EIGUT PAGES. DAILY BAST ORfcX.ONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 110. page nvm ti , . - .11! in A Big Two Days Embroidery Sale THURSDAY FRIDAY See Corner Window Tonight 3750 yards, fine swiss and cambric embroideries and insertions from 2 inches to 8 inches wide Regular values up to 40c yard. All you want Thursday and Friday ONLY 6c YARD F. E. Livengood & Go. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Otflclul Weather Report. Minimum temperature, 50. Maximum temperature, 85. Marriage License Issued. A marriage license was issued yes terday afternoon to David Bos of North Yakima and Miss Jacobjen Ores Dee Boer of this county. Library Will Tin Closed. The public library will 4e closed tomorrow all day for a house clean ing. It will not even be open in the evening and those who are accustom ed to uso the library are expected to govern themselves accordingly. Two Drunks In Court. Frank Parr and C-harles Bomson, both Indians, were the names of two drunks who appeared In police court this morning. In the absence of the $5 they are each serving three days In Jail. Huh Crushed Foot. Ross Carney buyer for the meat firm of Carnev & Tweedv is going around on crutches today as the re sult of a crushed foot. The injury was sustained when his horse fell with him. Another New Anto. T. G. Montgomery, cashier of the American National bank, has Just purchased a new auto. It is a io n. n Mnwpll And arrived todav. Mr. Montgomery sold his old machine to Charles McBee, the Birch creeK rancher.. LOCALS nivr's wife was cut to pieces with a sickle. The fanner went to church with his son. leaving his wife alone In the farmhouse. At 11:30 o'clock the son returned alone and found the door shut. He entered nt the back and was horrified to see his mother dead on the floor of one of the rooms. She had-been cut to pieces with a sickle. A farm laborer haa oeen seen cross- Ing the fields In a great hurry soon after the crime, and the gendarmes Oats and timothy hay fed at ths arreHtcd him Immediately. He had Commercial Barn. I ftcen employed on the farm of the Get your horses clipped at the ' murdered woman some time ago, and Commercial Barn 1 'he suspicions against him seem to For rent-Well furnished house. In- ! l"vo be. n ronflrmefl by the fact that ' imp i'i'hjii ,iuh it'll in ma laimyaiu t corresponded to his wooden shoes, door to j Kobbory was evidently the object i of the crime, ng Important sums of cheap, money were taken out of lockers Pastime pictures please all. Hay for sale. Phone F. L. 67. Ice cream at Hohbaoh's, Court t Fresh buttermilk at Jensen creamery. which had been broken open, but a kept AT THE PICTURE SHOWS quire 07 Willow street. New bicycle store, next I.ong Bros.' auto garage. Farmers' blacksmith coal Crab Creek Lumber Co. .Furnished housekeeping rooms for considerable sum in gold coins rent. 311 south Main street. j in a wardrobe, escaped notice. A shipment of best cedar posts, Just j arrived, crao irecK Lumotr 1,0. private horses and rigs, commercial flsrn. j Loose wheat hay, baled hay and chopped hay fed at the Commercial orpin-inn Today's Program Barn. j, Rove's Awakening. Dramatic. M ire moving picture shown than j Yltagraph. nnv other theatre In the city the 2. The Ansel of Dawson's Pat!m. Drama I.ub!n. T, hor. wn wuiron. one llnht Imagination. Essanay. Comedy ...i-in. u.T.,n for .Hi -rh Creek i Henry's New Hat. Comedy by Lumber Co. well-liked Essanay company, . . . , , ,.,,' 6 Down In Jungle Town. Lost, between depot and Water street gold initial pin. Finder please return to this office. The Pendleton Cash Market Is the place to buy pure lard at reasonable prices. Phone Main 101. Wanted Olrl to do chamber work nt Hotel Oregon, Hermlston. month and board and room Claim Tlio Pastime. rrocrnm for today's change Is as follows: "The Tongue of Scandal." Vlta- graph. 1000 feet. One of those in teresting and excellently told stories, $25 per sympathetically acted and adequately photographed. Portland Hearty Man Here. w. C. Ko.ehne, representative of the Laurclhurst company of Portland, is now In the city. It is his intention to return to the city again within a short time and to establish an office here. While here today Mr. Koehne has been the guest of his friend. F. S. Drake of the Washington-Oregon Traction company. Iresbvtery Meeting. The Pendleton presbytery of the Presbyterian church is to meet at Mt. Hood on Thursday and the local delegates to the gathering leave to morrow night. Those going from Pendleton are Rev. W. H. Bleakney nn,l James Crawford. Others who Pendleton's Greatest levied! IS NOW IN FULL SWING AT Wohlenberg Department, Store Not a jumbled mass of old, out of date "undesirables" but the newest brightest, freshest goods the world affords at a Take advantage of this sale for the savings are more than worth while at WOHLENBERG DEFT STORE "Better Goods for Less Money" i! 1 TtiifltrhnW ithnn several davs azo. when win attend from Umatilla county are . 8he lmed nef yeU an(J Jordan Stefan liev. Warrington of Pilot Rock Rev. off ft bank cerk fe in loVe wltri ... m if ru it Tj XT' 1 ' I.evl Johnson of Milton Rev. B. F. Harper of Milton and Rev. Washburn of Vincent. Tclcplione Conference On. At the Commercial association rooms a meeting Is now on between District Manager Van Houtte of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com pany, and the Joint committee from the city council and the Commercial association. The delegation from the council consists of City Attorney J. It. Haley, Councilmen Strain, Brock and Dyer. The association commit tee Is composed of Dr. C. J. Smith, T. r. Montgomery and E. B. Aldrlch. Wanted Young girl for assistant t housekeeper. Inquire of Mrs. C. P. I Bishop, Association building. j For rent House corner Alta and College streets, opposite Presbyterian church Apply to F. E. Judd. For Sale Halnes-Houser combined harvester, 16-foot cut; good condition. Address. Chas. Hamilton, City, R. F. , d. i. ; Men wanted to Irrigate alfalfa, flood and furrow system. Steady work; no lost time; top wages. New- , port Land & Construction Co., Her mlston, Ore. i Just received, a car of Rock ' Springs nut coal. This is what you need for cooking. Price 19 per ton delivered loose or J10 per ton sacked. Oregon Lumber Yard. Found on' Field Bchool ground, ladles gold watch, hunting case, rib bon fob. Owner can havr same by calling at this office, proving prop erty and paying for this notice. Don't you want to go to the Jeffries-Johnson "scrap" free. Of course you do. Buy your spring suit at the Peoples Warehouse and you may se cure a free ticket and a free reserved seat. Try It. The C.vpsv Oirl's I " Dramat ic, loon feet. "The Gypsy Girl's Love" is the subject featured as the big hendliner of the week. You will niis. a treat If you fail to see this picture "Her Sister's Sin." Dramatic. In tills picture the acting Is so real that one lives over the pictured scenes. "One Legged Acrobats." Comedy. A couple of expert acrobats with only one pair of legs between them give a highly diverting variety turn. Ready to Ilg Tunnel. Foreman Anderson, who Is to be in charge of the work of digging the tunnel through Horseshoe curve near Coe, has hiB men on the ground, has established his camp and is now awaiting the arrival of lumber and other material. This is expected to morrow. The tunnel will be through the east tongue of the curve instead of the west as originally planned and will be one of the longest along the o. II. & N. her. Stefanoff managed to secure tn in terview with Saadet and she agreed to elope with her lover. Mohamed Hanum was enraged at his daughter's flight, and appealed to the Turkish representatives at Rust chuk on the ground that Saadet was not of age. The Bulgarian govern ment ordered the arrest of Saadet and lodged her in the local jail, AKROPLAVE FAILS AT THE CRITICAL MOMENT Connelsvllle, Pa. Asa Wilson of this city, a student at the West Vir ginia university at Xlorgantown, is In the hospital there with two broken legs as the result of an attempted es cape from the roof of a burning build ing in an aeroplane. Wilson had been experimenting in aeronautics and kept a monoplane of his own make on the flat roof of the too quickly and his properly adjusted. motor was not This indignity enraged the Turkish j building In which he roomed. He to apply. RECENT DISCOVERIES PROLONG HUMAN LIFE Paris. Has the elixir of life at last been found? Yes, replied Dr. Doyen, at a lecture which he delivered the other day. If It is not the secret of perpetual youth, It is at least, ac cording to him, a lengthy prolonga tion of life which will be secured by the new method which he proposes populace no less than Stefanoff and his friends, and a mob attempted to storm the prison on two occasions. Detachments of police opposed them and during the street fighting which followed 21 persons were killed and many others wounded Saadet was rescued and taken to her lover's home. A regiment of Bulgarian Infantry was sent to regain possession of Saa det. An infuriated mob rallied around claimed to have made several success- , Colloids Do the Vork. ful flights In rrivate. - ' The first step was to find a cure At 2 o'clock In the mornifig fire 'was for all maladies. This, he says, con discovered In the building. Wilson gists In the blood and the increasing slept on an upper flower and could of the resistances of the human or not be aroused until the fire gained ganism. much headway. Then, clad In his pa- The secret Is disclosed by the dls Jamas, he hurried to the roof and . covery of colloids, gelatinous sub hauled out the monoplane. Dragging stances that produce and revive the it to the edge of the roof he climbed protective globules. By a proper ab- into the seat and with a wave of his sorption of these cellolds. the human arm and a warning to those below. St. Louis Heiress Weds, New York. April 26. Miss Marh Whittlesey Greenwood, daughter of the St. Louis millionaire, became the bride r William Munis, lmprle, Jr., m the Marble Collegiate church, this city, today. Miss Greenwood was maid of honor at the St Louis Veil ed Prophet's lm 1 1 two years ago and ;s popular in society In both cities. WOMAN CUT TO PIECES WITH SICKLE BY PI END A Liberal Stork. Staunton, Va., April 26. When the stork visited Mrs. William Rife here yesterday he left four children in the Kifo home, one of the little visitors died almost on arrival. The other Hhree. two boys and n girl, are doing well, us Is the mother, who Is 30 years old. The Rlfes have three other chil dren the oldest five years old. Devlin Is Captain. At a meeting of the basketball squad of the high school yesterday evening, Dude Devine was unanimous ly elected captain for the season of l'.UO-ll. Devine has played at guard for the past two seasons and has al ways been a reliable man on the floor. He was captain of the football team of last year and was re-elected to the position foe the next year. In addi tion to his abilities In basketball and football, Devine Is a valuable weight man on the track team, Is a clever baseball player, and is the champion wrestler of the high school. Stefanoff's house and repulsed the i flopped orr. Wilson and his macnine troops. The entire garrison of Rust- j crashed down among a half dozen vol chuk was called out and serious fight- : unteer fireman, knocking them right ing took place. and left. Saadet is said to have been smug- When they dug him out of the eiefl out of her lover's residence and i wreckage he was unconscious, and sent abroad. Twenty thousand mourners march ed behind the coffins of the victims of the street rioting when their fu neral took place last week. It Is believed that Saadel's marriage with Stefanoff will take place in the near future. y both legs were fractured. In the hos pital Wilson said his monoplane was a success, but he was forced to start system will be spared all the usual maladies of the respiratory organs, the digestive tubes and the blood and skin. The result will be a considerable prolongation of life, and If we add to this the Important pressure In the ar teries, the hopes of the ancient al chemists in the universal aboIitlCS Cf disease will almost be realised. -MEN RACE FOR HOMESTEAD. Women vote! Never, sir, with my Paris. A farmhouse murder, per- consent." "Why not?" "What! And have my wife losing thirty-dollar hats to other women on the election?" High School Conserves Daylight. The hiph school is the first to adopt the conservation of daylight plan." Hy a unauimous vote the stu dent body of the Ideal high school has decided to utilize one more hour of daylight. Hereafter school will take up nt S a. m. Instead of S:4."i. and will i lose for. lunch nt 11:20. The after noon sesson is to begin at 12:30 and school closes for the day at 2:30. The condition was made that if tardiness increased the school schould go back to the old hours. This will be a great improvement over the old system as this eliminates over an hour of the school day. This Improvement goes into effect tomor row morning. Mounted Agents Riding 100 Miles for $4000 Land Prize. Spokane, Wash. A race from Oro ville to Waterville, Wash , for a land location prize worth about $4000, be tween agents mounted on horses, started April 5. Frank Giffen riding for Philip Lonz and "Shorty" Potter, riding for W. B. Pexson, are spurring their steeds toward the government land office at Waterville, 100 miles . away, Potter having several hours the start, with I a promise ut J25 a day if he wins. I When the filing is made it will be in the nature of a contest, as the tract already is occupied by James Saw don, against whose filing there will be lodged charges of Irregularities. i,f 5 t '$&jU Mirykr'i Make the most of your opportuni ties. They are too precious to be wasted. Soda Water It's Pure That's Sure We make all our Syr up from pure Fruit Juice F. J. DONALDSON. Reliable Druggist. its-. petrated reported with shocking savagery. Is from a small village 20 miles from Dunkirk, where a far- Hoston Transcript. Tin's week we nre putting in a Window for Bathers and there is sure to be something in it yon are in need of for it contains most everything from a Calc of Soap to a Bath Cabi net. We have something new in niekled Tooth Brush Racks, Towel Bads, Sponge Backs, Soap Bads, Tumbler Holders, h'tc, and you will find that our Turkish Rags and Towels are of just the right texture to place the glow, and our toilet requis ites have that cooling, soothing fragrance and of ampler strength than have moat. See them in our window this week anyway. The Drug Store That Serves You Best. Walker Is ISelcnscd. Hecnusc the owner of the watches ( believed the original Intentions of the ; young man were honest, young Walk- ; er, who was arrested last evening on j the charge of stealing a tray or watcn es and Jewelry from the Dowlsby sec ond hand store on Alta street during the fire which occured in the South ern Cafe, yesterday afternoon, he was discharged from custody today.' It seems that the young man was under the Influence of liquor and that with others he rushed Into the blulding to assist In saving the contents. Later he decided to appropriate the watches but Dowlsby did not believe the man was dishonest and refused to prosecute. ROMANCE OF IOVEHS IS CAUSE OF DISASTER Sofia. The Bulgarian government Is threatened with serious danger in consequence of the love rom.anee of Saadet Hanum, a beautiful Turkish girl. Saadet, the daughter of a devout Mohammedan named Mohamed Ha num, was making purchases In a "Fishermen's Lunch" Sardines Celebrated Jockey Club, Norwegian smoked, Pure Olive Oil Packed Everything you want in lunch and canned goods Deviled Ham Canned Wild Duck Jar Cheese Canned Quail Vienna Sausage Canned Grouse Picnic bottles of Pickles and Relishes in small, medi . um and large sizes Fresh Strawberries And New Potatoes See Window INGRAM'S GROCERY Bigger and Better than Ever