East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 05, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ,,,,,1 ,mrT.J..-Jl.m U-rfvK
This sale is one of the greatest money saving events of the year. Almost every article of apparel in our
immense stock ir reduced. It affords to you an opportunity to save on actual necessities. Come and get our
prices, you'll be surprised to see how much you can save by buying now.
ft lggt .- j 1 8.
Du ring th is Mam
moth Clearance
Sale Our Milli
nery Dept. Will
Offer Some Very
Altogether we show the
jrreatest line of millinery in
Pendleton. More new, snap
py up-to-date hats for medium
prices than you ever saw be
fore. During this sale all trimmed
hats up to 93.50 will go for
91.98. All hats up to $7.50
trill go for 3.50. And all
hats up to ?10 will go for 9-
We are showing a most beau
tiful assortment of trimmings
of all kinds. If we haven't
just what you want we will
gladlv make it for you..
Men's Clothing Reduced
W pride ourselves n having the lwt Men's
'lulling in America at popular prices. Ilnrt,
S.-ha. ''iVr & -Marx. Ilirli Wickwire, Schloss
I'.P.-.. and Clotheraft. The best makes in Am
erica. Absolutely all-wool, guaranteed. Per
tVct -atisfaction or your money back. During
tl i- Mammoth Clearance Sale every suit in our
store will x; reduced as follow:
810.00 Suits will 20 for 97.95
12.50 Suits will go for 99.85
S15.00 Suit, will co for - 911.95
917.50 Suits will go for $14.85
820.00 Suits will L'o for 91b.o
S22.50 Suits will iro for 918.75
S23.50 Suits will co for 919.60
S25.00 Suits will L'o for 921.85
S2G.50 Suits will l'o for 922.65
27.50 Suits will go for 923.45
S28.50 Suits will L'o for : $2-1.35
930.00 Suits will go for $25.85
S32.50 Suits will go for $7.o.
Xut r.ne suit excepted, blues, blacks and fan-
cic- ail 'J".
Men's Underwear
Now i3 the time to buy your light weight
underwear. We're etitting the prices until every
garment in the department must go.
50 Summer wt. and med. wt. garments 45
75 Summer wt. Balbriggans - 59
91.00 Summer wt. Pubs and Balbriggans,
white and colors 83
91.25 Summer wt. Kibs and Balbriggans 98
$1.50 Summer wt. Bibs and Balgrig's $1.23
91.75 Summer wt. Ribs and Balbrig-s $1.59
Union Suits and Two-piece Suits. All sizes.
The most comprehensive line in Eastern Ore
gon. It will pay you to take a little time and
look our line over you'll ffnd what you want
Boys' Waists and Shirts
Will go at the following prices:
50 Waists and shirts will sell for 43
75 Waists and shirts will sell for 62
90 Waists and shirts will sell at 74
91.00 Waists and shirts will sell for -.79
$1.25 Waists and shirts will sell for -.97
Free May 11th, 12th 13th
and 14th
We will make up skirts of material Weight at
our Dress Goods Counter free of charge. Ma
terial 9125 upward. We guarantee a per
fect fit. Two fittings.
Our dress goods stock is in very good con
dition and we are in a position to furnish you
any material you may want.
Silk Petticoats
Plain, tailored and fancy. All colors. S. II.
& M. Guaranteed.
$7.00 Silk petticoats marked down to 95.35
$7.50 SUk petticoat? marked down to $5.85
- $8.00 Silk jK tticoats marked down to $6.23
$8.50 Silk petticoats marked down to $6.48
$9.00 Silk petticoats marked down to 90.98
$10.00 Silk jK tticoats marked down to 97.63
$12.00"Silk petticoats marked down to 98.78
$15.00 Silk petticoats marked to 911.9S
$16.00 Silk petticoats marked to ... $12.47
The Greatest $5.00 Silk
Petticoat on Earth
Comes in all colors and many pretty styles, dur
ing this sale, your choice, each $3.6o
Women's Ready-to-Wear Suits
This Mammoth Clearance Sale is for the purpose of re
ducing our stock and raising money. The Beady-to-Wear
department has more real bargains for you than any other
ready-to-wear store in Oregon. Every article in it is re
duced more or less. Every woman's suit we have is
marked down.
They all go at the following prices:
$12.50 Women's tailored suits will go for 99.47
,915.00 Women's tailored suits will go for 911'95
917.50 Women's tailored suits will go for 913.80
920.00 Women's tailored suits will go for 915.90
922.50 Women's tailored suits will go for ..917.60
925.00 Women's tailored suits will go for 91'60
927.50 Women's tailored suits will go for 921.80
$30.00 Women's tailored suits will go for ...922.75
935.00 Women's tailored suits will go for... 926.85
$10.00 Women's tailored suits will go for 931.90
950.00 Women's tailored suits will go for 938.75
960.00 Women's tailored suits will go for 949.80
$70.00 Women's tailored suits will go for 95830
Dress Skirts
Come in all the new and wanted colors as
well as plain white and black. Materials are
Serge, Panama and Voile.
$4.50 Dress Skirts will go at $o.6S
95.00 Dress Skirts will go at $3.93
$6.00 Dress Skirts will go at
$7.50 Dress Skirts will go at $o7
98.50 Dress Skirts will go at 9b.yo
910.00 Dress Skirts will go at $7.65
$15.00 Dress Skirts will go at 911.73
Corset Covers as Follows
115 Corset covers are now ...
35 Corset covers are now ...
50 Corset covers are now ...
G5 Corset covers are now ...
91.00 Corset covers are now
91.50 Corset covers are now 9113
$2.00 Corset covers are now
93.75 Corset covers are now
The Peoples Y tin ho use' guarantee means
icrfcct satisfaction or your money cheerfully
$mr IV 1
i I-
507 f.ltL
Don't fail to visit the 25c Bargain Counter in our Model Grocery in the Basement Friday
Crockery and Groceries at Surprisingly Low Prices-
..The Peoples Warehouse- Where it Pays to Trade.
Pacific C'oaMt IrftMfue.
Won. Lost. P. C.
San FraneUco 1 1 .611 j
Port.uniJ 17 12 1188
v.,n 18 - 15 -848
Lob Angles 18 -62'
Oakland 13 20 .394
Ba'ram'-nto 11 21 .244
Northwestern League.
Won. LoBt. P. C.
Tftcoma 7
Seattle 7
Vancouver 6
Pp'kane 4
National league.
New York 1
Plttnburg . . .' 9
Chicago 7
Cincinnati 6
Brooklyn 6
Ft Loul &
Boton 4
P. n.
American Tiragiie.
Won. Lot.
Detroit 8
Philadelphia 7 4
Cleveland I
New Tork 7
P. C
ISoston 7 7 .600
Chicago 6 7 .417
Wanhlngton 6 11 .863
St. I.oulx 3 8 .273
American I.efrue.
fhlcago. May 4. The acore:
R. H. E.
I Detroit 4 8 1
! Chicago 0 7 1
! Batteries Mullln and . Btanage;
j White and Payne.
New Tork, May 4 The acore:
It. H. E.
Washington 2 6 1
N(;w Tork 4 6 4
Hattrlen Oberlln and Street;
Quinn and Sweeney.
National League.
Brooklyn, N. T., May 4. The score:
R. H. B.
New Tork i 6
Brooklyn 1 '
Hatteriea Ames and Belle; Bell,
Wllhelm and Erwln.
St. Louis, May 4. The score:
R. H. E.
Cincinnati I 6 4
St. Louis 12 8 2
Batteries Beebe, Single, Covaleskl
and McLean; Clarke, Harmon, Bach
man and Phelps.
Pittsburg, May 4. The acore:
R. H. E.
Chicago t 8 2
Pittsburg 8 8 2
Batteries Brown and Needham;
White, Phlllppi and Gibson.
were as follows:
San Francisco 2, Los Angeles 0.
Sacramento 1, Oakland 2.
Vcrnon-Portland game postponed
on account of the rain.
John D. Rockefeller would go broke
If he should spend his entire Income
trying to prepare a better medicine
than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Dlarrhoe Remedy for diarrhoea, dya
entery or bowel complalnti It la
simply ImpoHslffle, and so sayi every
one that has used It. Sold by al. dea -ers.
Pacific Coast League.
The results of yesterday's games
Mortimer M. Thelse's gorgeous pro
duction of that sparkling musical
comedy "Wine, Women and Song."
with that famous beauty Bonla as the
star, which attained such popularity
during Its run of 400 nights at the
Circle theater, New Tork city, will be
the offering at the Oregon theater.
Tuesday, May 10.
"Wine, Women and Song" abounds
In pretty muRlc and sterling stage suc
cesses of extraordinary merit' Par
ticular attention should be called to
thp Rnnlta gowns, ten In number, all
made In France, the latest gown Bo
nlta purchased from Edel of Paris, Is
the Chanteclcr gown, the only one at
the present time In the United States.
This Is the gown that the French peo
ple went crazy over, and Bonlta Is the
only woman In this country wearing
one bonlta will Imitate the Christy
Girl, during- the action of the first
act of this mus'.cal hit. Lew Horn Is
still Bonita's leading comedian, and
ill bo seen as the funny little sheriff,
the part he originated during the New
Tork run. James Mullen, David
.Tunes Allan Crioean. will assist Mr.
Hern in the fun making line, while
the Impersonations of Robert Mantel,
David Warfleld, Geo. M. Cohon, En
rico Caruso, Fny Templeton, Maud
Adam. Blanche Bates, are retained.
Twenty Bonlta song hits will bo In
troduced, many pf them will be whis
tled and hummed on the streets, In
the clubs, street cars. In fact all over
town, long after the engagement of
"Wine, Women and Song" is over
here. Scats will go on sale Monday,
May 9;at 10 a. m. The indications
are that Bonlta will play to a capacity
The splendid work of Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Is
dally coming to light. No such grand
remedy for liver and bowel troubles
was ever known before. Thousands
bless them for curing constipation,
sick headache, biliousness. Jaundice
and Indigestion. Sold by"all dealers.
Spokane, Wash. Bachelors at
Sprlngdale, In the southern part of
Stevens county, Wash., north of Spo
kane, have lined up to win the heart
and hand of Miss Mabel D. McNIckel,
formerly of Chicago, who won first
choice of the homesteads In the Spo
kane reservation land lottery here last
August. She has already received a
half dozen proposals, but declined
all for the simple life on her ranch.
Miss McNIckel has just completed ft
envy bungalow on the bank of the
Chlmooariu river, three mllessouthof
Sprlngdale, where she has set three
acres to crops. The front yard Is
doited with flower beds, and ar
rangements are under way to develop
t-he rest of the tract, which comprises
149 acres of rich agricultural land.
Miss McNIckel will be Joined by her
mother and brother In a short time.
It may be mentioned that her brother
Ih a star athlete, standing six feet two
Inches In his boots. Mrs. McNIckel
said recently In an Interview that
"nothing less than a millionaire will
do I'or Mabel."
with the residents of the district,
which means much for the success of
her venture. She will establish ft ful
ly eo.uii.ped ferry line to handle pas
sengers nni trrWM nnd hopes In this
way to earn her living. She will be
pilot of the craft until It is put upon
a basis where It will bring sufficient
rcvetiui to warrant the hiring of ad
ditional help, In which event her assistant-will
bo a woman. The work
of loading and unloading will be done
by men, one or more being stationed
on each, side of the river.
Foley Kidney Pill are antlaeiitlc,
tonic and restorative and a prompt
corrective of all urinary Irregulari
ties Jtefu.se substitutes. Koeppen
Spokane, Wash. Eva L. Canfleld
of Urangevllle, Idaho, has received
a license from the commissioners of
Idaho county to oporate a toll ferry
on Salmon river below the mouth of
Whltcbird creek, thus giving her the
distinction of being the only ferry
womon In the northwest.
Miss Canfleld Is thoroughly famil
iar with the stream, is an accom
plished oarswoman . and is popular
Salem, Ore,. Mav 4. The nnr
F. Eberhart company, of San Fran
cisco, has filed a complaint with the
Railroad Commission against the O.
R. & N. co In which It Is alleged
Hint their traveling salesman was
compelled to wait a month for a trunk
which had been shipped to Pendle
ton, finally locating It at Spokane,
Wash. The Eberhart compnny put In
a claim for 3160, which the railroad
company refused to pay, and the
Commission Is now nsked to take the
matter up. ,
Foley's Kidney PIUs contain In con
centrated form Ingredients of estab
lished therapeutic value for the relief
and cure of all kidney and bladder
ailments. Koeppen Bros.
Ask thyself dally to how many 111
mlnded persons thou hast shown ft
kind disposition, Marcus Antoninus.