East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 07, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    1 ACE TEN.
Fresh from the Garden
Vegetables ol every Description
such as the season and markets afford
Also Fresh and Canned Fruits
If it's Fresh, it's Here"
We assure you prompt delivery and
satisfaction with every sale
Standard Grocery Co.
2 1 4-2 1 6 East Court Street Leading Grocers
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Official Wwtlicr Report.
Minimum temperature, 48.
Maximum temperature, 83.
Murrinjro l.lwn.so Issued.
A inurriiiKO license has been Issued
to M. o. Foster and Miss Ida J. Allen,
both of this county.
Temple lx Improving.
Will Temple who has been critical
ly ill for several days Is reported as
slightly improved today and hopes
are now entertained for his ultimate
old 11a ml of Sheep.
Pan V, Smythe hns returned from
Arlington where he delivered a band
of 5500 yearling ewes yesterday. They
were sold by smythe Bros, to John
Arehibold, an Idaho grower.
Security Bridge company of Mln--.
iii Uolil Court.
Circuit Judge H. J. Eean and Dis
trict Attorney Thelpa left this morn
! ing for Heppner where they will con-
LV.ene.the spring term of the circuit
Mrs. -Caroline Gillette 1Ips.
Mrs. Caroline Gillette, aged 70
years, died this morning about 7
o'clock at St. Anthony's hospital. Vc
censed was born in New York and
was the mother of A. L. Parker of this
city. Interment will be In Olney
cemetery tomorrow afternoon. The
funeral will be held at 2 o'clock at
the Folsom undertaking parlors.
Lucius Allen Pies.
Lucius Allen, who lias been resid
ing at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Beers on McKay creek, died at St.
Anthony's hospital this morning at the
age of 77. lie was born In Vermont
and ns a sailor traveled over a great
portion of the earth's suifuce before
settling down on the Umatilla county
farm. The funeral services will be
conducted tomorrow oftcrnoon at 2
o'clock nt the Baker undertaking
chapel by Rev. Nathan Evans, pastor
of the Methodist church.
mapo'is J5500, J69 and $6.
International Bridge company
Seattle. 15215. $62.80 and $5.
Vwirt'for Morrow county, Monday.
PNirlots Would Consolidate.
Residents of school districts No. 12
and 67 rmve petitioned the county
boundary board to call on election for
uniting the two districts. The order
for the election was made today and
notices will be posted. No. 67 Is the
one In which there has been so much
strife recently between members of
the board. No. 12 Is known as the
Bowlul district and the school build
ing Is about six miles northeast of
Freewater. The building in the other
district Is up the Little Walla Walla
river near the power plant.
Secures Contract Yesterday in Con
test With Four Other Bidders
Wins Only By Narrow Margin Two
Bids on llcrmiston Bridge the Same.
icaiuifiil Trout Display.
President ("I. T. Ta Dow of th TTtnn-
Atlas Bridge company of Portland, tllla Anglers. association has a beautl
! iocOO, $60 and $S. fu, trout display In the LaDow & Pet-
Minneapolis Steel & Machinery 0,.son stnr wndow today. The fsh
company $5345.60, $63 and $5. j are a part of a large catch made by
; The following are the bids of the nim yesterday on Merrrtram creek.
same companies for the Umatilla
bridge of two spans, the figures be- Wlfe .nPfres Poscrtlon.
img respectively for superstructure,' . sit for divorce h.m been fil.irf
; price per cubic yard for concrete abut-' bv Mrs Sarah E Neal of StnnflvM Charles Frazior Is erecting a neat lit
. ments and price per lineal foot for against R. M. Neal. The parties to " 0OttaK llis ,ots on West Webb
Much Building Activity.
The building activity which has
been very much in evidence during the
past several fcveeks Is still In progress.
this suit were married In Missouri In 'I"'t'1- "u.ey arm i.eorge nugg
.T:,n,irirv iss7 nn.i hgr t iMr.n ! ;lr? putting concrete walks in rront
H. S Neal, aged 22. and A. R. Neal.
-$7600. aged 13. It is alleged In the com-
of their West Court street residence
properties, F. E. Llvengnod is erect-
By winning out in yesterday's bid
ding contest against four compeitors,
A. E. Eberhart. the bridge builder,
has maintained his reputation of hav
ing secured the contract for the con-
Minneanolia RHdire comnnnv
etruction of every steel bridge erected ; jgj jjj anti
in this county by the county court. ' '
H s xviniiir.g niarcin yesterday was one
of th.- closest of any, two of the
hi. is for the construction of the Her
miston bridge being for exactly the
same . i mount
Th- following are the bids on the
H.-rm'.ston bridge, wh.ch will conslsg
of but a single span:
tVlumb-a Bridge company $5215
$61 r.'i per altitude foot for concrete
foundation and $5 per lineal foot for I-AIKiK CROWD WILL
Columbia Bridge company
$10.40 and $5.
Security Bridge company
$13.50 and $. ! rlaint that the defendant deserted in a 8tnne retaining wall and con
International Contract Company ! his family in March of last year i cmt' U i,,k front of his entire prop'
$T2S5. $15.80 and $5. j ' erty on the North hill and . T. J.
$10 Tweedy is having the house which
Man With Two Wives. 'was vrsierdav moved from the nost
A suit for divorce was filed in the office site fixo.1 on on his east Pen.
Atlas Bridge company
and $5.
c.icuu court tooay oy mary Mcuutree ( ,llptl, property. Work is also being
against Morton .McDuffee. It is al- rushed on the Nesmith Ankeney real
leged jn the complaint that nt the ; ,ionce on North Main street and other
time of the marriage In this city, Feb. improvements started recentlv will
6, 13ns, the defendant had a livlngt s,,n he completed,
lawfully wedded wife from whom he
had not been divorced. Mrs. Mc- 1
Puffee No. 2, therefore asks for u di
vorce and permission to resume her
maiden name of Mary Owen.
concrete approaches.
Illoct Teachers Monday.
Monday afternoon the local board
of education will hold an executive
session for the purpose of selecting
teachers for next year. A session for
IflYE CL ASSI 6 ; Effor,,i I,l'inS Male to Secure Train to the purpose of considering this sub- PTEST HERE TOMORROW
S m lmMlit JEt AecomiiKXlate 200 TjwhI Pmnlo iect In a nreliminarv wav was held ' WILL BE A CLOSE
Accommodate 200 Local
Atlicna Will Entertain
Crowd in History.
Ject In a preliminary way was held
Lar-est vo-aterday afternoon. It is under
" stood that there will be a number of
E. W. Brown of the high school fac
ulty, and Secretary Ben Hill of the
Commercial association are complet
in garrangemtnts for a special train
vacancies in the teaching corps and
that new people will have to be se- '
cured to fill these places. !
, Young Milne Will Take Harlan's Place
In Box Several Other Changes n
Lineup Pilot Rock Comes With
Blood In Her Eye.
In Two Weeks-
Big Bargains For Everybody
rho take adqantage of the peeled, nared and positively
incomparable prices we are giving during our
Great Removal Sale Now on
Work Sox
5cS 10S 3 for 25.,'l5t 2
for 25.
Fancy Hose
85e Hose, Removal Sale Price 25
60e Hose, Removal Sale Price 35
75o Hose, Removal Sale Price 45
25c Fancy Sox 12 l-2c.
50c Suspenders 25c
Van is (ilvcn Five Days.
Jack Oehharf whn wnu arin0l1
to be run to Athena npxt Sfitiir.tnv frtr m i .
1 itiurs iay nignt on ine cnarge or va
From present appearances It will
the first big inter-scholastic field meet grancy was g ven a hear ing before : Z t0 ren'Jle on Sun:lay 88
v.r vir.ii f.. n, i- .:,, t. .. - . B'4e" d "ear.ng net ore Phe has never played before this sea-
"' Lmainiu police Juiige FItz Gerald vesterdav ' , r-. ,, ., ,
COUntV. The hours for th train will -.'"" " euiis .-uceeeu ui uu
- ii. siv was louiiu guilty ana
be announced later. sentenced to. serve five days In Jail.
'i' uusiiicss men as wen as mem- James Rattogan
Clear as Day
w ill be your comment when first J
a familiar nnllpo
Dera or tne n gn school faculty and court figure was before Judge Fltz
student body are interested in the Gerald this morning. He was sen
' event and it is probable that Athena fenced to pay a fine of $10 or serve
will be called upon to entertain one five days in Jail but on his promise
of the largest crowds In her history. ! to leave town he was given an oppnr-
ou look through a pair of '; FTOm the lnterest sn far manifested tunity to catch the Pilot Rock train.
r.ropf-r'v fitted classes
Perhaps it has never occurred
to you that a defert of sight la
not as a rule a d'seasef the eye.
Often it is a condition which
properly fitted lenses will en
tirely relieve. Headaches dis
appear, the nerve strain is re
lieved, and the eyes are perhaps
saved from total blindness. If
you suspect that your eyes are
failing we would like to advise
what is best.
Glasses fitted, satisfaction guar
anteed. Dale Rothwell
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler
, . it seems apparent that fully 200 peo
ing out ahead of the Pilot Rock ag
gregation. The lineup for the local
team has not been fully determined
as yet, but there will of necessity be
a large number of changes.
Harlan Is out of town and Milne, ttv
young high school student, will be
sent in to take his place in the box.
Jerry King is also out of town and
the position of first sacker has not
Collins Is in Port-
leaving the position of catcher
1 ,c 6" u" " lu,a L Lust Call for Recruits. - yet been filled
a e, o-u ,..,.., wm.B In order to accommodate those who ' land
('reewater, weston, Helix, Adams, Pi- desire to Join company L the Armory' vacant.
V, t" m v. "erm'"lu , ' kept open between 9 o'clock whe Cronln will probably be be-
and tmat lla will all be represented, and 2 o'clock tomorrow and a re-' ,,;,, . ,,al. t ,s harelv possible that
The new city park at Athena has cruiting officer will be on hand to en- , Bob Twohy of Twohy Brothers, will
uecn eyu.ppeu un a iracK ana an nst those who appear. Tomorrow is ,,p f.nsnared into donning the mask,
arrangements are being made to en- f the h.si day men may enlist for the H ,s out of town to,laV- however,
tertain the visitors in the best man- camp to be held at American lake In it (, nt helieved .that he will bo
ner possible. Principal Case of Athe- August. The company has room for r,ere tomorrow. Cronin will there
na is in the city today conferring 'a large number of recruits and young1 f()rc probably be relied upon for the
with the local committee and he says ' men of the proper age and physical 1 backstop position
that everything will be in readiness ' requirements are invited to affiliate' While the Colts-are somewhat crlp-f'-T
the vent. : with the com pony. ! p)1)1 u , "sad that "the visitors will
' ' , l)p n,.rp witn ,iu, wrongest llijeup of
llawtliorne Beats Washington. W ill Install Pastor. j the season and prepared to put up
In a spelling contest between the; Rev. W. II. Rleaknoy, president of 1 a strong fight for the championship
7th grades of Hawthorne and Wash- the Pendleton Academy goes to Mil-! nf the I'.lue Mountain league.
iligton schools yesterday, the former, ton this evening to assist in the In- The weather man Is promis'ng his
Stetson Hats
$3.00 and $3.50 Hat '. ..... $2.00
All $5.00, $3.50 and $6.00 Hats for $4.50
S2.50 Work Shoes, Removal Sale Price $1.05
$5.00 Shoes, Removal Sale Price $3.50
S0.00 Dress Oxfords and Shoes, Removal Sale Trice $4.50
for in two weeks we must move Many a day will elapse
before you again get such saving opportunities as await
you here NOW.
Where You Trade To Save
Insurgents who remain protection
ists are not likely to accomplish much.
An Increasing number of people be
lieve that this great country needs no
About the most that a South or Cen
tral Amerlcnn president dictator or
general can hope for, to preserve his
fame, Is to have a cigar named after
scored a victory, although It was only spallation of Rev. lvl Johnson as choicest offering for the occasion and
if 200 ' pastor of the Presbyterian ehureh at t expected that the game will be
won by a narrow margin
words pronounced, the Washington that place. He. will be assisted by i larpely attended as well as warmly
scholars only misspelled one, while r.-v. K. . Warrington or Pilot Roek contested. The dopesters have f'gur
their opponents finished the match j 'ho went up to the east end of .the ed out that it wm be one of those
! with a perfect record. The two schools county on the morning train. Rev. , hit and run contests so dear to the
are now tied,
each having won
. -up
Halleys' Comet
two'"- F"- Harper, Presbyterian Sunday
Isihool missionary for eastern Oregon
'lame iiow n from Milton this morning
on his way to Pilot Rock where he will
occupy Warrington's pulpit tomorrow.
"( -f 7 . ?V;-i- -
: st I'.lnio Delays Train.
. .i The morning train to Spokane was
Does not create near the commotion , , , , , , ... ,
delayed several minutes this morn
and admiration that the clothes press- ,ng by peirisc0's St. Elmo company,
ed and dyed at Sullivan's receive. I which Is to appear In Pendleton to
Not for a day or a week, but the'jrnorrow The company came
vear 'round, our work stands out from I fxT."! e"flt n'Bht aml Tnt
the clothes not cleaned and dyed here. ? a wa'la this morn ng where
ill- e peiy in tij ijl: jiioiiucuu 101115111.
i r iri. in tn lupiya nmAiinf r.f oeftnnrv
US to ; lw 1 " ' "" "
to oe transferred it was impossioie to
get the train out on time. There was
so much of the scenery ahd baggage
that it was impossible to get It all
Into the baggage car and a part had
to be placed in the mail car.
heart of the fan. It is believed that
there will be plenty of chances for
stellar work In both the inner and
outer gardens. j'.JJI
Experienced help and modern appli
ances and methods enables us to
please all.
Pendleton Dye Works
204 1-: East Alta St, Phone Main 1(1
Byron's Stars Comine.
Don't miss hearing the Troubadour's
grand orchestra, saxaphone quartet,
pipe chimes, the Byronralin and troupe
of talented musicians and singers with
Byron's Troubadours at the Christian
church, Thursday. May 19.
State F-loctrlcliy liy Molrlf.
Salem, Ore., May 7. Beginning
June 1st, the state will buy all elec
tricity by meter Instead of at a flat
rate. It Is believed this will save $5,
000 yearly.
The comet has not spoiled the taste
of the Oregon strawberries.
Royal M. Sawtelle
I 1 flATCB
as a special Leader
We are introducing a very desirable new watch that is
winning its way to popular favor amongst the young
men of this city
It is a twelve size, open face, twenty year gold
filled, new style, very thin model case, with a
Waltham or Elgin movement and the pret
tiest watch on the market today
We fully guarantee the quality of the case and the
movement is a reliable time keeper
We are offering these watches at a special price of $10
See them in the window
These two teams being evenly
matched, this game gives pro
mise of being a battle royal. If
you appreciate good clean ama
teur league ball, don't miss it.
e&on vs. Pilot. Rock
MATLOCK GROUNDS. Admission 25c. CimrjaV MaV A
Game Called at, 2:30 Sharp OUmiay, lwiay O