East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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-,1Btjal.i-- - - -
Calling cards, wed
d.ng stationery, com
mercial ttlonery nd
job printing to oMr
at the East OreyonUn..
Fair tonight nnd prob
ably Tuosduy.
NO G&7
VOL. 23.
New Monarch of England Goes X
Through Official Ceremony
This Morning.
Coronation of New Potentate Attend
ed by all of Pomp of Medieval
Times l4nl KHelier will Have
Charge of Funeral of Edward VII
Body Xow Lie In Room In Which ,
I,lfe ix-iiarted Will be Taken to
Windsor Where It Will Lie In State
For Three Days.
London, May 10. King George was
formally proclaimed king at nine this
morning. All the pomp of the medie
val ceremony was adhered to. It has
been officially announced that Ed
ward's funeral will bo held at Wind
sor Castle May 29. The body Ilea In
state three days prececdlng the fun
eral. Tentative arrangements for King
Edward's funeral were completed to
day. Ird Escher, deputy governor
Of Windsor Castle who had charge of
Queen Victoria's funeral and also Ed
ward's coronation, will superintend
the obseiUles. The body will bo con
veyed from Buckingham palace In a
gun carriage to the railroad station
where It will be shipped by special
train to Windsor. The royal coffin
will probably be draped with the
English flags, while on the casket will
, lie his crown, robes nnd sceptre. The
king, queen, and queen mother, will
follow the funeral train In a carriage.
At Windsor the body will be carried
' to Albert Memorial chapel, and In
the course of the public ceremonies,
the body Is to lie in the state throne
room at Windsor for three -days.
The body now lies In the bed cham
ber where he died. He appears to be
sleeping ns his face shows little trace
of suffering. His body is clothed I"
the red silk robe worn when he pass
ed away. His hands are clasped over
his brenst. The coffin was hewed
from a freshly cut onk tree In the
royal preserves near Windsor.
Kansas City. May 9 The wife of
Dr. Hyde went upon the witness stand
today In her husband's trial Mrs.
Hyde told of their courtship and mar
riage which she said resulted In an
emnity between them. It is under
stood Hyde Is to follow her on the
tnnd. The woman wept while she
described the death of Colonel Hun
ton whom It is alleged Hyde poisoned
because Hunton was named ns the
prospective executor of the estate of
Colonel Swope and thus Is alleged to
have stood In the w-ay of Hyde's
plans. She denied Dr. Twymnn had
warned Hyde not to draw too much
blood from Hunton. Phe declared
Twymnn held the strings which con
trolled the blood flow. Regarding the
eight cases of typhoid fever In the
Swope family, she said Hyde nad
warned Swope a year previous not to
drink water from the mains on the
Swopo premises.
Oregon Electric Kills Man.
Portland. May 9. The head nearly
severed, a man, believed to be IT. R.
Thurston, a mechanic, was killed to
day by the Oregon Electric at the cor
ner of Montgomery and Water streets.
He Is believed to be from Ottawa.
Ohio and is aged about 60.
It is not often that a man who has
reached his ninety-seventh year will
"come west to grow up with the
country." Yet that Is what Petor S.
Morrison has done and he seems to
be doing well at It. Mr. Morrison now
lives at Powell, Wyoming, in the Big
Horn valley and ho Is In Pendleton
today while on a trip through the
const stntes of the northwest.
"I had been all over the rest of the
United States and I wanted to see the
Pacific northwest," ho explained this
morning. Ho was born on tho sea
while his pnrents were en route from
Scotland to America. That was In
1813, while this country was at war
with Great Britain. Under tho cir
cumstances he could not take part In
fhnt war, but he did participate In the
Mexican war nnd in the civil war. In
the Mexican war he was wounded nt
Monterey and upon his forehead there
Is a long senr made by a Mexican lan
1 IT
total or asoo victims
San Jose, May 9. Advices
today from Cartago say 900 of
the earthquake's victims have
been removed from the wreck-
age. It la estimated the deaths
will total 2500. Fully 1.000 are
dead In Paraso. Other Iowiih
have been damaged. Heavy rains
are fulling, making the suffer-
Ing worse, and Impeding the
work of the rescuers. .ynly a
few shelters have been provid-
ed for the five thousand home-
Too Much Talk Huh Infliimed Tlirout
- of Strenuous One Kaiser Will Not
I Entertain Him Owing to Death of
King Edward.
' Stockholm, May 9. Colonel Roose.
velt left for Berlin this morning. His
throat Is raw and will be Inflamed for
several days making It necessary for
him to curtail or omit from his pro
gram a number of speeches. The
Colonel is confident that three days
rest will strengthen his voice. A
specialist says the trouble Is not seri
ous. Owing to the. death of Kin Edward
the Kaiser will not entertain Roose
velt. He will be entertained by Am
erican Ambassador Hill.
Roosevelt Rig Xolse.
Chicago, 111, May 9. Lieutenant
Ernest Shackelton the explorer is
here today and said: "Roosevelt is
a most extraordinary man, but well
he is what we would call a big noise,
in: will xot resign
Chicago, May 9. Although Senator
Lorliner says he has no Intention of
resigning. It Is believed he will tem
porarily relinquish his seat and de
mand that the senate Investigate his
The grand Jury at Springfield be
gan its second week's probing into
the election today and It Is predicted
that additional Indictments will be
returned against certain state legisla
tors whom It Is alleged were bribed.
Speculation Is rife a to who would
succeed Lulmcr n the event he would
resign. It is generally believed that
Governor Dcncen favors former Sen
ator Hopkins.
Indians Secure I-lrewater.
That the Indians on the reservation
have discovered a new source of fire
water seems apparent from the fact
that several of the braves have been
arrested during the past few days.
Charles Roiiison, brother of the fa
mous Walter who is now in Jail on a
charge of horsestealing, was g.ven
five days in jail for riding his horse
on the sidewalk, while Jim Badroads.
John Wa-lat-sl, Peter Kux, Ed Chap
man and Big Jim were each sentenced
to pay a fine of t" or serve three days
in Jail.
Two More Committeemen.
W. E. Brock and Clarence Bishop
have been named by President Thomp
son of the Commercial association to
work with the committee that was
named last Friday to take up the pro
position of securing an endowment
for Pendleton academy. The other
members of the committee are Judge
S. A. Lowell, Leon Cohen and Mayor
Murphy. This committee is now co
operating with the trustees of the ac
ademy in laying plans for obtaining an
endowment for the school.
cer, fn the civil war Mr. Morrison
was a member of the 22nd Michigan
Infantry nnd ho served four years, re
ceiving but one wound, a bullet hav
ing shot off one finger.
Until two years ago Mr. Morrison
lived In Michigan. The Impulse seiz
ed him to come west and west bo
came, though 96 years old. He took
up a homestead In the Hi:: Horn val
ley and has been Improving It as
would any other youngster Just out
from the east.
In appearance Mr. Morrison Is not
over 70. He has a healthy, hearty
look and says that he feels about as
well ns he did nt 20. Ho admits, how
ever that he Is not as spry ns In his
youthful days. The motto of his life
has been not to indulge In excesses.
He tries to be moderate In all his
habits. He does not drink nnd while
he uses tobacco he says that ten cents
worth does him for six weeks.
1 I
Explosion Wrecks Power Plant
Near Hull in Quebec,
frond Sees Tiro Break Out and While
Watching It Terrible Explosion Oc
curs, Killing Fifteen and Mangling
Others Country Around Is Devas
tated Windows liroken Miles
Away Loss Is Over $100,(M0.
Ottowa, Out., May 9. Fifteen dead
and twenty Injured in the General
Explosives Gunpowder plant ruins. It
is estimated that a loss of a hun
dred thousand dollars will result from
the magazine explosion last night. Earl
Grey was slightly injured at his home
here by the explosion which occurred
at Hull, four miles distant. Buildings
for a radius of a mile had windows
broken- and many small struc
tures were demolished. A large
crowd was near the plant watching
a baseball game, when fire was dis
covered, in the plant. People were
warned away only a. moment before
two tremendous detonations occurred
which stunned scores and killed fif
teen men.
The scene where the crowd from
the ball game stood resembles a bat
tlefield. Headless, armless and leg
less bodies were lying about among
senr s of unconscious forms. The si
lence that followed the final death
dealing blast was more terrifying than
the cries and moans which came with
a return to consciousness of the badly
injui ed.
' The terrific shock brought thous
j amis of terror stricken people into the
struts of Hull. Some thought it was
Jan earthquake, while others cried out
that the comet had struck the earth.
I Hundreds of chimneys were toppled
ovi-r and there is scarcely a whole
i window left in the northeastern sec-
t ion of the city.
Seattle. May 9. Elba.. . Norri
son. shot and seriously wounded
by Luke Miley yesterday when Miley
found him walking on the streets
with his wife and 6 year old boy. has
even chances for secovery according
to the doctors today. Miley leaped
from a street car, drew a gun and
shot Norrison. He was caressing his
son when the police arrived. "I'm
the man who did the shooting," said
Miley. "1: was little Donald's sixth
birthday, and I planned to take him
street car riding. I was nolng to his
mother's when I saw them coming
down the street." Mis. Miley sued for
divorce two years ago and lost her
case. Since then they have lived
San Francisco, May 9. Charges of
a packed meeting and similar recrim
inations are being hurled today by
many who attended the mass meeting
to protest against the "rule of vice"
which is alleged to be guiding the
course of San Francisco. Two thou
sand women nnd half as ninny men
j gathered to protest against McCar
thy's administration, and the police
twice suppressed disorders resulting
from the refusal of the president to
recognize persons who wanted to
speak. The mention of McCarthy's
name started evenly divided cheers
and hisses. They voted yes to a res
olution calling for a removal of the
present board of police commission
Iltixinesw Houses Adopt Method nnd
Admiralty Falls In Line.
London. Though the people of
many lands have laughed nt the day
light saving bill, framed to make the
nation get up early nnd get through
its work in the sunshine, the move
ment is gaining ground. Parliament
has held up the bill time nnd again.
But commercial initiative is getting
ahead of the politicians.
With the advent of May several
business firms In London nnd the
provinces have voluntarily put in op
eration the provisions of the bill. Some
of the government departments, too,
have adopted it. The admiralty, for
example, has agreed to allow Its whole
clerical force to start work nt an ear
lier hour so that It may get off an
hour sooner.
The postoffice has agreed to the
same course In those departments
where the staff has expressed any de
sire. William Willott, the author of
the scheme, declares that 200 mem
bers of the present house of commons
are pledged to vote In favor of It.
That Is not much practicnl use
though, In the delicate health of the
present parliament.
S. F. Wilson
Advocates to
in Athena.
Invites Peace
Hold Session
Wilon Would Scorn Judgeship in
New County "Influence Xot for
Sale" Athena Still Included In
irooscd County and Line Has
Been Extended Southward Closer to
. J. P. N'eal and S. D. Peterson, em
issaries from the county division camp
at Milton, have been here today sup
posedly In the interests of "Orchard"
county. While here they have talked
over the subject of a conference with
local people, but thus far no an
nouncement regarding any such a
meeting has been made. It is under
stood the Milton-Freewater people are
willing to hold such a conference if
desired by the people of Pendleton,
Al'iHli.i and Weston.
In a phone interview with the East
On gonian today S. F, Wilson of Athe
na proposed the holding of such a
conference in the city of Athena. If
the people of those sections interested
In the division fight see fit to call such
a meeting for Athena. Mr. Wilson says
the people of that place will be glad
to om iiain the conference.
Wilson Is Opioscd.
In discussing the subject today. Mr.
Wilson, who Is one of the mort Influ
ential men in the Athena country, de
clared his firm opposition to division,
".f the Milton and Freewater people
want to Pave the county, then let
them take a little corner of the county
and go." says Mr Wilson. But we do
not want them to have any of the ter
ritory south of the Dry creek ridge. I
believe I know the sentiment of Athe
na people pretty well and I am sure
that It is entirely against division. We
do not want it and we will not stand
for it. We are ready to fight this
matter to the finish."
Offices Don't Tempt.
During the past 24 hours a report
has been in circulation that the di
visionists have a plan to win the af
fections of Athena and Weston peo
ple by offering residents of those
towns the official positions to be cre
ated if the new county succeeds. It
is on the slate, so it is reported, to
make S. F. Wilson county Judge. TI.
I Watts, school superintendent", and
to distribute the remaining officers
among other residents of Weston and
Over the phone today Mr. Wilson
declared no overtures of such a na
ture had been made by the division
ists and laughed at the idea. Then he
"Our influence is not for sale upon
such a basis as that and it would do
tin-in no good to try such a scheme."
It Is now understood that Instead
of changing the boundary lines of
"Orchard" county so ns to leave Athe
na In Umatilla county the line has
been extended farther southward so
as to take in more territory than was
originally intended. When the local
junketing party was at Milton Wed
nesday It was stated by leaders In the
division move that Athena was to be
left out of the proposed new county.
Evidently this plan has bi n changed.
Rosehurg. May 9. Two prominent
young women of this city were drown
ed In the North Umpqua river nt
midnight at Winchester when their
boat wns overturned. They are Mrs.
Aileo Vial. Miss Hattie Smith. They
were rowing above the dam with
Lloyd Atterbury. nnd Clarence Cole.
One became frightened and Jumped to
her feet. The boys' reached the shore
but the girls sank almost Immediately.
Dragging nnd dynamiting Is being
done todav to recover the bodies.
Washington. D. C, May 9. Secret
service men who are guarding the
president are worried. This afternoon
he will open 9 fairs In New i"ork nnd
then he crosses to the Jersey shore
to motor to rassalc. Northern New
Jersey Is regarded as the headquart
ers In the United States for anarchists
so extra precautions nre taken.
Tneomn, May 9. Mrs. Martina
Kaulshaug whose second trial for
complicity in the murder of her hus
ban.Lended in a disagreement, like the
first, will be tried again In June ac
cording to District 'Attorney McMur
ray. The jury was discharged yes
terday after 24 hours' consideration.
The two trials cost 20,000.
STAR OF 111 Till. I HUM
Webster City, Iowa, May 9.
St. Paul's Universalis! church
congregation b li-v-H Halley's
comet and the star of Bethle-
hem arc- one and the same.
Dr. Splcer from his pulpit last
night made computations to
prove his statement. He ue-
dared scientists believe, Christ
was born four years before his
credited birth. The comet was
duo then.
Deceived Was One of Bet Known
and Most Successful Farmers In
County Death Due to Acute Kn
trlt is Funeral Sen ice WeOnexIay
William P. Temple, son of J. F.
Temple of this city and one of the
best known and successful farmers of
Umatilla county, died at his home
In Pendleton about 9 o'clock last
night, after a brief Illness. Death was
ti.e result of acute entritis.
The deceased was born In Mahas
ka county, Iowa, in 1 6 2 and four
years later his mother died. In 18S3
he came to Oregon with his father
and all of his life since that time has
been spent in Umatilla countv. April
1SS6 he was united in marriage
to Miss Rose Bitnex and to them were
born two children, F'hel and Ralph,
both of whom are living and were at
his bedside when he died. Mrs.
Temple died March IS, lSSfi. and on
October 26, 1&9S, he married Miss
Ada Haun. Two children were born
as the result of this union they being
Roy and Vera, who were also at his
bedside when he died.
William Temple was a self-made
man in every sense of the word. Start
ing in life as a farm laborer at barely
living wages, he succeeded through
frugality, hard work and the appli
cation of practical methods. In am
massing an estate which enabled him
to spend the last few years of his life
in rise nnd comfort. Though econo
my was his watchword throughout the
years of his early struggles he was
alwrfys generous whereever the cause
was worthy. Devote. 1 to his family
he was beloved by all who knew him
and his comparatively suMt n and un
timely death has caused a shock to
the entire community. His demise
sincerely mourned hv all who knew
Tlie deceased was a member of the
Masonic lodge and the order of the
Eastern Star anil a prom'in-nt worker
in the Farmers Union. Two years ago
he united with the Presbyterian
church and has In en an active mem
ber of that organization continuously
since that time.
The funeral services will be con
ducted at the Presbyterian church
Wednesday afternoon by his former
pastor. Rev. W. L. Van Nuys of Mt.
Hood, assisted by President W. H.
Pleakney of the Frndleton Academy.
The remains will be taken from the
home to the church nt 2 o'clock. Fol
lowing the sen-ices at the church
the remains will be taken In charge
by the Masons who will conduct the
services at the grave.
In addition to his wife nnd four
children the deceased Is survived by
a father, six brothers and six sisters,
aa follows: Dr. I. U. Temple, Pen
dleton: John F. Temple, Jr., Pendle
ton; Ernest M. Temple. Pendleton:
Grover C. Temple, Helix; George W.
Temple. Folsom. Montana: Gilbert
Temple, Pendleton; Mrs. R. W. Tut
tle. Brant. Alberta: Mrs. Etta Sim
mons. Portland; Mrs. Alice Simmons.
Helix; Mrs. Minnie Harvey, Pendle
ton; Mrs. Ben Morton. Pendleton:
Mrs. Hattie Perkins. Tendletcn. All
but Mrs. Tuttle wire at his bedside
when hi- passed away.
Halley's comet is new really visible
to the naked eye. according to scores
of Pendleton people who claim to be
capable of telling a comet from a large
star or n streak of aurora boreal:.
Put according to the Pendleton ob
servers of the astral body, there is
nothing aweinspiring about the spec
tacle nnd it will be necessary for u t
do some rapid traveling if ;t t-uccee ls
In getting close enough to the earth to
make anything I ke the big show
which the scientists have been prom
ising during the past several months
Among those who have seen the
ecmet were E. W. Brown, of the high
school faculty, George Hartman of the
First National Bank. Ralph Howlund.
former local weather observer and
Senator Francis E. Warren
Alleged to Have Fenced
Many Acres of Pub'ic Land.
S. Connolly of ClieycniK", Supoo-ed
to Im- Railroad Employe. Files Sen
sjiiionnl Charges With Committee
at Wa-liington Allcg-. .VI.OoO
Acre of Public Land-. Were Fenced
By Warn-" Sn HltcUeock Knew
f the Mailer.
Washington. D C. Ma 9 F-enji-tional
charges were repc-ted to ba
on fib- with the joint -. ngressional
ami interl.. r department commute
train! Senator Francis E. Warren ItJ
A. S Connolly of Ch'yerne. who la
credited with being in the employ of
several western railroads. In a bill
of particulars. Connolly : lleged "the
Wdrren Livestock companv," of which
Warren Is president fenced 64.000
acre uf public lands in Colorado,
which were to he award -d to Colo
railo for school lands. Connolly state
the lands were fence pt lor to 1901
ami that complaints w-ro made that
e.'tr to Secretary Ilitchco k who de
tailed Special Land Ag-n! Forbes to
inv.-Migate th... case. Later Forbn
was tran-f.rr.-d to another division
arid the matter was dropped. Con
nolly asks tlie commit'.,- to consider
the charge agiinst Wai.ren.
Dallas. Ore., May 9
today h- 1 ! an Inquest in
f M L ighton f M. M
was kill. ,1 las; night by
The coroner
'o the death
nnvilic, who
train. Miss
V- was baj-
Eunice Lewis, of New bu
ly cut, around the hen. I.
and J. Scully of Sherid
E. Whipple
en and both
.ft the train
of the hurt girls hid u.
at Bri ! f- 11 station near
to Dalins with friends,
i tossing the track w tiei
passenger era-he.) into
hurliriu th-in ali out.
t- n's body was taken n.
the pilot. The wounded
M Ii..:i.i- at midnight.
here to rid
They were
the Da'laa
the bugfry
Miss l-lgh-tr.gied
ere brought
l Contriblted. i
The kpetial .-ervices ar d l envfntion
on M.tho.l of Work nt the TU'uilla
Indian mission were' ncluded thl
morning after an early '-our meeting
aim the visitors were !r nsported to
l'en.lleton to take tlie irains going
north, east and west Mrs. O. P.
M .--m,.i;-i p.,rl..nd. . nd president
e: the Woman s North i'acific board
of missions, returned I'ome on tn
icon tra'n. Sonic India a visitors re
turn d to Yakima and tie N'ei Perco
reservations. Two returned to th
Ft. Hall nservatiotis accompanied by
Rev. James Hayes. F;?v. William
Wheeler and Mr. Luke Williams who
will conduit a special .vssion thers
for several weeks.
The meetings at Tutu! la, though a
little dii'firetit from the usual annual
encampment have been very success
ful and much good has been done.
The popular nd insses hy the differ
ent special speakers w ?re standard
al..ii- the different liner of church
work nnd th.ini.s arc hereby extended
t :,!' 'ricn.N who heipe - in the meet-'
ir:s .u any way. J. M. C.
Infant n.ui Dic
The Infant son of Mr and Mn R.
O. E in:!' .r: ,.f C! 1 Spr ngs. died last
n g'u at tiie h- me of ,1 T. La;ng In
th:s city. The funeral s-rv-.oes will be
conducted a: the Mt'.od'st church
tomorrow at 1 oVl.vk ' y the pastor.
Rev Nathan Eva-is.
. o: . s ot othi rs.
Sunday morning the
.in I a: 2 10 the eotm
v-ohle f .r voine time,
however, the coun t itse'
eernille while the taM
(l.e .ut h , a -.1 ne.j.e----.,
ill length. It will evid
p- Vic, -.. , t. !1 1 fh ,.
age somewhat if i! is
ii y
a nly
s- nt,
At pr
' is bard
iud n! a pi
. Tl.l-
ihle to
nd 19.
stt t e p
the earth on May Hi.
If the sky should be (
niornmi;. tho- p. roti
ni to arose at 2 30 or
should be able to set
v. w of the is:t..r fro
Ri u of IniMicanirahle
he se- n l'iw dow n nei
nnd just a little to the
lear torn ""-row
who are w'll
there -ihouts.
a fairly
n out
',he re
it will
r the '.riion
north of fast.