East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 18, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Park Raniiia. Minn. "T was siek fnr
i years w line passing
Iinroupn me v. nauge
of Life and was
hardly able to be
around. After tak
ing six bottles of
I.ydia E. Pinkham
Vegetable Com
pound I gained 20
pounds, am now
able to do my own
work a n d f p 1
well." Mrs. Ed.
La Dou, Park Rap-
ids. Minn.
Hrookville, Ohio. "I was irregular
awl extremely nervous. A neighbor
recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound to me and 1 have
become regular and my nerves are
much better. "Mrs. It. Krsxisox,
Urookville, Oluo.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotic or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases we know of, and
thousands of voluntary testimonials
are on file in the Pinkham laboratory
at Lynn, Mass., from women who have
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul
ceration,displacements, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every suffering woman owes it to her
self to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound a trial
If you want special advice writ
Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for it.
It is free and always helpful.
I wish to Announce
. that I have turned my
Optical Business
over to
Mr. Dale Rothwell
who U a graduate Optometrist
and registered In this state by
Having worked with him I
know him to be competent and
highly recommend him to any
one requiring his services.
The celebrated Chinese Doctors
have made a life study of the
curative powers of roots, herbs
and barks and are giving the
benefit of their years of research
of the people both at home and
Abroad. It is by simple reme
dies that they guarantee to cure
such diseases as catarrh, lung
trouble, stomach, constipation,
liver, bladder and kidney, also
all private diseases of men and
Consultation and Pulse Diag
nosis Free. Successful home
People who live out of town,
write for symptom blank and
110 W. Main St. Walla Walla.
Prndlrton People Are Pleased
How It Is Dob.
It's pretty hard to attend te duties
With a constantly aching back;
With annoying urinary disorders.
Doan's Kidney Pills snake work
They cure backache.
They cure every kidney UL
T. M. Lacy, Elgin, Ore., says: "I
have known the value of Doan's Kid
ey Pills for at least six years. At
that time I first began their use, I
was suffering severely from plas
through my back and kidneys and
was practically laid up. I was able
to get around bat could not any
work. Stooping or lifting or any
sudden move caused terrible pains to
radiate through my body. Doan's
Kidney Pills regulated the passages el
the kidney secretions and benefited
ae la every way."
For sale by all dealers. Price SO
eats. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the nam Pan'n n4
take no other.
The East Oregon Ian Is Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads,
and the people appreciate It and show
K by their liberal patronage. It Is
the advertising medium of the section.
Tennis Court Has Been Destroyed and
Pall of Sadness Enshrouds Scene
Wlicro Happiness and Joy Once Ca
vorted Several of Most Enthusias
tic riaycrs, Too, nave Sunk to
Washington, D. C. A subtle sense
of sadness pervades the new tennis
court in the white house grounds.
No court could have been made
more perfect. The net is taut; the
squares within the white chalk lines
are mathematically correct as they
can be made. No fairer environment
could have been selected for it not
even Versailles itself where the ha
bitues of the court of the grand mon
arque played the same game In a set
ting so splendid that France went
bnnkrupt In creating it.
The new white house court lies un
der the shade of the. budding elms.
The spring breezes waft across it the
soft fragrance of the magnolia blos
soms and the lulling music of the
splashing fountain nearby. The
robins run across the green turf and
the squirrels scamper about without
fear of molestation. The picture Is
one of perfect perfect peace but
peace with sadness.
Vainly does Captain Archibald Butt,
with lissome figure clad In snowy
flannels, invade the domain of pro
found serenity in an effort to evoke
the glory of the days that werei Beek
man Winthrop, assistant secretary of
the navy and Ambassador Jusserand,
members of that informal cabinet
which is now but a memory, struggle
to revivify the fading tradition that
traced a parallel In the triumphs of
statecraft and the victories of the
tennis court. Even the untrammeled
energy of Charlie Taft, who some
times diverts his attention from more
boyish pursuits to whale the ball over
the fence or Into the fountain, lifts
but momentarily the impalpable veil
of melancholy sadness which drops Its
folds all the more closely after this
burst of Juvenile activity.
The white house tennis court that
was, Tias been obliterated, the tennis
cabinet is scattered to he four winds
of heaven--or almost as bad as that
and It seems that efforts to organ
ize another will be in vain. Of that
old cabinet but few familiar faces are
left. Beekman Winthrop, Ambassa
dor Jusserand and Lawrence O. Mur
ray are left behind. Gifford Plnchot,
Jimmy Garfield. Phillips and the oth
ers perhaps they still play tennis,
but the eyes of the political world
are no longer centered upon the
score. That day Is past and the
guiding Bplrlt Is far away in other
The old court, which was sacrific
ed to provide for the addition to the
executive offices was no such dream
of creation as the present court. It
was more rectangle of clay and it was
surrounded by green canvas walls
which Tapped unpoetlcally in the
wind. And how different the atti
tude of the players who galloped
about untfer cover of that canvass
screen! One could catch a glimpse
now and then of a stocky figure clad
In a shapeless sweater or an elon
gated anatomy that resembled the
quondam chief forester, clad in gar
ments stained with yellow mud. There
was no serenity. On the contrary,
there were grunts, expletives, and the
sound of the swish of balls. Occa
sionally a mild whoop and boisterous
laughter would Indicate that some
body had In all probability been hit
in the eye.
The Demon of the Air.
Is the germ of la grippe, that, breath
ed In, brings suffering to thousands.
Its after effects are weakness, ner
vousness, lack of appetite, energy
and ambition, with disordered liver
and kidneys. The greatest need then
Is electric Bitters, the splendid tonic
blood purifier and regulator of stom
ach, liver and kidneys. Thousands
have proved tha they wonderfully
strengthen the nerves, build up the
system and restore health and good
spirits after an attack of grip. If
suffering try them. Only 60c. Perfect
satisfaction guaranteed by Tallman &
Translucent Amber Stone Will Be
Material Old Cliapel Saved.
St. Petersburg. It Is an Interesting
fact that the czar has determined to
pull down his palace at Llvadia, and
in its stead to build a wonderful new
one made entirely of the beautiful
Balaklava stone, which, when pol
ished, resembles nothing so much as
pure amber. In the light, especially
In the light of sunset, this stone has
a wonderously fairy-like appearance
and the new palace, which is to be
completed by 1912, will be one of the
wonders of the world.
The only past of the palace now
standing, which Is to remain. Is the
chapel, which, built In the early part
of last century, is a mlsterplece. This
contains a white marble altar screen
but the gem of everything Is the ele-
gant marble cross mounted upon a
pedestal of Crimea porphyry, which
was presented to Alexander II. by the
workmen or Llvadia as an expression
of their gratitude for the emancipa
tion of the serfs.
For Cemetery Improvement.
All parties who wish to have con
crete walls built around the graves
of their dear friends or relatives, be
fore decoration day, will find me do
ing this work at the cemetery now or
may phone Red 267. Information
given free. FRANK DUPRAT.
the kldDeri are weak or torpid, the skin
will be pimply or blotch t. Hood's Saras
parllla strengthens sod tlmnlates the kid
neys, snd clears the comnlcrlon R thnr.
ought? purifying the blood It makes food
Washington. Here's a new Idea in !
conservation. Associate Forester !
Potter proposes to conserve the "eood
old summer time." . I
Away up on the mountain tops In '
the national forest reserves Pottor '
tells Secretary Wilson that there are '
any number of winding lakes and !
crystal streams fringed with cool I
woods that would make Ideal rest
cures for residents of our western
metropolises. His scheme Is to pro- I
vide for the poorly paid and over-
worked slaves of capital, at the cost '
of about IS per annum, tracts of na- I
ture which they may fence in and use j
for their very own, with no restric- i
tjons other than the ten command- :
ments and the regulations of the for- ,
est service. I
Under Potter's plan permits would :
be issued to applicants good for ten i
years, unless revoked by the secre- '
tary of agriculture. There are now j
several special permits Issued by the-
forest service for summer homes and
one for a hotel or club house, on the '
San Bernardino mountains In Call- '
fornla. These are good for only a
year at a time. The club house per
mit, however, has been renewed for
several years and has become a quiet '
permanent Institution. i
Potter's new plan is now passing !
under the critical eye of Solicitor
McCabe, of the department of agri
culture, because Secretary Wilson
does not Intend starting anything
again unless he knows It is legal even
to the crosses of the t's. Unless the
solicitor's stern regard for duty com- ,
pels him to object, the plan should
be in operation before long and the
people of the west will be able to put
In their applications for "country
seats" this spring.
A Knocker
Is a man who can't see good In any
person or thing. It's habit caused by
a disordered liver. If you find that
you are beginning to see things
through blue spectacles, treat your
Ulver to a good cleaning out process
with Ballard's Herbine. A sure cure
for constipation, dyspepsia, indiges
tion, sick headache, biliousness, all
liver, stomach and bowel troubles. A.
C. Koeppen & Bros.
Prayer Cham Harmful. i
. Hazleton; Pa. Several cases of 111- ;
ness of nervous women are reported j
by local physicians, who say the re- '
celpt of prayer chain letters makes
the trouble. These letters, thousands
of which have been circulated In town ;
express the idea that If the recipient
does not write the prayer nine times
and send it to nine different persons
in as many different days some great
calamity will befall. If the prayer
is sent as directed, the letter says, a
great blessing will follow. One wo
man did as directed, but failed to send
a letter one day out of the nine owing
to Illness, and was taken very sick
through worry- A number of similar
cases have turned up.
1-4 of a Pound a Week
at least, is what a young baby ought :
to gain In weight. Does yours? If I
not there's something wrong with its
digestion. Give It McGee's Baby
Elixir and it will begin gaining at
once. Cures stomach nd bowel trou-!
bles, aids digestion, stops fretfulness.
good for teething babies. Price 25c
and 60c. A. C. Koeppen Bros.
(Paid Advertisement.)
You know what a good teacher
means to a community, and especial
ly to a child. The normal school Is
where the teachers are best trained.
You have a valuable plant at Mon
mouth, worth more than $100,000.
Don't abandon this, but vote "Yes"
for Monmouth and sustain the normal
school. The cost is four cents on a
thousand dollars.
Sec. Com., Monmouth, Ore.
The Call of the Blood
for purification, finds voice In plm- J
pies, bolls, sallow complexion a Jaun- ;
diced look, moth patches and blotches .
on the skin all signs of liver trou- ,
ble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills
make rich red blood; give clear skin,
rosy cheeks, fine complexion, health.
Try them. 16c at Tallman & Co.
Clark's Grocery.
Just received a car of Fancy White
Burbank Potatoes for seed or table
use. Guaranteed to be the best stock
on any market. $1 per 100 pounds.
644 and 64 Main Street.
The best Way to teach a virtue to
live It Paul Revere Frothlngham.
to Peidletoini
Now is your chance to take a trip
to Pendleton without expense from all
points between Pendleton and Umatil
la. We will allow your fare one way
With Each $5 Hat Purchased
from us, or both ways with each hat
for $10.00 or over.
Leading Milliner
Will be given by the J mlor class, assisted by 100 members of the
Pendleton High School
Tuesday Night Apr. 1 9
IheOregon Theatre
00 i
A spectacular reproduction of old scriptural scenes as recorded In the
Book of Daniel, and Introducing an Oriental Fantasy or surprising
grace and beauty
The Lawyer and The Client
A psychological play of "circumstances" arranged from the well
known piece of fiction "In the Bishop's Carriage."
General Admission
In Balcony 25c and 35c .
Reserved Seats 50c and 75c
Box Seats $ 1 .00
Tickets on sale at the Pendleton Drug Store.
Pendleton, Oregon
United States Depositary
Condensed Report of Condition at
the close of Business Mar. 29, 1910
Loans and Discounts
Securities and Warrants
Banking House . "
Other Real Estate . .
U. S. Bonds (at par)
Cash on Hand
Capital Stock .
Surplus - - .
Undivided Profits (net)
Deposits .
I hereby certify that the above statement is true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and swornjto before me this 2nd
day of April. 1910. CLAUD HALE
Seal Notary Public for Oregon
. 60,000.00
. 101,000.00
$1,423,275.06 jg
Always pure and delivered
promptly, if you phone the
Central Meat Market
108 E. Alta St., Phone Main IS.
the only Exclusive Op
tometrist located ta
Umatilla county.
Office John Schmidt building, Pen
lleton, Ore. Over SO years practise
fitting glasses. Remember I grind
my own glasses. Eyes carefully ex
amined and glasses ground to fit.
Phone Main 650.
160 Acres of Good
Farm Land
100 acres In cultivation.
Suitable for potatoes, ber
ries or other produce. Two
miles from Weston, Oregon.
Call If Interested on
Mark Moorhouse
119 East Court St.
Phone Mala M.
The American
The finest, most durable and
most practical player piano
made today.
Sensitive as the violin to the
touch. A combination of the
most extreme simplicity of con
struction with the highest pos
sibilities of musical execution
200 less parts than other play
ers, meaning less repair.
Every Instrument guaranteed
A child can play the most
difficult music, on the Ameri
can Player Piano.
Call, and see demonstration.
Jesse Failing
AGENT. near tha bridge.
The Weil Known Chinese Doctor
Cures any
and all dis
eases that the
human flesh
is hoir to. My
wonderful and
roots, herbs,
remedies are
composod o t
C h I n s e
buds, barks
and vegetables that are entirely
unknown to medical science of the
present day. They are harmless,
as we use no poisons or drugs. No
operations. No knife used.
We cure stomach troubles, liver,
kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth
ma, nervous debility, female com
plaints and rehumatlsm and all
disorders of the blood. We cure
to stay cured, and guarantee to
cure all kinds of Plies und Private
Diseases of men and women. Call
and see him or write. Constulta-
tlon free. If you are unable to call
and see him. send two cents In
stamps for symptom blank. Ad
dress: THE L. cm0 WO CHINESE
medicine co.
SOtt W. Roe St. Walla Wwlla, Wn.
All general fund warrants register
ed during the months of October, No
vember and December, 10, will be
paid at my office In the county court
house upon presentation.
Interest ceased upon date of pub
lication. Dated Pendleton, Ore., April 11,
110. O. W. BRADLEY,
County Treasurer.
m m
The following descrlhnA Anlmnf hn
been taken up by tho marshal of the
city or fenaieton, to-wit:
One brown stallion about t or I
years old: no brands visible. Walrtit
about 700 pounds.
If said animal Is not claimed by the
owners or those entitled to the nos-
sesston of them, coats and expenses
against them paid and they taken
away within ten days from the dats
hereof, then at S o'clock p. m. of the
zstn day or April, 1910, the said ani
mal will be sold to the highest bid
der, at public auction, for cash, at
the city pound, located at the Oregon
Feed Yard, In said City of Pendleton,
the proceeds of such sale to be ap
plied to the payment of such costs
and expenses of making sale.
Dated this 14th day of April, 1(11.
City Marshal.