PACE Ft'K EIGHT PAGES. DAILY liAsTT UltKliOM IN. FENDLEfOX, OREGON. lltfOAV. MAY 6, 1910. WW AN INl'UKNDENT NEWSPAPER. t-ufc.laix-il f IvnJWtoa. WAST iKr.wOMA. .I't. Weekly aod Semi-Waekl j IWton. iirftoo. by the II BLIisHlXO CO. t I SCRIPTION KATES. I;.t ... . ar, by mall $5 00 I -ally. i ai nibs, by ttall Z tx) I'Aliy. urn month, by null 1.23 to nw,.- Mith, by mall SO l.:;. out jvr. by carrier T.50 I It. ,x nt .nth, by carrl. 173 t'.:T. tbrv oaootht. by carrier 183 lat.r. ooe nxxiitk. by carrier 5 We.T. t year, by mail 1.50 Weekly, tlx Booth, by mall 75 w. focr m ,ctt.. by mall 50 east Weekly, one year, by mall.... 1.50 ml is isoniua. by mall... .75 fteml Wefkiy. four months, by mall.. .50 Tbe !!! orefrnalan In kept on aala at tae urernn Newa Co., 147 6xt street, Portland. Ort- thwai .Neira. Co. Portland. Oregon. Calcaco liurean. -i s'irity Building. Waabinrtoc. U C Bureau. 501 Four teeDtb ttreet, N. W. Member United Prwa Aaoclatlos. Entered at the poatoirire at Pendleton, Oregon, as spread class mall matter. totophone Main 1 official City and County Paper. US Ci K..U3E. THE 1UKK. 1 stand by the sea and hear A multitude crying in fear A panic of Babeiish talk Around an immovable R.xk; A ?"bbing of .women In paJn, "f men who labor in vain; A wailing f babies who drown; The cry i.f a soul gone down. But the Rock Jeers back al wa y, Thouch their tear? are show ers of spray. Som-tims i: is .aim arfl glad. Or sullen, or silently sad; Sometime it is whispering low As pa.-sionate tMes sweep slow; But fv. r '-' . Furies thirst. And ever rebellions burst; And ever the women sigh And little children cry'. And strong men try and die! But the Rock nor feels nor hears, Though its face rrip? with their tears. STEPHEN CHALMERS. Campobeilo Island, Bay of Fun- 'ly. If it is closed the young men and wo men can erxss the, line to Moscow, Idaho. Cheney. Pullman. Walla Wal lii. Wash., and there enter the schools of those states and many of them would stay there and ieach after they giaduated. This Is the only state institution in the eastern part f the state at the present."" That Eastern Oregon will lose In the event the normal school is kept closed has already been shown. At this time many students from Uma tilla county and from other parts of eastern Oregon are attending the normal schools at Ellensburg. Cheney, and at l-wistnn. Under the laws of Washington students who graduate from the Washington normals must tt.vh for three years In Washington. they become lost to Oregon and eastern Oregon school boards are forced to take teachers that have not had proper training. Already east ern Oregon Is suffering from a dearth of competent teachers. Unless the Kistern Oregon Norma! is restored and isiven permanent maintenance the situation will soon become serious In-i-.-ed. THEY AKE . KEPKF.SKXTF.D. POIJTUX AND lDUTlCIAXS. ! It is reported In Washington that Senator Flint of California m.y sue- -ceed Secrt tary of the Interior Halliti- ger in the event of the hitter's re- , ;' tireinent from tile Vabinet. . . ' Burr W. Joins, a leading iuuytr of Madison and a former member of con- ' press, is being boomed for the drm ocratic nomination f"r governor of C.7. Wisconsin. ! Former governor McMillan of Ten- t'W. ncssee has announced himself a can- s" didate for the United States senate,1 to succeed James P.. Frazier, whose tin':.!', term expires next March. t u- i - Senator lira.llev i)f tv,,ini,-kv Ivo C'.T.'. 0 H Q THE EE&L CURE run jukui uwi 9 this t'c :rvx:& is a blood disease man;:'c;t:d r.saslly '07 an ulceration of the .! :. I' is almost en'.lrely heredit.-.vy ia 13 ori.' ir!, leir g the sccils or dregs of . cl'. c t'ocd ;c!3on which l as b?en traasmt1 'H, !u mo-USed form, to '.he r.uj ct c'ircaprd parcn'.sge. W'ucre the blood ii specially vitiated Scrofula . . ,.A;A,.U nf .-v-a c-"trrtt., rtna aid W1 K?ft l'.S ellCC'tS . .. . ...... ... .1 .. 1 - o- In ;i v. r.'a eves, poorly ae.vci.32 i;a..;cs, rv.nnui soica .uia i.n.e., f "-ni l, caiarrltal troubles rtc. V.M'.i ri c -t:" nre t!.o us-.ial r t r-sv3 trov.tlts. it is true tha i: w Byzi.i . .1 :id ia check iLo is rcic'-ci. or pusied, ihea, 'Jts pl.vj.c:.: y;i. hzi'-nn o . v--ii-s i.o uli.".tl;ed fcy :Ia disease S. 3 3. U -? r -ro.'u'.a Ii is a hlooi purifier without an cc-.-! ?vA it cures tivn blood toison bv removin tho cerms from vlie uloo.l and so en- nccfrit.'if tho on or Th.. ti t camns of Washincton t deliver . he rlcWnsf sni buihliuj up the circulation that the dl3se csa nss : six a. Memorial d-iv -uldres it the Vr'nir 1 Marches cut eve-y taint and iaipurlty from tho blooa: lr sr.-r3 to t.'.o o.oa.-. tiio vh .,',,- , ' ; k' rickatss arc. i,cccs:ary to tho healthy growth of chiUrcn. r: sTcnth- ton National eii.e e . iavS-onstcs the ecus' it aliens of older pcrscas. by is tir.c Ionic effects. Claude Porter Ot Cenlerville. E. G. ! V , . V, ,.Kt n.MM .ef.f., o- c'.l. S'-VO- - ;H:b C. S. & Moon of uttuniua and S. H. Baslu r of Waterloo are the rival aspirants for the democratic nomiimt on for governor of Iowa this f..ii. The prohibitionist party has form ed its f.rst "Organization in Louisiana and will name canlidates for con gress in all of the state this fall. fula bclnn a blood incase can only be currd by a bol p'.!rii:5 Book on the b'.ocd free to nil who write and request it. TirS SWITT SPECETIC CO.. ATT. A N :a. O.' dis- Do you take the East Orgonlan? I them to send two dollars for a poetic I license." Lotiisvillv Courier-Journal. r An argument used by the secession element in the east end Is that they are not represented properly at this time. l-t us see what the facts are i.i this regard. Commissioner Lee is from that country! So is Assessor Strain. So is County Superintendent Welles. County Clerk Saling is from Weston, which is included in "Oreh aid" county but against the will of the Weston people. County Treasurer Bradley is from Athena and so is Sheriff Taylor. Of the remaining salaried county officers Pendleton has one. Recorder Hendley. Judge liililind is from Stewart creek, south of Pendleton, and Commissioner Wal ker claims the west end as his lump. Where is there any truth in the darge .that the east end country is ! subj -eted to "taxation without repre sentation?" Pendleton is more en- make such a complaint than tfaMMBMHaHmMiaMaanVBmMVK I - I titled t i is the east end country. A STUDENT COMPANY. THEY SHOULD WAIT. I The plan to fill the ranks of com- ! pany L with students of the high The main trouble with the would-' school and of the Pendleton academy be county divisionists is that they are J should prove popular. There are ahead of the times. For business rea- ; many schools and academies that on? the people of Milton want that maintain regular cadet military or town to become a county seat and they ' ganizations. Thtse organizations are re not willing to wait until conditions j expensive to students and they do not are ripe for the creation of a county j furnish the valuable training given by In the east end. jthe national guard. If the students If there is to be an east end county will enlist In company L in sufficient it should be male up of the country j numbers they can make that company north of Dry creek, comprising the 1 the crack, guard company of Oregon Milton-Freewater and the Hudson jand at the same time they will secure Eay regions. In the course of time : training that they should have and se that country will doubtless be suffici- 1 cure it without cost. Traveling cranes are now eouiDDed ! "The meanest man has been with sen lex so that a load may be covered." districts of the i wi lghed while being carried from "What has he been doing? i noint to nolnt. i "Swindling amateur poets. Getting John F. Hill, the present chairman of the republican national committee is mentioned as a probable candidate for the seat of Euttene Hale ,11 the United States senate. The democratic state executivo committee of Mississippi -meets this eck to arrange for a special Novem ber primary to dispose of the much discussed senatorial contest. Senator Gal linger of New H;imp- sh re was a practicing physician be- 1 3 lore lie nun 10 limik'm, aim mhi takes a lively interest in everything pertaining to the medical profession. r-.-n . Ir T,... r.. .. . ............. , vicuinf xi. I. nil, i"iimi s'.vri uui of Rhode Island and among those mentioned to succeed Nelson W. Aid rich in the United States senate, is ' the only Seventh Iay Baptist er of a daily newspaper in the United Stales. The democratic party, in older to obtain a bare majority in the next house of representatives, must gain twenty-four seats. In order to have a working majority It will be neces sary for the party to gain from thirty five to forty seats. The announcement of Governor Hadley of Missouri that he does not intend to enter the race for the re publican nomination for United States senator this fall has left the way clear for Walter S. Dk key. chairman of the republican state committee, to oppose Seiator William Warner. Congressman Court rey of Missouri has introduced 250 bills this session. One is to regulate the Washington clocks; another to prohibit the forma- ' tion of a Washington laundry trust and a third to make It illegal for 1 Washington women to stick long hat- ' pins in or through their hats. j TAXATION AXn PROSPERITY. ! Not many understand the relation ' of taxation and prosperity. Everybody , should know about it. Wherever a , liberal policy has been adopted by the ' local assessors, great prosperity has : resulted, as, for example, in Schenec- ; tady. in New York, which has grown I In population from 13.675 In 110 to 75.000 in 1910 and In assessed valua-j tlon from $3,893,410 to $43,458,325,) has multiplied its population 600 per . cent and Its assessed valuation 1400 F Cold Care S Will knock the worst cold in Two Days Comes in capsules. Not disagreeable to take Manufactured and sold in Pendleton, by Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of Eaatern Oregon. ently settled and developed to Justiry , being ma le into a separate county, j At this time it is not. j This fact is clearly realized by the j divisionlsts. But instead of waiting for nature to take its course they are trying to force the game by attempt ing to steal a big slice of territory that has no business in an east end county and does not want to be in iuch a coun-y. Under the boundaries of "Orchard" county the bulk of the territory proposed for that county would be included against its will. This is an unfair and high handed proceeding. It should not be tolerat ed for a moment. At this time there is no sound Jus tification for the move to create a county in the east end Alfalfa is almost ready for cutting in the Hermiston country and it is estimated that the crop this year will pay good interest on from $200 to $ 4 00 per acre. And alfalfa 1b con sidered as a rather poor paying crop too. The people upon the Umatilla project expect to make their real profits from fruit raising. i J i 1 m m. m w where it VW 1 J v 1 v' try " I I aa m?f- A 1$ SAFE per cent in 30 years. Schenectady In ' The annual game is on between voolgrowers and woolbuyers. The growers want to sell their wool at the highest figures obtainable; the buy ers prefer to buy the clips aa cheaply a, possible. But usually the game is a friendly one. From appearances the move to Umatilla carve up this' county is not as popular county is serving that section well. Taxes 'are not high and the county il entirely free from debt. The county has been giving thousands of dollars tr, f,e schools of that section. It has t,e,.n spending thousands of dollars building steel bridges and improving tr.e. roads of that section. The East end has more men in' office than ha any other section of the county. There Is nothing to the compl-iint that the people of that country are not repre sent'.! at present. There is nothing to the pica that the present arrangement is r.ot convenient. Pendleton Is easy of a'.-cem from that district lor we j have a pas-eng-r train service ea'h v.ay both morning and evening. Agitation for a new county in the east end should be withheld until con ditions justify the creation of a county In that section, or until the people of the east end have a bona fide com plaint against Umatilla county. At this ?!m they have no S'Kh complaint. Effor's to make it appear that they have are lame an insincere. iney are not based on facta. They are made by lawyers working for feet or who hope to have a finger in the pe In the event county division succeeds. among the farmers of the Milton Freewater country as it Is among the lawyers and business men of the two towns. It is not strange either. 1905 had upwards of 400 manufactur ing plants, with a total output of over $33,000,000 of produce. These state ments are a part of resolutions adopt ed by the New York hoard of trade and transportation, preliminary to an official call for a state convention to consider the advisability of amending the state law for the taxation of man ufactoring corporations, so that their taxation upon capital and surplus outside of real estate and special fran chise will be uniform throughout the state, and will protect them from In equitable taxation upon their machin ery and tools and' all investments em ployed In manufacturing as is done in Pennsylvania, Maryland, several other states and the Dominion of Canada. Leslie's Weekly. 3 A Xational Hank is an Absolutely safe place to put your money because the United States Government is behind it. Ask our patrons how we treat TIIEM. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. THE American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY FARM FOR SALE 160 Acres of Good Farm Land 100 acres In cultivation. Suitable for potatoes, ber ries or other produce. Two mllea from Weston, Oregon. Call If Interested 011 Mark Moorhouse Company 111 East Court fit. Pbone Maia M. COLESWORTHVS International Stock Food the old reliable The best for your stock Try it p COLES WOR.THY I 127-t. Alt I "Give me a thought that I may re vive myself with- it," said the dying Schiller. It Is not Impossible, says Shanning, tbat this is the lowest of all created worlds and that we are living the most inferior of all existences. Stanfield's mayor was Bworn In before the clerk of the supreme court of the United States at Wash ington. There is nothing slow about Htanfield. They may excommunicate Presi dent Taft from the steam shovelers union because he attended a non-un ion ball game. Rut who would not j prefer a ball game to a steam shovel? Titr pvpf Increasing popularity B of the Hitters proves It value. For over 56 years It lias Riven satinfuctlon In cases of Stom- jarh und IWmel troubles. Try a I not tie 01 FOR SALE 1600 acres in northern Grant Co. All fenced, good buildings. Adjoin reserve. Lots of pure water, 150 bearing fruit trees, 100 acres In culti vation. 3 acres In garden, raises all kinds of tender vegetables and berries. There is a school house on premises with 41 children In district and six months' school. There is nine million feet of fine saw timber on the land. The owner raised last year 150 sacks of onions, 200 sacks potatoes, a ton of rubarb and celery, canned 30 gal. corn, 30 gal. string beans and peas, and sold $100 worth of cabbage. There Is on the premises, threshing machine, mowing machine, harrows, wagons, plows, harness, small tools, household furniture, etc. The owner has made a fortune on this ranch In the stock business and now wishes to retire, and will let It go with everything men tioned here for J8 per acre, half cosh, your own time on balance. I handle the best bargains to be found only. E. T. WADE Office In American National Bank Bldg., Pendleton, Ore. TUB SCHOOL. IS NEKIiKI). In the April Issue of the Oregon Citizen, L. D. Mahone of Portland, argue In favor of maintaining the normal schools at Ashland and at Weston. Regarding the Eastern Ore gon normal he said: "The school at Weston also draws from ten larfe counties and has no other school o,f Its nature In that part of the state, it should be maintained. liailinger accuses Garfield of falsl ying. Put they have accused Hal ir:i;er of more serious things than that. IN PKOPOKTIOV For many weeks the irritable mer chant had been riveted to his bed by typhoid fever. Now he -was conval escing. He clamored for something to eat, declaring he was starving. "Tomorrow you may have some thing to eat," promised the doctor. The merchant realized that there would be a restraint to his appetite, yet he saw, In vision, a modest steam ing meal placed at his bedside. "Here Is your dinner," said the nurse next day, as she gave the glow 'ng patient a spoonful of tapioca pudding, "and the doctor emphasizes that everything else you do must be in the same proportion." Two hours later the nurse heard a frantic call from the bed chamber. "Nurse." breathed the man heav ily, "I want to do some reading; bring me a postage stamp." Chances are If jrou are not smart enough to make the world laugh with you, it will soon be laughing at you. I llOSTETTEo CELEBRATED STOMACH n I BITTER W Run-Down? Tone the nerves, strengthen the stomach, purify the blctxl and get a fresh grip on health by taking Beecham's Pills Sold EtsttwImc. Id boxaa 10a, end 2Sc. Orpheum Theatr HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children , SE3 PKCiOHiM IN TODAY'S TAPER. Program Chanire on Sunday. Ttielny anil Friday's. The QUELLE Cus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in Northwest First-class cookc and service Shell fish in season ii Fontaine BIk., Main Si. AN OBVIOUS KKOR I 1,1 Q Byers' Best Flour Is mnilo from the choicest wheat that crows. Gool bread is assured when BYEKS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Strum Rolled Barley always on linnd. Pendleton Roller Mills' Pendleton, Oregon. 1 Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption A. C KOKPPEX ftBOfc THE ORIQIIf Ale LAXATIVE HONEY and TAK You make a bad mlntake when 70a put off buying your coal until the Fall purehono It NOW und secure the lirst Knelt Spring coal the mines produce at prlccR considerably lower than those pivvalllng In Fall and Winter. Ity Htoeklng up now you avoid ALA, dunger of being utiuble to. secure It when cold weather arrives, HENRY KOP1TTKE Phone Main 173. Milne Transfer 3 Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furniture moving and Heavy Truck - i ing a specialty. , . CALL IXU WARRANTS. All road fund warrants registered from the first dny of July. 1909, to the first day of April. 1910. will he paid at my office in the county court houne upon presentation. Interest ceased upon date of publication. Dated Pendleton, Ore., April 11, 1910. O. W. BRADLBT, County Treasurer.