East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 20, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Amateur Play IMeaHes.
Condon. Tho pupllH of the Gilliam
county high school presented the
comedy, "The Freshman" Wednesday
night to a crowded house. The whole
cast showed splendid presentation and
the play was one of the most suc
cessful amateur performances ever
given In Condon.
KtiUicrlin Man Injured.
Oakland, Ore. R. A. Hughes, an
employe of the Sutherlln Land com
pany, was run over by an automobile
Tuesday morning at Sutherlln. He
was brought to Oakland for medical
attention. His physicians state that
while no bones are broken Hughes Is
badly bruised. He will recover.
Forger to be Returned.
Salem, Ore. A requisition for the
return to Spokane of K. Fukeeda,
wanted in that city for forgery, was
honored by the executive Wednesday.
Fukeeda is under arrest at Portland
and S. D. Doak Is appointed agent to
take charge of the prisoner until ho
Is returned to Spokane.
Free Text Hooks In Schools.'
Olympia, Wash. The Olympia
school board has voted to Install free
text books in all the grades from
primary to the twelfth. This is the
time for regular schoolbook adoption
In tho state, and the action of the
Olympia directors will become oper
ative with beginning of the fall term.
Hay Invites Benson.
Salem, Ore. Governor Benson
Wednesday received a personal In
vitation from Governor M. E. Hay of
the state of Washington to be his
guest next' summer during the en
campment of the natlomw guard of
the northwest states at American
lake In Washington from August 15
to 26.
Woodmen Close Convention.
Eugene, Ore. The Southern Ore
gon district convention oi Ao Wood
men of the World, which convened
at Springfield Tuesday, came to an
end Wednesday evening. Klamath
Falls was chosen as the next conven
tion city, and the following grand
delegates were chosen: R. L.. Drury,
of Coburg; J. X.. Brown of Marsh
field, and J. L. Bailey, of Lakevlew.
Deputy Sheriff Indicted for Murder.
Canyon City, Ore. The grand Jury
In session here Wednesday brought
nn inrilftmi.nt azainst Deputy James
H. Cassldy for first degree murder o
Oliver Snyder, which occurred near
Hamilton, December 25, 1903. Don
irintnt, TTnnMt shields. Earl Shiel-.
and Albert Green were also Indlctei
and will be arrested today. These are
the men accused of lynching Snyder
last December.
bcatlle Buyers After Cherries.
The Dalles, Ore. 'Robert Munri
and Walter P. Wllklns, repreBontim;
two loading produce houses of Se
attle, are here ' negotiating with The
Dalles Fruit Growers' association for
the purchase of a large portion of
The Dalles cherry crop. They are al
so arranging to handle other fruits.
' They say The Dalles cherries lead all
others In shipping qualities and com
mand a better price in the Seattle
market than those raised In any other
Baker Man Twice Sees Conief .
Baker City, Ore. Having twice
seen Halley's somet In his lift-time Is
the unusual experience of William
Bennett of this city. He remembers
dlstlnrtlv seeinir the strange heaven
ly visitor when It appeared 76 years
ago. At that time he was only six
years old and lived with his parents
In Pennsylvania. He says that the
people then had about the same opin
ions concerning the comet as they
have now.
First Ilutcliwy Prospers.
Woodburn, Wash. The state fish
hatchery on Johnson creek, seven
miles above 'Woodland, which has
been In charge of Superintendent
Strass during the past season, was
visited last Saturday by state Super
intendent Crawford, who reports a
very good season, but the work was
handicapped by the summer log drive
.which prevented as large a take of
salmon as wus expected. The season
resulted In an output of about 600,
000 salnion fry being turned out.
Village Blacksmith Loses Hoard.
Asotin, Wash. When Phllllman
Ramsdale lost his blacksmith shop in
a fire Monday night he also lost his
fortune. He had kept over J500 In
a bag partly filled with nails and
scrap iron, preferring to leave his
money hidden rather than trust it to
a bank. The heat of the fire fused
the gold and Iron together, and when
Ramsdule found his hoard it present
ed a sorry Bight. The blacksmith is
now looking for a friendly smelter
man to return his savings to him.
McCormlck Withdraws From Race.
Tacoma, Wash. In a card to the
A model'
for every figure.
public Rv L. McCormlck has offici
ally announced his withdrawal from
the race for the United States senator
ship. The gist of his card Is that
while feeling certain of election the
threatened loss of his eyesight com
pels him to quit the campagln.
He has been warned by eye -specialists
and his physician that a strenu
ous campaign will certainly mean for
him total blindness. He says that his
health and family are paramount and
hence, thanking the people of Ta
coma and of the state for their cor
dial support he withdraws from the
, Judge W. H. Snell is more promi
nently named as the man to begin
where McCormlck left off in the sen
atorial race.
Hit; Mining Deal Pending.
Baker City. One of the biggest
mining deala'ln the history of eastern
Oregon Is now pending anu if carried
to a successful terminntioii will re
sult In a great boom for the gold dis
trict near Sumpter. Alexander Bar
ing of London, England, is a visitor
In Baker City today consulting with
Kmll Melzer, the manager of the
North Pole mine, and announced that
negotiations are now under way for
consolidating the North Pole and E.
Sr. E. mines. These are two of the
richest gold properties in this section
cf the state and If they can be work
ed together many mlljlons will be
taken from the rocks.
' Lewlston, Idaho. Having finished
the Gilmore & Pittsburg survey across
the state of Idaho, over 300 miles of
almost Inaccessible country, crews of
40 men are expected to be disbanded
here. For several days the crews of
Engineers Vance and Sk'eels have
been here waiting for orders, while
Chief Engineer Roberts has gathered
all his equipment, either for continu
ing work elsewhere or for the purpose
of disbanding. Information "will not
he given out.
Engineer Vance's equipment con
sists of four large, scows which have
been in service ever since the party
left Salmon City nearly a year ago.
One of the scows or flatboats is used
for an, office, one for a bunkhouse,
one for a kitchen and supply house
and the other for a dining room. The
scows are comfortably fixed for occu
pancy. The men declare that the boats
have been a splendid convenience to
them during the entire trip. A cou
ple of extra flatboats are towed along
with the fleet and are anchored above
the ferry landing.
In keeping with the view that the
Gilmore & Pittsburg and the North
coast road are practically under one
hand, the surveys completed here
ended at a point on Snake River ave
nue where at a point on Snake river
avenue where the North Coast took
up Its work last fall In running a line
north from the bridge to a point
across the Clearwater, then up. that
stretm to the Potlatch and then north
oward Tekoa, where North Coast sur
veyors are now employed.
An Ideal Husband
!s patient, even with a nagging wife,
for he knows she needs help. She
may be so nervous and run-down in
health tha trifles annoy her. If she
Is melancholy, excitable .troubled with
loss of appetite, headache, sleepless
ness, constipation or fainting and diz
zy spells, she needs Electric Bitters,
the most wonderful remedy for ailing
women. Thousands of sufferers from
female troubles, nervous troubles,
backache and weak kidneys have
used them and become healthy and
happy. Try them. Only 60c. Satis
faction guaranteed by Tallman & Co,
Grants Pass. Ore. F. J. Blakeley
of Roseburg Is backed by large east
ern capital In a project to build a
storage reservoir at the head of the
Applegate river to Irrigate the valley
In the vicinity of Grants Pass by a
gravity esystem. Mr. Blakeley has
taken the preliminary steps toward
the organl7Jitlon of an Irrigation dis
trict, petitions for that purpose be
ing circulated and signed by a con
siderable number of people. It Is the
clnlm of Mr. Blakeley and his asso
ciates that sufficient water can be
gathered at the head of the Apple
gate to cover 40.000 acres of land,
and the topography of the country Is
such as to make a large storage res
ervoir feasible and without any great
engineering difficulties.
The coming of Irrigation from some
source Is as certain as the sunrise.
The values of fruit lands are constant
ly being advanced by the demands of
Whatever plan of development; Is
adopted by the local Irrigation com
pany. If It goes through as projected.
It will mean much to the city and vi
cinity, for it will put a large amount
of cash into circulation, to say noth
ing of the appreciation of the land
and the Increased attractiveness of the
region for investors.
Klamath Falls, Ore. A carload of
heavy freight wagons received here
by the Meadow Lake Lumber com
pany are to be used In connection
with the big traction engine In the
transportation of lumber from the
mill near the depot.- The wagons are
especially constructed for this class
of work, and will withstand the hard
est kind of usage.
This Is another step in the direction
of modernizing the methods of han
dling the timber of this county, and
is Indicative of what may be expected
In the future. The new capital that
Is coming here now has only ns Its
object the reduction of the cost of
production and the conservation of
the timber. With the modern meth-
On Monday morning, May 23 we will move to our elegant and up-to-date
store room in the Betz building
This is the last week! This is your last chance to secure spring and summer
clothing and gents desirable furnishings at Removal Sale Slaughtered Prices.
Your Choice of' Any
Suit on our Tables lor
Representing regular
$15 to $25 Values
This Season's Styles.
Think over your needs for the coming summer, gentlemen, and then pay us a
visit the savings we can afford you are actually cheering. You'll
find many suggestions and examples listed below
Read a little and Save a lot for alter this week the Big Removal Sale
will be History
Work Sox
5, 10, 8 for 25, 15
for 25f .
Fancy Hose
85c Hose, Removal Sale Price 25
60c Hose, Removal Sale Price 35
75c Hose. Removal Sale Price 45
25c Fancy Sox 12 l-2c.
50c Suspenders 25c
Soft Negligee and Golf Shirts
$5.00 Shirts,' Removal Sale Price,
$4.00 Shirts, Removal Sale Price,
' $3.00
501, 65, 75 SI, $1.25,
SI -50, $1.75 and $2.00
$3.1 Shirts, Removal Sale Price,
$2.50 Shirts, Removal Sale Price.
$2.00 Shirts, Removal Sale Price,
Work Shirts
$3.50 Shirts, Removal Sale Price,
Hansen 'Gloves for men who care
Straw Hats
$1.50 and $2.00 dress and straw hats, all shaps and all sites. Removal
Sale Price ............ I $1.00
Sweet Orr Overalls and Jumpers
All sizes at per pair $1.00
Summer Underwear
that will outwear and at under prices.
$2.50 Garments, Removal
Sale price ....$2.00
$2.00 Garments, Removal
Sale price ....$1.65
$1.75 Garments, Removal
Sale price ....$1.35
$1410 Garments, Removal
Sale price ....$1.15
IliS Garments, Removal
Sale price 95
$1.00 Garments, Removal
Sale price 75
75c Garments, Removal
Sale price 6CC
5c Garments, Removal
. sale price 50
BOc Garments, Removal
Sale price 40
V"MMr ' Y -J
--T 111 ill
Our Removal Sale
Prices on Hats a
great saving for you
Summer Union Suits
$5.00 Union
$4.00 Union
83.50 Union
$3.00 Urion
$2.50 Union
$2.00 Union
$1.50 Union
Sale price
Sale price
Sale price
Sale price
Sale price
Sale price
Sale price
An Exceptional Underwear Bargain
Fine line of men's Underwear, regular price $1.00
per suit, flesh color, all sizes. For this week OC
only, garment tww
Stetson Hats
$3.00 aAd $3.50 Hats $2.00
All $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00 Hats for $4.50
$2.50 Work Shoes, Removal Sale Price $1.95
$5.00 Shoes, Removal Sale Price $3.50
$0.00 Dress Oxfords and Shoes, Removal Sale Price $4.50
BOSTON STORE-Where You Trade to Save
ods that are to be employed It means
the adding; to the lumber output of
the county many millions of feet
which under former methods of han
dling would be lost.
Newberg. Ore. Work on the high
school will begin very soon by the
contractor. R. G. Anderson of Port
land. The work must be-finished' In
six months. The building will cost
$30,000. The building Is to be 130x
77 feet and 45 feet In height, the roof
to be flat and to be constructed of
tar and gravel. The material is to
be of Newberg red face brick, trimmed
with white pressed brick. The base
ment Is to be fitted with a modern
gymnasium and swimming tank.
A Man Wants to Die
only when a laiy liver and sluggish
bowels cause frightful despondency.
But Dr. King's New Life Pills evpel
poisons from the system; bring hope
and courage; cure all liver, stomach
and Kidney troubles; Impart health
and vigor to the weak, nervous and
ailing. 26c at Tallman A Co.
Ladles and Gentlemen!
Bring me your shoes and oxfordi
that need repairing. Soles sewed foi
ladles' shoes Bc, and gentlemen1!
shoes SOc per pair. My latest moderr
machinery Insures you better work
Do yon take the East Oregonlan?
When You BUILD,
Build to STAY!
Re-enfdrced concrete and concrete blocks
are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more
substantial and far more comfortable in
either cold or warm uthor
- - VUlllkl ( "
f.nnrrpfp ctonHc nnrnrnn.j r r-
.. . v unsuiuasscu (Ur msements. bound - ?
lions, walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone
See mv manv beautiful desitrns i
Derore you build your home.
I will furnish your estimates for any class of
work on application.
Contractor and Builder
Cor. Railroad amd WfflowSts. Pendleton. Ore