. .i-iAfat'ei'rassKk-tw PAGE MX. DAILY BAT ORBQOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY U, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. ' ia Sugar. 2 'J 5 SEALED BOXES BEST SUGAR FOR TEA AND COFFEE! BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE!" Hurry Ends in Indigestion Hs2 your teeth on your food or your stomach will suffer. Quick lunches, hurried eating, bolting food, are sure to end. sooner or later, in some form of indigestion, more or less troublesome. Meecfiam'4 quickly relieve the distress caused by hurried eating. They act direct ly on the stomach nerves and actu ally help the food to digest and assimilate. They are particularly good for nervous dyspepsia,, bloat ing, hiccoughs, bitter taste in the mouth, and flatulence. With rea sonable care in eating, Beecham's Pills will soon Put an End to Stomach Ills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10b and 2Sc Hie Dew medium-back Is a feature. . THEATRE Cass Matlock. Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songB in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three time each week. Be sure and jee the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. F. A. CLISE, the only Exclusive Op tometrist located in Umatilla con nt jr. Office John Schmidt building, Pen dleton, Ore. Over SO year practice fitting glasses. Remember I grind my own glasses. Eyes carefully ex amined and glasses ground to fit Phone Main 550. FARGO PEOPLE ARE HEADED FOR OREGON DAKOTANS TO SETTLE IN WEST END OP COUNTY Special Train of Immigrants Will Start for Ilcrmlston and Stanflcld Next Week Will Visit Other Froit Sec tions of Northwest First Other News Notes of Hermiston. (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston, Ore., May 11. Word has been received at the local office of the Columbia Land company that Fargo Special No. 14 will leave Far go, North Dakota, the beginning of next week for Hermiston and Stan field. Stops will be made at Spokane, Wenatchee, Yakima, Seattle, Portland and Hood River, where the party will be given a chance to look over the different orchards and compare the soils and other conditions with the Hermiston district. Phillip A. Stover has been called to Pendleton on business. He has accepted a position In the United States geological survey, as topograph ers' assistant in the Alaska district, and will leave for Seattle in a couple of weeks to take passage for the north. A car of well casing has been re ceived by local well drillers from the mills in Pennsylvania. Joseph Thompson of Klamath Falls, Oregon, purchased a twenty acre tract yesterday and will start work in a short time building and get ting the place in shape for fruit. John McKintey came In last night from Havre, Montana, and will look after Improvement work on his tract southwest of town. F. A. Phelps, president of the "Ir rigation League" and Carl S. Mc. Naught, one of the directors, will go to Stanfield this morning where a meeting of the directors of the league will be held. Work on the new lumber sheds and office building of the Pitts-Wied Lum ber company, is about completed. They are now ready to furnish the settlers with high grade lumber on short notice. W. T. Welch is here from Minne sota, looking over the project with a view to locating. TOLSTOI'S VIEWS ON SUICIDE ARE REVEALED Berlin. The Countess Sophie Tol stoi is publishing In the Moscow pa pers various hitherto unprlnted ar ticles and letters of her husband. Count Leo Tolstoi, on social subjects. Among them Is an article strongly condemning suicide. The countess says that the article Is topical owing to the terrible epi demic of self-destruction raging among Russian school children. Count Tolstoi holds that a discussion of "the right to commit suicide" .Is useless, but that the rational and moral as pects of the question are clear. I translate one passage, which shows very clearly Tolstoi's philosophy of life: Life Is Indestructible; It is outside time and space. Death, therefore, only changes Its form and ends Its manifestations in this world. Having ended it In this world, I cannot Judge whether Its manifestations In another world will be more agreeable; and, in the second place, I deprive myself of the possibility of learning and acquir ing for myself all that may be ac quired In this world. "Suicide Is further Irrational be cause, if I end my life because it seems to me unpleasant, I thereby 'show that I have a perverted view of the significance of that life. The per version Is in the assumption that life Is meant for my enjoyment, whereas Its purposes are the attainment of personal perfection, and help in the process which Is being worked out by the whole life of the world. Suicide, therefore. Is immoral. Men are given their lives and the possibility of dy ing natural deaths only on condition that they serve the life of the whole world; whereas the suicide exploits life as long as It is agreeable, and re fuses to serve the life of the world as soon as It becomes unpleasant, Ignor ing the likely" fact that his service began only at that moment-when his life became burdensome. Every work Is at first unpleasant. . In Optlna Monastery there lay on the floor for thirty years' a paralytic monk who retained the use only of his right arm. Doctors said that he suf fered Intensely; but not only did he not complain, but crossed himself, looked at the ikon, smiled, thanked heaven, and expressed his Joy at the spark of life which glowed within him. . , . Probably this mohk did more good than thousands of healthy men who work in various in stitutions, imagining that they serve the world. MANY ELKS TO GATHER. Dally Eat Oiwcoataa fry canto , only IB oeat per week. Members From All Over Northwest to Greet Grand Exalted Ruler. Spokane, Wash. Fratere from var ious parts of Washington, Idaho, Ore gon, Montana, British Columbia and visitors In Spokane from eastern and middle western cities will greet J. U. Sammls of Lamar, Iowa, grand ex alted ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, during his visit here, May 13 to' 15. Spokane, lodge No. 288, of which John J. White Is exalted ruler, has arranged a celebration for March 13 In the Elks' Temple, where a class of 20, including 10 candidates from Rltz v.Tie, Wash., will be Initiated at an afternoon session,' a reception and banquet following In the evening. Joseph B. Llndsley, district deputy, will preside as toastmaster, with Mr. White as chairman, Alex M. Hogg and 10 other past exalted rulers of the lodge being vice chairmen. "While we have extended formal in vitations to every lodge in the Inland Empire and points on the Paclfle coast, we desire every member of the order to feel he Is welcome," said William F. Connor, secretary of Spo kane lodge, "'and we expect to have not less than 600 visitors. The cere monial work at the initiation will be conferred by a special degree team headed by Frank J. Dorsey. Mr". Sammis has three northwest ern cities on his list this trip: Helena, Spokane and Salt Lake. , He will pass two days with his mother ana nrotn er, F. H. Sammis, who lives in Spo kane, and he and other members of the lodge will be guests of Frank H. Shaw at his bungalow on Spirit Lake, Idaho, on May 16, leaving that eve ning for Salt Lake, from which point he will return to Iowa. STUYVESAXT FISH JR. WILL- MARY MISS DICK New York. Formal announcement has been made here of the engagement of Stuyvesant Fish to Miss Mildred Dick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evans R. Dick of Philadelphia and New York. Mr. Fish, who is following In his father's footsteps as a railroad man, was graduated from Yale In 1908 and began Immediately the study of his chosen calling, "from the ground up." Much amusement was aroused at the time from the fact that he went Into the shops of hlB father's worst com petitor, E. H. Harrlmon. Stuyvesant Jr. went Into the traffie department of the Illinois Central and from there transferred to the Rock Island. Two years ago, having finished his course in railroading, he decided to study banking and entered the offices of Aloman & Co. Last May he bought a seat for himself on the New York Stock Exchange, where he still remains. Shake off the grip of your old enemy, nasal catarrh, by using Ely's Cream Balm. Then will all the swell ing and soreness be driven out of the tender, Inflamed membranes. The fits of sneezing will cease and the dis charge, as offensive to others as to yourself, will be stopped when the causes that produce it are removed Cleanliness, comfort and renewed health by the use of Cream Balm. Sold by all druggists for 60 cents, or mall ed by Ely Bros., 66 Warren street, New York. An Ideal Husband Is patient, even with a nagging wife, for he knows she needs help She may be so nervous and run-down In health tha trifles annoy her. If she is melancholy, excitable .troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleepless ness,, constipation or fainting and diz zy spells, she needs Electric Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of sufferers from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used them and become healthy and happy. Try them. Only 60c Satis faction guaranteed by Tallman & Co. ONE-FUNXELED SHIP PROVES TO BE A "HOODOO" SEEKS PRISON CELL AGAIN. Release After 35 Years Motors Make Him Tremble. Berlin. A man has been released from the Berlin prison after thirty- five years' penal servitude for man slaughter, committed during a bur glary when he was twenty. . The sen tence was for life, but the prisoner's conduct was so good that the kaiser commuted It, and assistance will be given to enable the man to begin a new life. When shown the streets of his native city he trembled and had to be led like a child. Electric trains, automobiles and even bicycles were new to him. At first he implored to be taken back to his cell, so overpoW' erlng was the life of the great city which was a village when he left It Rovs Will Ra Rrni and are always aettlnr scratches, cuts sprains, bruises, bumps, burns or scaias. uon't neglect such things they may result serious if vnn f.n. Apply Ballard's Snow LJnlmonf uv. cording to directions right away and it win relieve tne pain and heal the trouble. Price 26c. 60c and 11. A. c Koeppen A Bros. Liquid Foot Ease. Relieves tired, achlnr and wt feet. Happiness for every one at If bottle. First Claw Drug Stores. Boston. When the terrified emi grants aboard the liner Cairnrona were told that they could continue their voyage to Portland Me., on the" same ship after the damage by fire was repaired, they refused, one and all. They regarded the ship as a "hoo doo," for the reason that she had only one funnel. Their superstition It seems-is widely held by the people of the Near East. Apropos of this, it is related that the peoples of the Persian Gulf be lleved In the might of England until a German warship came along with three funnels to the British one. Then they believed In Germany. But England retained her prestige by sending the four-funneled cruls ers Powerful and Terrible to those wa ters. Since then Britain has been the paramount power In the gulf, both In her own and In the natives' estlma tlon. The automobile which made and holds the transcontinental record Franklin Model H Four years ago thii six-cylinder Franklin set the ocean-to-ocean record, and its time has never been equaled or approached. . In fifteen days, two hours and twelve minutes it covered the distance from San Francisco to New York., That achievement stands, and has stood, a con stant challenge to all. That was the year in which Model H first ap peared. Other manufacturers were building four-cylinder engines, and they Scoffed at the idea of a six. Eventually they followed wich their sixes, but Model H has remained supreme. Model H vindicates the six-cylinder theory of construction. In comparison with the fours it shows added power thirty per cent greater than its added weight. This is an achievement which no other manufacturer has been able to duplicate. Light and smooth running, Model H makes faster touring time on American roads than does any other motor car. It is easy on all its mechanical-parts and on its tires. Thus it combines touring comfort with long life of the motor car, the highest aim in auto mobile construction. With its high power it hat steady torque. Its flexibility is unsurpassed. With large tires, large wheels, full-elliptic springs and a wood chassis frame it eliminates vibration. Above all, you can in comfort go farther in a day's run in a Franklin H than in any other six known. Model H, lix-eylinder, 42-horte-power, $3750 1, e. k. Syracuie. (Top extra) PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY, 812 Johnson St, PENDLETON, ORE. jmzi A Priceless Jewel Jewels differ In value according to Ize, brilliancy, perfection and rarity. But one Jewel upon which none of these things depend for value Is the ye. Come see us once in a while and let us tell you If you are affected by eyestrain, weak muscles, astigmatism or anything else that needs correct ing. We Fit Glasses Properly Aid your sight and only charge little for such service. A. E. SERUM, Optometrist, with A. L. Schaofor Jeweler ... to defray the cost of the work, and has decided to ask assistance from the White Star line and from the owners of the docks, the London & 'South western Railway company. A Man Wants to Die only when a lazy liver and sluggish bowels cause frightful despondency, But Dr. King's New Life Pills evpel poisons from the system; bring hope and courage; cure all liver, stomach and Kidney troubles; Impart health and vigor to the weak, nervous and ailing. 26c at Tallman tt Co. FOR DEEPER WATERWAY. Cost White Star Atlantic Plan to Southampton $500,000. London. The Southampton Harbor board has had under consideration for - some time past proposals for deepening' Southampton water from 81 to 35 feet for the accommodation of the White Star monsters, the Olym pic and the Titanic, which, when com pleted, will make Southampton their home for the proposed Cherbourg and Transatlantic service. The cost of such deepening has been estimated at close to 2600,000. The board has not shown a readiness MANE DE BOUGEY'S HAT WINS TITLE FOR HER Paris. The engagement of Llane de Pougey and Prince George Ohlka allies the Parisian stage beauty with num erous noble families of Roumanla, France and England, as well as with wealthy Singer family of the United States. Prince George belongs to the well-known Roumanian " family of Ghlka, one member of which Is Min ister Plenlpotentary for his country to France, and another is claimant to the throne of Albania. This Is Prime Albert Constatine Ghika, who mar ried Miss Dowllng of Klldare, Ireland. Prince Albert Is now heading a revo lutionary movement against the Turks in Albania. Tet another member of this wide spread family into which the actress is about to marry is Prince Jean Ghi ka, whose wife Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Singer of New York and Paris. As the former Wln eretta Singer Is Princess de Pollgnac, the famous Llane de Pougy will find herself connected with half the nobil ity of France. Dane's bethrothal followed Prince George's heroic fight with the towns people of St Germain, who Jeered at the mature beauty's tiny fanciful hat. Mme. de Pougy, who is the divorced wife of a French naval officer, i has been for twenty years one of the moat conspicuous figures in Parisian life. She has written plays and sensational novels and lived them. A few years ago she was so hard up that her very bed was auctioned off for three frances; now she has a hand some town house in the Rue de Neva and a villa at Mentone. A few years ago she had an encoun ter at Carlsbad with Mrs. Ogden Goe let, which ended in Llane Indignantly leaving her hotel. Then the beauty vouchsafed the explanation: "The New York woman was Jealous of my Jewels." 'WAGER-TRAMPS' IN BERLIN. Two Americans on Last Lap of Trip Which Means $4000. Berlin. The "Berlinger Tageblatt" has Just come across Bert Aubrey of Montreal and Will Edwards of Chi cago, who left Chicago fourteen months ago for a walk through Eu rope. They, took on their Journey nei ther purse nor scrip, and are making their way by selling postcards. They have tramped through "Paris and Brussels, following the Rhine val ley, crossed the Alps Into Italy, and have reached Berlin on their return Journey. They will finish their tramp at Antwerp, where they must arrive by June 5th to gain a wager of $4,-000. LET AN ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and most reliable power for small or heavy work. Less danger and easier to . operate you turn a lever and It does tha work." Jap-A-Lac The Home Beautifier Murphy Bros. The paint men will tell you about Jap-A-Lac FRESH MEATS f SAUSAGES, FISH AND LARD. X Always pure and delivered promptly. If you phone the T i Central Meat Market X 108 E. Alta St. Phone Main It. X WILLIAMvJON HAFFNERGD ENGRAVERS-PRINTER? DBNVBR'CQ i i ne nousewite-s work will be lessen I ed when Electiicty and G come into the home COOK WITH OAS Make the work easier for her and save on your fuel as well. No dirt, dust and excessive heat No fuel to handh) and fires to kindle and It costs lam DHer aake, put gasla your home ie thehot weather arrives I Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. FtooM Mate . ttt fftfftfttttimiM $$$ ittuTuiJ: The Well Known Chinese Doctor ' Cures any and all dis eases that the human flesh is heir to. My! wonderful and powerful roots. Lerbs.l f remedies are composed o f Chinese buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely unknown to medical science of the present day. They are harmlei as we use no poisons or drugs. No operations, no anire used. We cure stomach troubles, liver. Kidney, catarrh, lung, throat asth ma, nervous debility, female com plaints and rehumatlsm and all disorders of the blood. We cure to stay cured, and guarantee to cure all kinds of Piles and Private Diseases of man and women. Call ana see nim or write. Constulta tlon free. If you are unable to call and see htm. send two eenta in stamps ror symptom blank. Ad dress: THE L. CHIN G WO CHINE8KJ nuuiuimE on. gOlJgVltoMt Bt. Walla Walla. Wn. IN POUND. The following described animals have been taken up by the marshal of tha city of Pendleton, to-wtt: One Iron grey horse mule one year old and dark brown or black mar mule; no visible brands, one year old. , One roan mare, fresh bran w i.m shoulder, one year old. ir said animal is not claimed tha owners or those entitled to the pos session of them, costs and nn.nu. against them paid and they taken away within ten days from the data hereof, then at I o'clock p. m. of tha 18th day of May, 1910, the said ani mals will be sold to the tiloheat hin der, at nubile auction, for nuh at h city, pound, on the corner of Webb and Cosble streets. In said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to tha navment of - costs and expenses of making sal. jLmiea mm ma aay or May, ltlt. . TOM GURDANB, -City Marshal. Dally East Oreaonlaa by . earrt- imuj is cean per