East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 12, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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; i I ,
CtiOwary Besurelf V
you nt this to
tht th mme-pit
trli New Perftctioo."
Ffetv BerSetioR
Oil Cook-stove
Gives no outside heat, no smell, no smoke. It will cook the biggest dinner
without heating the kitchen or the cook. It is immediately lighted and immedi
ately extinguished. It can be changed from a slow to a quick fire by turning a
handle. There's no drudgery connected with-it, no coal to carry, no wood to chop.
You don't have to wait fifteen or twenty minutes till its fire gets going. Apply .a
light and it's ready. By simply turning the wick up or down you get a slow or an
intense heat on the bottom of the pot, pan, kettle or oven, and nowhere else. It
has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot, drop shelves for
coffee, teapot or saucepan, and even a rack for towels. It saves time, worry,
health and temper. It does all a woman needs and more than she expects. Made
with 1,2, and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-barner aixes 'Can be bad 'with or without
Cabinet.. .-..; T . ;
XTerydebereTtrrvhm; It not yoan, write tor "DcrlpUrg ClrcnUr to the ueuert tncy pf Ui
Standard Oil Company ,
(Special Correspondence.)
Pilot Rock, Ore., May 11. H. Q.
Casteel. the Pilot Rock postmaster,
was a business visitor in Pendleton
last Thursday.
The Misses Sousa and Elsie Mc
Reynolds were county seat visitors
last week.
Julius Mathews has been quite ill
at -the. home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Mathews on Stewart creek.
J. N. Burgess was a passenger on
Monday evening's train,
R. H. MacWhorter of the Interstate
Telephone company, spent Monday In
Pilot Rock
Mrs. S. I Morse of Pendleton spent
Monday Jn Pilot Rock looking after
her business affairs.
Miss Maude McReynolds of the Pen
dleton academy, was the guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McRey
nolds Monday evening
J. E. Smith of the J. E. Smith Live-
irJ' a V,S,tr ln Pi,0t
Rock Monday,
Walter Wegner of Pilot Rock, spent
Sunday In Pendleton.
The Misses Ollie and Winnie Smith
spent Sunday with their sister Miss
Alta Smith: who is a student in the
Walla Walla hospital.
Mrs. Joy Spicer was the guest of
Pendleton friends over Sunday.
Pilot Rock defeated Pendleton
Sunday by a score of 6 to 4. Next
Sunday they p:ay Weston on Pilot
Rock grounds.
Tbe George canyon Tigers defeated
the Coombs canyon boys last Sunday
by a score 'of 3 to 2.
Lion Fondles a Child.
In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled
tfe hand that a child thrust Into his
cage. Danger to a child is sometimes
great when least regarded. Often it
comes through colds, croup and
whooping cough. They slay thou
sands that Dr. King's New Discovery
could have saved. "A few. doses cur
ed our baby of a very bad case of
croup," writes Mrs. George B. Davis,
of Flat Rock, N. C. "We always lve
It to him when he takes cold. It's tt
wonderful medicine for babies." Best
for coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma,
hemorrhages, weak lungs, 69c, $100,
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Tall-
man & Co.
Spokane, Wash. Prominent ship
pers and freight rate experts in Spo
kane and throughout the northwest
believe that the passage by the sell
Ate of the long and short haul clause
of the railroad bill, adopted by the
house on May 3, will solve the chief
problem of every Inland point In the
United States not now getting the
benefit of terminal rates.
A. W. Donald, chairman of the In
terstate commerce commission of the
Spokane chamber of commerce, which
instituted the first action under the
Leads all other medicines in
the cure of all spring ailments,
humors, loss of appetite, that
tired feeling, paleness and
nervousness. Take it .
Get it today ln usual liquid form or
tablets called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses 11.
. F. A. CLISE.
the only Exclusive Op
tometrist located In
Umatilla county.
Office John Schmidt building, Pen
dleton, Ore. Over 30 years practice
fitting glasses. Remember I grind
my own glasses. Byes carefully ex
amined and glasses ground to fit,
- Phone Main S50.
Many Women
who arc
Splendid Cooks
dread having to prepare an elab
orate dinner because they are ,
not sufficiently strong to stand
over an intensely hot coal
range. This is especially true
in summer. Every woman
takes pride in the table she sets,'
but often it is done at tremen
dous cost to her own vitality
through the weakening effect of
cooking on a coal range in a
hot kitchen.
It it no longer necessary to wear
yourself out preparing a fine dinner.
Even ia the beat of summer you can '
cook a large dinner without being
worn oat.
new interstate commerce commission
law for equitable . rates against the
transcontinental railroads, says there
is every reason to believe that the
senate " will concur in the action of
the house, though, he added, it Is
likely there will be a lively fight be
fore the clause or one similar in ef
feet is adopted.
Percy P. Powell, representative of
the Spokane Merchants' association,
said on .returning to 'Spokane from
Washington, D. C, where he" attend
ed several conferences in the interest
of the organization to discuss the
rate question, that while Spokane
will not receive terminal or relative
rates in the forthcoming decision by
the Interstate Commerce Commission,
he has been informed that there will
be material reductions in the rate
- "The decision will be a general
one," he added, "covering Spokane.
Reno, Salt Lake and Denver, also es
tablishing a precedent for other in
terior points all over the country."
The Spokane chamber of commerce
has received advices that the western
provinces in Canada are arranging to
make a campaign for lower rates, the
procedure being similar to that fol
lowed by the Spokane rate case, In
which it was shown that the rail
roads a're T this
city on west-bound freight.
A Regular Tom Boy,
was Susie climbing trees and fenoes,
Jumping ditches, whltllng, always
getting scratches, cuts, sprains, onus
es bumns. burns or scalds. But lawsi
Her mother Just applied Bucklen's
Arenlca Salve and cured her quick.
Heals everything- healable boils ul
cers, eczema, old sores, corns or piles.
Try it. - 25c at Tallman & Co.
Spokane Men Find Twenty Varieties
Near Colvilie,
Spokane, Wash. Twenty varieties
of Qrecian Skyros marble, which has
a commercial value of $30 a cubic
foot, were discovered by A. N. Jar
man of San Jose. Cal.. and W. -M
Bolleatis. recording teller at the Tra
ders' National bank of Spokane,
while exploring ln Stevens county,
Wash., 15 miles northeast of Colvilie,
a few days ago. Arrangements are
now under way, by which the 'Wash
ington Marble company will expend
$500,000 in developing the Held
which contains 500 acres.
The importance of the discovery,
the first find of highly colored mar
ble in North America, becomes ap
parent when it is known that more
than $30,000,000 is expended annu-
allv for ' marble used In the united
States alone.
Three of the largest veins have
hoon exDlored at depth, the colors
ranging from deep purple to pure
white, other hues being brownish
grey and pale gold. Sculptors say
the white marble is equal If not of
better quality than the products of
Greece or Italy for statuary, being
of finer grain. Impervious to stain
and moisture and not affected by
ink, oil or climatic conditions.
Charles M.. Fassett .president of
the Spokane chamber of commerce,
probably the foremost chemist and
metallurgist, in the Pacific north
west, declares that the discovery is
mw nt the most imDortant on thhv
continent ln recent years, adding that
as there are billions of cubic feet of
marble in the deposits in Stevens
county this la a new resource of al
most inestimable wealth. .
The first stone quarry for build
ing purposes may enter Into the con
struction of a home for the Spokane
chapter of the American Woman's
League, wnich has planned a struc
ture to cost $10,000. Mr. Jarman has
sent a letter to Mrs. John F. Davtes,
treasurer of the chapter, offering to
furnish, free of charge, all the saw
blocks necessary for exterior and In
terior use.
Boys Will Be Boys
and are always getting scratches, cuts
sprains, bruises,, bumps, burns or
scalds. Don't neglect such things
they may result serious If you Co.
Apply Ballard's Snow Liniment ac
cording to directions right away and
It will relieve the pain and heal the
trouble. Price 25c, 60c and $1.. A. C.
Koeppen ft Bros.
The chain letter of woman's Influ
ence knows no end.
(Special Correspondence.) !
Weston, Ore., May 11, Miss Anna
Fanning, a professional nurse, who
has been engaged for the past sever
al weeks caring for a patient at the
Lazier sanatorium.- being through
with her engagement, leaves this eve
ning for her horns at Austin, Oregon.
Miss Fanning started in to attend the
normal with the intention of qualify
ing herself as a teacher, but the call
ing of a nurse appeared td attract her
more than that of teaching and so
gave up her school work and took up
the study of her present profession.
Robert Still, one of the Dry creek
prosperous farmers, was In town with
his new auto greeting friends and
showing the- speed and merits of his
new machine. '
D. W. Saunders, piano tuner, is in
the city on his usual semi annual tour
among patrons. " " . ,
S. Q. Price was down from Weston
mountain today making purchases and
laying in supplies.
Invitations are being; sent out to
friends by the senior class of. the
Weston high school for their com-
mencement exercises which take
place on the evening of May 28.
james J. mxii vmxj aid
Portland, Ore. The visit of James
. Hill and party to Portland duriw5
the f past week has been of great sig
nificance. Accompanied hy railroad
offjclals, Louis W. Hill has left Port
land to make a tour of the state. He
will cross 'Central Oregon and see for
himself what the tonnage posslbllitl- '
es of that great .region are. After j
this trip, it Is expected that a defi
nite announcement will be made as
to the expected east and west lines
across the state.
While in Portland, Mr. Hill talked
freely and his statements mean much
for Oregon. He confirmed his pur
chase of the Oregon "'.Electric and
United railways, lnterurban systems
running out of Portland, and says he.
will extend them down the Willam
ette Valley. He also confirmed his
purchase of the Pacific & Eastern
but said it was yet too early to talk
of a connecting road clear across the
state. The Deschutes , road will of
course go ahead as fast as possible, he
said and besides all this railroad ac
tivity In this state, Mr. Hill propos
es to do a great deal in securing pub
licity for Oregon throughout the east
and middle west. .'-- .
Commander Jnllus A. Pratt Post No.
143 Dept. HI., G. A. R,
Mr. Isaac Cook, commander of
above Post, Kewanee, 111., writes: "For
a long time I was bothered with back
ache and pains across my kidneys.
About two months ago I started tak
ing Foley Kidney Pills and soon saw
they were doing Just as claimed. I
kept on taking them and now I am
free from backache, and the painful
bladder misery is all gone. I like Fo
ley Kidney Pills so well that I have
told many of my friends and com
rades about them and' shall recom
mend them at every opportunity.
Koeppen Bros.
Spokane, Wash Deciding a ques
tion arising from an attempt by the
county sheriff to levy on a timepiece
owned by J. C. Eddy, to satisfy a
Judgment In favor of Leroy C. Waller,
formerly chief of police of Spokane,
Judge E. H. Sullivan In the .Spokane
county superior court ruled that a
watch is an article of wearing ap
parel and is exempt. Eddy said. he
received the watch as a gift from his
father and ' claimed exemption. This
is the first time the question has been
decided In a court in the state of
Washington. Judge Sullivan declin
ed to commit himself when asked to
g,o Into details on the question of .oth
er Jewelery, but cited a statute, which
provides against anyone putting an
amount of money into clothing or Jew
elry to be worn when not commen
surate with his condition in life. In
cases where such an expenditure and
investment is made for the purpose
of fraud In escaping creditors, such
property Is not exempt. Judge Sulli
van believes this opinion, not reversed
by a higher court, wjll hold in the su
preme court of Washington, Jn the
event counsel for Mr. Wa41er should
go before that tribunal.
' ' For More Than Three Decades.
, Foley's Honey and Tar has been a
household favorite for all ailments of
the throat, chest and lungs. For in
fants and children It Is best and safest
as it contains no opiates and no harm
ful drugs. None genuine but Foley's
Honey and Tar in the yellow packai.
Refuse substitutes.' Koeppen Bros.
Fine Program Being Prepared for
Meeting at Albany Many
Speakers. .
Salem, Ore Hundreds of thresher
men will assemble In Albany when the
Oregon Threshers' association holds
its convention at that place June 2
and $.
An excellent program has been prepared.-,
The' convention promises to
be the greatest and best ever held by
the association. ' , r
'Special round-trip tickets have been
secured from the Oregon Railroad &
Navigation company and the South
ern Pacific ' Railway company. . All
sections of the state will be represent
ed at the convention. The features
of the program will be addresses by
Benjamin F. Heldel, of the depart
ment of good roads of the United
States department of agriculture;
Phillip 8. Rose of Madison, Wis.;
Governor Benson of this state, and
D. O. Lively, general . agent of the
Portland Union Stockyards.
Platonic affection is often only the
hypocrisy of another love that we are
attempting to conceal.
Delicately formed and gently reared, women
will find,' in all the seasons of their lives, as
rnaiden8,wive8 or mothers, that the one simple,
wholesome remedy which acts gently and
used with trulv beneficial effect9.
conditions, when the system needs a
18 Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna,
well known to be a simple combination of the
laxative and carminative principles of plants
with pleasant aromatic liquids, which are '
agreeable and refreshing to the taste and
acceptable to the system when its gentle
cleansing is desired.
Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna can hope to get its
beneficial effects, and as a guarantee of the
excellence of the remedy, the full name of the
company California Fig Syrup Co. is printed .
on the front of every package, and without it
any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is fraudulent and should be
declined. To those who know the quality of
this excellent laxative, the offer of any substi
tute, when Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna
is called for, is always resented by a transfer
of patronage to some first-class drug establish
ment, where they do not recommend, nor sell -false
brands, nor imitation remedies. The genu
ine article may be bought of all reliable drug--,
gists everywhere; one size only. Regular "
price 50 cents per bottle. Get a bottle today. ftp
to have ia the house when needed. 'J.
Pullman Awaits Show.
Pullman, Wash. General Interest
h is born aroused here over the open
ins o; the Second Annual Horse
Show tn May 27. The exhibition' will
open It 3:3d in the afternoon, Immed
iately following the close of the con
cert that will be gjven by the New
York Symphony orchestra.
Judging of stock will begin at once,
Professor W. L. Carlisle of the Uni
versity of Idaho, and Professors W. T.
McDonald and K. C. Ash of the Wash-
I Ington State college making the
There will be one prize for stallions
this year, but ample awards have been
put up, by Pullman merchants for
draft and driving classes, mules, Jacks
saddlers and ponies.
doners ana ponies.
One of the big features of the show
will be the parade - following thH
awards. The parade will present the!
PARK ,57; J
v Hotel Oregon, located corner of Seventh anil Stark Streets, extending
through the block to Park Street, Portland, Oregon. Our new Park Street
Annex Is absolutely fireproof '
Rates $1 perjay and Up. European
The Housewife's work will be lessen
ed when Electrlcty and Gas
come Into the home s.
Make the work easier for her
' and save on your fuel as well.
No dirt, dust and excessive heat
No fuel to handft and fires to
kindle and. t costs leas.
'Her sake, put gasln youri home
thehot weather arrives
Northwestern Gas & Electric Co.
Phone Mats
under anv -W,
any -stl
It is W
cream of horseflesh of Pullman and
the surrounding country.
,. Tlie High Ct of Living,
increases the price of many neces
sities without Improving the nua'.ity.
Foley's Honey and Tar maintain Its
high standard of excellence and Its
great curative quulKies without any
increase in cost. It 1b the best rem
edy for coughs, colds, croup, whoop
ing cough and all ailments of the
throat, chest and lungs. The genuine
is in a yellow package. Refuse sub
stitutes. Koeppen Bros.
Ladles ami Gentleman!
Bring me your Bribes ant oxford
thai ni.-i-d icpalrlnK. Soles petted fo
: iuilics' " slioes sac, ana gemuraen'i
shoes 90e per pair. My latest modert
adics' shin's 65c, and semtoraen'i
machinery Insures you better work
A Splendid Overall
for every use. 9
Cut generous
ly fulL Two
hip pockets.
Felled seams.
SsrflNdM ' Utah
OREGON 1 ' "
1 ... 1
Steadiest, cheapest and most
reliable power: for small or
heavy work. " Less danger and
easier to operate yon turn a
lever and It does the Work.
; rPONT!
A Priceless Jewel
Jewels differ in value according to
size, brilliancy, perfection and rarity.
But one Jewel upon wnicn none n
these things depend for value Is the
ye. . ..1 .
Come see us once in a wnno mum
let us tell you if you are affected by
eyestrain, weak muscles, astigmatism
or anything else that neeas correct
ing. M
We Fit Glasses Properly
Aid your sight and only charge little
for such service. :
A. E. SERUM, Optometrist,
A. L Schaofor
The . Home Beautifier
Murphy Bros.
The paint men
will tell you about
Always . pure - and delivered
promptly, If you phone the
Central Meat Market
2 108 E. Alta St, Phone Main IS.
Miracle Cure for home Treatment
The world
taowa - Chinese
wonderful Chi
nese remedies,
cure all diseases
successfully ' If
you are out of
health, unable to
regain It, write us
today and de
scribe your symptoms. We ac
cept only curable cases. Tork ft
York, Chinese Medicine Co., $10
W. Main St., Walla Walla, Wash.
After suffering with rheumatism
for many years, other doctors not
curing me, l wrote Drs. Tork &
Tork for treatment. Their won-derful-
treatment cured me within
a month, and now I am perma
nently cured, for which I write
this true testimonial. If any one
suffering, wishes to know more
about their treatment, they can
write me. ,
Weston, Oregon.
The following described animals
have been taken up by the marshal of
the city of Pendleton, to-wtt:
One iron grey horse mule one year
old 'and dark brown or black mum '
mule; no visible brands, one year old.
One roan mare, fresh brand N left
shoulder, one year old.
If said animal Is not claimed the
owners or those entitled to the pos
session of them, costs and expenses
against them paid and they taken
away within ten days from the date
hereof, then at I o'clock p. m. of the
13th day of May, 1910, the said ani
mals will be sold to the highest bid
der, at public auction, for cash, at the
city pound, on the corner of Webb
and Cosble streets, in said City of
Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale
to be applied to the payment of sock
costs end expenses of making sale.
Dated this $nd day of May, ltl.
. City Marshal.
Dally East Oregoataa
ostfy IS oenta per week.
1 '
. wi is. it.., m jimiimi 1 ,-v
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