1 1 -. ,.,. L ll It. i ,Yi ..lieliMlIM a,. , , MmiMWa i umia ... "4 TEN PAGES. DAILY EAST OHIJGOXIAX, PKXDLETOlf, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1010. page nxn. -" u -1 "-IV. .. -in f.in iiwiiiMW "i ,tif ... FRUIT MEN ENGAGE A EAST KM) GHOWFRS SIX TUK N. V. MIMFOKI) Til' Arrives for Irrigation Tract Pe tition to Widen Sluie Line Roiid is IVvt HoIiib ClrciilnKd Other Items (.Special Correspondence.) Froewati-r, Mi.y 7. X. W. Munfor-1 fvriiier manager of the Walla Walla produce company has been engaged by the Milton-Freewatcr Fruit Grow ers' union as their traveling rcpresen tiitive. J. II. liia.lley nnd Fairish of Fern dale have Just received a car load of eight-Inch pipe to he used on their Irrigation tract. They are forcing the water right up on the lilli where they are pulling out three hundred acres of orchard. Mi. R. Downs of Portland, who has, been visiting her daughter Mrs. Stewart of the runt side, has returned to her home. A petition Is being circulated am ong the farmers to have the State line roaj widened 15 feet on the Oregon Bide one and one-half miles from the station and west. It was ' largely signed. Mr. J. II. Piper Is preparing to build a fine new home on his ranch Just west of Frcewater. It is to be up-to-date In every respect. T. C. Sanderson editor of the Free- water Tinu-H left yesterday for a bus iness trip to llaker City, La Grande and Union. Rev. Ira Crooks of Sunnysldc M. E. church went to Athena this week to pip his conference examination and to attend the ministerial association. Messrs Karl and Vclf..rd Moore have none to Cnut Kalis. Montana to look up lioincMiead loci. t Ion. Mr. and Mr. V. A. Smiley have Just n niniod lor a pleasant two weeks Visit with their daughter Mrs. (leed man whose husband is foreman of the J. K. Smith sheep ranch at l:arnhart. Mrs. .1. I). Hurrah ..r State Line and J. W. Ilarrnh are visiting with fri. nds nnd relatives In Pendleton. Rev. Washburn of th. Vincent Pr.-bjtcrlaii iliur.-h has been at tending the meeting of the Presbytery at Hooil River. The fnlt.-d Ur.-thr.-n church of Hudson Hay will hold a public bap t!sh;..l s. rvi e in ilallali.T'.s grove on Sunday. I Mayjolj Oregon Theatre, Tues. The Famous ... Beauty ... In the Merry Musicai Comedy Success "WINE, WOMAN AND SONG" Famous for Music, Fun and Pretty Girls Presented by a company of fifty clever people. And the same original cast and production as seen for 400 nights in the Circle Theatre, New York City SEE Bonita in the Chanticleer Gown Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c. Pendleton Drug Co. IIAI'.U WIRE FEXCK TO n.Ut OUT MF.XICAX TICK ii i:rm is i mtxi:ssf.s sl.KVIl) WITH PA I F.ItS Washington, A barb wire fence with which to keep out the Mexican cattle tick Is the queer expedient for which the Bureau of Animal Indus try is trying to secure congressional permission. The fence needn't be made of a mesh small enough to keep out the insect. Hut there must be a barrier i keep the tick-infested Mexican cat tle off of Uncle Sam's territory, otherwise the American cattlegrow er finds his herds full of the pest. The Bureau has asked congress to grant an appropriation to do the fencing (dear along the International border line wherever natural con ditions do not constitute an Impas sable barrier for cattle. (Special Correspondence.) Htrniiston. Ore.. May 6. W. P.. Or tfith, United States Marshal for this district, was in Herm.'ston yes terday subpoenaing witnesses in the cas.. of the United States vs J. Scri ber ex-iHshier of the Farmers' & Traders' Hank of La Grande. Oregon, which will be tried in Portland next we. k. Mr. and Mrs. George O'Dinlel of Pendleton, has been here for the nast few days visiting with their daughter, j Mrs. F. C. McKenzie nnd family. Henry Mortimer came down jester- day from the Stage Gulch district to' do some trading. I J. G. Wagner has been called to! Portland as a witness n the Scrlber I case, while there wil lncgotiate for ' case an.l while there will negotiate for 1 the purchase of stock for the harness and s.iddb ry business which he ex pects to open in the very near fu ture. !' ry llermlston fan Is planning to Journey to Feb.. Sunday to take In the Echo-Hermlston ball game. The boys havt. been doing some hard practic ing thy past week and it Is likely that the game will be a good lively one from start to finish. J Hughes, who ha been here for the past couple of weeks looking over the project will leave for Portland this afternoon. M llTI'.IUt XKAX PASSAGES OF .M EDI AliVAl, APPEARANCE Washington. When the senate and house office buildings were built and subterranean tubes bored to connect the two structures wit:, the cabitol itself a new vista of halls and corri dors were opened. The capitol building has a modern appearance from the ground up, but underneath In the sub-basement, so t'j speak, everything is mediaeval. In the good old days when the founda tions of the government were built brick work was en regie Hence un derlying the whole building are be wildering stretches of Kicked corri dors that twist about like a maze. The subways from the house and senate tap a series of these -subte-lanean passage ways at either end of the capitol. Modern architects and workmen have done their best to straighten out their kinks; electric lights point the way to elevators out of the cave-like passages, and doz ens of signboards tell the way to wayfarers. John D. Rockefeller would go broke if he should spend his entire Income trying to prepare a better medicine than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy for diarrhoea, dys entery or bowel complaint? It is simply Impossible, and so says every one that has used it. Sold by al. dea -ers. For More Than Three Decades. Foley's Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. For In fants and children It is best and safest as it contains no opiates and no harm ful drugs. None genuine but Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow packas?. Refuse substitutes. Koeppen Bros. 31 Want Ads. E WANTED. GOOD PASTURE Send me your stock to pasture. I have 700 acres of the best bunch grass to be found; well fenced, shade and running wa ter the year round. Four mile east of McKay, eight miles west of Mea cham. Horses, $1.50 per month; cows, J 1.00 per month. Address O. W. Burgess, Meacham, Ore. WANTED Steady or transient room ers, at the Eureka, 608 Willow street. Light and airy rooms. Pleasant surroundings. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. W ork done with especial care. Phone Red 2521. For SI Continued. STOCK RANGE FOR BALE CHEAP, 120 acres, containing five BllllM feet of timber, Plenty of water oa the place. J. N. Klein, Weston, Or. STOCK RANCH FOR SALE KM acres under good fence, well wat ered, 80 acres In crop, good r chard. Vacant land on two side. 110,600, half down, balance I per cent. For description, write B. F, P., Long Creek Oregon. FOR BALE. FOR SALE, RIVERSIDE 6 -room house, bathroom, scullery, cement cistern, engine, barn and outhouses, three acres alfalfa, fruit trees, half acre vegetables. C. L, Crockatt Phone, R. 2412. r Gr4 SALfi --Old newspapers wrap ped in bundle of 150 each, suitable for wrapping, putting under car pets, etc. Price 15c per bundle, two bundles 2 5c Enquire this oi-flee. FOR SALE 8. C. Black Mioereal eggs. The kind for eggs, tlxe and beauty. Egg $1.60 per II. Letter Boyd, 110 Eaat Webb street. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAIND8, 11 you want to subscribe to magaiLna or newspapers In the United State or Europe, remit by posts.: note, cheek, or send to the EAST ORB GONIAN the net publisher's prlee of the publication you desire, an we will have It sent you. It t -111 are you both trouble .hd risk, il you are a subscriber to the EAJ51 OREOONIAN, In remitting you c& ieduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Addree EAST OREGONLAN PUB. CO., Pendl. ton, Ore. ANYONE, anywhere, cn start a mT order business at home. Ne can vassing. Be your own boss. Send fei free booklet. Tells how. Heacock 2708, Lockport N. T. USE DR. G. W. ROGERS' Stock, ft Poultry Remedies. Positively guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by C. B. Bowlsby, 101 West Webb street, Pendleton, Oregon. A man doesn't deserve residence In a fine town who refuses to be enumerated. Classified Directory Foley Kidney Pil! ore antiseptic, tonic and restorative and a prompt corrective of all urinary Irregularl- tis Refuse substitutes. Koeppen Bros. Miracle Cure for home Treatment The knows doctors, powerful world Chinese w I t h and Do you take the East OregonlanT 5-'; What EverylMxly Want. Everybody desires goo. I health w-h ill is Impossible unless the kidneys nve sound nnd healthy. Foley's Kid ney Remedy should be taken at the first Indication of any irregularity, an 1 a serious illness may he averted. .Foley's Kidney Remedy will restore your kidneys and blruMor to their nor mal state and activity Koeppen Bros. TTT i- ( I -44-44 i4-t4J-M-4 f :"H t i r-x-i. T TT -.j-h? - . 144-ri-UmsgB ecfnc Weld F encini wonderful Chi nese remedies, cure all diseases successfully. If you are out of health, unable to regain it, write us today and de scribe your symptoms. We ac cept only curable cases. York York, Chinese Medicine Co., 210 W. Main St., Walla Waila, Wash. After suffering with rheumatism for many years, other doctors not curing me, I wrote Drs. Tork & York for treatment. Their won derful treatment cured me within a month, and now I ain perma nently cured, for which I write this true testimonial. If any one suffering, wishes to know more ibout their treatment, they can write me. J. M. ASHWORTII, Weston. Oreeon. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOHEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 8411; .esidence, -ed. 2(82. DR. LYNN .r. BLA jSLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous disease, and dis eases of women. X-ray a i Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 554. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone, black 3421; residence 'phone, red 2261. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAiS" ABSTRACT Co!, MAKE! reliable abstracts .of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loan oa city and farm property. Buys aac sells all kinds of real estate. Doe a general brokerage business. Pay taxes and makes Investment for non residents. Write fire, life and acel- aent Insurance. Feference, bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vlce-Pre. C. H. MARSH, Sec. any W. D. FLETCHER, Real Estate, Fire, Life, Accident, Health Insurance. Office East Oregonlan Bldg. Mala street. BENTLEY 4 LEFFINGWELL. REaL estate, fire, life and accident inur- KERN & BENNETT, DENTAL SUR- geons. urnce, room 15 Judd build- ance agents. New location, 815 ing. Phone, Red 3301. street Phone Main 404. DR. THOS. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Office in Judd bulldng. Phone, Main 73. LIVERY AND FE STABLES. IC1TY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON i street, Carney &. Bradley, Prop. I Livery, feed and sale stables. Good C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATU r,Bm Bl au ms. cab line in connee- VETEREVARY SURGEONS. For Hogs, Sheep, Poultry, Rabbits, Gardens, Etc. VERY Clubwomen to Mevt. Cincinnati, May 7 I leadnuarters hav been established, reception win mitt.es appoint..,! mid all arrange ments made for the nnenini: in C n- Clnnntl neVI week of Hi., eve, it 1.1-1 ennial meeting of the t'.eiieral federa tion of Women's chilis. Thousands of women, from every state of the union are expected to take part In the council, which opens Tuesday evening nnd will extend through ten days. IMPORTANT TO YOU In the fences we sell, the price buys heavier wires than used in other makes. This meams a stronger fence longer life and better satisfaction. i The splendid work of Chamber la'n's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets Is daliy co'inliiK to lU'ht. No such grand remedy for liver nnd bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing constipation, silk headache, biliousness. Jaundice and indigestion. Sold by nil dealers rinn.s for Peace Conference. Hartford, Conn., May 7. The arbi tration and pence conference for New England, which opens here tomorrow and continues until the 11th. prom ises to be nn nffalr of unusual Inter est. Most of the delegates arrived today. The organization of the con gress hns been perfected nnd Hr. Henry Wndc Rogers of the Yale law school nnd president of the North western University, will preside. Our fencing is the only "Electric Welded" Fencing made The stay wires are the same size as the lateral wires a fence is like a chain no stronger .than 'its weakest link. In our fencing there are no weak ilnks. Mo Wraps No Clamps No Ties No wasla wire No point of weakness. One Solid Piece of Steel Throughout. Absolutely the Bast f.Iads and Gl eapest Priced Fence on lha Market If 0RSIC jVITROTlGOR il V JcsRcwuain ki LJtaraa cm , lr. Ubil mtiforur Met tU ka- i. M , hour You (m! 4o imamtmJr tJT m3 IE kit M U kMBkaJ 1M ; Drain Memory, fpou of DR. D. Stock Inspector and member State "on. Phone main 70. Veterinary Board. Office at residence. 91 5 eaat Court St. 69. Res. 'phone Main ATTORNEYS. RALET ft RALET, ATTORXET8 AT law. Office In American National Bank building. RESTAURANTS. i CHINA RESTAURANT, NOODLBi I and chop suey, Ung D. Goey, pro. At the old stand, Alta street in rr of Tall man ft Co. FEE ft SLATER, LAWTERS, flee in Despaln building. OF- ilon tnd i bottla IS. DHMJEBIGCO. lUv. GtUfUtMi Mark St Alt rtltrilna A ad 110 Orddratal Arraar, IturtUl VVllpn nnlprlrr iJh fc .1. nil I A- CARTER ft SMTTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In American Nation al Bank building. j j JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT j I law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. ..La 001 Sole Agents, Pendleton, Oregon f k PETERSOiL i r i Every Woman i abiTfit the wonierfnl Marvel "!S!rt," .Spr" sk your driinst fof It he cmnut rni : o M.VKVKUtrrc 'ior, hut Pena Pt:m tt :' i bonk fpnlorl. v KUho. ifi4H'tL CO- 44 fc. 23tt St he TH . srj MEN AND WOMEN. Cue Biff ft) for unnatural disrhArwM.iDflauiiualioDii, IrrilAtioiii or ul.bratieni vt mucoon niembrnuea. P.iiilani nil n.-it Krln. HlEVAHSCMEKWAlCa. rnt or poioious. ACIMOtNNAn.O.TTT Sold .y IrutfUtJV 1 .00. i. 3 b mi. , f V7v CirctilkT i?ut uu le);it Im I U !?0 not ( iirictart. r. J. ix rorxn. ! Mil li Chumberlnln's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets will clear the ""r stomach, sweeten the breath nnd crcato a heal thy appetite. They promote the flow of gnstrlc Juice, thereby inducing good digestion. Sold by all doalerj. Mlnntwota Meet. Hutchinson, Minn, Mny 7. Schools jt or tnls section win noin int niiiiu;n track and field meet here toduy. himi i niwa'niaii iiL..mii.u.ii,iiimiiiijnnii.,ai for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled seam. Continuous fly. hrUtrtilMni MURPHY, GRANT SCO. Muuncturcra a SlifiMiixs (iliranU The following described animals ( have been taken up by tho marshal of i the city of Pendleton, to-wit: I One Iron (trey horse mule one year I old and dark brown or black mnre I mule; no visible brands, one year old. Pne ronn mare, fresh brand N left i shoulder, one year old. If said animal is not claimed the owners or those entitled to the pos session of them costs nnd expenses otainst them paid nnl they taken i nwny within ten days from the date I hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the ! 13th day of May. 1910. the sa'd ani mals will be sold to the highest bid der, at public auction, for ensh, at the city pound, on the corner of Webb and Cosble streets, In said City of I Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 2nd dny of May, 1910. TOM GURDANE. City Marshal. SnSCEIXAXEOUS. HAIR WORK DONE: Go to Mads Kennedy's Hair Parlor and get yov hair work done. No lmporte Chi nese or leprosy hair used. The nat ural human hair, handmade and guaranteed. Shampooing, if dressing, facial massage. 607 . Court street. Pendleton. Phon Red i"6t. FRED EIFFERT. auctioneer, Fire water, Ore., R. F. D. 1; Walla WJ. 1. Wash, R. F. D. 1; phone F. L. IX or Freewater Times GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY PENDLETON IRON WORKS KB. at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, pair work on all kinds of macalne. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col- structural Iron work and machine lections made. Room 17 Schmidt i castings. Junction of Court and Alt block. ! streets. Marlon Jack, Prop.; A. T. May, manager. LOWELL ft WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office in Despaln building. PETERSON & WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms S an . 4 Smith Crawford building. PHELPS ft STE1WER, ATTORNEYS at law. building. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOTT work It's clean, reliable ar " con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed. J5.25. Electric Hot Water and Offices in Smlth-CrawforJ Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffe CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, t, S, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, F7TC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walks, etc. Phone black J7S6, or Oregonlan office. AUCTIONEER. cou r. a. lucas, livestock Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of V.'eston. Farm sales a specialty. MACHINERY. UNITED ENGINEERING CO., MB chanlcal engineers. Irrigation power or electric plants gas produc ers. ti-i P.-I. Bid., Seattle, Wash ington. - 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN- S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector ad licensed embalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral car. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone main 71. rercolators. etc. A complete stock t Gas and Electric fixtures. Flrst-cla wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughao, 816 Main street SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY, family washing; work done by hand; mending free; goods called for and delivered. 40S East Court street SECOM)-lLXD DEALERS. V. STHOBLE. DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price.. No 212 East Court street. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLBTON LODOB No. Ii A. F. and A. M., meet tW first and third Monday each tnonU. All vtttlac ikretnn, DAMON YODGE NO. 4. ifsfi of P., meets every Monday 'Vr-N& evening in I. O. O. F. hall v?y5 Visiting brother cordially Invited to attend. W. L Gadwa. C. C: R. W. Fletcher, K. o R. C. ' . . j The East Oregonlan is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It lead, and the people appreciate it and show It by their liberal patronage. It 1 (he advertising medium of the section.