1 EIGHT PAGES. DAILY KASX OREUONIAN, PKXDLE7TON, OREGOH, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1010. PACK THRKX. on I I OULJ WW TY7 Tin w (( ii ( NO mincing matters or beating around the bush we must vacate our present quarters by June 1 st. 1910. Did you ever stop and consider the great expense, the unpreventable damage and the big loss that we will be compelled to stand when we move? We know of only one positive way of preventing this SMASH PRICES AM) R TOCK GREAT Remember our policy is to close out every article if possible and start in our new store with an all new stock. The next few weeks will be busy ones here. See that you are with the wise buyers. Yoir Choice 61 any Mm9s Suit On Regular $15 to $25 Values OUR. TABLES, FOR bo Regular $15 to $25 Values S Soft Negligee and Golf Shirts 5.00 Shirts, Removal Sale 1'ri.r, $ 1.00 $1.00 Shirts, Removal Sale Price. $3.00 $1.50, 81.75 ni $2.00 $2.95 $3.00 Shirts, Removal Sale Price. $2.65 $2.50 Shlrta, Removnl Sale Price, $1.95 $2.00 Shirts, Removal Sale Price, $1.50 Work Shirts 50?, 65?, 75? $1, $1.25, $3.50 Shlrta, Removnl Sale Price, Hansen Gloves for men who care Straw Hats $1.50 and $2.00 dress and straw hats, all shaps and all sizes, Removal Sale Pries $1.00 Sweet Orr Overalls and Jumpers $1.00 All sizes at per pair Stetson Hats H'.OO ;m,l Slt.Sil Mats $2.00 ! S.Vtm. s.V.-.O ami $.00 H;i $1.50 Sh oes S2.."i Work Shoes, Removal Sale Price S.VOO Shoes, Removal Sale Price Stl.00 Dress Oxfords and Shoes. Removal Sale Price $1.95 $3.50 $4.50 Work Sox 5, 10?, 3 for 25 15? 2 tor 25?. Fancy Hose S.V Hose, Removal Snle Trice 25? f0c Hose, Removal Sale Price 3J 7.V Hose, Removal Sale Price 45 25c Fancy Sox 12 l-2c. 50c Suspenders 25c Summer Underwear 82. ."0 Garments, Sale price . . , 82.00 Garments, Sa le price . . . SI. 75 Garments, Sale price , . , SI. 50 Garments, Sale price . . , $l.2." Garments, Sale price ... $1.00 Garments, Sa le rrice . . . 7,"o Garments, Sale price . . . . Garments, sale price . . , , BOo Garments, Sale price Removal $2.00 Removal $1.65 Removal $1.35 Removal $1.15 Removal .95? Removal 75? Removal 60? Removal 50? Removal 40? Summer Union Suits !.Voo I'nion Suits, Removal Sale price sl.oo Tnion Suita, Removal Sale price s;;.."o I'nion Suits, Removal Sale price S:i.00 I'nion Suits, Removal Sale price S2.50 I'nion Suits, Removal Sale price S2.00 t'nion Suits, Removal Sale price M.50 I'nion Suits. Removal Sale price $4.00 $3.00 $2.95 $2.50 $1.95 $1.G5 $1.15 ig Bostons Store Where you trade to Save Goods sold during this sale, naturally, it will be unnecessary to move -so we're making remarkably low prices, and, as our contented customers will verify we're "peddling the goods" Take the Car, Hitch-up, or Walk but come to Pendleton NOW, to the )