DATXT EAST OREGOJTLVN. PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 19. 1010. EIGHT PAGES. J NIGHTS AT WESTON I'mstZrl Children Cry for Fletcher's SPENT IN THE DARK TIUNSrX)RMER BURNS OUT AT LIGHT PLANT PAGE SEE. mm The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of p and has been made under his per- sonai supervision since its Infancy. t-uxf7Y. tfC4M Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is C ASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverbshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind . Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.' The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind. You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CINTJIUn COMPANY. 7T MURRAY STRICT, NEW YORK CITY. HERMlSTON TO HAVE CHURCH (Special Correspondence.) Hermlston, Ore., Hay 18 Tester day the contract was let for the build ing of a Catholic church to Howard Frick. The structure will cost about $2600 and be located on the lots on Orchard avenue. W. M. White of Baker City, is the architect. O.P. Morton, bead of the north western legal department of the Uni ted States reclamation service, Is here looking after the Interests of the gov ernment in the water hearing held at Echo the past few days. George A. Cressey, formerly of Hu bert, Wisconsin, Is having plans for fine new house soon to be built on his ranch west of Hermlston. Mr. Rork, secretary of the Colum bia Land company of Stanfield. was down yesterday transacting business. SOME NEWSY NOTES FROM PILOT ROCK US" Citizens Put to Much Inconvenience by Accident Snort Notes and Per sonai Items at Normal Town. State it Oblo, city of Toledo. Lacs Coos- innk 3. Cheney makes oath that be Is senior partner of the firm of F. 3. Che ney Co., doing business lo the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that tald firm will pay the son of ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cored by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cue. FRANK 3. CHtfNET. Sworn to before me cad subscribed la my presence, this 0th day of December, A. D 1886. ' A. W. ULSASON. (8eal Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Core Is takes Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimo nials free. r. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, TSc Take Hall's Family Pills for eonatlpe- Ladlea) and Gentlemen! Bring me your shoes and oxfords that need repairing. Soles sewed foi ladies' shoes 65c, and gentlemen's shoes. 90c per pair. My latest modern machinery Insures you better work. A. EKLUND. (Special Correspondence.) Pilot Rock, May 18. Frank Boyn- ton of Pendleton, was a visitor in PI lot Rock Thursday! Miss Mary Schlegei was the guest of Pendleton friends over night last Wednesday, John Nlssen of the Nlssen Imple ment company of Pendleton, was a visitor In Pilot Rock Thursday. Ralph Clark of Albee was a busi ness visitor in Pilot Rock last week. .Mrs. Ella McBroom left Thursday for Portland to be under the doctor's care. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Francis Gilliam. Z. T. Jenkins, father of S. Jenkins of this' city is quite ill with typhoid fever in St. Anthony's hospital. Jess Jones, the popular young stage driver, has resigned his place as driv er. J. W. Lynch will take his place until another driver can be secured. Joe Holmes of McKay creek was a business visitor in Pilot Rock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lynch and daughter, Hazel, were county seat vis itors last Thursday. M .D. Orange, Pilot Rock's popular druggist spent Friday night in Pen dleton. Mr. Nicholson, United States deputy marshal, was a business visitor in 'Pi lot Rock last week. Mrs. O. W. Llnsner of Nye, .spent Sunday night In Pilot Rock, going on to Pendleton Monday to see her hus band, who has been under the doctor's care In Portland. J. S. Cherry of Pendleton, a former resident of the Pilot Rock country, spent Tuesday In Pilot Rock. Roy Linsner of the Pilot Rock hard ware company, spent Monday night In Pendleton. Weston defeated Pilot Rock last Sunday by a score of 10 to 6- The next game Pilot Rock plays will be with Athena. (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., May 18 Owing to the burning out of the electric light plants transformer on Main street. the merchants and hotel on that street have been without electric lights for several days, making it quite incon venient for them. It will be a day or two yet before the burnt-out trans former can be replaced the order had to bp sent In to Portland, there being none this side of that city to be secured. J. N. Klein, proprietor of the Foun tain Inn, returned from the county seat on last evening's train where he transacted business during the day. Mrs. Lillian Staggs has gone to the Wallowa country to Join her hus band, who is in charge of the G. W. Stagg's . wheat farm lately acquired by Mr. Staggs. Mrs. Staggs has been for several months one of the most efficient and popular clerks In the Jarman department store, and will be greatly missed by patrons as well as by the proprietor and fellow clerks. Frank Sallng, Umatilla's popular county clerk, is in the city today at tending to business matters and look ing after some of his many Interests which he still retains in his old home town, G. W. Mitchell of the Reed and Hawley mountain, is a business visitor today, patronizing our merchants, laying in supplies. W. L. Smock is making dally trips to his farm south of the city with some of his fine potatoes with which he Is loading a car for shipment B. E. Carrico, the merry-go-round man, who has never failed to be on hand at the annual pioneers' picnic for several years, was in town yester day to make arrangements with the committee on grounds for his coming with his outfit on the' plcnla dates. The Reverend E. W. Achilles and family are making preparations for their departure for Spokane, Wash., where Mr. Achilles has been appoint ed to take chcarge of the church of his denomination in that city. They expect to perfect arrangements to leave In a few days. Col. Fred Boyd of the Athena Press Is over from Athena for an after noon visit with his bosom friend, Col. Clark Wood, Will Peterson and John vert, ac companied with others of Athena, were In town today consulting with some of the business men of the city as to county division lines. It Is likely that something will be doing in this division matter before long, es oeslally so if the extreme eastenders continue the agitation of the subject upon their proposed lines of division. Yellowstone Park Visit "Wonderland" the great region of scenic surprises before you go to Earope. Or, If you've seen the Old World, see this year that world of canyons, cataracts, geysers and hot springs, which lies so close at home, iu our own country. Fine hotels, magnificent coaching trip, incomparable climate over a mile above the sea. Northern Pacific Ry. operates through Pullman Sleeping Cars direct to the Park bound ary at Gardiner Gateway, the official entrance, dally during the open season; June IB to September 15, 110. PARK TOUR FARES Effective daily June-12 to September it. return limit October 81, If 10. stopovers both ways For rate of fare, time of trains and full Information call on WALTER ADMIS, tel., Pendleton, Ore. A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Passenger Agent, PORTLAND. The Bcenle Highway through the Land of Fortune. Rnn Will Re BovS and are always getting scratches, cute sprains, bruises, bumps, burns or scalds. Don't neglect such things thev mav result serious If you Co. Apply Ballard's Snow Liniment ac cording to directions right away and It will relieve the pain and neai roe trouble. Price 25c, 60c and $1. A C. Koeppen & Bros. Good Roads. A special representative of the U. S. department of agriculture, Wash ington, D. C, Dr. Maurice M. Eld rldge, best known authority on good roads in this country, will speak on that subject at the following points on the dates shown: Baker City May II. Enterprise May 18. La Grande, May 19. Heppner May 20. Pendleton May 21. Cohdon May 28. Moro May 24. The Dalles May 2.5. Hood Rtver May 26. Dallas, May 27. Portland May 28. McMInnville May 30'. Forest Grove May 81. Oregon City June 1. Salem June 2. Albany 'June Z. Corvallls June 4. Eugene June t. Roseburg June 7. Grants Pass Juno 8. Medford June 9. Ashland June 10. T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent. Pendleton, Oregon. WM. M'MURRAT General Passenger Agent, A Smile. Is a pretty hard thing to accomplish when you're blue, bilious and out of sorts. There Is a sure cure for all kinds of stomach and liver complaints constipation and dyspepsia, Bal lard's Herblne Is mild, yet absolutely effective In all cases. Price 50 cents per bottle. A. C. Koeppen A Bros. Notice to Public, On and after Sunday, May 29, all drug stores will doss at 1 p, m. on Sunday and 9 p. m. on week days, ex cepting Saturday, on which day all stores will remain open until 10 p. m. A. C. KOEPPEN A BROS. TALLMAN & CO. F. J. DONALDSON. PENDLETON DRUG CO. A Regular Tom Boy. was Susie climbing trees and fences, Jumping ditches, whltllng, always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruis es, bumps, burns or scalds. But laws! Her mother Just applied Bucklen's Arenlca Salve and cured her quick. Heals everything healable boils ul cere, eczema, old sores, corns or piles. Try It 26c at Tallman A Co. Liquid Toot Base. Relieves tired, aching and sweaty feet. Happiness for evedy one at 86c a bottle. First Class Drug Stores. Everybody Wins a Prize 1 Henry Lindeman, Greatest Living Pianomaker By Copying This Picture You May Win a $450 K Lindeman P iano gjgr $10,500 in Other Valuable Awards 10 Credit Checks, values at $150.00 each 20 Credit Checks, valued at $130.00 each 20 Credit Checks, valued at $110.00 each 20 Credit Checks, valued at $ 90.00 each 20 Credit Checks, valued at $ 70.00 each 20 Credit Checks, valued at $ 50.00 each $1500.00 .$2600.00 .$2200.00 .$1800.00 .$1400.00 .$1000.00 See how accurately, neatly and artistically you can draw, the above picture of Henry Lindeman. To afford everybody who enters the contest a fair chance, we have placed a dotted outline of Mr. Henry Lindeman's features in the right-hand panel. You can trace your sketch over the dotted outline, with such additions or omissions as you believe will improve the picture or you can send iu a free-hand drawing either pen or pencil may be used. To the person submitting the beet sketch neatest and most artistic we will award and deliver FREE a $450 HENRY (Sb S. G. LINDEMAN PIANO This offer is made and the gifts will be awarded by Henry & S. G. Lindeman, for the purpose of advertising their celebrated Pianos in jhis section. Henry & S. G. Lindeman will award a person ally signed check in the order as listed above to each person sending in the next best drawing. This check will be applicable on the purchase of a new Henry & S. G. Lindeman Piano, Player Piano, cr Little Grand Piano. All entries must be mad to Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., Sixth and Burnside street, Portland, Or., who have agreed to act for Henry & S. G. Lindeman. Guaranteed 14-KaraL Gold Point Fountain Pen They are fully warranted, exactly as if they were sold for $2.50 instead of being given away. Write easily, smoothly. Will give great and lasting satisfaction. One of the excellent fountain pens will be awarded to each contestant who fails to win any of the principal prizes. The judges who will make tha awards will be three well-known business men. These simple rules will govern the contest: 1. The competition will close at 10 p. m., Saturday, May 28, 1910. 2. No contribution from a professional artist will be considered. The decision of the judges must be accepted as final. The sketch submitted may be traced over the dated outline in right-hand panel, with additions or omissions or it may be a free-hand drawing. 5. The $450 Henry & S. G. Lindeman Piano will bo delivered to the successful contestant abso lutely free of any charge. v 6. All answers MUST be mailed to ART DEPARTMENT, Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co., Sixth and Burnside, Portland, Or. V. V: v 7. Every contestant is to correctly answer the following questions on this Coupon: 3. .4: R.eed-French Piano Mtg Co. SIXTH AND BURNSIDE, PORTLAND, OREGON. Name Address Give the Name and Address of a friend you think is about to buy a Piano. Friend's Name Address Reed-French Piano Mtg. Company SIXTH AND BURNSIDE, PORTLAND. OREGON. bixm SOLE REPRESENTATIVES HENRY k 8. G. LINDEMAN, PIANO. i