M PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGON1AN. PENDLETON, OREGON, pRIDAY. APRIL 20, 1910, EIGHT PAGES. TON TO HAVE STONE BUILDINGS RANKING COMPANY AND J. W. REED WILL DUILI) Cottolene Is Not a Substitute for Anything Two Two-story Stone and Concrete Structures "Will Re Erected Soon No animal product, such as hog lard, ever has afforded, or ever can afford a satis iction to compare with Cottolene. It is far unncrinr a UrA Kc ; i strong Testimonial for Project J .and Reeman Floney. Arrives tp Make an its puntv is unquestioned. It is more economical than butter for shortening and Tying because, being richer, one-third less is required. EJ Kwflrv. : " 't-J nCKfi H'cSrAn-y is ma, jr,m cottonseed oil, a fluid extracted from the seed of purest hv9 been drawn for the new bank r , rrom cotton field to Kitchen human hands never touch the oil from which building soon to be erected by the EcttoUtie IS made. " Hermlston Bank & Trust company, to r' w iwnuu jumn street across on r- . . . the corner from the Oregon Hotel. It . JeS dOUghnUtS and CafceS COOKed with Cottolene can be fearlessly enjoyed by the u k K..n IV v " l.. . 1 , . i. v u uiiiwtHf. tin uc lcancssiy cnioyc stories nigh, the iowerastor to' be aeUrmmed dyPtPttc, for Cottolene makes food digestible as well as palatable. usea tor Dan king purposes and the ' rr-i , . upper story has been rented for of- nere is no substitute for Cottolene, because there is no shorten 72V": IS as good as Cottolene. It is Dure, clean. L A S "!S feet and has been planning to move fa absolutely the purest and most healthful frying and shortening the present frame building away and BCdlUm. 6 " hnllJ - . . ..... RrtnJuiUcn in oils cftkt Tta Party Sent from, Iktmat Wall Stmt DnmaSTBf - - K. snos-iitf ix mdlitnurarltrs as Ihff mould apfitar in Iks klttXCH H.4L.V "bfMfiwil" ilul (left) as4"t. James"c'n:tr) smart Sprimt jujln. Created For a Purpose VERY Kirschbaum Gar ment is styled and fash ioned to contain certain niceties of distinction. The two-piece Suit for hct weather wear, the three-button sack for business wear, and the other smart coat models for afternoon wear, are made of exclusive all-wool fabrics, with faultless hand tailoring. The prices range from $15 to $25. Satisfactory wear or money refund'd. "Look of the Kirschbaum Label the Iden tification mark of the best clothes made at the price." Workingmen's Clothing Company ft :r Mr.- .... j nuuci a stone or concrete building mere in me ran, but since Mr. Reld i has decided to build at once he Is ! considering the matter of building ' at the same time and of using the ' same kind of material. j P. A. Stewart is here from Seattle, I Washington, looking after his prop- erty Interests, and also his employ- j ers, the Gratnober Lumber company's ' holdinca wtllnK a m A . . ! one hundred and thirty acres. Before making the purchase the company sent him here from Iowa and had him spend six months In Investing. ing the orchard lands of the north- ' west, and after a verv careful fi.ri he docided that the Umatilla project . naa tnem all beaten In a number of COTTOLENE is Guaranteed Y?uf herebv "honied to So, picked, ate, h.v,ng g,ve Conolcne . fair te... "'Und yUr yU m Never Sold in Bulk f""'re ! in pailt with an Hr-ueht top to 11 auu wnoieton ai fih, oil, etc. r ... ( .... mui an au-uuni top 10 from catchine du.t and .b,hi. h;..VVJ1ki. "V" -V? ""em ,na Pw" " o niviauit VUUII, lUVII Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY ways, mainly In transportation, water supply, altitude, depth of soli and climate. Jonn Intlekofer Is here from Al- t 44a t "CIIAPPT" SIOUAV, DEAX OP SWIXDLERS. JAILED Chicago Charles better known gona. Iowa, and will make this hi, ! "fic -Jt "e" Pl,s' future home. TT. i. nl.xnln. h,.iH ? Inspector Stuart of Chicaso to on his land north of town near the experimental farm. George A. Cressey arrived yester day with a car of emigrant moveables from Hllbert, Wisconsin. Mr Cres sey js a large aparlst and is known all over his part of the country for his fine honey. He will engage in that business here and is the owner of a fine tract of land west of town. He He brought with him a half carload of bees and bee supplies. IS L 'COKPSE" SITS UP AXD WIXKS OXE EYE Portland.- "A man has been thrown out of a restaurant at the corner of Mr. Hogg, who has been transferred 1 Burnslde nnd sconJ an killed." was to The Dalles. Raisin Day April 30, 1910. The above date has been set apart as an annual event by the people of California in which 'all are asked to the message which came in an excited voice to police headquarters, one morning. "Another murder at the north end," commented the policeman to Captain Baty. In n moment the usually quiet station was In wild ex citement. Detectives Hepner. Endi- GRAVEL PIT AXD RAXCHES AFFORD MICH EMPLOYMENT About 50 Men Engaged at Present in Sand and Gravel Pits Hobos Ar riving to Take Look at Work Anglers Make Good Catches Other Xotes. (Special Correspondence.) Umatilla, April 28. There are at present about 60 men woraing at the gTavel and sand pits getting out ma terial for contracts in Walla Walla and Portland. Mr. Bob McCall, who Ir.ln oa Hno" rn I atrial In V a fnfm rt "Raisin Bread" or in any form that ' and Sloan were hurriedly sent may be desired. The object of this ! to the scene of tne 'r8Bedy. while the special day is to create a wide- J?""?1 wagon was ordered out for spread raisin sentiment that will re- d,8trIct duty- In a few minutes the suit in a greater demand for that three sleuths were In front of the res- fruit, and to direct the attention of all good housewives to the excellence of the raisins as an article of food. The laurant. laying race downward on the sidewalk was the inert body of a man. There were no signs of respir- good people of the Northwest are In- Htln an'i S'm?erly the body was roll vited by their neighbors to participate d over while they searched for the In the pleasant custom and "break" fatal wound. To the the consterna ralsin bread on April 30th. i tion of the officers the supposed ' I corpse blinked one eye and then the Can you believe your senses? When oth" and fma"y wt P- two of them, taste and smell, having ! "Huh!" remarked one, "it's only been impaired if not utterly destroy- Jlm coney. ed by nasal catarrh, are fully restored I A c,ose inspection showed that bv EIVs Cream Balm, can you doubt f Hepner was right. Casey, who was had" charge of the work for some! that thio rpmortv deserves all that has : released from the city prison on Sun- montns nas resigned and Is succeeded by Walter Willstead. began at once to celebrate his release ith North End whiskey. It nearly tAt in H-n.t. ni- cost mm nis lire, but witn the aid mnlloH hsr Klv Pros K Warren "l I""1"' was"" "a i'.ncu street. New York, on receipt of 69 cents. Spring brings the usual number of 'boes who get all the work they want to do at the ranches and at the gravel pits. There are, however, the real hobo who would rather travel than work. A number of local sports made some good catches of trout here last week. Some weighed as high as 2 pounds and were taken in and around the Umatilla river. Geo. H. Noyes, traveling for Cotton & Buffman, Walla Walla, was calling on his patrons here this week. A number of North Dakota and Spokane capitalists were here this week looking over lands In and around Umatilla, Your correspondent may W able to give some information In a day or so as to the consummation of a large land deal. The river boat Inland Reporter un loaded a large quantity of freight for local merchants here yesterday. Mrs. W. Baker of Pendleton was a visitor to the city today. D. F. McGee and A. S. Grenler of Portland arrived here today in a toru lng car, having passed through the Hermlston and Stanfleld projects on their way here. F. L. Corkendale, assistant super intendent of the O. R. & N., was a visitor here today and left for Port land on No. 3. C. J. Forsyth, operator, has been transferred to Umatilla, succeeding been said of it by the thousands who ' day naming after finishing his 456th have used it? It is applied directly I consecutive sentence lor arunnennes to the affected air-passages and be gins its healing work at once. Why sts or IVa rran ! again to the prison. Congress of Poles. Washington, April 29. Arrange ments are nearing completion for the great International convention of Poles to be held In Washington next month. Henry Sienklewlez. author of several .widely-read novels, will -accompany a large party of Austrian Poles. nCSHEL OF GOLD AXD - GEMS RAIXED IX CIIIRCII i Now York. With the help of an appraiser, Canon William Sheaf Chase Is engtiged In the process of ex amining a bushel of gold, gems nnd silverware, the proceeds of a unique collection taken Sunday at Christ Protestant Episcopal church. In Brooklyn. j The collection was taken to raise Ladles and Gentlemen! , a funJ for paylnK off a debt nn the Bring me youf JKCS and oxfords rP(.torv. Ushers rarried big baskets that need repairing. Soles sewed foi , (lown tne ai!fIofl aml lnt0 tnese mem ladies' shoes 65c, and gentlemen' j,Prs of tne congregation dropped Jew. shoes 90c per pair. My latest moderr eIry and co)n8 each belng WMpp0(1 macn.nery msure. you and gealed. A sale will be held later p1 pieces of Jewelry will have an op portunity to bid them back again. The silverware and gold which can not be sold will be disposed of at the I assay office and melted down. One i of the smallest packages accldentlv became unsealed ana a 110 goldpiece fell out. ASSIST NATUBB. There are times when you should aslst natnre. It l now undertaking to clean your system If you will take Hood's Harsaparllla the under taklng will be successful. This great med icine purifies and builds up as nothing else does. Jacks for Sale. I have at Athena, Oregon, a num ber of fine native registered Jacks for. sale. B. F. SWAGGART. Save money by reading today's ads. Liquid Foot Ease. Relieves tired, aching and sweaty feet. Happiness for everty one at 26c a bottle, first Class Drug. Stores. be the dean of American swindle la under arrest here. In the last twenty years Moran's al leged gains are said to aggregate close to a million dollars. He never oper ated on a small scale. Moran was found occupying an ex pensive suit of three rooms in a hotel. A valet attended him nnd had plenty to do caring for his maker's exten. slve wardrobe He rented a taxicab in which to go to Jail. Moran is known on both sides of the Atlantic. Later he became known as a daring and successful wire tapper and is said to have originated the sick engineer swindle. "Moran, working with William Clark, now a fugitive from lustlce. operated the Eastern Grain company I in Philadelphia." explained Postoffu-e inspector uorteiyuu today. "They collected from fifty to seventy-five thousand dollars as margins from would-be investors and then suddenly shut up shop. I found him here run ning a handbook on the races and living high. LET AN ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and moat reliable power for small or heavy work. Less' danger an.! easier to operate you turn a lever and It dors the' work. State 1 1 Oblo, City of Toledo. Luca- Com ty. m. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he l wnlor partner of the firm of F. 1. Che ney & Co., doing bualneaa In tbe City J)( Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONI HUNDRED DOLLAKH for each and evert case of Catarrb that canoo; t cured b the use of Hall'l Catarrh Cor, a FRANK J. CHriXEI. Sworn to before me tad eibscrlhed lo my presence, this Otn day of December. A D. 1880. , . A. W. OI.KABON. (8f'.. Notary Pnbllt. Halls Catarrb Cure Is taken loternullj and acta directly on the blood and mucout urfacea of the aystem. Bend for teetlmo slats free. . a ,a KF" ,fvCnE?Er co- Told"- O Hold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Halls Family l'llla for coni'lra tlna. For Cemetery Improvement. All parties who wish to have con crete walls built around the graves of their dear friends or relatives, be fore decoration day, will find me do. Ing this work at the cemetery now or may phone Red 2627. Information given free. FRANK DUPRAT The Housewife's work vi lli be lessen edjwhcn Electncty and Gas come Into the home COOK WITH GAS Make the work easier for her and save on your fuel as well. N'o dirt, dust and excessive heat. No fuel to handli and fires to kindle and It costs less. For Her sake, put gas In your horn befo:e thehot weather arrives Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. Do you take the East Oregonlan? NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR AND BEAUTY. " No mallet bow old and faded your hair looks or how ng you have been gray, it ill woik wonders (or vou. keep you looking young, pro mote a luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Mod ha falh'ns tiadbmakk out and rosiuveiy He move Dandrull. Will not toil ikin or linen. Will net injure your hair. Is Not a Dye. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES 1.00 and 60e. Bottles, at Druggirti Philo Hav SocCo..Newnrk.N.Jli.akA. PENDLETON THUG COMPANY. PROMT 3 68.1 CS t. m s r v.i :SwSi'3!"-r:J4 ."tt.'tk; Hotel Oregon, locnlcl comer r Sevenll, and Stark Street, extending tbrouKh the block to Irk Str.M t, Portl.nul, Oregon. Our new Pork Stret Annex Is absolutely flreprtmf. Rates $1 per Day and Up. European Orpheum Theatre J P. MKDCHNAC II. Pr,.),rtrtor HJGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Wornen and Children" SEE I'RQtiKA.W IN TODAY'S PAPER. Prosrani Chanire on Sundays, TiifMlay's and Friday's. success OREGON THEATRE, SUNDAY MAY 1st. Miss Jeanne Russell and full metropolitan cast in Ethel Barrymore s greatest London and New York comedy ' The Chas. Frohman Original Hudson Theatre Scenic Production Direct from Hudson Theatre New York. Prices $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c. - - Seats On Sale at Pendleton Drug Store