East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 06, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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n n p pi A
The Source of Cottolene Is Pleasing
From the snowv tufts of the cotton nlanf. the seed is removed, crushed.
A Priceless Jewel
Jewels differ in value according U
size, brilliancy, perfection and rarity.
But one jewel upon which none af
these things depend for value Is the
Come see us once In a while and
let us tell you If you are affected by
eyestrain, weak muscles, astigmatism
or anything else that neeas correct
ing. We Fit Glasses Properly
Aid your sight and only charge little
for such service.
A. E. SERUM, Optometrist,
j with
A. L. Schaofer
The Home Beautifier
Murphy Bros.
The paint men
will tell you about
Cass Matlock, Prop.
ami ilhicilrated songs in
the city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
Xext to French Rettaurant
Entire change three times
each week. Be sure and
lee the next change.
Adults 10c. Children
r.nder 10 years, 5c
the only Exclualve Oa-
j lomeinai tocaiea m
Office John Schmidt building. Pen
dleton. Ore. Over 30 years practice
fitting glasses. Remember I grind
my own glasaea. Eyea carefully ex
mined and glasses ground to fit.
Mione Main 55.
Always pure and delivered
promptly. If you phone the
Central Meat Market
108 E. Alta St., Phone Main II
Will Sian I'matlllu River Beyond O.
R. & X. Bridge Census Man Has
Missed Good Many Cleanup Day
Ordered Big Dunce Soon Other
(Special Correspondence.)
Umatilla. May 6. Messrs. Duncan,
Brownell and Swltzler were looking
over the proposed site for the new
bridge that will soon be built over the
Umatilla river. In all probalillty the
bridge will be completed this sum
mer. It will be a wooden structure
with three concrete piers. The bridge
will be located about a quarter of a
mile beyond the O. R. & X. bridge and
when completed will mean a big thing
to the people of that part of Umatilla
county and will help Umatilla city
The census mnn paid a visit to the
city this week. It is a well known fact
that at least 30 to BO persons missed
the "eagle" eye ct the enumerator.
Yet ho may call again.
Twenty-five laborers sent by Port
land parties, have arrived today to
work in the sand and gravel pits here, j
The young ladles of the city pro
pose giving a dance to the bachelors
in Pointer's hall Friday evening. The
Echo orchestra will be In attendance
and the ladies propose making it the
event of the season.
The council has ordered a cleanup
day for the city. It is to be hoped
that the council will look up a dump
ing ground where all the city refuse
can be dumped as It Is certainly dis
graceful to have the streets and back
yards piled up with all kinds of tin
cans. etc. Besides being an eyesore
it Is dangerous from a sanitary stand
point and often brings an epidemic of
typhoid fever.
Two river boats, the Inland and
Twin City, discharged freight for in
terior points; also a number of horses
for Hermlston parties.
The Umatilla nine will play Stan
field here Sunday,
W. Van Winkler paid a visit to
Pendleton yesterday.
S. A. Sailor, city recorder, leaves
in a few days to look over h,s prop
erty interests in the Alberta country.
Mr. Sailor will be accompanied by his
wife and he expects to be absent sev
eral weeks.
R F. Bicknell of Pendleton, is a
visitor here today; also F. C. Porter
of the S. C. S. Portland.
L. Spoulo and J. A. McDonald, ma
chinists of Spokane, have accepted
positions with the O. R. & X.
Lion Fondles a Child.
In Pittsburg a savage Hon fondled
the hand that a child thrust Into hie
cage. Danger to a child Is sometimes
great when least regarded. Often It
comes through colds, croup and
whooping cough, They slay thou
sands that Dr. King's New Discovery :
could have saved. "A few doses cur-
ed our baby of a very bad case of ; sea, with a modiried form or seismo
croup," writes Mrs. George B. Davis, ! graph designed to record tidal effects
of Flat Rock, W. C. "We always give ' and the more minute movements
it to him when he takes cold. It's a
wonderful medicine for babies." Beat
for coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma,
hemorrhages, weak lungs, 50c, $100.
Trial bottle free Guaranteed by Tall
man & Co.
Ladles and Gentlemen!
Bring me your stipes and oxford
that need ropaliink?. ;. euvil rt.
ladies' shoes 65c, and gentlemen'i
shoes 90c per pair. My latest modem
machinery Insures you better work
City Cab Service Improved.
For prompt day and n:ght cab serv
ice, call the Bowman Hotel, Main 62.
The Pendleton Hotel, Main 11. or City
Stables. Main 70.
Liquid loot F.i-.
Relieves tired, aching and sweat)
feet. H;ii'i'ri. for evely one at 25r
a li"'.!1!-. i':rs; i "lass Ijrax Stort-s.
in 1 i
j - ill
X v : ; .'iv, Vt 'A yi' 1 . J.
Mr. (.mi in "St. Eliiio." ut tile ()r-goii Thoiilcr. SiincUv .May H.
Elmo," ut tile Oregon Thculer, Kunilay May
Will .Move Family Out Brenk In
Lateral Does Xot Inconvenience
Water I'scrs Blnger Hermann'
Son Looks Over Project other
(Special Correspondence.)
Hermlston, Ore., May 5. Fred A.
Chlzlck came In last night from North
Dakota and today purchased a 20
acre tract north cf town. He expects
to go back after his machinery ami
household goods and at an early date
will make Hermlston his future home.
Last night there was a large break
In "A" line lateral, but on account of
It being above the by-pass It did not
cause any Inconvenience to water us
ers. A large force of men" and tennis
were put to work on It this morning
and It will be but a day or so until
they will have It fixed.
Robert Twohy went to Pendleton
this morning. He has been here look
ing after the moving of machinery
from Cold Springs reservoir. They
are now In the city limits with the
train, so it. will be but a few days un-
til they can commence loading and
shipping to near Pendleton.
J. R. Hermann, son of Blnger Her
man of Portland, has been here for
the past few days and was shown over
the project by Mr. Holland, manager
of the Columbia Land Company's
Hermlston office.
D. D. Lewis has been transacting
business In the county seat for the
past few days,
Henry M. Sommerer returned from
Pendleton yesterday where he has
been for the past few days.
William McCrary who recently pur
chased a twenty acre tract north of
town is having lumber hauled out for
a house and other buildings.
Rev. H. Pease and wife left this
morning to take his new charge as
signed him at Enterprise, Oregon. We
dislike very much to see him leave
here, but wish them success In their
new field.
Frank Sloan came over from Stan
field yesterday with a party of "Joy
Carev flreen came In Inst nleht from (
Echo where he has been for the past
London. That the earth Is elastic,
and is pulled out of shape by action
of the tides, has been "discovered" by
Professor Milne, the leading English
authority on earth phenomena. As
the result of experiments he has found
that twice in every twenty-four hours,
at high tide, the buildings along the
opposite sides of tidal basins "salute
each other."
The experiments were carried nut
at Bidston Observatory, near Liver-
pool, one and a half miles from the
which other seismographs would not
or not often record. The Instrument
j recorded, photographically, a tilt on
the pillar supporting It, causing a def
l inite deflection on the film.
! At high tide the bed of the Irish
sea became depressed from an In
i creased load, and the effect of this
j was to pull the shores together. At
1 I'idstnn the amount of deflection was
! ahout equal to one inch In sixteen
I Tl'les.
j Professor Milne many years ago
! showed that our ordinary appar
' ently stable English valleys open
I ( d when the sun fell upon them and
j contracted during the night. He also
I showed that apparently the whole of
; the Isle of Wight tilts up at high tide
owing to the English channel as com-
pared with that in the Solent.
! His latest work is the complement
! of earlier research and tends ti show
i that the earth is a great deal more
i elastic and responsive to pull and
strains than Is commonly appreciated.
and the oil extracted. This in turn is rehned by our.
the oil made odorless and neutral in taste.
Being a vegetable Droduct. cottonseed oil is free
lof animal infection. You
jhog lard, for fats of animal
tained trom vegetable sources. Right there is the difference between lard and
Cottolene from the standpoint of health.
If every housewife would but stoD to think of the
ence in purity, cleanliness
luottolene, lard would never
COTTOLENE is Guaranteed hereby authored to
""tvv" refund your mdhry in case you are
not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test.
Never Sold in Bulk Co,to,ent Pcked in pails with an air-tight top to
keep it clean, fresh and wholesome, and prevent it
from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc.
Grants Pass, Ore. Moy Jin Munn,
a wealthy Chinaman of San Francis
co, who has been looking over the
southern Oregon mining field for the
past two or three weeks, has Just
closed a deal whereby he becomes
owner and manager of the Brantner
group of placer mines of southern
Josephine county. The group of
claims consists of 100 acres, much of
which is very rich diggings. The con
sideration Is J7B.O00. Unlike other
Chinese who have mined In this sec-
tion, Moy J,n Munn Is not contented
with sluice washing and rocking. He
will install modern hydraulic equip
ment on the Brantner mines, and by a
system of high line ditches, bring wa
ter from the Applegate river for the
operation of a battery of two or more
Moy Jin Munn is an experienced
placer miner and made his fortune In
the diggings of Feather river, Cal. He
declares, however, that this country
looks better to him than anything he
has seen elsewhere and will concen
trate his time and efforts toward mak
ing a big mine of his Applegate river
property. He has placed a crew and
begun the development of the mine,
and expects to have it In shape for
operation on a large scale by the ar
rival of the next placer season.
Shake off the grip of your old
enemy, nasal cat&rrh, by using Ely's
Cream Balm. Then will all the swell
ing and soreness he driven out of the
tender. Inflamed membranes. The fits
of sneezing will cease and the dis
charge, as offensive to others as to
yourself, will be stopped when the
causes that produce It are removed.
Cleanliness, comfort and renewed
health by the use of Cream Balm. Sold
by all druggists for 60 cents, or mail
ed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street,
Xew lork.
"SI. Elmo."
A particularly attractive theatrical
offering is St. Elmo, which comes to
the Oregon theatre Sunday evening,
May 8. St. Elmo is dramatised from '
Augusta Evans Wilson's well known
novel of that name. Perhaps the
really remarkable thing about St. El- ,
mo Is that at some time or other ;
every person has rend It or henrd Its :
story told. No modern one of the six
Ik st sellers has ever enjoyed a similar ,
popularity of this old-fashioned novel j
out of the years long since past. The ,
heroine of this story, Edna Earl, can ,
be classed as a most unusual young '
woman and certainly he prototype Is
not abroad today. (
lerdii Nelson assumes this role and
U a most acceptable "Edna." She i
conveys a proper Impression of the
sweetness and strengin mai is associ
ated with this character.
The titular role of "St. Elmo Mur
ry" is taken by Charles Ounn and his
tre.'itment of this character is an ex- j
cellent bit of work.
In St. Elmo we have a heart story I
of the old South before the war.
One of the dramatic sensations of
the season. I
Artistically ataged and attractive j
f:. in every view point. I
BUte 1 1 Ohio, city of Toledo. Lucas Cona j
Frank 1. Cheney mskea oatb that be la j
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Che- .
ny A Co., alolng bnslaeaa In the City of i
Toledo. Connty and Bute afureaald. Bad
that said firm will pay tbe anm of O.NK ,
HIINIHIKD POLLARH for each and every
-ase of Catarrh that cannot be ciirwl by
tbe use of Hall'a Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me tad subscribed I )
my presence, tble Btb day of December, A.
t ! . I
A. Yl . WLiH.rtn.jn,
(Seal) MoUry I'ubllc.
Hall's Catarrh Cnr la taken Internally
and acts directly on tba blood and mnrooa
surfaces of tbe system. Send for teatliao
alala frea CFIEVKT CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by all Drn1sta, TBe.
Take Hall'a Family HMa for eoaatlpa
Big Fine for Old Woman.
Vienna.; An old woman living near
tha Bohemian-Saxon frontier haa
been condemned to pay a fine of $210
or two months' Imprisonment for
bringing Into Austria an old pack of
cards which had been given to her for
her grandchildren to play with, and
which aha failed to declare at the
Austrian custom house.
cannot he ahsolntelv sure of this when buvinp
origin are, of necessity,
and healthfullness of hog
again be used in any home.
Olympln. The supreme court haa
decided that It Is a misdemeanor to
play poker In the state of Washing
ton. The test case was appealed from
the superior court of Franklin coun
ty, which fined A. F. Smith, C. Grif
fiths, John Lewis and E. T. Allison
of Pasco, $50 each, for sitting In a
game of poker. The men appealed to
the supreme court on the ground that
the state antl-gambllng laws applied
to proprietors and not to participants
In the gambling games. The higher
court sees no distinction, however, and
holds that all games for money or the
equivalent in chips, is a misdemeanor
within the moaning of the law, and
that the antl-gambllng law Is as much
for the players as for the proprietors
of gambling houses. The men will
have to pay their J50 fine.
Xew Dnin to be Conetructed Across
White Salmon River at Gufer.
Guler, Wash. The White Salmon
Known For
The First National Bank
The Housewife's work will be lessen-
edhen Electricty and Gas
'come Into the home
Make the work eaaler for her
and aave on your fuel as well.
Xo dirt, dust and excessive heat
No fuel to handh and flrea to
kindle and It coaU leas.
For Her sake, put Kasjln your, home
be(o:e thehot weather arrives
Northwestern Gas & Electric Co.
I'hiine Mala 4
J Job Printing, Tel. Main i
own special process and
from anv nossible taint
not as healthful as fats ob
lard and
Ditch company Is making arrange
ments whereby the flow of water from
the White Salmon river wills be In
creased In order that more irrigation
or lands in this vicinity may bo done.
A dam will be constructed acroaa
the White Salmon river about three
miles above Ouler, and a large ditch
will be made to carry the water. The
headgate will be made at the dam.
The ditch company has had an Ir
rigation system In operation for sev
eral years, but the high water during
last winter damaged the dam to such
an extent that It has been decided to
construct a better one and to make
wider and deeper ditches. The water
from this ditch Is free to settlers, but
they will assist in constructing the
A CLEAR nilAIN and healthy body are
essential for success. Business men, aaca
em, students, housewives, and other work
em say Hood's Barsaparllla glvea tbem ap
petite and strength, and Danes their work
seem easy. It overcomes tbat tired feellnc.
Peat will be the only fuel UBed In a
great German electric power generat
ing atation.
Its Strength j
Steadiest, cheapest and moat
reliable power for small or
heavy work. Less danger and
easier to operate you turn a
lever and It does the work.
Mattoek BaiMUc
U..U 1
M'vi'i' i. Up I