EIGHT PAGES. pa;k rvn DAILY KAST ORBGOX1AX, PENDLfcTrON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 110. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPHB. fobltshtd Weekly and 8eml-Wklj At Pendleton. Orecon. bl the KA8T ORKUO.MAN l'VULlSHlNG CO. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Dallj, one year, by mall 15.00 Dally, tli months, bj mall i.bt Dally, three moot he, by mall 1.25 Dally, one month, by mall 60 Dally, one year, by carrier 7.60 DalW, nil months, nv rarrl.T S Tfl Dally, three montha, by carrier 1.05 Dally, one month, by carrier 6o Weekly, on year, by mall 1.50 Weekly, tlx montha, by mall 75 Weeklv. four mouths, by mall 50 Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall.... 1.50 &eml-Veekly. alx monins, by mall... .75 Seal-Weekly, four montha. by mall. .50 The Dallr Fast "Oregonian Is kept on sale at the Oregon News Co., 147 6tk street, Portland. Oregon. Northwest News, Co, Portland, Oregon. Chicago Bureau, Bo9 Security Building. Washhiptoc, D. C, Bnreao, 501 Four teenth street, N. W". Member United Press Asoclatloo. Bntered t the posioiflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as serend class mall matter. VatcBhone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. UN. ON ; .TL8 e O RETROSPECT. There is a pleasure In the back ward drift Of meditating: mind; To draw the veil of years and through the riff Behold the scene behind. For oft I have unwound the tan gled skein Of ravelled yesterdays, rjnrnered old harvests. old seas again And traveled olden ways. And ah. the things that were and are no more Are fairer, looking back; And memory giveth to the days of yore What then they seemed to lack. Dear is the rose that on the garden's breast This morn hath cause, to wake. But dearer Is the withered rose we pressed And kept for old time's sake. William F. MeCormaek. because bills are now proposed for the division of other counties within the state. Yet right here It may be said al.d truthfully said that all the new county schemes are having "rough sledding." People resent being called upon to decide these disputes be cause they are strictly local disputes. As u result it may be safely predict ed that In Xovember the voters will show their disapproval by turning down all the division bills that are presented. Ml county division ques tions should wait until a law is en aited providing for their adjustment by the people who are directly con cerned. As for the Milton bill, as It now stands, it Is the most absurd of all that have been sprung thus far. Should that bill go before the people it would bp a joke. It would stand as a rank abuse of the Initiative. In the tiew of the East Oregonian that bill would have as much chance for success as would a tallow dog chasing an asbestos cat through hades. A TOAST. SAVE THE SITUATION. A RANK ABSURDITY. If the bill for county division goes tffore the people of the state as It now .reads It will class as one of the most ridiculous measures ever foisted upon the attention of the voters since the Initiative was adopted. This be cause of the absurd boundaries se lected for the proposed new county. Under the boundaries proposed by the Miltonites the greater portion of the new county would be made up of territory that is plainly averse to be ing so included. It Is territory which Tor geographical, commercial, edu cational and other reasons Is allied with Pendleton and the Pendleton country. It is country that has noth ing In common with Milton. The proposed new county would in clude Weston and Athena. Already leading men of those two towns have declared themselves as unanimously opposed to the move. They have every reason in the world to be opposed. The new county would also include a tig portion of the country along the Northern Pacific branch line. It -would Include much of the Helix country; it would take In most of the Adams country and even a slice of the reservation. Now all this country is naturally allied with Pendleton. It Is adjacent to Pendleton. This is their' business point and here is where they come to secure educational advant ages. It would be rankly unjust to those people as well as to Pendleton . to place that territory in the new county. The new county would also take in Wenaha springs, which is pre-eminently a Pendleton resort. It is evident at a glance that the work of drafting the plan for the new county was either hastily done or else pf rformed by some one utterly ignor ant of the geographical and business conditions within this county. The chief promoter of the propesed new county is a young lawyer from the east who has scarcely been in the tate long enough to entitle him to vote. His handiwork is apparent. Doubtless he is an estimable and am bitious young man but he is too new in the country to undertake the re disricting of this state. It is doubtful if any considerable number of people even in the Milton Freewater country desire a new coun ty created. The enthusiasts are con fined to business men In Milton and Freewattr. Their motives are plain. Ortairily the farmers up there will not care for a new county since It will only mean increiisM taxation for them. But if the Milton-Freewater country Is actually dissatisfied with the pres ent situation then a county should be formed comprising the country north of Dry creek. The dlvUionlsta should nut try to kidnap the country south of that big canyon for the country south of Dry creek is averse to such proceeding. Plainly the men who are booming the new county have become excited It is plain that the census people are to hand Pendleton a lemon. Through listless work on the part of some of the enumerators scores of local residents have been missed. Di rect complaints that have come to the East Oregonian show that the enumerators, or at least some of them, have not tried to do their duty. Well known business and profession al men have been passed up entirely. Two East Oregonian employes and their families have not been counted. it is reported that ten of the em ployes of the woolen mill have been missed. It is doubtful if more than two thirds of the people of the city will be counted. One of the enumer ators complains that the local count ers are handicapped in that they have not been properly equipped with sup plies. They have been unable to ob tain from Supervisor Beach blanks which have been furnished enumer ators in the towns of Washington and i which have greatly facilitated the work of enumeration in that state. r rom appearances me census as xar ' ri s Tendleton Is concerned is going to be a first class farce. At least It will "o unless local people take it upon themselves to remedy the situation. If you have not been counted by an enumerator then count yourself. Call Main 114, the Commercial club, and give the secretary your name and ad dress. Either do that or else fill out a blank giving your name and address and .mail it to the Secretary of the Commercial club at once. The secre tary will see that you are counted. Pea-captains, and men of the ships, r You who carry the country's fame, ou who said where the red sun dips Or prison the utmost powers of flame And ' stenm down Channel to Orient bays Broad nnd blue In A stronger light, Ixmdon knows, and landsmen praise Follow your vigils and watch your days; Sea-captains and men of the ships, A health to your vessels tonighU Sea-captains, and men of the deep. Who ride with the English flag un furled: Who share between you the boon of sleep Watch on watch, half round the world, ' ' Here's to the swoop of the Lizard gleam, The green-lad cone of the Ftnnie ahead. Or a signal of "Passed" from the Start abeam Fair runs to the harbors of which you dream; Here's luck, nnd no need for the lead! Men' and women and children at homo Follow your track by the printed page, Listen at night to the wind and form. Hold youc letters as love's true gage; Hough little heads find Sunda Strait. Aden. Tacoma, or far Kowloon, Kin, or 'Frisco's Golden Gate; Mark your passage and fix rttch dote; Sea-captains, and men of the deep. Turn again homeward soon! - Think of home, when the still, soft sheen Of the big moon glows on the Indian bay; When the engines race, and the fun nels lelll To right, to left, through the sluic ing spray; When pale Polaris her star-chain dips And new worlds glitter where gray dawn frowned: Think of home, O men of the ships, Of those who name you with trem bling lips. And hear, sea captains the echoes ring "A health to the homeward bound!" Wilfrid L. Randoll. .J Q J A REAL CURE . FOR BLOOD DISEASE 8. S, 3. in a veal cure for Contagious Blood Poiaon because It is a real blood piuiiier. Y.'e all realize that this disease is a spociiic blood infection of the mos . powerful r.V.ttro, the virus of which so thoroughly polsous tho corpuscles of tho circulation that its symptoms are manifested over nlaiost the entire body. Firs; cones a t'.siy soro or pimple, then tho mouth and throai tilcorate, tho glands in the gvt.iti swell, the hair bcRtns to fall out, skin diseases break out on tho body, sores and ulcers appear, ai;d even the bones ache with rheumatic pains. It is reasonable to bclievo that in a blood poison bo powerful as this that only a blood pmilicr can have any permanent good effect. S. J5. S. is tho crca'.osl of nil blood purihevs: it poes into the circulation and by thnrei'My c'.pr s'k. tVe h'oci of every particle of tho Insidious virus makes a permanent anl lasting euro ol Contagious Blood Poison. ' It does not hide or cover up 'ho ilise.iso In the syHteni but it entirely removes the last trace of its destructive genus. If you aro riuf fering with this disoase S. S. S. will cure you becauso i: will cleanse your blood and enrich ita health-promoting corpuscles. S. S. S. is nide entirely of liealinc. cleansing roots herbs and barks, and is a medicine so absolutely snfo and certain in its results, that everyone may cure themselves at homo, and lis assured tho cure will bo permanent and lasting. Homo Treatment book containing mi :li valuable information lor successful treatment, sent freo to all who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATT.anta " the man's friends said, "but he'll make you pay, by Jingo. Yes, he'll make you pay $25 for the first visit, and $2.50 for every subsequent visit.' " 'Terrible!' groaned Schermerhorn. 'I'll die first." And in a paroxysm of heartburn he Ktilped and shuddered. "Hut a week or two later Schermer horn's dyspepsia became acute and Intolerable, and he set out for Dr. Deer's, after all. Ho was ushered in due to the consulting room, and In course the phyjjclnn appeared. "Schermerhorn at his entry gave a glad cry, and Jumped up and seized him by both hands. " 'Well, doctor, here we are again!" ho cried. 'Here we are again!' " John Harrett being a bachelor, his address to the D. A. It. was greatly appreciated and applauded by them. THE KING. ut Above Gibbon the middle of the Umatilla river is to be the dividing lire between I'irstilia county and the proposed new county, which has not yet been christened. Under this ar rangement the Wenaha springs re sort will be in the new county. All excepting the pool. Thanks for the pool. Company L is being rapidly recruit ed up to the proper strength. Yet there Is still room for quite a few more young men. If you want to get some good training without cost and enjoy a good ten days vacation at American lake this summer then Join the company at once. Attorney Neal arrived from Indiana only a few months ago. He has not yet voted in a state election. Still he Is undertaking to say how the boundary lines of this county shall be fixed. Is not that going pretty strong for a newcomer? Idaho officials seem to be trying to suppress the scandal In the land of fice. But If it is a real boil, as seems the case, It should' be lanced. 'United we stand.' IGNOBLE USE OF NAME. (Harney County News.) The Vews does not care a rap whether Nesmith county Is formed from Lan. and Dougla.s or not and does not propose to give the boosters of the scheme any more free adver tising. It Is a local matter and should either side feel a sufficient financial interest in the proposition, let them pay for space. One feature of the contest has al ready disguested us nnd that Is the ef fort to obtain the benefit of a great man's name to boost the financial and political schemes of the Cottage Grove fellows Those people care no more for Senator Nesmlth or his memory than for a last year's bird's nest, but they know he Is well be loved In Oregon generally and they are exploiting his history in order to make popular the proposed county, which would bear his name. Such efforts may attract tempo rary attention, but the "General Ar thur cigar" and all other things that take a popular name for their Intro duction must ultimately stand or fall by their own Inherent merits In the practical battle of life. Colonel Nes mlth's name, fame and popularity should not save the new county scheme if It be otherwise unworthy. Harney county News. Nobody in thla favored part of the country wished or will rejoice at the calamity of the people of tho middle west in the destruction of fruit and other crops, but thoir loss may be our gain In spite of our good will toward them. They have not named him yet he Is king of mirth and Jollity. They have not set his throne on high. But In sweet linen he does lie, And subjects come to bow them down Before the new king comes to toVn. H is not old enough to wear The robes loved hands have woven there Of homespun on the looms of Joy To clothe the golden king of boy The sovereign at whose will they bend In love's sweet service without end. So far, his realm is only there Beside the sickroom rocking chair; But subjects of his sway from far Steal in to see this youngster star, And coddle him, and cry "How sweet The king Is, from his head to fet!" They have not named him yet, hut will, When at the moonlight window sill The fairies of the twilight bring Their magic dew on elfin wing And on his little head that lies Pour oil of roses for dream-kissed eyes. Baltimore Sun. YCH3 PUT IN THE BANK IS ANOTHER LINK IN DODGED THE ISSUE. Alderman Bauler of Chicago -was discussing his famous anti-hatpin res olution. "Some women," he said, smiling, "object to my resolution. They want to carry hatpins as a defense when they come home late at night from the office or the theater. But that plea, if these women will forgive me, dodges the real issue. "Yes, it dodges the real Issue as Schermerhorn dodged it. Schermer horn, who was a notorious miser, got dyspepsia, and suffered for seven years, though he tried every remedy under the sun. "Finally he was advised to visit Dr. Deer, the great dyspepsia specialist. " 'Deer will cure, you Sehmerhorn,' The Ideal ne for e who S? SxVt h o CELEBRATED VfL , ni-Tirri r-roor Appetite, ol ITERS"0""""' J Flatulency, Indigestion, Dyspepsin, Costlveiioss ml Miliaria the Hitters. Try a bottle today and see for yourself. CLOSE TO PENDLETON IN UMA TILLA COUNTY, 1640 acres all fenced, good new posts, 809 acres In grain, 250 acres of alfalfa land mostly set, will cut 750 tons of alfalfa this year, a stream of water runs through which furnishes plenty of water for Irrigating, good concrete dams and ditches, good buildings, lots of fruit trees and ber ries. Thla ir an ideal place for feed ing stock for the market A railroad runs right through the middle of It. You can buy thla flue ranch for $46, 009. E. T. WADE, Otflce In American Na, Bank Bid. Paadtoton, Ore. THE CHAIN OF FORTUNE. THE STRONGEST CHAIN OF .ALL. WHEN IT5 IN THE BANK YOU I8 KNOW ITS .SAFE ! IF i'OO YEAIJS AGO one of your forefathers had banked only one dollar at 5 per cent compound interest and today you. had that one dollar and the compound interest on it, you would have Seventeen Thousand, Two Hundred and Ninety Three Dollars $17,293. If each one of these dollars were a link in a chain and each link the length of a dollar bill, that chain would he over a mile and a half long;. Make your deposit ?70V. We will pay you 4 per cent interest and compound the interest every six montha. THE American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Cold Cure S Will knock the worst cold in Two Days Comes in capsules. Not disagreeable to take Manufactured and sold in Pendleton, by Tallman & C o. Leading Druggists of Eastern Oregon. FARM FOR SALE 160 Acres of Good Farm Land 100 acres In cultivation. Suitable for potatoes, ber ries or other produce. Two miles from Weston, Oregon. Call If interested on Mark Moorhouse Company III East Court Bt. rhone Mala SS. I COLESWORTHY'S International Stock Food the old reliable The best for your stock Try it COLESWOR.THY 127-129 E. Alt 1 1 Under t.he Old Management THE G R H N D PENDLETON'S BIG, POPULAR VAUDEVILLE AND MOTION PICTI IIE THEATRE. New Performers, Acts and Pictures twice each week, Sunday and Thursday Matinee Every Saturday and Sunday Afternoon. ADULTS 25c. CHILDREN 15c. Doors Open at 7 p. m. Dyers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that throws. Good bread is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Ml BliJMi Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat 3r and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption 33rt-.;vr'':rii$ A- C. KOEPPEN ft BROS. THE ORIQINAL LAXATIVE HONEY and TAK The QUELLE Cus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in Northwest First-class cookc and service Shell fish in season Fontaine BIk., Main St. AN OBVIOUS ERROR fit Tou make a bad mistake when yon put off buying your coal until th Fall purchase It NOW and secur the best Hock Spring cool the mine produce at prices considerably lower than thore prevailing in Fall and Winter. By Mocking up now ySu avoid ALL danger of being unable to secure 1 when cold weather aTrlvea. HENRY KOPITTKE Phone Main 178. Milne Transfer i Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furniture moving and Heavy Tiuck ing a specialty. in the YFl l rv.y vr?: CALIj FOR WARRANTS. All road fund warrants registered from the first day of July, 1909, to the first day of April, 1910. will paid at my office In the county court house' upon presentation. Interest ceased upon date of publication. Dated Pendleton, Ore., April 11. 1910. O. W. BRADLEY. County Treasurer.