TEN PAGES. iA!L BAnX UlttXIOAlAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 14. 1010. PAGE NINE. Oregon Theatre Sunday Hyenmg May 15th Ihe Big Event Don't Miss The Noted Prima- Donna Comedienne Dorothy Morton In J. J. McNallys Musical Comedy 3 Hours of Fast Fun The Latest Song Hits Talented Company of 30 Beautiful Show Girls Lavish Production and Gowns Prices $1.50, $1, 75c and 50c Seats on Sale Saturday, 10 a. m. Pendleton Drug Co. Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illiutrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. -Be but and iec the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. "WIDOW JONES" PASTIM IlEftli HOGS ARE LOWER IN DROP OP FIVE CENTS OCCURED OX FRIDAY Chicago Wheat Started Strong and Cloned Above Previous Prices- Crop Damage News is All Absorb Jug Topic. Portland Livestock Run. Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Friday ....728 266 Thursday . , 62 Wednesday 48 Tuesday ...401 Monday , , . .765 Saturday . . 63 Week ago .216 27 1072 10 162 7 26 416 700 840 8269 88 636 Portland Union Stockyards, May 13 A loss of 6c Is shown today In the hog market sales of top stuff being made during the day at $10.60. This is due entirely to the lower prices ruling at eastern and middle west centers for recent days. While there was a liberal run of hogs in the yards during the day,' a large per cent of the arrivals : were for shipment to the northern pack ers. Only one load of cattle arrived In today and this was very poor quality. It was sold to Interior people on the basis of $4 for the cows and steers and $3.76 for "the bulls. For good cattle the market stands la excellent condition and the trade believes that top prices reached yes terday could be easily maintained. Market for sheep Is not holding its own and a sale is reported during the 24 hours at a loss of 26c from former values. Spring lambs are unchanged at 85.25. Today's range of livestock prices: Cattle Best steers, $6.40; good steers. 36.25: common steers, 356; cows, best, . 36.26; fancy, $5.00; heif ers, $5.25; stags, $4.6005.25; bulls, $2.6004.60. Hogs Best east of the mountains, $10.60; fancy, $10.50; stockers ana feeders, $9.00. Sheep Sheared, best wethers, 35.50 6.60; ordinary wethers, 36. so; spring lambs, $7.75; ewes, $4.50 4.60. Calves Best, $7.00; ordinary, $6.60 86.75; poor, $3.754.00. WHEAT IS STRONGER IN CHICAGO MARKET Chicago. May 13. Wheat started strong and closed 6-8c to 7-8c a bush el higher than yesterday. There was a firm leeung aDroao and this stimulated the bulls Into ac tion and further short covering was shown In all three options. CroD damage news continues me all-absorbing feature and there was no short selling of note aunng Australian wheat smpmenis: iuh week. 264,000 busneis; tasi woo. 666,000 bushels; last year, szs.ouu bushels. . ..." Cash wheat sales No. z rea, ti.ia. No. 8 red, $l.osoi.u i-s; hard winter, $1.12 1-801.14 1-t; No. 3 hard winter, $1.0701.12 1-t. - Commander Julius A. Pratt Post No. 143 Dept. III., . A. K. Mr Isaac Cook, commander of above Post, Kewanee. 111., writes: "For a long time I was bothered with back ache and pains across my kidneys. About two months ago I started lad ing Foley Kidney Pills and soon saw they were doing Just as claimed. I kept on taking them and now I am free from backache, and the painful bladder misery Is all gone." I like Fo ley Kidney Pills so well that I have told many of my friends and com rades about them and shall recom mend them at every opportunity. Koeppen Bros. MOVING PICTURES OF GOVERNMENT DEPAKlJUia'ra Washington. Moving pictures showing the operations of the gov ernment departments at Washington will soon .be on view In New York, and the films that are being made will probably become available ror use in other cities later. Dr. Henry Lelpzleger or tne ew York board of education Is responsi ble for the Idea as well as for its prac tical application. It Is the purpose of the board to entertain, on two nights of every week, the parents oi me cn- dren. attending the puDiic scnoui- i that city, by illustrated lectures on urrent topics. The scheme nas wui.- ed well so far as It nas neen uoci oped. By Its means the fathers and mothers of the poorer, anu Ke.....j illiterate class, have been shown the workings of the city government Us t schools, its water supply, Its sower system and the thousand and one other details that enter into me evr.y dny life of a great city. It has been rouna tni n niatlon thus aosorDea uy """" hps perculated through to the chil dren. It is now proposed to extend the subjects of the lectures to nation al affairs. - In a recent visit to Wash- ington, Dr. Lelpzeiger mei wun i hnrtlost co-operation by the Treas ury Department. He maae arrausc- n,i .'hprebv ne win do num on his moving picture screens Just how the government makes Its mon ey. The copper, silver or su.a from which the coins of the United States are minted will be shown In the various processes through which they must go before they are in ..t " i..,.i.tinn an money, ana wm . 17 .-u .rl r it una Printing, wnicn HI JMUft . ioi th naDer money vi 1 . k. Illustrated with country,- win n it. intricate machinery in op " " . ... ... . eratlons The revenue cuuot -be shown in motion, and the life-say- .i- i also to be Illustrated In action. The Treasury Department will designate one of Its crack life-saving -o. to oDerate before the moving picture apparatus to demonstrate the work Which inis Dranun ui i" m riolna. Scenes of every-day life on board .hina of the navy and at army posts n-iii niso be Dhotographed. It Is (V Li iJoV2L' ' V J A ) I The original and Syrup of Figs Senna, known world as the best for . men, women and has the full name of Syrup Co. printed every package. It leading druggists size only, regular per bottle. The times offered are and do not give satisfaction; therefore, declined. thought that these pictures will not only show the people how their money oelng spent by the government, and for what purposes, but will give them a clearer insight Into national affairs It is proposed that when the pictures are exhibited some expert from the government service will deliver an ex planatory lecture regarding them. The High Cost of Living. Increases the price of many neces sities without Improving the quality. Foley's Honey and Tar maintains Its high standard of excellence and Its great curative qualities without any Increase in cost. It is the best rem edy for coughs, colds, croup, whoop ing cough and all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. The genuine is In a yellow package. Refuse sub stitutes. Koeppen Bros. CHARLTON AT ELLENSBURG. Northern Pacific Official Boosta for Capital of Kittitas Cownty. Ellensburg, Wash. A. D. Carlton. assistant general passenger agent of the Northern Pacific accompanied by W. B. Sater traveling passenger agent, was a guest at luncheon at the Antlers Hotel Thursday following a nautomo blle trip over the valley. Mr. Charlton said that he was greatly impressed with the natural so lidity here. He stated that he con sldered this a good place for the growth of winter apples. Mr. Charlton and Mr. Sater, P. H. Ross and C. R. Hovey left town early this morning for an automobile trip. They visited Mrs. Loomis' farm, the Badger Pocket country, and followed the line of the Northern Pacific cut off and the Milwaukee railroad in the east end of the valley. The roads were In good condition, and Mr. Charlton repeatedly . remarked about the cli mate. For More Than Three Decade. Foley's Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. For In fants and children It Is best and safest as It contains no opiates and no harm ful drugs. None genuine but Foley's Honey and Tar In the yellow packazs. Refuse substitutes. Koeppen Bros. ' F.SPERANTE8TS WILL MEET IN WASHINGTON NEXT Washington. "Sesa Jnternancla Kongress de Esperanto, Washington, Augusto, 1910." Every Esperanto en thusiast In the world will read this sometime or other between now and ugu8t 14 next. The next "world lan guage" congress is to be held In Wash ington, August 14 to 20, when 2,500 delegates bent upon telling what they know of Esperanto will gather to coin words and maybe unearth another tongue or two that can be utilized In making it a "sure enough" Interna tiona:! language. A new wrinkle has been adopted by the congress this year to advertise the coming session. Stamps have been printed In the color of the Esperan tlsas. On the face of each Is a white globe, representing the world, with a green star in the center and above and below appears an announcement of the coming session. In Esperanto. These have been placed on sale and business firm all over the country will be asked to place them on their cor respondence as they do Bed Cross stamps. Dr. Edwin C. Reed, an Es- pernntlst leader In this country, states that Esperanto Is taught In more schools and colleges now than at any time since the movement was lnau gurated. Recently the Maryland leg islature put the language on the list of subjects to be taught in the schools o;- that state. What Everybody Want. Everybody desires good health which !s Impossible unless the kidneys are sound and healthy. Foley's Kid ney Remedy should be taken at the first Indication of any irregularity and-a serious Illness may be averted Foley's Kidney Remedy will restore your kidneys and bladder to their nor mal state and activity Koeppen Bros, MUSKRAT MOST VALUABLE OF ALL FUR ANIMALS Washington. Secretary of Agrl- ! culture Wilson has lifted the lowly 5OTirirr?i; genuine and Elixir of throughout the of family laxatives, children, always the California Fig on the front of Is for sale by all everywhere, one price 50.' cents Imitations some of Inferior quality should be muskrat into prominence. He de clares the muskrat at the present time is of more importance commercially than the beaver or fur seal. The most important points to be consider ed in dealing with the muskrat as a commercial proposition, are its wide distribution, prolific breeding and ex treme hardiness. The muskrat Is dis tributed over the greater part of North America, from the southern border to the barrens of northwest Canada and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. His fur Is glossy and very dense and is used extensively by fur dressers and dyers, being made to imitate the more costly furs. The skins sell for about 35 cents apiece ana the carcasses bring $1 a dozen. The first heard of the animal as a food. Is from stories of the In dians, then the white trappers and set tlers found the flesh palatable, until now there are regular markets for the "marsh rabbits," In Baltimore. Philadelphia, Wilmington and a great number of western cities, the dealers having ready sale for all they can supply. Muskrat is said to be the fa vorite dish served at dinners given by church societies in Delaware aid Maryland, where the animal abounds and annual muskrat banquets are a feature with certain gun clubs in the west. OCTOGENARIAN BEGINS LIFE ANEW ON HOMESTTAD Lewiston, Idaho. Though near the four score mark in life, "Grandpa" John Addison, a pioneer of the Lew iston country, will begin life anew on a homestead on Lake Coeur d'Alene, which he has Just selected, and which is 'reputed to be worth $25,000. The homestead comprises 143 aires lo cated on the right side of the lake on the way to Harrison from Coeur d' Alene, and is only 16 miles from that city. The claim lies on the lake front at Rockford Bay. Mr. Addison Joined the rush of land seekers last summer and deposited his application for num bers at Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and Missoula and when they were picked he drew number 118. The claim besides having 1.500.000 feet of timber on it has 40 acres which may be irrigated from a spring which rises on the property. Charles F. Grim, a former resident of Lewiston, who drew number 213. has filed on a claim which 1b directly adjoining the land filed on by Mr. Addison. Foley's Kidney Pills contain In con centrated form Ingredients of estab lished therapeutic value for the relief and cure of all kidney and bladder ailments. Koeppen Bros. Liquid Foot Ens. Relieves tired, aching and sweaty feet. Happiness for evedy one at 26c botte. First Class Drug Stores. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of enuralgla, whatever the trouble i-. Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the pain at once and cures the com plaint quickly. First application gives relief. Sold by all dealers. The California strawberries are fair ly good, but O you Oregon strawber ries! ran rvn lid WEAK OR SICK VITR0Y1G0K csumjuia lr. Ltbif't tutlfontpr Mop H bmm. Iu fMl ta Ipm fmm doM. W un m mb rmlliin kt Mr gar that (Car U6 tot ha) wa Ml nt. iJrmu, wnnn nanuea Moon, PYotUTl. tadi IMU Of VV CM '.'.en n faith. twlim so. UW DLEBIQCO. ft SAJT rSVAIfdlC) km 115 Oecldaal Avrmue, SKA When ordertnf pl "I'M IMrtMl Wl MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Bl for annatar dUohtrg4nflUBinttoDi, Irritations or ulrtloni of Dacoal m.mDrmnM P.inlftu. and not fcltrln EEvH$CHt!l?uC0. rat or pairctoui. CIM)iltUn.g.EMaJ by Pr-ag-flil. l wt m . , . Or nf IB pisUl V rFPr, & s I klt Mrir. 1 rrwmt. i?Mlrt4W. 3 Want Ads. E WANTED. GOOD PASTURE Send me your stock to pasture. I have 700 acre of the best bunch grass to be found; well fenced, shade and running wa ter the year round. Four miles east of McKay, eight miles west of Mea cham. Horses, $1.60 per month; cows, $1.00 per month. Address O. W. Burgess, Meacham, Ore. SALESMEN WANTED to sell our su perior line of nursery stock. Can give you local or other territory. Free outfit. Cash weekly. If you can handle this write us. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Oregon. WANTED-rSteady or transient room ers, at the Eureka, 608 Willow street. Light and airy room. Pleasant surroundings. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 1621. FOR SALE. FOR SALE, RIVERSIDE 6 -room house, bathroom, scullery, cement cistern, engine, barn and outhouse, three acres alfalfa, fruit trees, half acre vegetables. C. L. Crockett Phone, R. 2412. FOR SALE Thoroughbred pedigreed Airedale puppies, 4 months old, Just right for fall hunting. Champion stock. Prices reasonable. E. T. Anderson, M. D., Enterprise, Ore. Classified . PHYSICIANC. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOHEO- pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 8411; .esldence, -d 1888. DR. LYNN :. BLA .SLEE. CHRO nlc and nervous disease, and dis eases of women. X-ray a .3 Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 73; residence 'phone. Main SS4. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone. black 3431: residence 'phone, red 3381. KERN BENNETT, DENTAL SUR geons. Office, room 15 Judd build ing. Phone, Red 8301. DR. THOS. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Office in Judd bulldng. Phone, Main 78. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATS Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary Board. Office at resldene 916 east Court St Res. 'phone Main St. ATTORNEYS. RALET RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank blMlng. FEE SLATER, LAWYERS, OF- flee in Despaln building. CARTER A SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in American Nation al Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office in Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17 Schmidt block. PETERSON A WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 8 an. 4 Smith Crawford building. PHELPS ft STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Offices in Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 8, 8, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement warns, stone walks, etc. Phone black 8786, or Oregonlan office. AUCTIONEER. COU F. O. LUCAS, LdVaiBWU Auctioneer. Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. MACHINERY. UNITED ENGINEERING CO., MS chanlcal . engineers. Irrigation power or electric plants gas produc ers. 35-31 P. -I. Bio., Seattle, wash Ington. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL DI rector and licensed embeUmer, Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral car. Calls responded to day or night .'Phone main 71. For gale Ooatlaraed. STOCK RANCH FOR SALE KM acres under rood fence, well wat ered, 80 acres in crop, good chard. Vacant land on two side. $10,600, half down, balance per cent For description, write B. F. P., Long Creek Oregon. GOOD LAND TO LEASE The quar ter section of land belonging to the Tutuilla mission la to be leased. Those desiring such land can se cure terms and conditions by see ing the trustees. A. J. M in thorn, Philip Jones, Parsons Motanlc. J. M. Cornelison, clerk. WANTED CLASSIFIED ADS. SUCH a help wanted; rooms or bouse for. rent; second hand goods for sale; In fact any want you want to fcet Qlled. the East Oregonlan want your want ad. Rates: Three line on time. 20 cents; two times. 80- cent; six times. 70 cents. Five lines on time. 30 cents; two times, 45 cent; ilx time, fl.lt. Count ai zwords to the line. Send your classified ads to the office or mall to the East Ore gonlan, enclosing silver or sumps to cover the amount. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT, Tit College street USE DR. O. W. ROGERS' Stock. St Poultry Remedies. Positively guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by C. B. Bowlsby. 101 West Webb street, Pendleton, Oregon. Do- yon take the East Oregonlan? Directory INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAJCJM reliable abstract of title to an lands in Umatilla county. Loans oa city and farm property. Bay asd sell all kinds of real estate. Doe a general brokerage business. Pay taxe and make investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent insurance. Feferencea. - am bank in Pendleton. JAKES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vice-Pre. C. H. MARSH, Sec. W. D. FLETCHER, Real Estate, Flrv Life, Accident. Health Insurance. Office East Oregonlan Bldg. fala street BENTLET at LEFFINGWELL. REAL. estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location, til Mat street Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FE STABLES. CITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Prop. Livery, feed and sale stables. 0mw rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phone main TO. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODI and. chop suey, Ung D. Goev. orosv At the old stand. Alt street In rear of Tali man ft. Co. MISCELLANEOUS. haik work Ladies, bring yonr hair combings to Madam Kennedy's and have your hair goods .mad while you wait We have a first class hair dresser from Butte ready to dress hair in the latest style. Fa cial massage, scalp treatment and all kinds of hair work done and guaranteed. Highest prices pall for combings. Madam Kennedy. 607 East Court street FRED EIFFERT, auctioneer, Free water, Ore., R. F. D. 1; Walla Wal la, Wash, R. F. D. 1; phone F. L. IX or Freewater Times PENDLETON IRON WORKS RB pair work on all kinds of matmlaes. structural iron work and machln castings. Junction of Court and Alt streets. Marlon Jack, Prop.; A t. May, manager. LET ELECTRICITY DO TOUR work It's clean, reliable ax con venient Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, $5.25. Electric Hot Water and Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock ef Gas and Electric fixtures. First -class wiring of homes, etc. J. L Vaughaa, 81 B Main street SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY. family washing; work done by hand; mending free; goods called for and delivered. 408 East Court street SECOND-HAND DEALERS. STROBUE, DEALER IN 8ECOND hand goods. If there Is anything) you need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his prices. No 212 East Court street FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE Ne. II A. F. and A. M.. meets ts) first and third Mondays t each month. All vMUae teethr DAMON YODGB NO. . of P.. meets every Monday evening In L O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cordial Invited to attend. W. L Gadwa, CC.; R- W. Fletcher, K. o4 R. ft a. P0IYSH0NinrTAIl top tb cotigh nd bal lungs ifi