East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 07, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Will purify your blood, clear
vnur complexion, restore vour
appetite, relieve your tired feel-
ins, build you up. lie sure to
take it this spring.
Got tt today In usual liquid form or
tiblets called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses $1.
A Priceless Jewel
Jewels differ In value according t
alze. brilliancy, perfection and rarity.
Rut nn tewei uDon which none f
these thlr.es depend for value Is the
Come see us once in a while and
let us tell you If you are affected by
eyestrain, weak muscles, astigmatism
or anything else that neeas correct
We Fit Glasses Properly
Aid your sight and only charge little
for such service.
A. E. SERCM. Optometrist,
A. L. Schaefer
(Snerlnl Correspondence.)
Athena, May 6. Mr. George Kidder
and wife visited lviKlleton on J ues-
iay last, attending to business affairs.
The conference of preachers which
has been in session at the M.
hurch since last Monday ended to
day and was very successful In every
Ex-Mayor Alexander was in Athe
na on Wednesday.
Mr. Ma V. Conrad, a son of Shoe
maker Conrad of this city. Is so
journing at Hot Ivike for the bene
fit of his health. He Is a great suf
ferer from rheumatism.
Mrs. Amy Lee, a pioneer lady of
Wndleton. is visiting friends In this
ity. She came up on Tuesday's eve
ntng train.
Mrs. John Bannister made a Fen
dleton trip on Tuesday, calling on
rel.uves and doing some shopping.
In the Athena locals .of Tuesday's
East Oregonian. where it reads Henry
Taylor it should have read John Tay
lor. Also In the item mentioning the
result of the ball play on last Sun
day between the Athena Kids and
the Fendleton boys it should have read
Score. 2 to 6 in favor of Fendleton.
Kyle Long and Elmer Storie of
Fendleton. made Athena a flying auto
visit on Thursday.
J. T. Lieuallen and son. Lawrence,
were visitors In this city on Thursday
The elder gent is the mayor of Ad
Carpenters are busy putting a cold
storage addition to Athena's meat
market. Good!
rurke & S-n are a new addition
to our city's business firms. Coal
wood and a general drayage business,
Greene Estes. having sold his prop
erty below Pendleton is preparing to
leave Athena for Montana.
Don't forget the great school and
athletic meet in this city on the 14th
Also the meet of the clans of Scot
and m the 20th.
The Home Beautifier
filurphy Bros.
The paint men
will tell you about
First-Class 3 Months' Limit
$63.90 Omaha
S65.70 Kansas City
S67.50 St. Louis
An Ideal Husband
is patient, even witn a nagging wiie
for he knows she needs help- She
mav be so nervous and run-down
health tha trifles annoy her. If she
is melancholy, excitable .troubled with
loss of appetite, headache, sleepless
ness, constipation or fainting and dlz- !
,1- 1. . , T 1 ; DUtnH
zy spens, sue injeus ciclihu Dtiitna,
the most wonderful remedy for ailing
women. Thousands of sufferers from
female troubles, nervous troubles,
backache and weak kidneys have
used them and become healthy and
happy. Try them. Only 60c. Satis
faction guaranteed by Taliman & Co.
(Special Correspondence.)
Adams, tiro., May 6. H. L. Lewis
Adams' barber made a business trip
to Pendleton Monday.
Mrs. Fieard and Violet Burner
made a business trip to Fendleton
F. Curl, one of Umatilla's big farm
rs visited In Pendleton Tuesday.
Mrs. M. Stanfield wont to Weston
Tuesday to visit friends and relatives
for a few days.
Ficnchie Villard, Allen and .Lewis
salesman of Walla Walla, made a
business trip to Adams Tuesday.
Mrs. E. Kurgison visited in the city
f Fendleton Tuesday.
The Fendleton boosters stopped in
Adams 30 minutes on Wednesday
morning at 9 o'clock and marched
hrough the streets of Adams with
their band. It was a jolly crowd and
will be welcome again.
J. T. Lieuallen transacted business
in Athena Wednesday.
Mr. Sanders, the Portland piano
tuner is In Adams this week and Is
kept quite busy tuning pianos here.
Dr. Sharp of Athena, was called to
Adams Thursday to see Mrs. J. H.
Curly, who Is confined to her home
with lagrippe.
Dr. Fluniondon of Athena, came
down to Adams Thursday for u con
sultation in regard to Mr. Wallam
who has been sick for some time and
his condition remains about the same.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers visited
at the city of Pendleton Thursday. .
Mrs. W. O. Iteld and son Velten, of
Athena, were the guests of Mrs. T. A.
Lieuallen this week.
Peter Murray, proprietor of the
near beer Joint of Adams, has moved
just across the street in the build
ing formerly occupied by August
Arp, and will be ready at all times
to serve all his old patrons.
Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore who have
resided in Adams for the past year
and in the employ of the Tum-a-Lum
Lumber Co., moved to Spokane Thurs
day where they will make their future
Mr. lifliitiiest, a Finlander, living
near Echo, age 43, died very sudden
ly, being sick a few hours only. The
cause of death is unknown. He will
be buried at Fendleton Saturday.
J. T. Lieuallen made a business trip
to Pendleton Friday.
the mm wm
"Two years ago a severe cold settled oa my 4ungs and so completely prostrated me that I was
unable to work and scarcely abln to stand. I tbn was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and
after using one bottle I went bai'.k to work; A3 well as I ever was."
W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn.
AND $1.00
Ladles and Gentlemen!
Bring me your shoes and oxfords
that need repairing. Soles sewed for
ladles' shoes 65c, and gentlemen's
shoes 90c per pair. My latest modern
machinery insures you better work.
May 2, 9
July 5, 22
June 2,
Ang. a
17, 24
Sept. 8
Through Tickets to Principal
Eastern Points. Axk for Rates.
Tickets from Local Agent
O. It. & . Co.
Particulars from
G. M. JACKSON, T. P. A.,
GEO. A. WALTON, Gen. Agt.
14 Wall St., Spokane.
A Man Wants to Die
only when a lazy liver and sluggish
bowels cause frightful despondency.
But Dr. King's New Life Pills evpel
poisons from the system; bring hope
and courage; cure all liver, stomach
and Kidney troubles; Impart health
and vigor to the weak, nervous and
ailing. 25c at Taliman & Co.
Bute ci Oblo, CUT of Toledo. Lucas Cons-
ty, m.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be la
senior partner of tba firm of f. J. Che
ney It Co., doing Daaisess in tDe city oi
Toledo, Coonty and State aforesaid, and
tbat said firm will pay to anm or u.nn
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every
caae of Catarrh that cannot be cored by
the nae ot Hall's catarrh Cora.
Sworn to before me ead subscribed la
my presence, this fltb day of December, A.
(Sealt Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Core la taken internally
and acta directly oa the blood and nocooa
asrfaces ot the aystem. Bend for testimo
nial! tree.
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O.
Bold by all DmKKUta, 75c
Take Hall's Family Pills Tor coastlpa
City Cab Service Improved.
For prompt day and night cab serv-
ce, call the Bowman Hotel, Main oz,
The Pendleton Hotel, Main 11, or City
Stables, Main 70.
i Always pure and delivered
promptly, If you phone the
I Central Meat Market
i 108 E. Alta Bt., Phone Main It.
Notice to Public.
Dr. I. U. Temple wishes to an.
nounce the removal of his office from
the John Schmidt building to the Am
erlcan National bank building.
Do You Get Up
With a Lame Back?
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable,
Almost evervone knows of Dr. Kilmer'
6wamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and
Mariner remeay, ue
euuse of its remark
able health restoring
projierties. Swamp.
Rrxjt fulfills almost
fl everv wish in over-
coming rheumatism.
1 lievs, liver, bladder
and every part of the
urinary passage,
corrects inability to
bold water and scalding pain in passmen,
or bad effects following use of lirmor, wine
or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
aecessity of being compelled to go often
Ihrouuh the lav, ami to get ut) man
times during the night.
Swamp-Root is not recommended for
everything but if you have kidney, liver
or bladder trouble, it will be found just
the remedy you need. It has been thor
oughly testerl in private practice, and lias
proved so successful that a special ar
rangement has been marie by which all
readers of this paper, who have not al
ready tried it, may have a sample lxjttle
Bent free by mail, also a tiook telling;
more about Swamp-Root, and how to
C nd out if you have kid
ney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention
rearlintr this generous
offer in this paper and iftK9s
send your auaress to J&$4&&r.
Dr. Kilmer & Co., h.x liouw-k...
Binghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent
and one-dollar size bottles are sold by
all druggists. Don't make any mistake
but remember the name, bwamp-Koot,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad'
drs, Binghamton, N. Y.,on every bottle.
'Willi', Women and Song."
The fame and popularity of Bnnlta,
the famous beauty, after her New
York triumphs in the sparkling mu
leal comedy "Wine, Women and
.Sow?" extends even far beyond the
regular theatre-going public into the
large class who are never attracted
to the ordinary musical comedy. Bon-
ta, is recognized all over the world as
the reigning stage beauty, no other
lyric actress has been so universally
admired. Bonita will be seen for the
first time In our city on Tuesday, May
10, at the Oregon theatre. In the mu
sical comedy hit, "Wine, Women and
Song." the same hit that played at the
Circle theatre. In New York city for
a period of some 4 00 nights. The of
fering Is a glorious one embracing as
it does as clever a number or com
edlans. ami pretty girls ever seen on
our local stage. The cast Is positively
euaranted as the same that was In
Rnnlta's sunnort In New York, ana
numbers fifty people, a large chorus,
The ladies who will witness Bonita,
will admire the gowns worn by this
clever prima donna, all Parisian made
ten in number, the latest one Is the
much talked of Chantecler gown, that
who thp craje of Paris, all season, and
comes from the shop of Edel, of Par
is. Quite a few features are seen In
this the greatest musical show now on
tnnr. one Is the Imitation or ine
Christy Girl, by Bonita. another th
funnv little sheriff, which Is portray
ed bv IjP.w Hern, and still another th
Impersonations of the following well
known stars: Robert Manteli, uavi
Warfield, Geo. M. Cohan, Enrico Ca,
ruso. Chauncey uicon, nuinvun un
sidine.'Sam Bernard. Fay Templeton
Maud Adams, Blanche Bates, an
many others. Quite a few son
numbers are introduced, all of the
whistling kind, twenty In number Th
advance sale opens on Monday, May
9 at 10 a. m. Indications are thn
Bonita In "Wine, Women and Song,
will play to a capacity houst.
the days of youth
truthful and good.
As in the ease with many a well
meaning and honorable man nowa
days, as well as on the days past, he
trusted in a friend, and that friend,
Imbued with a baseness Inconceivable,
deceived "St. Elmo" and stole his af
fianced wife.
This deception changes the entire
trend of St. Elmo's life and leads him
to commit a deed which destroys all
the desires fur good and virtuous liv
ing. He undergoes a change which
renders him all but a brute. He scoffs
at virtue and declines to believe that
there is such a thing in all the world.
His great wealth Is used in dissl-
uion and reckless life, which lasts,
mil at the age of thirty five a new
ing comes into his life and teaches
in a lesson. This being is a slip of
girl, adopted by his mother as an
t of charity. But this patient, for
arinsr soul abhorring all that has the
ior of sin, untruthfulness or wlck-
lne.-s works out the sure redemption
the vice numbed "St. Elmo" and
wakens the dormant manhood In his
eart, turns him from the pathways
f moral crime ami constructs, little
little a useful man worthy of everyt
hing great and good.
This young wonder worker is the
Miia Earl of the story, and the many
iiiwerful dramatic themes are stir-
ing and impressive and a vein of
medy permeates the dramatization
nd livens up the heavier passages of
powerful play.
The scenes range from picturesque
unsets In the Tennessee mountains
a rector's garden and the f'ldish
homes of the ultra social.
This celebrated success under the
personal direction of Frederic Belasco
will be witnessed In the Oregon the
atre, Sunday evening. May 8
the only Exclusive Op
tometrist located ta
Umatilla count.
Office John Schmidt bulldln. Pen
dleton, Ore. Over SO years practice
fitting glasses. Remember I grind
my own glasses. Eyes carefully ex
amined and glasses ground to fit.
It) one Main &5.
"St. Klmo" in Stncre Curb.
Millions have read the story of "St
Elmo," .for It s some thirty years
Augusta Evans has depicted a mar
velous redemption of a sln-blackene
soul and Frederick Belasco has use
all his stagecraft In his excellent pro
"St. Elmo" was the best seller Ion
before the vogue of "best sellers
and has created a decided furore I
the realms of novel readers.
Strange Indeed it Is that Augusta
I J. Evans or to be more correct Au
gusta J. Evans Wilson never allow
ed a sage version to be made of th
novel and It was not until the story
had blazed a flaming trail through
gamut of copyright laws that we have
at last a stage version of the book
and recent years 'have not produced
anything quite so absorbingly Inter
esting as this intensely human and
sensational work.
In the dramatic form the story (x
empllfles the redemption of "St. El
mo Murray" a man of unusual learn
lng, refinement and Intellect, who, in
Wll T WON'T MI'.N 1M)
TO SKI! A llAI.I.ti AMI'.?
Washington. It Is a common thing
according to all reports, for the small
oy who wants to see the ballgame
o make the excuse that his "grand
uother" Is 111. but it Is unusual for a
grown man to resort to such suiner-fuges.
Yet that is Just what go Private
Win. Dales, of the 21th 1'nlted States
Infantry into trouble. Stationed at
Fort Ontario, this soldier .wanted to
visit Buffalo. So he "faked" a tele
gram from his ::Aunt Jennie" saying
that his grandmother was very sick.
His deception was found out and he
was promtply court-martialled, with
the result that be waa. dishonorably
discharged, forfeiting all pay and al
lowances due him, and sent to prison
with bard labor for six months.
Iioys Will Uo Hoys
and are always getting scratches, cuts
sprains, bruises, bumps, burns or
scalds. Don't neglect such things
they may result serious If you Co,
Apply Ballard's Snow Liniment ac
cording to directions right away and
It will relieve the pain nnd heal tha
trouble. Price 25c, 60c and $1. A. C,
Koeppen & Bros.
An Alii, ing Job.
Saltsburg. Fa., May 7. A Job pay
ing 1 S cents a day is offered by the
railed States government to any one
who wishes .o become postmaster at
Wheat field, near here. To permit the
applicants to show their competency,
the Civil Service rtimmisslon Is nohl
ing an examination today. iJist year
the post office paid "(
A Smile.
Is a pretty hard thing to accomplish
when you're blue, bilious and out of
sorts There Is a sure cure for all
kinds of stomach and liver complaints
constipation and dyspepsia. Bal
lard's Herblne Is mild, yet absolutely
effective In all cases. Price 60 cents
per bottle. A. C. Koeppen A Bros.
Liquid Foot Ease.
Relieves tired, aching and sweaty
feet. Happiness for evedy one at 16c
a bott'e. First Class Drug Stores.
A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge
of enuralgia. whatever the trouble I',
Chamberlain's Liniment drives awuy
the pi In at once and cures the com
plaint quickly. First application
gives relief. Sold by all dealers.
Swiss .Minister Leaves.
New York, May ". The minister
from Switzerland and Mme. Hitter
sailed today to spend the summer in
Europe. Henri Martin, legation sec
retary, will be In charge of Swiss af
fairs at Washington during the ab
sence, of his chief.
Liquid Foot Ease.
Relieves tired, aching and sweaty
feet. Happiness for every one at 16a
a bottle. First Class Drug Stores.
. Roosevelt Still
American politics,
a roaring deluge
ready to talk.
reuses to discuss
But look out for
when he does get
Combined Harvester vs. Stationary Harvester
The following figures will sliow you why the progressive farmer who uses the HOLT
COMBINED HARVESTER succeeds and is able to buy his neighbor's land.
Two farmers, Mr. Brown and Mr. Jones eauh have 800 acres of grain to harvest. Neither
one have their own outfit and each must either buy an outfit complete or hire the work done.
Mr. Brown hires a stationary outfit to head and thresh his grain, under the following:
Heading 800 acres, at $2.00 per acre $1,600
Threshing 800 acres, 30 bu. grain, at 7c per bu 1,680
Waste (from header and thresher in field) 3 bu per acre at 75c per bu . 1,800
Brown's total expense $5,080
Mr. Jones buys a HOLT COMBINED HARVESTER and his complete equipment
costa him .. $2,000
Hires 26 horses to operate his machine, at 75c per day per animal, for 25 daya 492
Labor, 5 men 25 days at $3.00 per day 375
Board of 5 men 25 days i 83
Jones' total expense
Subtracting Jones' expense bill from that of Brown show us that Mr. Jones has a new
combined harvester and $2,140 In money more than Mr. Brown from the same acreage in one
harvest, besides Jones will have his harvester the next year assuring another saving of $2,000
on his next year's crop.
Figures will not lie. Can you show us anyjgood reason why you should not
own your own harvester?
If you want to buy a HOLT COMBINED HARVESTER for June shipment, see
E. L. Smith, Pendleton, Ore. A complete line of extras always on hand.
You Can Cure That Backache,
I'n In along the bark, dlzilnvss, headacbs
nnil general languor. (Jet a package of
M.itl.er tlrny'a AUSTRALIAN I.KAK, tha
plcnsnnt mot and herb cure for all Kid
ney, WmldiT and T'rlnarjr troubles. Whn
you feel all run down, tired, weak and
without pnergj use thl remarkable com
blnntlon of imture'i herbs and roots. Aa a
reirnlntor It baa no equal. Mother Cray's
Al'NTK ALIA N-LEAF la sold by Drugulats
or sent bv mall for SO rent. Sample aent
I'ltKI'.. Aildrewi, The Mother Gray Co.,
Le Hoy, N. Y.
tor cMldrmnt mat; ur. no optaraa