PAGB TWO. wwm Young Men Ousht to Dress Well : : 55a?r?38STS!iSSSL Stvle is imnnrtant t a them and J' :a5?M Neckwear We are exclusive agents for the famous Rufus Water house neckwear recognized by the trade as being abso lutely the best neckwear on. the market. Pure silk, not' mercerized cotton. Beautiful effects, The l'atest styles. 23S 50S 75, $1.00. This Store's Shirts We like to have particular men come in and ex amine our stock of shirts, note the making, the qual- itj of the materials, the variety and the desirability of the patterns and the general excellence of the en tire garments. It is also convincing evidence that they are considerably the best shirts obtainable for the price anywhere. Work shirts at 50 big, full size, good quality. Negligee shirts in all the good colors, blues, grays, tans and fancies, all sizes to 19, 75, $1.00, $1.50 to $3.50. Silk shirts for spring and summer wear, white, cream, tan and blue $3.00, $3.50 to $5.00. Golf shirts, Manhattan's, the best shirts in the world for the price, positively guaranteed . fast color, $2.00 to $3.50 ; beautiful patterns. , quality more important, because the permanence of style, the.jB, - "-'. looks of the clothes after month or so depends on the quality. , .'V- Hart, Schaffner & Marx Young Men's styles are RIGHT, NOT FBEKISII, but 'SMART, SNAPPY styles. And the ALL-WOOL fea ture, and the FINE TAILORING and CORRECTNESS OF FIT, make them especially best for young men and men who wish to look young. You fellows better see what they are; tjiey're' the kind of clothes that pay. " . . . . Hart," Schaffner & Marx 'suits $20 to $32.50. Clothcraft all-wool suits $12.50 .to $20.00. AND REMEMBER We are giving away' FREE one round trip ticket and a reserve seat to the Jeffries Johnson prize fight with every suit you buy you get a coupon. That coupon may be the right one. Better try it. - Get your suit here al $$&$mmmm mm m mhmmimmmsM feat wit : HOSE We have the exclusive sale of EVERWEAR hosej the best hose on earth for men and women. - Come in lisle and cotton. ' i Men's cotton hose, black and asst. col., 25? 6 pr. $1.50 Men's lisle hose, asst. colors...... 50 G pair for $3.00 Women's plain black and tan cotton, pair 40e Women's plain black, silk lisle, pair 50 These are the same hose that yoiuwiU nee advvrtised in this irectrs Saturday Evening Pdst. The Peoples Warehouse where u pays totrade ATHLETIC CARNIVAL III ATHENA SATURDAY SCHOOLS OP UMATILLA COUNTY TO COMPETE Everything in Readiness for Big In terscholastlc Trackmeet and Ora torical Contest Baseball Game In Morning Special Train from Here. Everything is In readiness for the big interscholastlc track meet at Athena next Saturday when the dif ferent schools of the county meet on the Athena oval. The new track has been worked until It Is In excellent hape and if 'some records are not broken it will not be the fault of the track. The citizens of Athena have made preparations to accommodate the great number of visiting people and it Is expected little difficulty will arise because of the unusual crowd. A special train will be run frjm Pen dleton and a large number have al ready signified their, intention of making the trip. In the morning at 10 o'clock the Columbia College baseball team and the Pendleton academy mixed team will open the day with a diamond contest and the track meet will start promptly at 1 p. m. The following are the events and entries for the meet: Division A (II. S.) 100-yd Dash. John Banister, Vivian Kelley, Mil ton high school. Clark Slover, Travis Henderson, Co lumbia college. Gordon, N. Kimball, Pendleton high school. Luvois McEwen, Athena high chool. Division B (7 and 8) 100yd Dash. Frank Smith, Harold Glthens, Athe na schools. Knight, Perham, Pendleton schools. Alton Bostwick, Roscoe Smith, Mil ton schools. DlviRlon B, 50-Yard Dash. Alton Bostwick, Roscoe Smith, Milton schools. Knight, Perham, Pendleton schools. Emery Worthington, Ross Payne, Athena schools. Division C (8, 4, 5, ) 50-yd Dash. Ray Hayes, Floyd Culley, Milton schools. Bowman, Slebert, Pendleton schools. Marvin Kllgore, Lawson Booher, Athena school. Children YVbo Are Sickly Mothers who valoe tbelr own comfort and (be welfare of their children, sboull Surer fee wltboat a box of Mother Oray s Bwevt Powders for Children, for ut throughout to aaasoa. They Break a t-Oiaa, cure rereruanees, uonsupeuom, Teething Disorders, Headache and atom erk Trouble TUK8H POWDKUS NEVER FAIL. Bold by all Drag Stores, 3S& iM'l sews ewy ibiite. A trial pack age will be seat FitEB to any Bother who will address Alias 8. Olmsted, Le Boy, m. r. Division A. Pole Vault. Fee, McDonald, Flnnel, Pendleton high school. ' Merlyn Allen, Clark Slover, Colum bia college. Athena High Division A. Mile Run.' Floyd Coffman, Clarence Bixby, Co lumbia college. ' Ollle Riggle, John Banister, Milton high. Tom Boylen, BT How, Pendleton hrgh. Floyd Payne, Athena high. Earl Lleuallen, Matthew Cocker line, Weston high. Lloyd Tates, Columbia college. Division A. High Jump. Fee, H. Bean, C. Jordan, Pendleton high. Jake Hudson, Lloyd Tates, Colum bia college. Luvois McEwen, Hugh Lleuallen, Athena high. ' Chester Johnson, Milton high. Division B. (7 and 8.) Straughn, Williamson, MImms, Pendleton schools. Chester Johnson, Milton school. Worthington, Smith, Athena school. Division C. High Jump. McCary, Hutchinson, Newston, Pendleton schools. John Wall, Vernie Grant, Athena school. Division A. Low Hurdles, 220 Tarda. Kimball, Fee, Jordan, Pendleton high school. Spence, Wilcox, Milton high school. McEwen, 'Pinker-ton, Athena high school.. . Hendersoa, Columbia college. Division A. 880 Yard Ron. Tates, Coffman, Columbia college. - Boylen, Haw, Pendleton high school. Riggle, Bannister, Milton high school. Payne, Dudley, Athena high school. Martin, Columbia college. , Looff, Columbia college. Division B. (7 and 8) 880 Yard Run. Bostwick, Milton school. Mimms, Daley, Dorsey, Pendleton gchool.' Sawyer, Louis Stewart, Wesley Tompkins, Athena schools. Division C. (3, 4, 5, 6.) 100-yd Dash. Floyd Culley, ' Vernon McEwen, Milton schools. Slebert, Bowman, Gordon, Pendle ton schools. Grant, Vaughn, Wall, Athena schools. Division A. High Hurdles, 120 Yards. Wright, Kelley, Milton high school. Fee, Bean, Jordan, Pendleton, high school. Henderson, Tates, Columbia col let. Division A. 220 Yard Dash. Gordon, Kimball, Bean, Pendleton high school. Slover, Trvls Henderson, Colum bia college. Spence, Wilcox, Milton high school. McEwen, Athena high school. Division B. (7 and 8.) 220-Yard Dash. Roscoe Smith, Milton schools. Knight, Perham, Snyder, Pendle ton schools, Worthlngtonr Frank" Smith, Athena schools. Division C. (3, 4, 6, 6.) 220-Yard Run. Ray Hayes, Floyd Culley, Milton schools. Slebert, Bowman, Pendleton schools. Grant, Sawyer, Athena schools. . , Division A. Broad Jump. Fee, Kimball, Bean, Pendleton high school. Hudson, Looff, Columbia college. Chester Johnson, Milton high school. Pinkerton, McEwen, Athena high school. -Division B. Broad Jump. Straughn,. Williamson, MImms, Pen dleton schools. Chester Johnson, Milton schools. Worthington, Frank Smith, Athena schools. - Division C. Broad Jump. . Mlmms, Newston Palmer, Pendle ton schools. Kllgore, Rulon Smith, Athena schools. Division A. Shot Put. Devine, Jordan, Graham, Pendleton high school. V Miller, Wright, Milton high school. Brotherton, McEwen, Athena high school. Division A. 440-Yard Dash. Boylen, Jordan, Straughn, Pendle ton high school. Miller, Wright, Milton high school. McEwen, Athena high school.- . Martin, Columbia college. Division B. 7 and 8- 440-Yard Dash. Bostwick, Milton schools. MImms, Daley, Dorsey, Pendleton schools. Sawyer, Glthens. Athena school. Division O. Ray Hayes, Floyd Culley, Milton schools. Mimms, Osborn, Pendleton schools. . Grant, Sawyer, Athena schoojs, Division A. 220-Yard Relay Race. Gordon, Kimball, C. Jordan, A. Jordan, Pendleton high school. McEwen, Pinkerton, Dudley, Wor thington Athena high school. Miller, Spence, Wright, Kelley, Mil ton high school. Division n. 220-Yard Relay. Straughn, Mlmms, Knight, Perham, Pendleton schools. Johnson, Bostwick, Everett, Prltch ett Milton schools. . Githens, R, Payne, Smith, Worth ington, Athena schools. Awarding pennants and Athena cup to school winning the greatest num ber of points. . Oratorical Contest. In the evening will come the ora torical contest between the various schools of the county which will be held In the M. E. church. The following is the list of contest ants: 'i Division C. Including the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th and th grades. Music, Volumbla college orchestra. Ina Ma Martin, Columbia college. Genevieve Levy, Milton schools. Vernita Watts, Athena schools. Music, Weston schools. ' Pendleton schools. Division B. Including 7th and 8th grades. Hazel Wyrick, Pendleton schools. Rowena Thomas, Columbia college, Milton. Carl Hicks, Milton schools. -Jtuth Kidder, Athena schools. high Music, Milton school. Division A. High schools. Music, Pendleton schools. James Hartwell, Pendleton school. ' Elmer Martin, Columbia college. Clarence Brotherton, Athena high school. Lottie Brandt, Weston high school. Jessie D. Wells, Milton high school. Music, Athena high Bchool. -Music, Columbia orchestra, Milton. Decision of Judges. Awarding of medals. recently purchased from me United Slates reclamation service. J. S. West came home night before last from the Pendleton hospital where he has been confined for the pnst few weeks. - Never hesitate about giving Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to children. It contains no opium or other narcot it and con be given with Implicit con fidence. As a quick cure for couglis and colds to which-children are sus ceptible,. It Is unsurpassed, Sold by all dealers. Folev'a Kidnev Pills contain in con centrated form ingredients of estab lished theraueutle value for the relief and cure of all kidney and bladder ailments. Koeppen Bros. TWELVE NEW OREGON . ATTORNEYS ADMITTED Salem. Or. Twelve " attorneys were admitted to the bar -on examinations recently held in Pendleton. They are P.. C. Areldson, Richland. Ore.; H. HERMISTON FESTIVAL A GREAT SUCCESS STRAWBERRY DAY DRAWS MANY VISITORS TO TOWN AH Join In Celebrating In Honor of First Stravlerrles of Columbia River Basin Other News Notes; , (Special Correspondence.) Hermlston, Ore., . May 12. The Strawberry Festival Jast night was a success. In e'very way. It was one Of .the most largely attended events ever held in the town of Hermlston, and every one had all the berries they wanted, lots of nice music and a good tlmo in general. The teachers and pupils of the public schools served the berries and furnished, the music, and are to be highly-complimented on the way their plans were carried out. Visitors were here from Pendleton, Stanfleld, Echo and Umatilla and help ed Hermlston celebrate In honor of the earliest berries In the Columbia river basin. "Hermlstort, where fruit ripens first." . Mrs. C. E. Baker arrived yesterday from Omaha, Nebraska, . where - she has been visiting with her parents for the couple months. Mrs. M. Slark of Pendleton, came down last evening to visit J. M. Scar-, borough and family, also to take in the Strawberry festival. Dr. M. S. Kern was down last night from Pendleton, taking in the straw berry festival. Mr. Rork, secretary of the Columbia Land company, at Stanfield, brought over an automobile load of Stanfleld people to take In the festival. ' Neol Olcutt came in yesterday from Greenwich, Ohio, and will spend some time In looking over the Hermlston country. R. C. Cromwell of Tacoma, .Wash ington, Is here looking after the load- ! ,n" . ofTwohv., brothers .machinery .J Hamilton Dearmond, Grants Pass; J. M. Skrable, Pendleton; Peter C. O' Malley, Raker City, and William A. Burke, George Rossman, M. H. Clark, J. M. Joyce, J. A. Burnett, Henry R. Haltmarsh R. F. Peters, Portland. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a heal thy appetite. They promote the flow of gastric Juice, thereby inducing good digestion. ' Sold by all dealer.. Liquid Foot Ease. ' Relieves tired, aching and sweaty feet. Happiness for every one t lis a bottle. First Class Drug Stores. Read the "Want" ads today? iained Fifteen Pounds V V 4Am In better condition physically than I have been for years. " Hy stomach, kidneys and liver are in fine shape," says Hr. William A. Burgess. "While serving in the U. S. Army, 1898 to 1901, I contracted stomach and kidney trouble, from which I have suffered ever since, and for which I receive a pension. I tried many remedies, but none gave any noteworthy effect. About three months ago I began using Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as a medicine. I have used three bot- 'iStH'Nl cs atid have gained fifteen 'piZ& it.. " -V ( since I began i(5ing it.- I am still mJ usincr it. and I do nnt tliinlr' fhere MR, W1LUAM At BURGESS iS ailV medicine mnr1r rlmr ia Pn..l to it. My stomach, liver and kidneys arc in better order than they have been for years, and if these three organs of the body are kept in order one win nave tew doctor duis. i cneertuiiy recommend Duffy s Pure Malt Whiskey as a tonic, a stimulant and renovator of the whole sys tem." William A. Burgess, P. O. box 575, Danville, 111. , ., ,. Duffy's Pure ifialt Whiskey has been before the public for half a century and its curative value hat never been questioned. It is an absolutely pure distillation of carefully malted grain. Overworked men, delicate women and sickly children wui nna in Luny.'s rure Malt Whiskey the health and strength giving properties that are so necessary to them. It is prescribed by doctors and recognized as a family medicine everywhere. If In need of advice, write Medical De partment, Tbe Duffy Halt Whifkey Company, Bocheiter, Mew York, stating your eaaa fully. Our dootora will send you advice free, together with a valuable Illustrated medical . booklet oontalnlnj rare common aenae mlei for health, which yon cannot aSord to be without, and some of the many thouaandi ' of gratifying lettert from men and women In all walka of life, both old and young, who hve been cured and benefited by the see of this great medicine and who continue to enjoy good health. Sold by druggists, V - ... , f ,. , . - . . I . t .....