...... , ,, . . .... ., I' , . .,... ...jt:LJ,.iM .i.i.li.v.v..!.. I . . fc u;,.,wia..),.'.i. ......-. . -v.. -. .. - - , VfcA" PAGE MX. v DAILY EABT OREGON! AX. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 14. 1910. TEN PAGES. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Oier-Work. Unheal thj Kline js Hake Impure Blood. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for much sickness andsuffering, trouble is permitted to contiuue, serious re sults ere most likely to follow. Yourothet organs may need at tention, but your kid neys most, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, rou can understand how quickly your en tire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or ' feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root A trial will con vince yon of its great merit. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It Stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring cronerties have been proven in thousands of the most distress ing cases. If you need a medicine yon noma nave tne oest. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a et telling yon Item o t turKnL bow to find out if you have kidnev or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, In. v. Don't make any mis take, but remember the name, Swamp Koot, and don't let a dealer sell you something in place cf Swamp-Root if you do you will be disappointed. Ic Cram Sherbet Ices Punches Candies Pastry Made to Order We make a specialty of speci al designs and colorings that will match your table decor ations or lodge and club colon. Pure Materials and Skilled Workmen Out of town orders receive our prompt and careful atten tion. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Hohbach's Phone M. 80. 221 E. Court St. F. A. CLISE. the only Exclusive Op tometrist located In Umatilla county. Office John Schmidt building, Pen dleton, Ore. Over 30 years practice fitting glasses. Remember I grind my own glasses. Eyes carefully ex amined and glasses ground to fit. Phone Main 550. Heavy flickled Fixtures and accessories that will LOOK WELL AND LAST WELL. Just think a minute and see If you could not use sotrie of the following articles: TOWEL RACKS, SOAP CUPS, SPONGE HOLDERS, TUMBLER HOLDERS, TOOTH BRCSn HOLDERS, ROBE HOOKS, TOWEL BARS, TOILET PAPER HOLDERS, ALL KINDS OP GOOD GARD EN HOSE AND SPRINKLERS. Being Pendleton's only ex clusive plumbing shop, we must stand or fall on the class of work we do. We have gained business steadily since we started the highest compliment-that could be paid us. If you have any plumbing let an experienced plumber do It you will save money and temper by seeing , Beddow & Miller EXCLUSIVE PLUMBERS. Court and Garden Sts. Phone Black 3668. Every Woman , Is Intonated and thonld Ju" about to wooueriu. Marvel ask ftnjr druRJEtsi I H. If fa Can not Stippl tha MARVEL seeeot na other, but Mod iUod ft IDbs trmtod book MBlad. It rim (tall arttealata ud d irntVl M nvifaable VtadHa, MAfVU CO, 44 K. tM St, To I SNUM S1h(B(i;M JUDGE BEAN HOLDS T VALIDITY OP LOCAL OPTION LAW IS ATTACKED Technical Point Fails to Overthrow Law All Jury Cases " Held Over Until November Term News Briefs and Personal Items from Morrow County Seat. (Special Correspondence.) Heppner, Oregon, May 12. Judge Bean and District Attorney G. W. Phelps cams over from Pendleton and convened short term of the circuit court for this county. The Jury was dismissed Monday, all cases in which a Jury would he required going over till the November term. Except for a few civil cases which went by de fault the only important cases were the local option cases. The lawyers for the defense, Sam E. Van Vactor of Heppner and W. H. Wilson of The Dalles, attacked the validity of the local option law', claiming that the county records failed to show that the county court adjourned at Its May, 1908, session to meet 11 days"after the election in June 'to declare the results of the special election on the local option question, thus rendering the liquor Indictments void. The state held that the local option law Itself fixed the date on v.hich the county court should meet to declare the re sult of the election, and that the tech nical question raised by the defense did not effect the validity of the law. The Judge sustained tht state, and the defendants will take the cases to the supreme court. PRACTICAL TURPENTINE CONSERVATION IN SOUTH Washlneton. The turpentine in dustry of the south, which has been threatened with total destruction, by reason of the injurious old-fashioned methods of cutting and slashing the trees to get at the product, has re ceived a boon in the new system of cup and'gutter tapping, tested by the department of agriculture. The producing forests have become so depleted of thrifty trees as to have nnuaerl much concern. The movement southward of the center of greatest production has been like tne progress of a consuming forest fire, raising the question as to how long the staple species of virgin timber will last. The former. Georgia operators, now in Florida, are producing heavily, but how long this crop will last can only be guessed at if the old methods oi producing prevail. "They are inconsistent - with the permanent development of one of the south's greatest resources and the most conservative methods, such as those long urged by the department, would seem to be the sole salvation," said the department of agriculture. The department has established, by experiments, that the cup and gutter system yields 30 per cent more pro duct, does not weaken the trees physi cally and leaves them in a thrifty con dition. Lion Fondles a Child. In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled ths hand that a child thrust into his cage. Danger to a child is sometimes great when least regarded. Often it comes through colds, croup and whooDlne cough. They slay thou sands that Dr. King's New Discovery could have saved. A rew doses cur ed our baby of a very bad case of crniin." writes Mrs. George B. Davis, of Plat Rock, N. C. "We always give it to him when he takes cold, it s a wonderful medicine for babies." Best for coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, hemorrhages, weak lungs, 50c, 1100. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Tall man & Co. BOY'S FINGER TORN OFF. Hand Caught in Hook on Harness When Team Became lYlRntcnea. Asotin. Wash Elmer Luper, a young man 20 years old. who a few weeks ago came from Gitlora, iaa hn. and was working for O. Mills on the Cloverland Flat, had the misfor tune of losing his thumb and first rin ger from his left hand. He was tak ing a farm team out of the stable aft er dinner, when the wind blew the large barn door shut, striking the young man on the side of the head in such a manner as to blacken his left eye and badly bruising the left side of his face. At the same time the horses he was trying to lead out of the stable became frightened, and as he reached to stop them got his hand caught In the hook of a chain tug. with the re sult of tearing h:s thumb off at the first Joint, and breaking -and badly tearing his third finger. Cherokee Get Money. Washington Distribution of the $5,000,000 recently appropriated by congress in settlement of the claim of the Cherokee Indians was besrun by the treasury department the other day. It envolves drawing 30,850 treasury warrants. Each claimant will get about J133. The warrants are being signed and Issued at the rate of 1000 a day so that the distribu tion will occupy the whole' of the present month. The claim dates back to the begin ning of the last century. Originally its amount was only $1700. The amount which the government Is n"w paying to the Indians is four fifths In terest on the original claim. Of the persons who will get the money, It Is said that 23.000 live west of the Mis sissippi river. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a heal thy appetite. They promote the flow of gastric Juice, thereby Inducing good digestion. 8old by all deai'erj. The next legislature or ths people must give Oregon a good road law. 17EST0II III FAVOR OF THE ASHLAND NORMAL MANY SIGNATURES SECURTD FOR INITIATIVE PETITION .Merchants of Weston Will Close Stores at Six O'clock Newsy Notes and Personal Items. j -(Special Correspondence Weston, Ore., May 13. The Ash land normal school petition has been recelyed by O. C. Turner, who is now engaged In soliciting signatures In its favor, and of course with success, for the citizens of this section are In fa vor of all three of the state's normal schools to continue under the man agement and control of the state. Beginning this coming Monday all of the merchants of Weston have agreed to close their stores at o'clock each evening excepting Saturday. This program will likely be kept up until about harvest time when they will remain open later for the accommoda tion of the harvesters. Ross Towery, brother of E. G. Tow ery, is one of the new arrivals with the view of locating somewhere in this section. Mr. Towery is from Xewklrk, Okla. Mrs. Henrietta Carlisle has return ed from attending the funeral of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Cple Carlisle, who died at their home in Ogden, Utah. Boston Durr, one of Weston's most prominent pioneer citizens, is very seriously ill at his home. His condi tion this morning was some better. Mr. Phillip Smith of Bend, Ore., was here during the week on a busi ness trip. While here he expressed himself as being very much in favor of the eastern normal school, and took with him on his return home several petitions which he proposes to cir culate for signatures in and about Bend. Miss Annie May Thompson, who has been a guest at the home of Miss Jaunlti Culley for . the past several days, returned to her home at Gib bon on this evening's train. - Fred Young, a former resident of Weston, but now residing at Walla Walla, is over from that city on a short stay to attend to business mat ters. George Read, after a stay of sev eral months in and about the Wil lamette valley, has returned home and likely will remain here the rest of the summer. D. B. Bannister and family have left for the Wallowa cour.try to remain. Mr. Bannister re cently purchased from Sam Bannis ter, his brother, 760 acres of land in that section and will henceforth de vote his time and energies in the cul tivation of the same. Will Miller, the Athena harness maker, was over on a business visit during the day. The plendld work or Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Is dally coming to light No such grand remedy for liver and bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing constipation, sick headache, .biliousness, jaundice and Indigestion. Sold by all dealers. AND THIS IN AMERICA. Terrible Punishment of Soldier for a Slight Offense. Washington. A remarkable state ment by Representative Thomas (Dem., Ky.), In the house a few days ago led to the immediate adoption of a resolution to wipe out a charge of desertion standing ; against Joseph Dobson in the war department rec ords. ' "In 1875," said Thomas, "Dobson had served over 12 months In the regular army with a good record. He obtained a leave of absence, as he states In his affidavit, to go and see a girl of his acquaintance. He went to see the girl, and. like many young men and for that matter, old men, too he got drunk. He started back, but got thirsty and went out Into the foothills to look for some water, and h got lost and made his way finally back to his post. As the report of the adjutant general says, he was absent a part of one day beyond his leave of absence. He was arrested as the proof shows and the recital of this case, Mr. Speaker, Is more like a ro mance or the account of some Rus sian atrocity. He was arrested, car ried to a blacksmith shop and Irons put, around his ankles, a heavy chain was attached to them and he was kept in that condition for three months, un til the Irons around his ankles had worn the flesh nearly to the bone be fore Dobson got the Irons removed from his ankles. He was then tried by a court martial and sentenced to imprisonment for four years, and giv en a dishonorable discharge. After that the irons were put back on his ankles and he was sent back to pris on, and remained, as I remember, something over a year, and appealed the case to the war department. The adjutant general in his report states that the punishment was unaccount ably severe; that this man was absent from the post only a part of the day; and that there was lacking in his con duct that animus to show desertion. I am personally acquainted with , Dob son. He had made a good soldier. There Is nothing against his record. He is a good citizen, and this stain should be removed from his record. He has already had a pretty lengthy punishment for one little drunk. Jf other men got that severe character of punishment for one little drunk, I expect that there would be some more of them in prison." John D. Rockefeller would go broke If he should spend his entire Income trying to prepare a better medicine than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhoe Remedy for diarrhoea, dys entery or bowel complaint It is simply impossible, and so says every one that has used It Sold by al. dea -era. Savs money by reading today's ads. Why - Have an Overheated Kitchen in Summer? When the sultry days come and the coal range makes the kitchen almost unbearable and cooking a dreaded task, put out the range fire and try the newest method of cooking in hot weather use a Heiv jPercction. Oil Cook-stove What a contrast! The kitchen no longer is stifling hot, the work is now done with comfort, and the housewife is not worn out with the heat. M Caatloiurjr Nate B awe II you get this atova aa that . the nama-olata l name-i reads New Perfection." Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) CONSIGNMENT OP NEW YORK BABIES FOR NEW ORLEANS Chicago. A party of 60 "home- seekers" has arrived from New York en route to New Orleans. The "homeseekers" are infants ranging in age from three, months to slightly more than a year old. They go to New Orleans to rem edy a situation brought about through obvious oversight of the stork. It appears the visits of the stork have not been as frequent In New Orleans as Is desirable. As a. consequence, the city has discovered that it Is in need of babies. New Tork, on the other hand, has discov ered that It la in possession of more babies than is essential to her wel fare. The New Tork foundling hospital officials hit upon a solution of these Tbe Housewife's work will be lessen ed when Electiicty and Gas come Into the home COOIC WITH GAS Make the work easier for her and save on your fuel as well. No dirt, dust and excessive heat No fuel to handh and fires to kindle and It costs leas. For Her sake, put gasjln yourl home befote thehot weather arrives Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. ftione Mala M. Visit "Wonderland" the great region of scenic surprises before you go to Europe. Or, if you've seen the Old World, see this year that world of canyons, cataracts, geysers and hot springs, which lies so close at home, in our own country. Fine hotels, magnificent coaching trip, Incomparable climate over a mile above the sea. Northern Pacific Ry. operates through Pullman Sleeping Cars direct to the Park bound ary at Gardiner Gateway, the official entrance,' daily during ths open season; June IS to September IS, 1910. ' PARK TOUR FARES Effeetlve dally June 11 to September it, return, limit October SI, 1110, stopovers both -ways For rate of fare, time of trains and full Information call on WALTER ADAMS. Ad., Pendleton, Ore. A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. passenger Agent, PORTLAND. She saves her strength, keeps her health and is better able to enjoy the summer. ' . - The New Perfection does everything that any other stove can do all the fam ily cooking, baking, washing and iron ing. No smoke, no dust, no odor. Heat is applied directly and not wasted. A turn, and the flame is out. The New Perfection stove has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates snd food hot, drop shelves for the coffee pot or saucepans, and nickeled towel racks. It has long turquoise-blue enamei chimneys. The nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chlmneys makes the stove very attractive and invites clean liness. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. Erwry dMlfr rrarywhere If not at yon, writ fat DetorlptlT Circular to tta neanat agaucj ot lbs decisions by bundling 60 of their choicest babies Into specially prepared berths in a specially arranged Pull man car, along with 17 of their train ed nurses and consigning the whole lot to New Orleans. Never hesitate about giving Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to children. It contains no opium or other narcot It and con be given with implicit con fidence. As a quick cure for coughs and colds to which children are .sus ceptible, it is unsurpassed. Sold by all dealers. Liquid Foot Relieves tired, aching and sweat feet. Happiness for every one at tic a bottle. First Class Drug? Stores. It Is unsafe to educate weak men beyond their Intellect. LET AN ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and most reliable power for small or heavy work. Less danger and easier to operate you turn a lever and It does the work. Baildla. The Bcenlo Highway through the Land of Fortune. . A Priceless Jewel Jewels differ In value according to else, brilliancy, perfection and rarity. But one Jewel upon which none of these things depend for value 1. the ye. Come see us once In a while and let us tell you If you are affected by eyestrain, weak muscles, astigmatism or anything else that neeus correct ing. : We Fit Glasses Properly Aid your sight and only charge little for such service. A. E. SERUM, Optometrist. -. with A. L. Schaof or Jeweler Jap-A-Lac The Home Beautifier Murphy Bros. The paint men will tell you about Jap-A-Lac Vacation Trips Around theCirc!e Tickets sold from all station. In the Inland Empire going via Spokane, Macleod and Calgary, through the Canadian Rockies, touching Banff, Lake Louise, Field and Glacier, returning via Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, and Portland, or vice versa. Tickets on sale daily, June 1 to September 1. Final limit October 31. Unlimited stopovers. ALSO SHORT TRIPS TIIROCGII THE KOOTENAY ANp. NARROW LAKES Write for literature and de tailed Information. G. M. JACKSON, T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON, G. A. P. D. 14 WALL ST., SPOKANE. a . . , ii&iievr Tracc fvlARria rrrvf,I, Copyrights &c. AnyoneKMirllng n i UMch nml Aiwrtutlr.n d.m qulrklv uM'ortuhi our upmioti freo wind !mt itr Invntillnn Is pr.tbnl'jr r''.(C',,-'l',''. ronimnnlrA lli.inKlrlollvroiuliloiill..l. IIKWTOOK on I'nleiiu aent fre. Oldest mrotvy fi., Nr.-nrmK Ituloitln. Pntthtff taken thrxuth .Mi.t.u & u. rctM tptctal notie, without ciimtj.j, m n.a Scietilific Jinricatu A handsomely Wntrflt1 wpktv. . f.flTVMt eolation of nny deiitillfi I'liiriiul, Tvnui, MIINN X. V.t SblBroidwav Noui IIIVIIII WUj " lVff Branch Offlce (H5 IP Pt Washington, li FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AND LARD. Always pure and delivered promptly, If you phone the Central Meat Market 108 E. Alta St., Phone Main II. a4 .WILLIAMSON HAFFNDROa ENORAVERJ-rR IXEIWE-R.'CO