PACK TWO. DAILY EAST OREGON1AN, PENDLETON. OREGON, rillDAV, APRIL 29, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. SA TURD A Y OFFERINGS in the Dry Goods Dep't. Items below are Marked at a Great Reduction .'?-in Fine Kinisli Muslin, a da inly 10 seller 7 lx'.'0 Shew of kt value muslin, 90 seller, each... 69 Mnlin, 32 1 2 value 22 l-2 10-4 Mioetinjr. -4-f value 34 l-2 All linen Crash Toweling, 15 value at 10 1 2 AH linen Gla Toweling. 15 value 10 l-2 42-inch hy 27-inch Bath Room Mats. SI. 50 values, reduc- e - 90 All 12 1 2c and 15r Percales 9 12c Ladies Muslin Dresses Reduced 25c Value . 35C Value 45C Valr ic 13c 19c 29c $1.25 Value 50c Value 32 60 Value 38C 75C Value 42 63c White Goods 35doz. Men's Golf Shirts TV-nlar S2.00 and S1.50 values, all sizes, choice. 9S 25C SoS x Saturday only, pair 12 1 2 40 doz. Men's Sox Come in Hue. Mack, green and wine, a very fine sock. Sat urday special 12 l-2 Greatly reduced for this sale. .T pieces of fine Madras Swiss effects and many other such fabrics for shirt waists. Dresses and many other uses. In this lot yon will find ma terials from 35 up to 60 a yard for ...1.." 26 12( White G.kmIs, splendid effects for shirt waists and dresses, 12 1-2C and 15? value for 8 l-3 I-ine ( rejie for krmona and house ilresscs, 35? val 14 1-2? -UC 1-ong Cloth, yo-inches wide 16 1-2? 1.25 Full size Bed, l'luced to 98? P.od rHni Curtains, $1.00 value 87?. $1.50 val $1.05 Embroideries, 15? and 20? values 10 l-2 hinbroideries, 20? ami 35? values Anderson's Scotch Gingham, .11-in. wide, 49? sc Linen Suitings, 35?. up to 75? values Pillow Tops, large assortment, 65? and 75? Ladies' no sleeves vests, 50? values 39? Flaxon, fine materials for dresses, 25? values 18? Good size Lace Curtains, $1.00 and $1.25 value 68? One large assortment of narrow and wide laces odirinsr, in sertion to match, values run from 5? to 20?, for a big sale in this department Saturday, yard .... 1? White Serge, $1.35 value, now 98 1-2? 1 5 lack Swhs Iaffeta, splendid value, SI. 75 $1.12 12. news of the . northwest iirl Near Peatti. Chewelah, Wush. Whllo pluylng In the city park Wednesday Hazel Tripp and Helen Whitney, nged 4 and 6 years respectively, fell from a foot plunk and were carried down stream under suiuc logs and brush and were nearly dead when rescued by Miss May tlarrity, a school teacher. 18 1-2? ers 26 1-2? 17 12? ISC now MODEL GROCERY AND CROCKERY DEP'T J in the Basement. The Cleanest, Coolest Grocery in the Northwest. Census Count In Oregon. Portland, Ore. That Oregon, ex clusive of Portland, will run to 700, 000 people, Is the estimate given out here on good authority. Reports show that an exceedingly careful count Is being mnde In the towns about the state. The 1900. census gave the state, ex cluding Portland, 310,369. Improw Pullman Service. Pullman. Wash. The Northern Express company will Inaugurate free delivery of express packages In the business district May 1. Keen competition between the ex press companies' agents Is giving Pull man a better express service, which I the merchants appreciate. The Am ' erica n Kxprcss company's ngent has j been bustling for routing orders from ! merchants. Buy your groceries, fruits and vegetables where yon get the most for vour monev. A dollar buys more good, fresh pure food 'stuffs at the Peo ples arehouse than at any store in Oregon. Let our price? speak for themselves. Happy Home Pineapple, the finest packed, buy all yon want iit per can 25? A-hland Brand Peaches, the peach for you grown in Ore ton, buy all you want at the can 25? Choice sliced Pineapple, 2 cans for 25? American Sardines, at the can 5? Nor. Brand Sardine.-, 2 cans for 25? French Sardines at 20?, 30? and 40? can Shrimp, per can We are sole a and Olive-Oik Pendleton. Parker's Huntley plote stock 15? cuts for Ehman's Pure California Pipe Olives These are the finest Olives and Oils sold in Home-made Cookies. H in each pkg., at j.kir ami 1 aimers Imported Biscuits. We have of the following varieties: Salt Wafers 10? a coin- ti re Arctic Wafers. Arrow-Hoot Wheat Meals, Olive Wafers, and Bleak- j .mi. ijiscuits. J ry a package with your next order, thev superior to any Wafers sold in Pendleton. Punt torget the famous T. P. W. tee. The W 25? coffee on earth. Special Blend 25? Cof- The Peopl es Wareho Where it Pays to Trade r lnvcsti".nliiiir Murder. Olivine, Wash. Deputy Sheriff C. I A. I.edgirwood and Prosecuting At i torney It. o. Kirkpatrlck returned I Wednesday evening from Northport, I where they spent two days Investl i gating the supposed murder of Mrs. Oeo. L. Pepoon Inst fall, for which , the husband is now in Jail awaiting I trial. Up to this time the state did not have much evidence to work on, and Prosecuting Attorney Kirkpatrlck ad mitted that there was small chance of conviction unless more evidence could be secured. Sensation in Divorce Suit. Portland, Ore Charging that h;s wife fired a revolver and tried to kill him because of her love for Monlco Furvinc. a Polk county farmer. M. E. ; Matthews filed answer in court to bis ! suit for divorce Wednesday. Matthews filed a counter-complaint j with his uiifwer. To support his peti tion lie tells the story of his wife's j alleged infatuation for Purvlne and I her alleged attempt to do away with I him In order that she might be free to marry the other man. Matthews says: "n one occasion when we were all out in the field with our daugh ter, Purvine was carrying a loaded gun. He pointed it in my direction and she pulled the trigger. The bul let came within a f:w reel of where I stood, all of which she claimed to I he mm accident In my own hearing she had asked Purvine if he would wa t a year for her." AFTER' SUFFERING ONEYEAR Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham'sVegetableCompound Milwaukee, Wis. "Lydia E. Tink. iBin's Vegetable Compound has maila me a wen woman, mid I would like to tell the whole world of It- I suffered from female trouble and fearful painsin my buck. Iliad the best doctors and they ull decided that I bad a tumor in addition to my female trouble, and advised an opera tion. L,yaia K. I'iukliam's Vegetable Compound made me a well woman and 1 have no more backache. I 1iokj I can help others by telling- them what Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me." M us. EmmaImsk, 833rirstSt, Milwaukee, AVia. The above Is only one of the thou sands of grateful letters which are constantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which prove beyond a doubtthat Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, actually does cure these obstinate dis eases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such siu. ering woman owes it to herself to at least prive Lydia 12. Piukham's Vegeta ble Compound a trial before submit ting to an operation, or giving up noje or recovery. Mrs. IMnkhum, of Lynn, Mass., Invites all sick women to writ her for advice. She has guided thousands to health and her "-lvice is free. To hi st AT oii.uxi: r.ossKs COM'MMA rXIVEUSITY Model 67 is very popular THE RED MUX." Vrltten by One of Foremost American Composer'. The score of "The Red Mill" is by V'enr Herbert, who ha long been accepted as the foremost American composer. He has written nineteen light operas, among them the Prima Donna, Mile Modiste. Babes in Toy- land. It Happened in Xordiand Tattooed Man. The Serenade. The Fortune Teller. Babette. The Wizard of the Nile, The Idol's Eye. Wonder land, Dream City, The" Magic Knight, The Singing Girl, JJolly Dollars, etc., alf of which have been big successes and many of which are still being played both in America and Europe. He is equally well known as a writer of serious music and is himself a vir tuoso of the highest type. His sym phonic poems are included in the pro grams of symphony orchestras all over the world. His concertos for the 'cello are the .accepted standard of musicianship. When Oscar Ham mersteln decided to have the grand op, ra written upon an American sub ject for production at his Manhattan opera house, Mr. Herbert was the one musician in this country worthy of this commission, and he was unhesi tatingly chosen. The score of "The Red Mill" is in Mr. Herbert's hap piest vein and is replete with brilliant ensemble, tuneful numbers, every dir. of which has a different and dis tinct charm and appeal to the ear. Of the twenty-odd numbers which Mr. Herbert wrote for "The Red Mill" nearly every one has scored an iin- hit. the more successful being "Every Day Is Ladies' Day With Me," "You Xever Can Tell About a Wo man," "Go, AVhile the Goin's Good," "Th" Streets of New York," "Be cause You're You." "The Isle of Our Dream." and "I Want You to Mar ry Me" "Tht? Red Mill" will be presented i iii the Oregon theater for one per , roi inance only, on Monday, May 2, J uiih a very pretentious cast, including I li-rt (. Swor as Con Kidder, Franker , Woods :is Kid Connor. Otto Goerner. j Alv n Laughlin. Carl Hartberg, S. W. Stott, Harry R. McClain, Cecil Sum ( mers and the Misses Agnes Major, ' Vernice Martyn, Adeline Stern, . Gtorgia Harvey and a chorus of flf , ty, including the six little Dutch Kld-'- and ;in augmented orchestra. XOItVAI. M'UKKGOIl IS WITH "COl'SIN KATE" i Xew York. Political "bosses" am I onu I uluiubia University undergiadu jates. members of a small and select i ; clique which controls student affairs, j ' may snon lie shorn of their influ- I ran'. Insmxents among the student j body have been insurclng Industrlous l ly for some time, and a general elec- ; tmn will probably result In the ad option of the "point system" of dls trihuting college offices. lty tliis system all student aetlvl ties are divided Into two groups, and no student holdiUL- office in one will eligible for office In the other. lie Norval McGregor, who will be set-n here with Jeanne Russell as the curate in "Cousin Kate," at the Oregon the. ater on next Sunday, May 1. is no stranger to the metropolitan audi ence's throughout the country. He began his career as a stock actor in Boston. His first notable engagement was with Lou s Morrison when tlmt actor was at his best. He later miide the world tour as leading man f'.r Nance O'Xeil. Returning to Xew York he Joined the Belnsco forces, with whom he has since been associat ed. It was only by great pressure that he was induced to leave and sup port Miss Russell in Couln Kate." but he is s0 perfectly fitted for the part of the curate that Miss Russell was determined to have him. The balance of the ciist have been chosi n with equal care, and playgoers will see in "Cousin Kate" the most even ly balanced company to visit "us this season. In speaking of Mr. McGregor's per sonality in "Cousin Kate," the Win nipeg Tribune says the following a complete study Excepting the baronet In "The Man f. ir have not seen nn actor attemnt su.-h ! The firHt rouP Includes the manager a character without becoming a par- I "ny '-uhle,lc toam. captain or as ody and a weariness to the flesh Mr 1 s'st;int manager of a major sport, ed- McGregor i a pillar of streneth to ' "r "r ""slness manager of The Spec any company. His urbanity of man ner and sense of what Is required of a gentleman were refreshing to watch." man more digestion. Elixir and tator or Columbian, and show agers. Xo student may hold man one of these offices. In the second group two offices may ne neiii by unc person providing ii. uocs not occupy an office In the firsi division. The second group In cludes captain (,f n minor sport team, editor and mnnuecr of the .lui,.. .a literary 1-4 of a Pound a Week at least, is what a young baby ought to gain in weight. Docs yours? If not there's something wrong with Its Monthly, presidents of . ..,1 alcuee i c 1 1 t ies, the h. bating Union and Kings - ul6'll KailllllH HI .VIONII. .' nil m.'ltl.oirera ,.f i once Cures stomach nd bowel trou clubs. bles, aids digestion, stops fretfulnesa ; A member of the Student Board good for teething babies. Price 2S, said th'nt th "ard so- "The curate, Norval McGregor, was Brooks. and 50c. A. C. Kocppen & Bros. Liquid Foot Ease. . Relieves tired, aching and sweaty feet. Happiness for every one at 26c a bottle. First Class Drug Stores. It is good for us to think no grace or blessing truly ours till we are aware that God has blessed someone else with It through us Thiliir, iit Harvard, but that It is athletics. The Bernard College girls mve a point system similar to that which the Columbia boys propose to adopt. Hay for Sale. Seven and one-haif tons baled al falfa and timothy mixed, nt Mission station Apply at St. Andrew's school, five miles southeast of the In dian aeency. 4 ' V, 1 ' 5 ! 1 ' LI Qte II V j O 'Ml fXBin ..t..Mtr.r'A'.','.-.-:'.j.-.-j.-' . . .v.- tr-- WkM l.liiti ii II f-mncl Mim,.(,. Hvin ,ho Ullclflr OimtiiIIii- Kimwh T1,o Kcl Mill" t mWU Momli.y, May 2. - - sr A Priceless Jewel Jewels differ in value according to size, brilliancy, perfection nnd rarity. But one Jewel upon which -none these things depend for value is the ye. Come see us once In a while and let us tell you If vou are affected hr eyestrain, weak muscles, astigmatism or anything else that neeus correcting. We Fit Glasses Properly Aid your sight and only charge little for such service. A. L Schaefer Jeweler Jap-A-Lac The Home Beautifier Murphy Bros. The paint men will tell you about Jap-A-Lac FRESH MEATS i R:rsAGE8, PISTI A YD . LAUD. Always pure and delivered promptly," If you phone the I Central Meat Market i i .108 E. Alts. St, Phone Main SI.