East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 26, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Special For This
Week Only
Porosknit Union
Fine Derby . Ribbed Shirts and
Drawers good Value at 75c a suit for
this week only per garment
Bloods, Pink and Blue Fine Lisle finish
Shirts and Drawers worth $1 50 a suit
our price for this week only, a garmen
Corner Main and
Agents for Stetson . Hats
Contests to Be Held on Matlock Ball
Grounds and Will Serve As Tryout
for Hefrutar Team Grammar
School Will Aim Compete.
(High School Correspondence.)
The annual lnterclass meet of the
high school will bo held on Friday,
April 29, at 2.30 p. m. at the Mat
lock ball grounds. Also the four
grammar schools of the city will con
test for supremnoy. This will nerve
as a tryout to pick the athletes to
represent Pendleton at the county
. meet to be held In Athena on the 14th
of May. Pendleton Is anxious to win
first honors at thfs meet In order to
gain possession of the valuable cup
which has been presented by the
Athena Commercial club.
There Is much clam rivalry among
the four classes' of the high school
ince the cross-country run and twelve
fast events are promised. As the dif
ferent grades of the grammar schools
have been divided Into two divisions
There Is much more Intercut being ta
ken, as the younger hoys are in a di
vision by themselves. Division B
consists of the 7th and 8th grades and
there will be eight events Division C
consists of the 7th and 8th grades and
there will be eight events. Division
C consists of the lower grades and
they will h.ive six events. Each
school is allowed two entries In each
The ball grounds are being put Into
shape fur the meet. There will be a
220 yard straight away and this race
promises to bo a pretty one.
The proceeds of the meet will be
used to take the Pendleton team to
Che size only. Regular price SOca Bomi
The Home Beautifier
Murphy Bros.
The paint men
will tell you about
Clothing Go.
Webb Streets
and Packard Shoes
Athena. Tho general admission will
be 25 cents.
The oratorical contest held under
tho Jurisdiction of the county asso
ciation will be held In Athena on the
same date as the track and field meet.
The same divisions as of the athletics
has been made and a gold and a sli
ver medal will be awarded to first and
second place of each division of the
oratorical contest. Pendleton's rep
resentatives are working hard and
will show up well in the contest.
Vienna. The International
Sports Exhibition will be opened at
Vienna on May 2 by the Emperor
Fracis Joseph In his capacity of pa
tron. The rotunda In the Prater,
which has already seen so many ex
hibitors, Is again devoted to this pur
pose, with the surrounding park en
closing 350.000 square metres. Hunt
ing, horse breeding and sport will be
amply represented In this original ex
position. To the great mass of visitors ac
quainted but superficially with the
pleasures of the chase, a new and In
teresting perspective will be unfurled
nnd novel Ideas presented for their
As the emperor and all members of
the aristocracy are ardent lovers of
hunting, and many of them finished
sportsmen, they have been able to as
sist In furnishing remarkable exhib
its, and It is expected that the sport
ing circleR of Europe and America,
who have promised their assistance,
will be also Inrgely represented.
The Immense outlay for buildings.
Including many picturesque pavilions,
hag already reached about 12,000,000
kronen. Tho mild winter here allow
ed the work to be continued with very
little Interruption, so that nearly ail
the buildings are already completed,
and the opening day will see an un
usually finished picture.
During the last few months a great
town has sprung up around the ro
tunda, whose grey cupola rears Its
head above the mushroom buildings
Near tho graceful art pavilion Is a
picturesque hunting box. built In an
tique stylo, with fine examples of art
fabrics and painted tapestry. To it
Is attached a miniature church, with
exquisitely painted windows and a
tiny organ, .which will probably find
many admirers.
A few steps farther, amid ancient
trees, standi, the Hall of Trophies,
where an International competition In
hunting trophies will be displayed.
Here are exhibited the rare spoils ob
tained by sportsmen In all lands, re
calling many a brave feat of the
Washington, P. C. Nicholas Long
worth, son-in-law of Theodore Roose
velt, is to be the first spell-binder to
mount Chautauqua platforms in de
fense of the republican regulars.
The republican congressional com
mittee called for volunteers for that
service, nnd Longworth was the first
to show that he had heard his nnrtv's
call. Also he was the first accepted
by the chautauqua organizations.
Invitations for Mr. Longworth to
address meetings In the coming sum
mer are pouring In and he admits
that he Is going to accept, and that
he will give his voice and his views to
the cause of party regularity.
Chnmherlaln's Stomach and Liver
Tablots assist nature In driving all
Impurities out of the system. Insuring
a free and regular condition and re
storing the organs of the body to
health and strength. Sold by all
Good gentle saddle horses for la
iles. Commercial Barn.
Sliflkf Tntn Vmiv !E1iwi
Allen's FontnCase, the Antiseptic powder.
If itli.M tialnf..! . ....... i .. ' - .
.i. I'niuiui, Diuniiiii., linvuiin It"tI,
and Instnmly takes the sting out of corns
mm iMiiuuiiB. l mo grpnTefir comrort
discovery of the age. Allen's Foot Knap
mnlin. 1 1 ..1. . a bKam - t . .
" "i " bimuti irri vnmy. 11 IB
certain cure for sweating, callous, swollen,
i.ivo, nciiuiK icer. Always use it to llreak
In New shoes. Try It to-day. Sold every
where. By mnll for 2B cts. In stamps.
Don't accept any mhtUtute. For FRKE
trial prk;s address Allen 8. Olmsted,
Lo Hoy, N. V.
r'us I.itl 20 Years on Land Which
He Has Transformed from Bni'rcn
Tract Into Fertile Farm ilvl
lllnliot iviv for Cattle Ituyn New
(iisiliii) Engine Other Nolo.
( Special Correspondence.)
Helm. Ore.. April 23 ur progres
sive citizen, F. W. Andrews, yester
day purchused. a thirty-two horse-,
power gasoline- engine of Fairbanks,
Morse & Co., Portland, Ore. It will
be here In a short time and will be
used foe cutting hay. What Mr. An
drews has achieved on his farm of
125 acres which is one and one-half
miles west of Echo, shows that land
values are in the immediate vicinity
ef E.-lto when combined with perser
vcr.inee and intellectual ability. Mr.
Andrews has Just returned from
I'ortlund, where he syld two carloads
of eutt'e nt $6.90 per cwt. A buyer
Immediately returned with him to buy
the remaining clirload which he st'.ll
had at his farm, those being
among the best cattle shipped into
Portland this year from any point.
In fact. Mr. Andrews received the
top price for any cattle sold, for a
short time ago while beef was at the
highest liotch he sold three carloads
of cattle for 7 cents at this point,
which equaled at least $7.40 In Port
land, being the best price paid. Mr.
Andrews came here 20 years ago with
nothing but his two hands and now
has one of the best farms In this fa
vored locality.
A plug blew out of the water main
In front of the Echo Hotel this
morning and the city was decidedly
"dry" for a short time.
A. C. Glbbs, a first class carpenter,
arrived here last week from Wiscon
sin, nnd Immediately began work In
bis line for the Western Land & Irri
gation Co.
Miss Ellta Glllett returned yester
day from a week's end vls't with
relatives In Pendleton.
J. D. Watson and Dr. J W. Ptap
llsh run over to Walla Walla on Sat
urday, returning yesterday.
F. W. Taylor of Denver. Colo., was
here Sunday and drove out over the
Western Land & Irrigation project In
company of C. Cleaver. Mr. Taylor
was superintendent of the hort'cul
tural department at St. Louis during
the fnir held at that city.
Mrs E. H. Rrown of Stanfield vis
ited with ' friends here yesterday.
Mrs. Al Moore was a passenger on
the motor car yesterday morning, go
ing to Pendleton.
Mrs. Estelle Longnecker visited In
Pendleton yesterday.
St. Louis, Mo. The Central Trades
and Labor I'nion. representing every
union wage-earner In the city, passed
a resolution on Sunday ordering its
secretary to notify Pres. Taft that
If he attended the baseball game be
tween St. Louis and Cleveland, while
on bs visit to St. Louis. May 4 he
will offer an affront to organized la
bor throughout the United States and
will be subject to a fine, as he is a
member of the Steam Shovel and
Dredgemen's Union.
The Central Trades body of St.
Louis also will put committees at the
ball grounds on the date set for the
game, whose duty it will be to keep
persons from entering by persuasion
and passing around literature to the
effect that the Cleveland club Is un
fair to organized labor.
President Taft, through his secre
tary, has accepted Invitations to at
tend both league games here. These
Invitations were from the baseball
Diarrhoea should be cured without
loss of time and by a medicine which
like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures
promptly but produces no unpleasant
after effects. It never falls and is
pleasant and safe to take. Bold by
all dealers.
Tarls. A short time ago the Arch
bishop of Rheims was ordered to pay
BOO francs damages to the School
masters' Federation of the Marne. as
n result of the pastoral letter he Is
sued urging the bishops to protest
against the use of certain books in the
In this letter certain allegations
were made against the schoolmasters
nnd the latter, considering themselves
libelled, brought an nctlon against the
prelate nnd won In the courts.
In a sermon last Sunday the Arch
bishop referred to the judgment
against him, and declared that It was
an honor for priests to suffer In de
fence of the souls of which they were
the pastors
He said he considered It to be the
duty of bishops to point out to par
ents the perils to which the faith of
their children were exposed.
"The word of God is no longer free
in our country," said the Archbishop.
"Our Intentions are misinterpreted,
our authority despised, and the acts
of our spiritual minlstery discussed by
men who are not the JudgeR of them.
"It Is hard to be condemned like
criminals when we have only the wel
fare of the country in view.
"If, one day, the full liberty of
tenchlng should be the reward of our
efforts, struggles and sufferings, we
shnll not have purchased the neces
sary liberty at too high a price."
Don't fall to see the wedding in
high life at M. E. church, Wednesday
evening. It alone Is worth the price
of admission. 2B cents
Make your pennies count nnd the
dolfars will come.
I'rojeel Will Not Have fireat Quantity
for Shipment This Spring Heltec
em; lve Banquet to Odd Fellows
New City Well IJeiiia Dun Oilier
(Special Correspondence.)
Herm'slMi. Ore.. April 20. The hot
days of the past week are ripening
Hei-mlston strawberries very rapidly,
and by the first of May there will be
a n co lot of fine berries ready for
picking. Most of the growers that
hav.. any sizei) patch are getting box
es ready to harvest the first ripe fruit.
A great many of the berries here were
only planted last fall and this spring
so there will only be a limited num-
t ber of boxes to be shipped to other
List night the Rebeccas gave a
banquet to the Odd Fellows in honor
of the fist anniversary. A large gath
ering was present and enjoyed the
fruits of the land set before tln-m by
the Rebeccas.
The Maxwell Land & Irrigation
company h is a crew of men work'ng
on the new well on the high ground
in the northwest part of town. It is
their intention to install an entirely
new water system for the west side
residents, and we are sure that It will
he appreciated very much by them,
for lately the system has caused quite
a little inconvenience.
C. S. Mc.Vaught has gone to Port
land to order supplies for the new wa
ter system soon to be Installed on the
west side.
Mrs. Louis Moses, who has been
visiting with J. M. Scarborough for
the past, few days, has returned to
her home in Pendleton.
II. Shoemaker and family left for
Springfield, Missouri today, and ex
pects to locate there permanently.
An error was made in Monday's
correspondence In regard to the base
ball game next Sunday. It should
have read Echo will play Hermiston
on the Hermiston field, instead of
. The Hermlst,on second team played
a game of errors with Holdman Sun
day and defeated them seven to one.
The boys from Holdman made a to
tal of 30 errors, making the game a
very uninteresting one for the few
fans that failed to get down to the
I'ma 1 1 1 la - Herm istnn game.
Rev. Pease, who has been in charge
of the Baptist church here for the
past year has been assigned to a
charge at Enterprise, Oregon. He
expects tu move his family there at an
early date.
A Knocker
Is a man who can't see good in any
person or thing. It's habit caused by
a disordered liver. If you find that
you are beginning to see things
through blue spectacles, treat your
liver to a good cleaning out process
with Ballard's Herblne. A sure cure
for - constipation, dyspepsia, indiges
tion, slclj headache, biliousness, all
liver, stomach and bowel troubles. A.
C. Koeppen & Bros.
810.000,000 YEARLY
Berlin A writer In the current
number of the Reichsarbeitsblatt es
timates the annual cost to Germany
of the alcoholic liquor consumed by
her people at $ 7 lO.Ono.noo. of this
amount $620 000,000 is expended on
spirits and beer and the remainder
on wine.
The entire annual cost of the alco
holic liquors consumed in Germany
thus amounts as the writer points out,
to more than twice ihe combined cost
of the army and navy, more than four
times the cost of worklngmen's insur
ance, and about five times as much as
the total outlay for public elementary
Every family and especially those
who reside In the country, should be
provided at all times with a bottle of
Chamberlain's Liniment. There is' no
telling when It may be wanted In case
of an accident or emergency. It la
most excellent In all cases of rheu
matism, sprains and bruises Sold by
all dealers.
Paris. Plracv still flonrishep n Inn o
the North African coast, and has' late
ly become very prevalent.
The crews of the lnKotor hit. flaw
ing In Algerian waters nave accord
ingly been armed to enable them to
resist the Moorish buccaneers.
Ench boat now carries eight rifles
and the necssary ammunition, sup
plied by the naval authorities at Rrest
on Instructions from Henrv Ch
under secretary of the navy.
"How much does It cost to get
married?" asked the eager youth.
"That depends entirely on how long
you live," replied the sad-looking
man. Philadelphia Record.
Make your courage equal to TOUT
strength. They are both needed.
Scientists nro now agreed that the
eczema germs nro lodged not in the
outer skin or epidermis, but In the
Inner skin. .Hence, n penetrating li
quid Is required, not an outward salve
that clogs the pores.
We recommend to all ecjsema pa
tients the standard prescription Oil
of Wlntergreen as compounded in li
quid form known ns T). D. D. Pre
scription. A trial bottle of this TV TV
Prescription, nt only tit cents will
Instantly relieve the Itch. We have
sold and recommended this remedy
for years, nnd know of wonderful
cures from Its use. We recommend it
to our pntrons. Tallman Drug Co.
Not-only Is Mother's 1'riend a safe and slmplo remedy, but
the comfort and healthful condition its use produces makes It
of inestimable value to every expectant meU.cr. Mother's
Friend lelieveg the puia aiiii uiicomfort cause ! V.y the strain
on the different ligaments, overcomes nausea by counteraction, prevents back
ache and numbness of limbs, soothes the inflammation of the breast glands, anj
in every way aids in preserving the health and comfort of prospective mother
Mother's Friend Is a liniment for external massage, which by lubricating ant
expanding the different muscles and membranes, thoroughly prepares the systeA
for baby's coming without danger to the mother. Mother's Friend is sold a
drag stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers.
"The Red Mill," which will grind
for the first time at the Oregon thea
tre on Monday, May 2, is the one com
ic opera triumph of the past season
to receive the endorsement of the
dramatic critics and the paying pub
lic as well; In fact, the privileged
"dead heads" voted It the one su
preme comic opera success of the
year. "The Red Mill" might be
termed a musical comedy in two acts,
Mr. Blossom, always clever, wrote
the dialogue and lyric, and Victor
Herbert wrote all the music. Both
combined have made a play that will
last as long, If not longer, than any
comic opera. The story has to do
with two roving Americans who are
"doing" Europe for the first time, but
find when they strike the continent
that their extravagance has led them
to almost financial ruin. They are
discovered in an attempt to escape
from the hotel, leaving their baggage
behind, are apprehended, arrested and
tried, and are sentenced by the Bur
gomaster to work out their sentence
to the Inn-keeper. Then begins a
series of complications and excruci
ating situations which are brought to
a climax In the first act, where they
are helping tow lovers to escape and
go to the extreme in rescuing an Im
prisoned maiden from the mill by
means of the revolving blades of fans,
which they use to ascend and descend
with the girl.
One whole season on Broadway,
New York, should be sufficient guar
antee to assail any challenge. Thou
sands of New Yorkers have gone time
and again to see Con Kidder and Kid
An Object. Lesson from Com.
Perry's Trip to the Pole.
Strance how we arc inclined sometimes to wait until the
last day of the week or the last month of the season to do the
thinp: that is most important.
That phrase ''Do It Xow," is the persnnifieation cf brevity
luit it carries a world of logic.
There was one critical time during Peary's dash to the pole
when, if he had hesitated for a minute, his good ship "The
Tioosi'velr," Mould have been ground to pieces by the ice floes
that were hurrying fast upon her from all sides. Destruction
of the vessel seemed inevitable.
He saw a possible escape just ahead of him in a narrow
channel, filled with broken ice. He knew it was a case of "Do
It Xow" or never, and he gave the orders for full speed ahead.
Peary had proved his worth. The powerful engines of the
sturdy ice-fighting eraft responded in a manner that was truly
wonderful and soon she passed forward to the open water be
yond, to a position of temporary safety.- Then the monstrous
ire floes came together with a mighty crash at the spot where
the ship had been apparently trapped but a moment before.
But this was only an incident There was trouble ahead
every hour of that perilous journey and the men in command
vested neither night nor day.
Their eternal vigilance was rewarded a few weeks later
when the Roosevelt pushed her nose to the fartherest point north
ever attained by any ship.
It 'is that same indomitable spirit that won glory for the
American explorer that makes money kings of small merchants.
Eternal vigilance is the price of success.
This rule is more applicable to advertising than to any other
branch of your business.
It's through eternal vigilance in the use of printer's ink
that you keep yourself and your goods fresh in the minds of the
Keep everlastingly at it through the newspaper columns
the newspaper which goes regularly into the homes of the city
whore you are transacting business.
Every day, everywhere there's a man or a woman who
wants to buy some particular thing. Let him or her know that
you have that article. Let the people know all the time what
goods you carry and what their merits are send one of vour
advertising talks direct to their homes every time the news-
paper is issued. If you do this, how can you help but draw
trade? How can you help. but win victory?
Xow some fellows wait until the busy season comes along,
when they have so much to do they can't get their hats off,
and then rush to the printer with advertising.
Then when the dull season is upon them they stop adver
tising and worry about how they are going to pay the rent
Advertising is the best tonic for a dull season you ever saw.
If you haven't tried it, order a case and keep it on hand.
Once in a while, some enterprising merchant finds this out.
and scoops in all the business, while his neighbor signs his name
to a note in order to pay the rent. -
Don't quit advertising nnd cut off your nose to spite your
A gentleman from Arizona, we are told, once hanged himself
to the bed post by his suspenders. The verdict of the coroner's
jury was:
"Deceased came to his death by coming home full and mis
taking himself for his pants."
Don't mistake yourself for your pants.
Connor, In their various characrerf
and to listen to the melodies of Vic
tor Herbert's catchiest themes, while
the different types of girls which forrrt
the chorus, and the cute little Ijut'h
Kiddies, six In number, to say noth
ing of the exquisite costumes and
stage settings, should prove enough of
allurement to fill any theatre. Th
production here will be a replica of
the New York organization and will
Include an exceptionally clever cast,
with Bert O. Swor as Con Kidder,.
Franker Woods as Kid Connor, OttO
Koerner, Alvin Laughlin, Carl Hart
berg, S. W. Stott. Harry R. McClaln.
Cecil Summers and the Misses Agnes)
Major, Vernice Martyn. Adeline
Stern. Georgia Harvey and a chorus
of fifty, including the six little Dutch
Kiddies, also an augmented orchestra.
Why Do You Suffer
With headache, biliousness, consti
pation and the Ills its entails, when
Foley's Orino Laxative will relieve an4
cure you. It tones up' all the diges
tive organs, carries off the waste mat
ter and stimulates the bowels to their
normal activity. It Is a splendid
spring medicine. Koeppen Bros.
Ladles and Gentlemen!
Bring me your shoes and oxfords
that need repairing. Soles sewed for
ladies' shoes 66c, and gentlemen'
shoes 90c per pair. My latest modem
machinery Insures you better work,
Foley's Kidiiey Remedy will cur
any case of kidney and bladder trou
ble not beyond the reach of medicine.
No medicine can do more. Koeppe