East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 14, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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pagx bight.
During the X909 trip abroad made
by his father. King George, then
Prince of Wales, had to take on his
shoulders some of the kingly duties.
The result startled England.
The new king previously had been
best known for the things he didn't
do. Even the most loyal supporters
of the royal family did not take him
seriously. Oood-hearted, quiet, i
served, unenereetic. perhaps a little
negative this was the general est!
But when Prince George took the
tiller, he forced his critics to admit
they had underestimated him. He
showed evidences of careful study of
European and colonial conditions, ho
was widely read on every subject. He
made speeches that were clear,
straightforward. Illuminating, force
ful. He howed himself one of the
best informed men in England on na
val affairs.
Previously an extraordinary Ignor
ance prevailed, even in England about
the future ruler. He wasn't the strik
ing, showy personality that his father
was. He didn't set styles for the
world. He was not a gallant. He
avoided the limelight.
It Is apparent, however, that King
George hasn't been wasting his 45
The prince came Into the world a
"younger son." Death In 1892 made
him heir to the British throne by car
rying off his brother, the Duke of
Clarence, who was 19 months his se
nior. Prince George, then 27, succeeded
his brother In the affections of the
popular Princess May of Teck, as
well as in the line of succession. Just
a month before the Duke of Clarence
was to marry the Princess May an at
tack of lnfluenia carried him off. The
marriage of Prince George and the
princess was at the wish of Queen
The new king of England was
known as the Sailor Prince. He went
to sea while still a young boy, and
has gone through every grade of the
naval service. He has cruised around
the world, and made a long trip In
visiting all the British colonies In
Queen May, whose full name Is
Victoria Mary, was destined for a
throne from her birth. She was bora
in the royal palace of Kensington on
May 28, 18(7. She is the mother of
six children.
The new king and queen are very
devoted and are seen everywhere to
gether. Queen May is pretty, a great
lover of her home, and Is thoroughly
English in her thinking and tastes.
She knows no other language.
The only cause for difference be
tween the new rulers Is King George
says his wife gives away every cent
she has. She has started a nurses'
home, a home for cripples, supports
scholarships In schools for girls, and
has two secretaries to look after her
general charities.
Queen May's favorite color is pink,
her most treasured flower the lily.
She has many feminine fads. Includ
ing one for a collection of book plates.
She plays tennis and drives some, but
prefers to walk when it is possible.
Prince Eddie, new prince of Wales,
is 1 5 now, and Is studying at the Roy
al Naval college Osborn, Isle of Wight.
He goes through the same studies as
the rest of the pupils, works In the
shops and the foundry, and likes It.
With a strong Inherited taste for the
navy, he will probably go into the ar
my, and Is already enrolled In the
ranks of the famous Gordon Highlanders,
Grants Pass, Ore. To make more
pleasant the trip to the -caves this
summer the great limestone labyrinths
of Grayback mountain, known as
"Oregon's Marble Halls," will be put
in shape to receive visitors at an
early date These caves are said to
be the largest marble halls in the
world, and .every year are visited by
tourists from all sections of the Uni
ted States. Formerly the caves were
controlled by private Individuals, but
are now within the confines of the
Siskiyou forest reserve, and much the
same as a national park. They will
be protected and cared for by rangers
of the forest service, in fact, one of
the main camps of the rangers Is near
the entrance to the labyrinths.
Thousands of people would visit the
caves but for the hard Journey. Lo
cated 55 miles south of Grants Pass
and with the last 22 miles of the dis
tance covered only by a narrow, rough
and tortuous mountain .trail, the trip
to the marble halls is anything but
pleasant, and can only be made by
the aid of pack animals. The govern
ment, through Its appropriations for
such purposes, will construct a road
to the caves from the main highway
at Williams valley, and will provide
suitable shelter at the caves. Being
situated in the heart of the forest and
well up on the Slsklyous, the entrance
to the caves Is an ideal spot for camp
ing, with an abundance of big game
close at hand. "Oregon's Marble
Halls" wih their endless caverns of
white limestone, will no doubt be vis
ited by a far greater number of peo
ple this summer than ever before. In
conjunction with the forest service of
ficials, the Grants Pass Commercial
club Is giving its assistance toward
popularizing the wonderful caves and
making them easier of access.
Boys Will Be Boys
and are always getting scratches, cuts
sprains, braises, bumps, burns or
scalds. Don't neglect such things
they may result serious if you Co.
Apply Ballard's Snow Liniment ac
cording to directions right away and
it will relieve the pain and beal the
trouble. Price 26c, 50c and 21. A. C.
Koeppen & Bros.
Notice to Public
Dr. I. U. Temple wishes to an
nounce the removal of his office from
the John Schmidt building to the Am
erican National bank building.
Help Wanted.
"I saw you cheating at bridge."
"Well, I suppose you are going to
give me away?"
"No," I'm not. I want you for a
Btate tt Onto, City of Toledo. Loess Coon
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he to
senior partner of the firm of P. J. Ch
B7 4k Co., doing balnea In the City ol
Toledo, Connty and Btate aforesaid, sad
that said firm will pay the snm of OMR
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every
ease of Catarrh that cannot be cored by
the use of Ball's Catarrh Cur.
Sworn to before me tad subscribed In
my presence, this Ctn day of December, A..
D. 1880.
A. W. OLBA80N.
(Beal) Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally
and acts directly oa the blood and moeoos
or face of the system. ' Bend for testimo
nials free.
r. J. CHEMDT A CO- Toledo, a
Bold by nil Dragsmts, Toe.
Take Ball's Family Pills tor eonstlpa-tloa.
Ladles and Gentlemen!
Bring me your shoes and oxfordi
that need repairing. Soles sewed tot
ladles' shoes 65c, and gentlemen'
shoes 90c per pair. My latest modem
machinery Insures you better work
That Famous Gravity Irrigated Fruit District That Has
Become So Popular Among; Purchasers Seek
ing Rich, Well Located Apple Lard
Rely on Your Own Judgment
Come with us to Richland,. In the Columbia river valley, without any obligation on your part, and see)
for yourself Uo opportunities embraced hero for the fruitgrower to make big money. Richland has
the most up-to-date gravity Irrigation system in Uie northwest Instead of forcing: tlio water through
pipes at a great expense It flows by gravity from the Columbia river Into a large cemented Irrigation
ditch, from which It Is carried by laterals to each Individual tract.
Everything Grows at Richland
such as apples, cherries, strawberries, peaches, melons, pears, plums, grapes, alfalfa, potatoes, cabbage
corn, truck, etc., and finds a ready market because of the excellent boat and railroad transportation
facilities. Richland is midway between four great markets Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, and Portland
and Is earlier by four weeks than other Washington fruit districts.
Five acres of this rich volcanic ash soil when planted to high-grade commercial apples will keep
you and your family, and 10 acres means a fortune. Full bearing orchards alone; the Columbia river
are netting their owners from $1000 to $2000 an acre each year and the land Is valued at ,$1600 to
$2000 an acre.
You can buy similar If not better-land at Richland now for the low price of $150 per acre and
upward on long-time payments. We know you will want some of this rich, productive fruit land when
you once see It. Just come to our office in the East Oregonlan building, and we will tell yon some Inter
esting facts concerning this rich fruit acreage. The coupon, properly filled out and mailed to us,
will bring our Illustrated booklet. Clip It out today.
Gentlemen: Please send me your illustrated booklet which tells all about Richland
and shows homes of others who now live there.
Nome ,
Address N.
Richland Land Co.
-, - m r ' a v r" aw ,m m -'..
H 1 - "
Combined Harvester vs. Stationary Harvester
The following figures will show yon why the progressive farmer who uses the HOLT
COMBINED HARVESTER succeeds and is able to buy his neighbor's land.
Two farmers, Mr. Brown and Mr. Jones each have 800 acres of grain to harvest. Neither
ODe have their own outfit and each must either buy an outfit complete or hire the work done.
Mr. Brown hires a stationary outfit to head and thresh his grain, under the following:
Heading 800 acres, at $2.00 per acre , $1,600
Threshing 800 acres, 30 bu. grain, at 7c per bu 1,680
Waste (from header and thresher in field) 3 bu per acre at 75c per bu 1,800
Brown's total expense
Mr. Jones buys a HOLT COMBINED HARVESTER and his complete equipment
. cost nun o nnn
Hires 26 horses to operate his machine, at 75c per day per animal, for. 25 days
""r, men zo aays at fa.oo per day
Hoard of 5 men 25 days .
Jones' total expense
w.w vwVUUV niHi.-.-.n.w.yfl-lv
Subtracting Jones' expense bill from that of Brown show us that Mr. Jones has a new
combined harvester and $2,140 in money more than Mr. Brown from the same acreage in one
harvest, besides Jones will have his harvester the next year assuring another Baving of $2,000
on his next year's crop.
Figures will not tie. Can you show as any good reason why you should not
own your own harvester?
If you want to buy a HOLT COMBINED HARVESTER for June shipment, see
E. L Snilh, Pendlst0t1f ON). A complete line of extras always on hand.
Lovers of high-class music and
genuine comedy will be pleased to
know that the noted prima donna
comedienne, Dorothy Morton, who is
starring- this season in J. J. McNally's
musical comedy. "Widow Jones," sup
ported by a select company and sur
rounded with a lavlnBh production,
will be seen here as the IttracUpn at
the Oregon theatre tomorrow evening.
Dorothy Morton is one or the very
few prima donnas of the day who
possess the faculty of fun-making
and her glorious voice, added to her
' , I.
illlilli ill:ii&S:
- r
The Noted Prima Donna Comedienne,
Dorothy Morton, in J. J. McNally's
Musical Comedy, "Widow Jones,"
at the Oregon Theater, Sunday
May is.
art as a comedienne, place her in a
position where she has no rival.
The latest song successes will be
heard In "Widow Jones," rendered by
Dorothy Morton and her clever com
pany, while the bevy of handsome
show-girls are sure to win admir
ation from both sexes. The produc
Hon of. "Widow Jones" will be a lav
ish one and no expense has been
spared by Miss Morton's managers to
present her in a manner worthy of her
high professional standing.
A Snafle.
Is a pretty hard thing to accomplish
when you're blue, bilious and out of
sorts. There Is a sure cure for all
kinds of stomach and liver complaints
constipation and dyspepsia. Bal
lard's Herblne Is mild, yet absolutely
effective In all cases. Price 10 cents
per bottle. A. C. Koeppen Bros.
Save money by raadlng today's ads.
About 1 5,000 Acres of
Shopman County,
now uncler Crop Leases in
varying sized parcels re
newable or subject to can
cellation at buyers option.
Price about $40.
Pen Acne
(Crop rental 1 909 reserved)
Part Cash Part on Time
Apply to
Eastern (Dpegon
Land Company
Care of Balfour, Guthrie & Co.
Board of Trade Building
Portland, Oregon