EIGHT PAGEft. c.k srx. SOME NEWSY NOTES FROM PILOT ROCK BRIEF NEWS ITEMS RININMIM The automobile that made and holds the F world's economy record. DAILY KAST ORBGON1AN. PBNDLBTON. OREGON. THUKSDAY. APKIL 28, 1110. 5C WINS !2S In every walk in lifa discrimination between the true And the false wins and enjoys success. In questions of form, of style and of values, whether financial, commercial or medicinal, the judgement of the men and women who select and appreciate and utilize the true and genuine product, proves most profitable and most satisfactory to themselves and to all who follow them. Therefore, in connection with so important a subject as the physical well-being of the people, the most eminent physicians insist on full information as to the wholesome nature and truly beneficial character of the component parts of the remedies used and prescribed by them, and the wise manufacturer not only supplies them with the knowledge desired, but also combines for them in proper proportions the very substances most approved by them and omits every objectionable substance. The world-wide acceptance of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna by phy sicians and the well-informed of the world, as the best of family laxatives, is due to the universal satisfaction which it has given for more than a quarter of a century and also to the fact that it is a remedy of known quality and known component parts and to the further fact that the California Fig Syrup Co. presents it to the world simply as the ideal strengthening personal laxative to cleanse and sweeten the . system gently, yet effectually, and to dispel colds and headaches and to assist in overcoming constipation. To get its beneficial effects always buy the original and genuine, for sale by all leading druggists. The full name of the company California Fig Syrup Co. is always plainly printed on the front of every package. THE 'RED MIM." HAS A RECORD BREAKING SnOW The sivr.es of Martin & Emery Co.'s production of the musical play. "The Red Mill." in which those two clever comedians. Pwor and Woods, take the leading roles, are laid in Hol land. It is believed that this Is the first play ever presented In America devoted exclusively to the portrayal of Dutch character and location. The quaint atmosphere of the country of dyke?, windmills and wooden shoes Is aid to have been capitally caught by the author. Henry Blossom, and tune fully portrayed by the composer, Vic tor Herbert. "The Red Mill" is in two acts The first depicts a square in the town of Katwyk-aan-Zee. a picturesque place on the Nm-th sea. The picture is said to be absolutely correct ajid a dupli cation of an actual scene. In the background is the great, practical red vrlndmill. from which the play takes Its name, with its slowly sweeping Bails and at'one side is a funny little dutch inn. which has an important bearing on the story. The second scene shows a Delft blue Interior rep resenting, the house of the burgomast er. Both these settings are typical of the artistic distinction that charac terizes nil the Martin & Emery Co.'s productions. The plot revolves around two stranded Americans, played by Swor and Woods. They are unable for some time to escape from the wind mill region because they can't pay their board bill. In an effort to evade it, which calls for a sensa tional sortie from a gabled window, they are captured by the burgomaster and put to work, one as a waiter and the other as an Interpreter. Tne burgomaster's daughter has a love affair with a young sailor, and when her father finds out about it he im prisons her in the old red mill, -which has the reputation of being haunted. How the two Americans rescue her from the mill Is a spectacular devel opment of the first act. In the sec ond act the two Americans, in tneir efforts to flee hard luck and Holland (Special Correspondence.) Pilot Rock, April 27. Judge T. P. Gllliland spent a few days last week looking after things at his Stewart creek ranch. J. P. McManus was a business vis itor in Pendleton this week. Mrs. S. L. Morse of Pendleton, was the guest of Pilot Rock friends for a few days last week. Mrs. Keeler of Echo, spent Sunday .as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith. Geo. G. Schlegel spent a few days this week as a business visitor In Pendleton. Mrs. Fred Wilson Is quite 111 at her home In this city. Robert Adams of McKay creek Is a business visitor In- Pilot Rock this week. W. T. Harrison was taken to Pen dleton Monday to St. Anthony's hos pital to undergo an operation for ap pendicitis. Mrs. Ray McReynolds spent last week In Pendleton, where she has her little boy, Alton, for treatment. Dr. F. A. Lleuallen spent Sunday in Pendleton. Donald Ross, the Butter creek sheepman was a Pilot Rock visitor thTs week. The Pilot Rock boys were defeated by Weston Sunday by a score of 4 to 3. They did well considering the fact that five of the regular players were unable to go. Next Sunday they play Weston on Pilot Rock grounds. Mrs. Orpha Mauer died here last Tuesday night She had been ft suf ferer for over a year. She leaves to mourn her loss two daughters, OUIe ! Vnuer and Bonn! Mauer. The carpenters are now at work on t,. C. Scharpfs new residence. A. J. Sturtevant returned this morning from Seattle, where he had ben to visit his brother. Dr. C. C. Goldsberry left Tuesday for Ulciah to be absent for a few days. (Special Correspondence.) Herniiston, Ore., April 37. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reeves came down from Stanfield to take In the Odd Fellows banquet, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Rice until yesterday after noon. George H. Upthcgrove returned from Pendleton where he went with his father, who left for the east. Charles Dlshon went to Portland yesterday to transaot business. Carl S. McNaught has returned from Portland, where he was nego tiating for the purchase of $3900 worth of machinery for the new wa ter system to bo Installed on the west side In the very near future. J. Prann is here from Selby, South Dakota, looking after his property interests. C. V. Faus Is taking G. Raymond Hahns place at the O. R. ft N. freight office, while Mr. Hahn In company with his sister has gone to Portland for a short visit. W. G. Anderson, J. A. Masters and J. A. Haff are here frpm Doon. Iowa, looking over the project with the In tention of buying land. Jay Pulmulder of Echo and broth er Menry of Milton, were down yes terday making annual proof on tneir desert claim near Stanfield. Frank Morris and family of Cecil, Oregon, Is here for a few days. Watch for the Comet The Red Dragon of the sky. Watch the children for spring coughs and colds. Careful mothers keep Foley's nave to resort o ua . "tant Honey and Tar In the house. It Is the one having the most Important I . .,. .nA bearing on the story being a wonder- " COUSIN KATE." fully clever representation of Sher lock Holmes and Dr. Watson. In these characters they finally bring about a happy ending to the story and reap pecuniary reward for both and the hand of a charming damsel named Tina, for one. "The Red Mill" has been the most pronounced hit that has been made in musical comedy in the last quar ter of a century. Its engagement here wilfl be on performance only, at the Oregon the ater. the best and safest prevention and cure for croup where the need Is ur gent and Immediate rellev a vital ne cessity. Its prompt use has saved many little lives. Contains no opiates or harmful drugs. Refuse substitutes. Koeppen Bros. Lieutenant Walnwrlght Weds. Washington, April 28. A smart wedding here today was that of Miss Alice Blech. until the first or tne jry. lis eugaeciiicui nc.v . - Monday, May 2. for one I Present month, social secretary to 1-4 of a Pound a Week at least, is what a young baby ought ! to gain in weight. Docs yoursT II not there's something wrong with It digestion. Give It McGee's Baby Elixir and it will begin gaining at once. Cures stomach nd bowel trou bles, aids digestion, stops fretfulness, good for teething babies. Price 26c nd 50c, A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Mrs. Taft, and Lieutenant Richard T. Walnwrlght, Jr. The groom Is a son of Rear Admiral Walnwrlght and met the bride at the White House. For Cemetery Improvement. All parties who wish to have con crete walls built around the graves of their dear friends or relatives, be- Tour tongue la coated. Your breath is foul. Headaches come and go. These symptoms show that your stomach Is the trouble. To remove the cause is the first thing, and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by all deal ers. A Play That Has Stood The Tent of Time. The strongest play that Hubert Henry Davis, one of the heavy' weights in the world of literature, ever wrote was "Cousin Kate," which he wrote especially for Ethel Barrymore, and which aided her greatly In mak ing the tremendous hit she did In London and New York. In fact, there Is more good material In one act of "Cousin Kate" than In a great many of the later successes coblned. It is an author's finest actv levement In dialogue, characterlxa tlon. repartee, and in development. The author has realized that Ideas as well as emotions, have value, and has also Introduced a vein of comedy that runs the bamut, together with chances for heavy emotion and noble self-sacrifice. He has -not overlook ed a single point, and the play Is a constant delight. But even Is "Cousin Kate" had not proven Itself, the appearance of Jean ne Russell In the title role would tn sure Its value when presented at the Oregon theatre on next Sunday May 1. Miss Russell Is one or the most 1 , i - J . . InAlm WAM AM U close personal and professional friend of Ethel Barrymore, and a finished artist of the first magnitude. She is surrounded by a company of merit and ability. She seems to have the peculiar knack or tact for absorbing the fine points of the many, mould ing them Into a symmetrical consu mation, to present to the public an ensemble a gem In a perfect setting. lirvce to Knife and Fork Club, Kansas City. Mo., April 28. James Bryce, the British Ambassador to the may phone ' given free. Children Who Are Sickly Mothers who value their own comfort nd the welfare of their children, should Sweet Powders for Children, for use throughout the season. They Break op I rMa fnre FeveriahneRS. Constipation. Teething Disorders. Headache and Stom- that need repairing, ach Troubles. TllKHK I'owur.un -c.r.n fill. Sod DT an urue oiorr, ;. Don't accept any rubttitute. fore decoration aay, w. ... --- - - ,. ,, nt,ArM th Kan Ins this work at the cemetery now -". . . ... Red 2627. FRANK DUPRAT. Information 1 sas City Knife and Fork club this - evening. 't omorrow lie W" w t nn.nr,nA . anoflif hnfrire the stu ' . I dents of the University of Kansas. Ladles and Gentlemen! . Brine me your snoes ana uxiuru . - . ,. . . V. n . ot- fnr Prompt reier in an " . .... j tpnuhu if vnn use Chamber- ladies' shoes 66c. and gentlemen ""'""?""--- "V. ,..- to A trial nick- shoes 90c per pair. My latest modern .. "T ' ' r;.iTT nt PHifrV to anr mother who rnarh'nerv Insures you better work taae. l - ..... - will address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, : A, EKLUND. : Sold by all dealers, N. T. 1 Franklin Model G is good for all kinds of work that you want to put it to. It is swift, strong and wonderfully able, and like all Franklins it is always ready. For business or pleasure it is the handiest vehicle imaginable and has the comfort peculiar only to the. Franklin. Model G is as refined and modish as the larger Franklin models. It has an elegance of design and perfection of detail found only in automobiles of much higher price. It is of the same mechanical design and of the 6a'me material as all other Franklin models, only smaller a size and price within moderate means. You can tour in Model G and put it to service which will enthuse you with its wonderful ability. It has the only cooling system which requires ab solutely no attention and will not overheat or freeze. Model G is equipped with the Bosch high-tension magneto, selective transmission, large wheels and large tires. The tires are larger and stronger than used on other makes of automobiles selling at a much higher price. So all the way through Model G has the best and is not at all in the class of the cheap automobile. There is no other medium size automobile of this high-grade type. State it Ohio, City of Toledo. Lncts Couo ty. M. Frank 3. Cheney makes oath tbtt b U senior partner of tn firm of P. J. Cat otj m Co., doing Dosineaa in tne city oi Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm win pay in sum oi ui) UUNliHED DOLLARS for each and ever; rase of Catarrb that cannot be cored dj the Die of Uall'a Catarrh Com. FHASK J. COiNKY. Sworn to before me tad subscribed In my presence, this Otb day of December, A D 1888. A. W. OLHABON. (Seal) Notary Public. llall's Catarrb Cur la taken Internallj nd acts directly nn the blood and muoom nrfarea of the system. Head for testlmo Ills fres. F. J. CUENET A CO.. Toledo. O. Hold by all Druggists, 7Dc. Take Hall's Family Pills for coaitlps tloa. Fraaklla Modal G it built in ihre different ityles touring ear, runabout aad with sarrey-typ body. PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY, 812 Johnston St, PENDLETON, ORE. Pendleton Auto Company Representing Exclusively FRANKLIN AUTOMOBILES A Large Stock of FRANKLIN PARTS. Only Dealer Carrying Extra Parts. GARAGE-Accessories and Supplies-REPAIRS Walla Walla, Wash, and Pendleton, Ore, Buy your car of an established dealer, He may be of service to you afterwards OREGON THEATRE FRIDAY, APRIL 29 ONE NIGHT OF LOCAL HILLARITY "ZULUNA" THE SULTAN'S DAUGHTER. A Singing and Dancing Musical treat, with Miss Maud Sheridan as "ZULUNA" The dancing girl,, assisted by Elmer Storie Mrs W A Slusher, Jack Watson, Miss Hutchins and thirty others. For the benefit, and under the Auspices of the PENDLETON BASE BALL TEAM BOOST, YOU ROOTERS, BOOST Tickets: 50c, 75c and $1.00 Pendleton Drug Company OREGON THEATRE, SUNDAY MAY 1st. Miss Jeanne Russell and full metropolitan cast in Ethel Barrymore s greatest London and New York comedy success weeks' The Chas. Frohman Original Hudson Theatre Scenic Production Direct from Hudson Theatre New York. DrirP 1 .00. 75c. 50c and 25c. . - Seats 0n Sale at Pendleton Drug Store m B J