East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 14, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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PAGE rmc
I Tonight after SuppeFj
6 to 9 O'clock-. Only
Our 3rd Great Saturday Night
Shoe Sale
Any Ladies' $3.50, $4.00, $4.50
and $5.00, One, Two or Three
strap Pump in bur huge
stock, Your choice
Join the Crowd Tonight
F. E. Livengood & Co.
June Ladies Home Journal Patterns and Style Books
Now Ready
Paatlm. picture plea, all.
Hay for sale. Phone F. L, IJ.
Ice cream at Hobbach'a, Court at
Fresh buttermilk at Jensen cream-
Oats and timothy hay fed at th
Commercial Barn.
Oet your horses clipped at tha
Commercial Barn.
Farmers' blacksmith ooal cheap.
Crab Creole Lumber Co.
Qood gentle saddle horses for la
dies. Commercial Barn.
For rent A suit of pleasant house
keeping rooms. 602 Water street.
A shipment of best cedar posts, just
arrived. Crab Creek Lumber Co.
Room and board In private family,
lit College street, phone Red 1087.
We make a specialty of caring for
private horses and rigs. Commercial
Loose wheat hay, baled hay and
chopped hay fed at the Commercial
More moving pictures shown than
any other theatre In the city the
Lady stenographer desires position.
Pendleton preferred. Address M.,
are this office.
Frank Nodo, shoe shining parlor,
located In front of State saloon. Eight
shines for BO cents.
The Pendlttton Cash Market la the
fliv-e .o buy pure lard at reasonable
prices. Phone Main 101.
First showing of Chantecler ties In
Pendleton now on display at Working
men's Clothing company.
For rent House corner Alta and
College streets, opposite Presryterian
Virch App!j Ii f K IjJI
Fix up your roofs with the best
shipment of shingles ever received in
Pendleton. Crab Creek Lumber Co.
Lost Sunday evening. May 1, lady's
small gold watch, with small green
leather fob. Liberal reward for re
turn to Gus La Fontaine, Quelle res
taurant. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In the East Oregonlan build
ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot
and cold water; bath. Inquire at East
Oregonlan office.
Just received, a car of Rock
Springs nut 'coal. This Is what you
need for cooking. Price 19 per ton
delivered loose or $10 per ton sacked.
Oregon Lumber Yard.
About 60,000 feet of second hand
lumber suitable for barns, wood and
sidewalks, and some rustic, for sale
cheap. Apply to L. W. Jones, O. R.
A N. roundhouse.
Strawberry pickers wanted Rt Free
water, Ore. Any number can get all
the work they can do. Camp grounds
free. Come and enjoy a very profit
able outing. Milton Fruit Growers'
New pictures at the Orpheum Sun
day and Monday will be:
1. The Minotaur. (Vltagraph),
dramatic, 1000 feet
2. Indian Blood (Lublan Picture)
dramatic, 1000 feet.
3. The Bag Pipe Player, (Pathe),
dramatic, 600 feet.
4. Jim Wants to Get Pinched,
(Pathe), comedy, 600 feet.
6. Molly Lee Song.
Hie Pastime.
The program for Sunday promises
to be a good one. The greatest vestal
film ever produced,
"The Angelus." Selig. 1000 feet.
Dramatic. Taken from Millet' fa
mous painting. A story laden with
tne simplicity of Human nature. Prob
ably every one who Bees this picture
would like to see more like it
"A Vein of Gold." Drama. 1000
feet A strongly dramatic picture.
Here Is a whole string of novel situa
tions and as the boys say. It Is a rat
tling good story and everyone who
sees the picture will thrill with emo
tion more than once.
"The Miner and Camllle " Comedy.
A humorous film, having as its theme
the vigorous action of a miner who
sees Camlle for the first time.
"Ready In a Minute." Comedy. A
pretty In a pretty gown, will be ready
to attornl the theater In a minute.
Homlutlon of Condolence.
Pendleton, Ore.. May 2, 1910.
By decree of. the Great Ruler of the
Universe we record the passing away
or our beloved and esteemed Neigh
bor, Miss Rosa Carrier, on April 19th,
Whereas, In her death Daphne Cir
cle Women of Woodcraft has lost one
of their faithful and conscientious
members, her parents a loving and
dutiful daughter and their sole com
fort In their reclining years.
Resolved, That we the members of
Daphne Circle extend our sincere
sympathy to the parents In this dark
hour of their bereavement and commit
them to the tender mercies of One who
docth all things well.
Resolved, That a copy of these res
olutions be sent to the bereaved par
ents, a copy to the Pacific Echo and
the East Oregonlan and a copy placed
on the minutes of the Circle, and that
the charter of our Lodge be draped In
mourning for thirty days, In sorrow
for our loss.
? S. J. McBRIAN,
For Sale Cheap.
Household goods at your own price.
212 South Main street. i
Baptist Church.
Baptist church, E. Alta and John
son streets. Morning and evening
worship. Preaching by the pastor,
at 11:00, "Tabernacling with Men;"
at 8:00 "A Man of His Country."
Young Peoples meeting at 7:00, Mrs.
Hurvey leader. Bible school at 10:00
with classes for all. General Invi
tation Is extended to all these ser
vices. R. . E. Storey, pastor, 302 E.
Alta street
Baker cab stand,
Phone Main II.
Hotel St. George.
Always to the Good.
"Say, Stuffy, you're a lucky dog. If
you had been a goat you'd have been
born with a tin can In your mouth."
Tho Socrot of Dry floating
Can be seen in our window and by stepping into our store will be
freely explained to you. By this method you can clean even the
most delicate of fabric with the least danger of Injury to them '
and the system Is simplicity Itself. Call and see.
The Drug Store That Serves You Best.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Official Weather Report.
Minimum temperature, 48.
Maximum temperature, 73.
W. W. Harrah's Brother Dead.
W. W. Harrah, the well known far
mer, has Just received word of the
death of his brother, Harvey Harrah
at hs home In Gallitan, Missouri.
Will Play at Athena. "
The Pendleton baseball team goes
to Athena tomorrow morning for a
contest with the team from that town.
Pilot Rock and Weston will play at
"Weston. Harlan will be In the box
for Pendleton,
Marriage License Issued.
A marriage license was Issued to
day to B. Gains and Mabel Cushman,
both of Milton. The groom-to-be la
only 19 years of age and the consent
of his father was therefore given to
the marriage.
Washington School Wing.
The fifth spelling contest between
the pupils of the Washington and
Hawthorne schools was held yester
day afternoon and was won by the
Washington school." This givea that
institution three victories against two
for the opposing school.
Shipping Indian Ponies.
Six carloads of Indian cayuses were
shipped to Montana last evening over
the Northern Pacific. The ponies had
been collected from the reservation
and purchased by James Jones, the
well known horse buyer. All of the
animals were small and of the poor
est quality to be found in the county.
To Settle Water Rights.
Many Pendleton attorneys will go
to Echo Monday to meet with State
Engineer John H. Lewis and Water
Commissioner Saxton for the purpose
of adjudicating the water rights along
the Umatilla river. Three days later
a similar meeting will be held In
Shipping Sheep to Seattle.
Six car loads of sheep were shipped
to Seattle this morning over the
Northern Pacific. They consisted for
the most part of spring lambs and
were to be fed at Ellensburg enroute.
Herbert Boylen of Pilot Rock was the
shipper. Peter Ager expects to ship
! 14 or 15 car loads to the same market
early next week.
Pupil Held Recital.
Yesterday the pupils of Miss Finney
held a contest In scale work and each
pupil played all the major and mi
nor scales. The contest "was awarded
to Margaret Colesworthy. On Mon
day, Miss Finney's pupils are to give
a recital for the benefit of their
mothers. They will render the same
program they have at a recltaj last
Valuable Stallion Disfigured.
A black stallion belonging to A. D.
Rhonimus of Cabbage Hill, was se
riously disfigured for life, as he stood
In the oh Knowlton stable on Cotton
wood street last night. Rhonimus had
ridden the animal In from his Cab
bage Hill ranch last evening and while
the animal was standing in his stall
he was slashed with a sharp knife
In such a manner as to render him
useless hereafter. Dr. D. C. McNabb
was railed but could only complete
the work undertaken by the miscre
Bronco Busting Ttomorrow.
A bronco busting contest has been
arranged for tomorrow afternoon and
will be held at the baseball park on
West court street at 2:30. It Is said
that several bad horses have been
secured for the occasion, one of them
being the outlaw that threw every
rider at the Athena contest. Another
horse which threw three Indians in
succession last evening will also be in
the lot. Among the riders will be
Billy Caldwell who won the first prize
last fall and George Fletcher, the
well-known colored rider.
Itiierstatto Is O, K.
Pilot Rock ball tossers are indig
nant over a roast that was given
Umpire Buerstatte in the last week's
Issue of the Pilot Rock Record, ac
cording to Manager Casteel of the
Pilot Rock team. Mr. Casteel, in a
phone message today to the East Ore
gonan praised the work of "Buss' and
said that while all umpires are by na
ture Imperfect as are other mortals,
he- made it apparent that the Pilot
Rock team regards the umpire as very
fair as umpires go.
Examining Fish Conditions.
Deputy Game and Fish Warden O.
F. Turner, C. K. Cranston, secretary
of the , anglers association; Will
Humphrey and Pat Murphy left this
morning for the Cold Springs reser
voir and dam In the Murphy automo
bile. They will investigate the re
ported trout conditions at the reser
voir and will see If It Is possible to
get the starving fish back Into the
river. In addition to making a per
sonal Investigation of the actual con
ditions they will confer wltn Engineer
Newell relative to the steps necessary
to be taken.
Byron's Troubadours.
The Byron Troubadours are the
finest musical organisation I have ev
er heard. They were originally engag
ed for two concerts, but were so sat
isfactory that they have, been re-en
gaged weekly for nearly two months.
Louis Drossel, Chicago.
At the Christian church, Pendleton,
Thursday evening, May 19.
The usual services will be held at
the Presbyterian church tomorrow.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morn
ing sermon at 11 o'clock, Christian
Endeavor at 7:00 and evening ser
mon at 8 o'clock. Dr. W. H. Bleak
ney, acting pastor.
Pendleton's Big May Sole
Now In Full Blast
At Wohlenberg Department Store
And Continues the Balance of the Month
We are offering Special Reductions in our
For Saturday Only See Window
The Livest Values Yet, in AH Kinds of
Ready-to-Wear Things Are Ihese
Any Ladies Tailored Suit Pongee and
White Serse Excepted at HALF PRICE
Ariy Spring Coat or Jacket at HALF PRICE
Any Wool Skirt at ONE-THIRD OFF
All Muslin Underwear at ONE-THIRD OFF
Extraordinary reductions in Lingerie Waists
Swisses and Nainsook Embroideried Edging Insertions
. and Flouncing at the Liveliest Reductions
"Better Goods for Less Money"
The ladles of the Parish Aid of the
Episcopal church . are going to have
n dinner on May 34.
Bronco Busting Contest
Baseball Grounds, Sunday, May 15, 1910
Several outlaws that have never been ridden before.
Cash prizes given for first, second and third place.
Admission 50c Commences 2:30 P. M.
Second Annual Convention
Oregon Thresher's Ass n
Albany, Oregon, June 2 and 3 ' 1 0
Round trip rate of one and one-third fare on
the certificate plan will be made by O. R. & N.
and S. P. Co.s. Tickets on sale May 29th to
June 3d inclusive, good for return until June
1 0th. Important subjects will be discussed includ
ing an address by a Special Representative of
the U S. Uovernment.
Fot further information as to rates, dates of sale, etc
call on any O. R. & N. or S. P. Agent
T. F. O'BRJEN, Agent
Pendleton, Oregon.