East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 07, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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A Clean Man
Outside cleanlipess is lean than hall the battle.' A man may
scrub himself a dozen limes a day, and still he unclean. Good
liculth means cleanliness nut only outside, hut inside. It means
clean stomach, clean howeis, -!r-n blood, a clean liver, and
new, clean, healthy tissues, 'i'bs man who rs clean in this way
will look it and act it. He will work with energy and think
clean, clear, healthy thoughts.
lie will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood
disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stom
aclis. Mood diseases are lound where there is unclean blood.
Jousumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
prevents these disease. It make a man's insides clean
and healthy. It cleans the digestive organs, makes pure,
clean blood, and clean, healthy flesh.
It restores tone to the nervous system, and cures nervous exhaustion and
prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drug.
Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets cure it. They never gripe. Kasy to take as candy.
niar Xunton. Ik reported as having
recently received a stroke of paralysis,
rendering half of his body useless.
schools tosi: oit or
iti:si'i:cT to df.ap hoy
I'lnr Wurwr rashes Awny in Wnlln
Willi" Kirk limiily Move to Shh
Knli'hrvtiiii Country Oilier e
Xotis of Normal Town.
(Special Correspondence.)
Vuston, Ore , Mny 0. Kdgar Wut
zer. who tiled on Wednesday at the
Walla Walla Ivmpitul of typhoid fever
nfter but a few days' Illness, was four
led here yesterday. The schools were
closed during the funeral out of re
spect for the deceased who was for
merly a student. A very large con
course of friends and relatives were
In attendance, ami much sympathy Is
filt for the family In their bereave
ment. Harrison and Wick Kirk left this
morning for the Saskatchewan coun
try to probably locate. The boys'
father, 11. C. Kirk, has been there dur
ing the past few weeks looking the
country over with the view of Invest
ing in farm properties In that section
and recently telegraphed the boys to
follow, as he hail made selections of
some (lesirablr lands for them if they
upon Investigation desired to take the
piopertles up.
I). W. Henderson and wife are here
for a few days' visit among friends.
Mr. llciulcrsiiii was formerly a book
keeper at the Jarman department
store but rtlgned and took a position
In linker City, but owing to the se
verity of the climate for his wife who
Is somewhat of an invalid, was com
pelled to change. He is undecided
yet where he will eventually reside.
J. T. Fuson. one of Weston's busi
ness men, returned on this morning's
train from Walla Walla, where he has
been spending a few days In resting
Ira Kemp, cashier of the
bank, is visiting In Milton
business matters connected
Kobcrt .lamieson, formerly n Wes
totilte, but now a resident of Walla
Walla, was a visitor yesterday.
Kted Kyle and family, who have re
sided in Weston for several years and
who still retains ' property Interests,
have left for Swlst Current, Saskat
chwan, where Mr. Kyle has secured a
good farming tract and will make his
future home thereon.
The commencement of the erection
of a large and up to date barn on the
home of Alex Johnson, below town
fin 1'ine creek, began yesterday under
the supervision of Contractor Ann
worth with a strong crew of carpen
ters Mr. Johnson will also have built
a new farm residence, the contract
having already been let ami the work
will start In a few days. Mr. Ashworth
has both buildings, being the success
ful bidder.
Miss Honnie Michael, after a visit
of several months with relatives In
this vicinity, has returned to Iter I'ort
laml home.
W. II. Fletcher, a well known old
time resident of Weston neighborhood,
but now running a big Alberta farm
today ort
with the
Many UitU n and WhlU; Will Put
tin Famous Indian Battle.
Spokane, Wash. Eight hundred
men. Including 300 Indians from the
Flathead, Xez Perce, Coeur d'Alene,
Spokane, Yakima, Colvllle and Uma
tilla reservations, and 15a horses, will
participate in the mimic battle of the
Clearwater between Chief Joseph and
his braves and Inigadier (Jenerul O.
O. Howard nnd the Cnited States sol
diers at the Spokane Interstate fair
and International Dry Farming ex
position In Spokane, October 3 to 8.
The spectacle will be put on In the
Infield of the race track every evening
during the week.
Deneral Howard's thrilling descrip
tion of the battle has been taken as
the basis for the encounter and the
various scoiich from the preparation
of the morning meal In the Indian
camp to the victory of the soldiery,
will be re-enacted by trained people
and horses. Thin will include Captain
Miller's spectacular charge, the tak
ing of the ciimnilssory and spring by
the rcdiucn and the final attack,
which resulted in the retreat and
capture of the Indians.
The spectacle will be as true to his
tory as possible under the personal
direction of H. K. Oiegory, superin
tendent of amusements of the Minne
sota State fair, who will bring a crew
or trained men to. Spokane early in
September to prepare for the big un
dertaking, which gives rt'i ry protnist
of being interesting and instructive.
The sei ne of Chief Joseph's first
real fight with Central Howard,
which took place near Lewistoti, Ida
ho, will be reproduced on the grounds,
where in addition to the participants
in the battle will also be stage driv
ers and others who witnessed the his
toric encounter.
Commander Julius A. Prntt Post No.
143 Dept. III., C. A. B.
Mr. Isaac Cook, commander of
above Post, Kewanee. 111., writes: "For
a long time I was bothered with back
ache and pnlns across my kidneys.
About two months nro I started tak
ing Foley Kidney Pills and soon saw
they were doing Just as claimed. I
kept on taking them and now I am
free from backache, and the painful
bladder misery Is all gone. I like Fo
ley Kidney Pills so well that I have
told many of my friends and com
rades about them and shall recom
mend them at every opportunity.
Koeppcn Broa.
Clinrilic Conference.
Tacoma, Wash., May 7. The Wash
ington State Conference of Charities
and corrections will convene here to
morrow In fourth annual session. Bus
iness session will be held Monday and
Tuesday." Coventor M. K. Hay will
speak on "The State and the Needy."
Foley's Kidney Pills contain In co
centratod form Ingredient of estab
lished therapeutic value for the relief
and cure of all kidney and bladder
ailments. Koeppcn Bros,
Reports from German cities show
that the price of food Is about as
high In Kalserland as It is here.
Do you realize there is no longer any reason why
you should use a coal range? Oil is cheaper than coal; it
is lighter and easier to Dandle, and gives an intense
heat. Provided you have the right stove, oil is more
economical, cleaner and less trouble. Have you seen the
Hew Iterfecfioit
. av t w r - - m --
Oil Cook-Stove
The accompanying illustration gives you pnly a rough Idea of
its appearance. You really can't appreciate it until you either
use it yourself, or talk to someona who has used it. It does everything that
a coal ranga will do except heat tho room. The New Perfection Oil Cook-
c . u J ,nikini.fTniii hatincr
OVU V W will U mltJ ft , " "-
j i dinner, but it won't heat a room. It
doesn't " amell, it doesn't smoke, it
can't get out of order. Light h and it
ia ready. Turn it down and it is out.
Only a woman who knows the trouble
of carrying coal and cooking in a hot
kitchen can appreciate what it means to
have a clean, perfect stove that will
cook anything, boil, bake or roast, and
yet won't heat the kitchen. How is it
done? The flamt is controlled in turquoise-blue
cntmel chimneys, and
directed against the bottom of pot, pan,
kettle or oven, and only there. The
flame operates exsctly where it is needed '
and nowhere else. With this stova
your kitchen is cool.
The nickel finish with the bright blue
of the chimneys makes the stove orna
mental and attractive. Made with 1, S
' and 9 burners; the 2 and 3-burnor
stoves can be had with or without
Kt7 rtilfriTrrwtiwfi ; If not si yonrs, write for
g CratlMury Me : Be sure ll
9 you est Shis stove M
mmi.Ditl II
that Jhf
reads ft
Standard Oil Company
Walla Walla Will IIe Headquarter of
New Corporation George O'Connor
lf Manugu ra;tlon Holdings Only
Intensions Are I'lunned.
Says the Walla Walla Union:
I). P. McGee, division superintend
ent of the American Power and Light
Co., which has taken over the hold
ings of the Northwestern Corporation
east of the mountains, has arrived in
the city to take charge of the plants
In this territory and will make his
headquarters In Walla Walla. Per
manent headquarters have not been
definitely decided upon, It Is said, but
It Is probable this city will be chosen.
Two managers are to have charge
of tho affairs ot the company in this
section, according to an announce
ment made yesterday. George O'Con
nor, who for several months has held
the position as manager of the North
western corporation In this city, Is re
tained to have charge of the traction
holdings only. W. 15. Forshaw of
Wichita, Kansas, is to 'have charge
of the gas and electric portion of the
corporation, and arrived here last
The western plants which will un
doubtedly be managed "from Walla
Walla are the Pendleton Gas & Tlec
trie; Lewiston Gas; Walla Walla Trac
tion; Walla Walla Gas & Electric;
the Yakima Gas; and the Astoria Gas.
Mr, McGee says the various -plants are
to be developed to the fullest extent,
the Idea being to make them as prof
itable as possible. He says the pro
moters have unbounded faith in the
west and will spend what money is
necessary to put the properties In the
best paying condition. Plans relative
to betterments and extensions have
not yet been decided upon definitely,
but It is known that there are several
propositions on foot.
The present company, it Is under
stood is to be taken over In the near
future by the proposed Columbia
Power & Light company, which is to
be greatly enlarged, while the trans
fer of the .Strahorn electric plants and
transmission lines in the Yakima val
ley is said to be all but consummated.
Guy W. Talbot, who is slated to be
president of the Columbia company,
In an interview given in Portland this
week, is authority for the statement
that the company will probably con
struct a transmission line between
this city and Pasco, serving interme
diate points. General headquarters
of the company are to be maintained
In Portland, while the head offices
of the American concern are In New
York city.
Tlie Hlgli Cost of Living.
Increases the price of many neces
sities without Improving the quality.
Foley's Honey and Tar maintains its
high standard of excellence and Its
great curative qualities without any
Increase In cost. It Is the best rem
edy for coughs, colds, croup, whoop
ing cough and all ailments of the
throat, chest and lungs. The genuine
is in a yellow package. Refuse sub
stitutes. Koeppen Bros.
Washington. With a wide range
for the exercise of his talents the
Rev. Zed H. Copp has installed him
self as the "public advisor" of V ash-
ington. He has Just completed a re
port of the first month of his service.
"Having a general knowledge of
the law," he says, "and of the gos
pel, and special knowledge of deal
ing with delinquent children, I
thought the range of my service
should be broad enough to help all.
Therefore my work embraces six
points of the free service:
First Legal advisor to those of
limited circumstances.
Second First aid to tho unem
ployed. Third Mutual friend to the es
tranged. Fourth Spiritual guide to tho non
churched. Fifth Lifesaver to tho would-be
Sixth Special counselor to parents
of children with so-called incorrigible
Public spirited lawyers have aided
him with advice and have appeared
in court when necessary. Rev. Copp
consults seekers for aid two evenings
every week, outside of his official
time as chief probation officer. Laat
month he had 53 clients.
A number of the cases In which his
aa-istance was solicited Involved no
tion for non-support, advice about In
corrigible children, reunion of fam
ily and property rights, divorce, re
covery of a child from the work
house, action for slander, spiritual
guidance, aid to enter tho Met'.iodist
home of tho aged and relief from Im
pending prosecution. In nearly every
case, he says, the desired relief was
Washington. The European star!
ing has been placed upon the list of
obnoxious birds whose importation
Into this country Is prohibited by tho
treasury department and the agri
cultural department, despite Its at
tractive plumage and cheerful song.
It has been found that the starling
Is very destructive to wheat and othor
grain crops. Introduced into Now
York It has spread through that state
and southward to Pennsylvania, and
It is feared that It will make Its way
Into tho western wheat belt where It
would bo a very unwelcome visitor
So the ban has been placed upon it
and hereafter starlings Imported Into
this country will face a horrible death
at tho bands of a customs collector.
The Addition With Character
Over 1000 Purchasers
have seen Laurelhurst and have ack
nowledged that it is hy far tho best in
vestment in Portland.
Over 1000 Purchasers
tion. They have seen and ridden on the four different earlines that serve Laurelhurst.
Thev know the service is there XOW.
Over 1000 Purchasers HI 0 !
lmr.-t. They have SEEX our workmen laying S-ineli water mains and 10 to 24-inch
sewer mains. They have SEEX the shade trees and the Ct-foot parking strips. They
have SEEX the boulevards and have SEEX the asphalt plant, with tons of asphalt, all
ready to be placed in the 2S to 43-foot streets.. They have SEEX the men laying the
cement walks so they KXOW that everything claimed for Laurelhurst will be done this
year. ' L
Innn DlI-ohlCsOC 1,ave shvi'1 distance from town a3
UUU uiciiuberb pmii , tft . rfl. ,
KXOW Laurelhurst is close in. They have een what Xature has done and they have
seen what improvement work is doing, and they have acknowledged the justice of our
claims that Laurelhurst is the most highly improved and highly restricted residence
property in l orttana. --
Over 1000 Purchasers
w w v prices of other lots, and they know that
tho prices in Laurelhurst are 50 per cent too low as compared to what others are asking
for lots not nearly so well improved, located or restricted. 4
Over 1 000 Purchasers '7 1a;k0;' ,';cir j"T! V
w w w vestment, for they realize that valued
will double over present prices in Laurelhurst in a short time. j
The Last and Most Beautiful Quarter of
Laurelhurst is Now on the Market.
This quarter joins Ladd Park, part' of our
tract, will be the finest Residence
Section in Portland.
There will never be another Laurelhurst and
never again will the opportunity present itself
to buy high grade property at such low
prices and on the easy terms we offer.
Selling at Original Prices
1 0 per cent Cash 2 per cent per month
For further information see our agent
Hotel Pendleton Pendleton, Oregon
Next month, also, T. It. Will return,