale Rothwell Optometrist. . . . with Wni. Hanscom THE Jeweler Annie Margaret Tullls, Edith EHzbeth Raley. Address of Welcome '. . Edna Mabel Rogers Vocal Solo Edna Zimmerman Class Prophecy. .. .Leila Earl Norvell Piano Solo Sadie Ruth Young Valedictory Maud McReynoIds Smoking of the Pipe of Peace. . .Class Pipe Oration Sadie Ruth Young Burning of Records and Class Song Class Class Day Marshal. .Reuben Beck with Tuesday evening a recital will be given at the Presbyterian church by the students of the academy and on Wednesday evening the graduating exercises will be held. . days. J. A. Fltzwater of Long Creek, has been in the city during the past few days. Lee Teutsch expects to leave to- i morrow for southern Idaho upon a business mission. ! , . j Miss A'LMlynn Stanfield came up i on" the motor car from her home at Echo this morning. X. Seaman. O. R. & N. agent at Kumela. has been in the city on a short business trip. . J. E. Taylor of Echo, was among those in the city today from the west end of the county. Col. J. M. Bentley was among those going to Athena today to at tend the Caledonian picnic. E. F. Avertll, city editor. of the East Oregonlun, Is now in Wallowa county upon a business trip. Mrs. A. E. Taude was among the ladies coming up from Hermlston on the motor car this forenoon. Frank Sloan superintendent of the lands under the Furnish-Coe project. Is a visitor in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. James Hill came down on the Northern Pacific train today from their home near Helix. Robert Laing, the well known re tired farmer, went to Athena today to attend the Caledonian picnic. P. B. Hoisington of Echo, is up from that place today and is attend ing to business matters In the city. . Anton Nolte left yesterday after noon for Pasco after having been here upon a two days business trip. Lee D. Drake, advertising manager for the East Oregonlan, is at 'Athena today attending the Caledonian picnic. Joseph Basler, formerly of this city and who has just sold the last, of his local property to George Darveau, is now visiting In the city. O. A. Cannon, who taught school at Echo during the past winter was a visitor at the county school super intendents office today. Robert Dick, resident of the Pilot Rock country, returned to the. Rock this morning after having cared for business matters in the city. , drug company. He takes the position left vncant by George Fell LOCAL inGn SCHOOL WILL GRADUATE 23 (Continued from page 1.) The program announced for Thurs day evening follows: Organ Voluntary . .Mrs. A. J. Owens Invocation Rev. Ralph E. Storey Salutatory Pansy Ireland Oration "Scientific Farming" Harvey McDill Vocal Solo Selected Miss Bernlce Ruppe Oration "The Store-house of Lit-' erary Treasures" Laura McKee Oration "The Central Bank". Lyman Rice Vocal Solo Selected Mrs. J. S. Landers Oration "Conservation of Our Natural Resources" . . Hawley Bean Oration "Work of Jane Addams" Lottie Mentzer Oration "Conquest of the Air" . . . . Hans Struve Vocal Solo Selected Miss Edna Zimmerman Oration "The Twenty-first Cen tury Edith Crockatt Valedictory Laurence Whitman Presentation of Diplomas (for the School Board) Dr. C. J. Smith Vocal Solo Selected. Miss Edna Gates Benediction Rev. Nathan Evans The colors of the outgoing class are purple and white the flower white carnation and the mottor "He con qufrs who conquers himself." Will Finish Hearing. The taking of testimony in the hear ing to adjudicate the rights to water from the Umatilla is still on today. However, It Is understood the board will close its session this evening. Editor Will Preach. ' ' Rev. Arthur Leonard Wadsworth, A. M.. field editor of the Pacific Baptist, will occupy the pulpit at the Baptist church tomorrow. Rev. Wads worth is from South Pasadena, Calif. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FOR SUMMER COMFORT We have a large assortment of well made negligee shirts in pretty late day patterns which we are offering at Reasonable Prices , Also a large showing of the big eastern fad , CHANTECLER NECKWEAR The first in Pendleton in the pretty new colors, and chantecler red, see" them in the big corner window, t- Workingmen's Clothing Co. John A. Engle Dead. At St. Anthony's hospital at .8:30 this morning, John A. Engle died from the effects of cardiac asthma. He had been 111 at the hosDltal for three weeks. The deceased was aged j 69 years and five months. The funer al is to be held from the Fo'.som un dertaking parlor at 2 p. m. Monday. Young Will Ca On. In the circuit court today the at tention of Judge Bean is taken up with a hearing in the famous Young will case wherein Mrs. Mabel Warner seeks' to secure possession of the es tate of her uncle, the late J. W. Young. The case Is being, tried In the circuit court upon an appeal from the county court. D. W. Bailey rep resents Mrs. Warner' and Messrs. Fee and Phelps the other heirs. J. P. O'Brien Was Her. In his special car Oregon '01, J. P. O'Brien, vice president and general manager of the Harrlman lines In Oregon, reached Pendleton early this morning. He is on his way back from a trip to Wallace, Idaho. He ran up to Pendleton In order to get a day-time view of the work being done on the Yoakum-Pendleton line changes. His car was attached to lo cal train No. 1 this morning. Mrs. A. C. Smith of lone, left this morning for that place after visiting with her daughters In this city while en route home -from Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Laughlin of Hermlston, were passengers on the motor car this morning. Mr. Laugh lin Is in the realty business in Hermlston. 73 OUT OF 135 PASS EIGHTH GRADE EXAMS Save money by reading today's ads. Everywhere Every Day Out of 135 eighth grade pupils who took the recent examination within this county 73 made passing grades and so are entitled to eighth grade di plomas. The list of successful appli cants is as follows: Baline W. Hansell, Bessie Freltag, Ellta Gillette, Mary Malcom, Agnes Donaghue, Besse Andrews, Mary Hou ser, Mabel Lambrith, Charles N. Manela, Frank Cunha, Lee Ackley, Eugene -Jones, Kyle Moore, Ellen Al len, Buelah Gormley, Harlan Willis, Wadie Long, Harris Davis, Elsie Kep ler, Loeth Dunlap, Philip L. Lay, Lil lian Sheldon, Grant . Skinner, Alta Goodman, Elaa M.. Stever, Edmund Walker, Archie Mclntyre, Nina Jack,, Ruth Rothrock, Ruth Kidder Roy Ljjeuallen, Alvah Wurzer, Carl Brut sche, Lucile Kemp, Ethel Wadding' ton, Craig Driscoll, Leonard Blom gren, Monroe Turner, Roscoe Smith, Dora Ownby, Charles Davis, Chloe Richards, Dwlght C. Porter, Grace Armstrong, Telia H. Todd. Wallace Stoolfire, Walter Lucas, Ray Bridge water, Chester Johnson, George L. Steward, Anna McEwen, Eva Mum ford, Minnie Harman, Hessle Pitch ford, Agnes Schneider, Fred Buchan on, Clement Howard, Ragner Carl son, Ida M. Anderson, Albert Ander son, Carl Peterson, May Alward, Mar garet Anderson, Marion Rhlnehart, Juanita Plersol, Wayne F. Gladden Chester M. Bronson, Ethel Perlnger, Stella Reed. Eileen Bowling. LUHe I Peebler, Lucile French, Myrtle Rhodes, Phillip Hunt, Bertha L. Bleakney. Bessie Andrews of district No had the honor of making the highest general average In the examination, .She made an average grade of 97 4-9 Elsa M. Streever of district No. 25 was second with a grade of 96 7-9, Off to Track 3feet. At La Grande today five represen tatives from the Pendleton high school are participating in the annual eastern Oregon scholastic track meet. The representatives from Pendleton are Boylen, Fee, Kimball, Gordon and Finnell. The team is under the guid ance of Professor Brown. At La Grande this evening an oratorical con test is to occur In which the Pendle ton high school will be represented by Miss Pansy Ireland. i Rice on Debating Team. When the Pendleton high school debating team appears on the plat form at the University of Oregon to meet the Eugene high school team for the championship of Oregon, the chair pf second colleague will be filled by Lyman G. Rice instead of Miss Pansy Ireland, who has contested In all of the preliminary debates. This was announced yesterday when it be came known that M'ss Ireland would not be able to accompany the team through physical Inability. While Rice Is a new man in forensics, there Is general satisfaction over his selection as he has a splendid bearing and is a good thinker. The debate Is sched uled for June 3. ; Money for Olney Cemetery. The undersigned citizens of Pen dleton have subscribed and paid the amount set opposite their respective names to be used under the supervi sion of the committee having in charge the care and Improvement of Olney cemetery, said money to be used In hiring men to clear the weeds from every lot and otherwise improv-. Ing said cemetery." This Is a copy of a subscription that has been prepared and to which many signers have al ready been secured. Copies of the petition are now -at the Tallman drug store and at the Koeppen drug store. ThORe desiring to aid In the work of Improving the cemetery are asked to place their names upon one or the other of these lists. The money se cured in this manner will be used to employ men to follow up the volun teer work done at the cemetery yes terday. The move to raise money is being carried on under the auspices of the cemetery committee of which Councilman Dyer is chairman. In the drafting and the circulation of the subscription list the lead was taken by Lee Teutsch. Our work Is met with on the streets of Pendleton. Especially may we make this claim, of the clothes worn by particular men and women. If and Ellen Allen of district No. 5 third you want to be assured that your clothes will come home right, send them to Pendleton Dye Works 101 1-1 East Alt St., PhoM Mala 111 with a grade of 98 6-9. The Parish Aid of the Church of the Redeemer, will serve a dinner In the Smith-Crawford building on Wednes day, May 25, beginning at 11 o'clock Price -35 cents. Churches panted by Mrs. children. Ferguson and hei German Evang. Lutheran Church. Services at Pendleton Sunday, May 22, in thhe Presbyterian church, cor ner College and Alta streets, at 2 p. m. .All are cordially invited. Geo. L. Sprattler, pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church. Corner Webb and Johnson streets, N. Evans, pastor. Morning theme, "The" Power of the Invisible.", The Baccalaureate services of the high school and Pendleton academy will be held in . this church in the evening. Rev. Raymond C. Brooks of Walla Walla, will preach the sermon. Sun day school, 10 a. m.; Epworth league. 7 p. rri.; preaching, 11 a.m. and 8 p. m. Christian Science. Services on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject "Soul and Body." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Services on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Reading room open dally from I to 4 In the afternoon. Everybody cordial ly invited. Corner E. Webb and John son street. ' Church of the Redeemer. Tomorrow being Trinity Sunday the holy communion will be celevrated at 7:30 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; divine service with sermon at 11 a. m. The evening service will be at 8 o' clock Instead of 7:30. All are cor dially Invited. Charles Quinney, rec Presbyterian. At the Presbyterian church Sunday school services will be held at 10 o' clock and church service at 11 -a. m. In the evening no church service will be held owing to the baccalaureate service for the high school and the Peridleton academy. SOCIETY EVENTS. (Continued from Page Six.) ker, to occur on Wednesday, June the first. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wlnans. and Mr. and Mrs. Casper drove over from Walla Walla yesterday In a big touring car and were the guests during the day of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Roosevelt. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Thompson and little daughter Thelma left Friday by auto for Portland. They go first to Antllope where they will visit Mrs. Thompson's aunt, Mrs. Chas. Rurbin, then on to Portland. t Miss Anna Bracken,, who has been the guest of Mrs. C. J. Ferguson for the past two weeks will return to her home in Walla Walla Monday, accom- Miss Phlnney leaves tomorrow mor ning for Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, where she will spend her vacation. She will return about the middle of September to resume her work as teacher of pi ano. - Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. Thompson, Miss Bertha Alexander and Mr., H. Collins drove to. Walla Walla on Sun day In the Thompson automobile, re turning the same evening. Attorney J. P. Neal of Freewater, came up from the east end Wednes day and was among the number of out-of-town people at the first public concert Wednesday evening. Miss Lula .Hubbard of Walla Wal la is the guest of Miss. Bernlce Ruppe. Both young ladles went to Athena today where they have class es in music. Mrs. Mark Moorhouse was a very charming hostess two afternoons this week. Five hundred was played on both occasions, x Dr. C. J. Smith and family were among the many automobllists who attended the Caledonian picnic at Athena Friday. ' Mrs. Levi Ankeney and Mrs. John Ankeney of Walla Walla, are visit ing in the city as the guests of Mrs. F. E. Judd. Mrs. Ira L. Ray of Portland, it the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mr. Jesse Falling. - Mrs. Frank Hayes entertained in formally at bridge on Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. U. A. Hartman of Portland, la In the city, the guest of Mrs. L. H Sturgts. ANOTHER FRENCH AVIATOR -FLIES ACROSS TnE CHANNEL Dover, May 21. Count DeLesseps, a French aviator, crossed the English channel, is an aeroplane this after noon. He landed near Dover, repeat in:; Blerlofs performance. SILVER We have a beautiful array of wedding silver for your inspection. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE " JEWELER y PENDLCTON. OREGON A Jack rabbit looks bigger to a lit tle boy than a Hon does to his father. '7 J )ttm Cheaper Than Gas Denatured Alcohol 75c a gallon at F. J. DONALDSON, Reliable Drvggtot WHOOP-EE! THE HOTTEST GAME OF THE SEASON WESTON vs. PENDLETON The League Leaders 2nd in percentage column Matlock Grounds at 2:30 P. M. The Pendleton team has been strengthened by new material and we will be in the game to win Sunday. Ill I m 22 If you like clean, fast amateur ball, don't miss this game.