PAGE FOVH DAILY EAST OKEGOX1AN, PEXlMinXN. OREGON. WEnXF.SO.W. MAY It. IIMO. eight PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published Dally, Weekly and Semi-Weekly at Pendleton, Oregon, by the CAST OBEUONIAN PUBLISHING (XX SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Daily, oii. year, by mall fS.OO Dally, tlx months, by mall 2.50 Dally, three months, by mall 1.20 Dally, one month, by mall 50 Dally, one year, by carrier T.60 Pally, tlx month, by carrier S.T6 Dally, three month, by carrier 1.05 Dally, one month, by carrier 05 Weekly, on year, by mall 1.50 Weekly, six months, by mall... 70 Weeklv. four months, by mall 50 Beml-Weekly, one year, by mall .... 1.50 Bernl Weekly, six momns, by mall... '.75 eml-Weekly, (our months, by mall.. .50 The Dally East Oregon lan Is kept on sals at the Oregon News Co.. 147 6th street, Portland, Oreg-oa. Korthweat News, Co., Portland, Oregon. Chicago Bureau, 8u9 Security Building. Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth street. N. W. Member United Press Asoctatlon. Entered at the postoiflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mall matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. IX THE EXP. Just this and never doubt It When Trouble comes, my friend, And wild winds howl around you, . "We'll get there In the end." It's still a hope to lean on When sudden storms descend; In site of wave and weather, "We'll get there in the end." And then a glad thanksgiving To holy heaven we'll send Still thankful that we're living, "We'll get there in the end!" Frank L. Stanton. ' ISX'T THIS TRUE? It is understood that the People's Power League has an amendment to the constitution providing for the settlement of county division ques tions by the parties and districts in terested. As to the exact terms of this proposed amendment the East Oregonian Is not informed. P.ut if It Is a reasonable proposition- It is safe to predict that it will be adopted by the people. This because it is only common sense to leave county divis ion problems to the people who are directly concerned. It Is a farce to have the entire state pass upon such issues. Meanwhile all ccrtinty division ques tions should "be held in abeyance un til this amendment has been passed. Any division bill brought up for con sideration this fall should be voted down. It Is the belief of the East Oregonian that defeat is in store for all of the measures now up. Voters will resent being called upon to de cide local Issues about which they know nothing and so cannot Judge Intelligently. They will be entitled to View all county division questions with suspicion. Should the "Orch ard" county measure be passed up to the people this fall Mr. Average Vot er will be Justified in aylng, "The promoters of this new county are un willing to wait until their case can be settled upon Its merits by the people who are really concerned. This Is a confession that their cause Is weak. So I will vote against them." TO OREGON'S DISCREDIT. In this manner the Oregon Jour nal reproaches the state for not rais ing more livestock. "Oregon husbandry received anoth. er black eye yesterday. The day saw . eight carloads of live hogs arrive in Portland from Nebraska and four cars of beef from California. The beef is destined for Grass Valley, almost the original home of the beef steer in Oregon, and the hogs were for the lo cal packing plants. The hogs were quoted for the day at $10.60 and beef at $6.50, prices that leave a splendid margin of profits for' the producer. "There Is a rail haul of nearly 2000 miles from Nebraska to Oregon, and a similar transportation cost for the more than 500 miles of rail haul from California. It Is almost a strik ing incident, when the Nebraska and California farmers can pay these costly differentials and ship food ani mals into Oregon. Nebraska has se verer and longer winters and must grow feed on higher priced land. The same high prices for feeds that shortened the hog and beef supply In Oregon were prevalent both in Ne braska and California last autumn and winter. The Oregon farmer had splendid advantages, but failed to supply his own market, while both Nebraska and California over-supplied theirs, and in spite of handi caps shipped their products over long distances to supply Oregon. It must mean that there Is a vast dif ference In farm methods and farm effectiveness in the three states, with Oregon a poor aecond to both the other dates." Oregon farmers should take op the livestock business whereever possible. When possible to do so farmers should fatten hogs and cattle. It Is more profitable to sell grain and hay in the form of fattened hogs or beef than to sell it as grain or as hay. Then the raising of livestock tends to bring about the enrichment of the soil and a higher state of agriculture. Animal husbandry and diversified farming go hand in hand. ' BE A BOOSTER. "If a man is not a booster he is a detriment to his home town," says the Coos Bay Times. "There are some men who take It upon themselves to meet strangers and tell all of the pet ty inside scraps in the town and give the stranger the general Impression that his particular city is no good in any way. ' If these 'knockers' are at all numerous it does not take long for a city to gain a poor reputation ali over the country, consequently the business of all. Including the 'knock er' himself, Is hurt." This applies as well in eastern Ore gon as on Coos Bay. Pendleton has some "knockers" right within the walls of the city. So have the other towns of this county and of eastern Oregon. Some of these men are good and loyal at heart. They knock without really knowing it Possessed of a temporary pessimism they talk! disparagingly of their town and of this country. They don't mean to do any harm. But they do do damage Just the same. They discourage other peo ple and tend to drive them away. Be a booster, don't be a knocker. If there are things that are wrong with your town or with this country remember that the defects are insig nificant compared with the good points. If you are talking with any one make this fact clear. Don't run chances of being classed as "knock ing the country." Eastern Oregon Is one of the favored spots of the earth. Pendleton Is the best little city of its size in the west. ' FOR THE NORMAL'S SAKE. The Eastern Oregon normal school i'i not a Umatilla county institution. Yet this county la the home of the normal school and so the school la entitled to the cordial support of the 'people of this county. The safety of the school demands that Umatilla county give it strong, enthusiastic backing. It is needless to say that such support will not be given the school if the newspapers and the public men of this county are thrown into a bitter county division fight Ii the Mlltonites force their issue up on the people this fall they will pre cipitate a veritable civil war in Uma tilla county. The division fight will demand the chief attention of -every one. It will be a fight to the finish and In the turmoil the Eastern Ore gon normal will suffer. Please hold the division fight off until we can settle It without Jeopardizing such a valuable institution as the Eastern Oregon normal school. The railroad bill has passed the house, somewhat mutilated, yet sound In all essential particulars according to President Taft. But how will the bill be when It has run the gauntlet in the senate? From a bitter county division war Umatilla county stands to lose much and to gain nothing. Instead of throw ing rocks at each other why not unite in working for the closer settlement and development of this county. Umatilla is the finest county in the state and Pendleton is right in the center of the county where it is con venient of access from all points. Possibly we can Induce T. R. to come here and deliver his peace lec ture. SOXG AXD ROSES. Song and roses for a day that's the way it goes; But give us song a whole day long, and bless us with a rose! The thorns are thick Upon the way; Give us the roses For a day! Song and roses so it goes, and earth rolls never wrong If we but reap, with friends or foes, the living rose of song! The red thorns gleam Along the way; Give us the roses For a day! Frank L. Stanton. THE ROSY GOODS. This plcnicky, pleasant weather It's the goods! Take, ye growlers, all together. To the woods! Learn the lesson of a lily, Doesn't spin, Yet It knocks yer growlln' silly; Take 'em In! Spend a day among the flowers Light unTolled, ' And you'll find the happy hours ! Rimmed with gold! Frank L. Stanton. Child Destroys Village. Berlin. Owing to a child's careless ness with matches the village of Eochmenklrck, - In the Duchy of Ba den, was completely destroyed. The inhabitants escaped,' but a number of cattle perished. PRAYER AT EVEXIXG. Naw nncrloa tvnllr the iHla with flam .. 0 ........ .... , ing feet - .. ! Along the purple margins of the day. ' Father, we beg, who know Thy rest is sweet, fraught to pray. We, beckoned to soft beds by kind ly sleep. Yearn toward the aching watchers for the light, Wide, fevered eyes that, Pain's red vigil keep,-- Hearts beating loud through the unquiet night. Father, Thy love doth 'bless each peaceful room ' Shall It not still more tenderly be , shown " Where some spent spirit, stumbling In the gloom, , Toils upward to its Calvary alone? Amelia J. Burr.' THE HELPER. Somewhere she waits to make you win, Your soul In her firm white hands Somewhere the gods have made for you i The woman who understands. This is the story of ages This is the woman's way Wiser than seers or sages, Lifting us day by day Facing all things with a courage Xothing can daunt or dim; Treading life's path wherever It leads Lined with flowers, or choked with weeds, But ever with him with him; Guardian, comrade, and golden spur, The men who win are helped by her. I Somewhere she waits, strong In be-' . lief. Your soul in her firm, white hands; Thank well the gods when she comes j v ' " The woman who understands. J. Appleton. THE NEW HA VEX. Alluring shadows In deep hollows, With the sunshine dver the hills, A song- bird calls and a love bird fol lows To the tree3 alive with trills. The peace of God is softly wafted From crest to crest of the heights. And "God Is love," Is a motto grafted By the staus on the still cool night. A-down the valleys the trees are vivid With all shades that green can take And human life, which is sometimes livid. Grows sweeter for life's sweet sake. The sea takes a deeper, darker blue Its - swells are as soft as the air The music, far off, is a rhythm too, Making human life a prayer. v F. Sydnor Cartweli In The Mantllus. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. Except for his faults man is a very dull creature. Social friendships among women are mere rivalries. It's so natural for a girl to pretend that she seems very strong when she hasn't a chance to. The best thing to keep an argu ment going indefinitely is ignorance of the subject on both sides. Fortunes made .by saving are not apt to be overestimated.' Women are more pennywlse and pound wise, too than most men. It's a mighty poor cigar a man won't try as a gift. A reputation for being clever can make a person act more like a fool than anything else In the world. Too " many matchmakers spoil the romance. A man-can admire himself for the way his wife forgives his failings. Promising is not giving, but seems to content fools. It sometimes seems that two heads can be much emptier than one. It may be hard to live within one's salary, but generally much harder to live without It. How can we expect another to keep our secret, if we cannot keep It ourselves? La Rochefoucauld. To things which you bear with Im patience you should accustom your self, and by habit you will bear them well. Seneca. . It is better to buy' your character; but as long as you live your reputa tion Is at the mercy of any babbler. Worldly prosperity does not neces sarily mean happiness either Here or hereafter. Breakfast Fruit, broiled chicken, cornbread, coffee. Dinner Tomato and bean broth, roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, aspar agus loaf, salsify fritters, maple par- falt, coffee. Supper Cold pork, lettuce, crack ers, Jam, tea. Harper's Bazaar. SAD BUT TRUE. There are thousands of persons to day suffering from ailments of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys who are dieting or experimenting with this or that remedy in the vain hope of find ing a cure. It's all a mistake. Let every such sufferer take HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS and notice the quick improvement In your general health.. It tones and in vigorates the entire system and pre vents Loss of Appetite, ncartburn, Headache, Indigestion, Costlveness and Malaria. Biliousness, Sick EaadLache, Soiir Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Cons XT' If HOME BAKED FOOD; lg 0 ' i 3 fresh, aood. wholesome. II economical. Readily WM. V- 5 . made with . MjJ Vcfcg1 Is KswMi. IS i'J No Alum ,tn Jlt"sa h no umo ifowaer jpf ! i ' THE TEXAS SHOOTER ' A few days ago a quiet, gentle-appearing blond young man came to our ranch in search of a stray horse. His voice was quiet and low, like a wom an's; and when I told him the horse was on the ranch, a pleasant smile, almost like a woman's, also came over his face. Strapped to his hip was a gun a .45 and with this, no doubt, he could cut the buttons from my coat without touching the flesh if I had stood in the right position for him to do so, for he wus a Texas ran ger, one of a body of men who live with their lives In their hands. They shoot straight, as a matter of course, but it is not a question of shooting straight, but of shooting quick and of being able to shoot from the hip, or. in fact, from anywhere. They do not take aim In the accepted way of the eastern man, but only as the boy aims when ha throws a stone, or the pitcher wheiy he pitches the ball. They aee the thing to shoot at and the eye directs the movement of the hand in any position, and they will empty a gun while a man who alms over the sights is getting ready to shoot. New York Times. THE DEATHLESS LIFE. I feel in myself the future life. I am like a forest once cut down, the new shoots are stronger and livelier than ever. I am rising. I know, to ward the sky. The sunshine Is on my head. The earth gives me Its generous sap, but heaven lights me with the reflection of unknown worlds. You say that the soul Is noth ing but the resultant of the bodily FOR 1600 acres in northern Grant Co. All fenced, good buildings. Adjoins reserve. Lots of pure water, 150 bearing fruit trees, 100 acres In culti vation. 3 acres In garden, raises all kinds of tender vegetables and berries. There is a school house on premises with 41 children in district and six months' school. There Is nine million feet of fine saw timber on the land. The owner raised last year 150 sacks of onions, 200 sacks potatoes, a ton of rubarb and celery, .canned 30 gal. corn, 30 gal. string beans and peas, and sold $100 worth of cabbage. There Is on the premises, threshing machine, mowing machine, harrows, wagons, plows,' harness, small tools, household furniture, etc. The owner has made a fortune on this ranch in the stock business and now wishes to retire, and will let It go with everything men tioned here for $S per acre, half cash, your own time on balance. ' I handle the best bargains to be found only. E. T. WADE Office in American National Bank Bldg., .Pendleton, Ore. . East End Grocery Is always In front rank when Fruit and Vegetables. Don't extra choice. Weston Potatoes, per sack Grand Ronde Apples, per box Orpheum Theatre J. P. MEDERNAC II. Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children', SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. .Program. Changes on Sundays, Tuesday's and Friday's. Byers' Best Flour omio Laxative Fruit Syrup A. 0. KOSPPEN BROS. powers. Why, then, is my soul more luminous when my bodily powers be gin to fall? Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is In my heart. I breathe at his hour the fragrance of the lilacs, the violets and the roses, as at 20 years. The nearer I approach the end the plainier I hear round me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which Invite me. It is mar velous, yet simple. It Is a fairy tale, and it is 'history. For half a century I have been writing my thoughts in j prose and in verse; history, philosophy urama, romance, tradition, satire, one and song. I have tried all. But I feel I have not said the thousandth part of what Is In me. When I go down to the grave I can say like many others: "I have finished my day's work." But I cannot say: "I have finished my life." My day's work will begin again the next morning. The tomb is not a blind alley, it Is a thor oughfare. It closes on the twilight; it opens on the dawn. Victor Hugo. HIS PHILOSOPHY. The rich man has a hard time to reach the happy state. Put still he has a coachman to drive him In the gate. But here's where comes the trouble His chance Is mighty thin; The gates they don't swing open to let him drive right in. They'll ask him leadln' questions, and unoiner uue ne u ten Where the rubber tires are melted. - and the coal trust fellows dwell ; Frank L. Stanton. Save money by reading today's ads. SALE Telephone Main 536 it comes to fresh and seasonable forget us when you want something $1.00 $1.35 Is made from the choicest wheat that crown. Good bread is assured . when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hnndv ' , Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. CI tan tea the syttss. thoroughly and clean sallow complexions oi pimples end blotche. It lr, ui-,r'j.ned . ,.!,yr-!.tH-a r Cold CureO Will knock the worst cold in Two Days Comes in capsules. Not disagreeable to take. Manufactured and sold in Pendleton, by Tallman & C o. Leading Druggists of Eastern Oregon. FAR.M FOR SALE 160 Acres of Good Farm Land 100 acres In cultlvatloa. Suitable for potatoes, har ries or ether produce. Two miles from Weston, Oregon. Call It Interested on Mark Moorhouse . Company 111 East Court Bt, . Phone Mala M. COLESWORTHY'S International Stock Food the old reliable The best for your stock - Try it COLESWOR.THY 127-129 E. Alta TTe QUELLE Cus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cookc and service - Shellfish in season Fontaine BIk., Main St. OBVIOUS ERROR You make a bad mistake when yo put off. buying your coal until the Fall purchase It NOW and secure the best Rock Spring coal the mlnea produce at prices considerably lower than those prevailing In Fall and Winter. . By stocking up now you avoid AIX danger of being unable to secure It when cold weather arrives.. HENRY KOPITTKE Phone Main 178. Llilno Transfer Phone Main 5 ' Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furniture moving and Heavy Truck ing a specialty. CALL FOR WARRANTS. "All rnfifl fund waVranta Mrf.Mj from the first day of July, 1909, to the first , day of April. 1810, will fee paid at my office In the county court house upon presentation. latsreat ceased upon date xf publication. uatea renaieion, ure., April H, 1010. a. W. BRADLBT. A 1 r: m. saassw County Treasurer.