KIGUT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDIiETON, OREGON, MONDAY, AI'HIL 18, 1910. page rme. THE SHAVING SHAVERS Season li with u and KOKPPEX8 have a goo&t. SEE OUR WINDOW FOR THE OFFER. nice line of seasonable DEASON'S SPECIAL OUR $3.00 SPECIAL ALL FOR $3.00 THIS Total $6,051 W KOEPPEXS, "The Drn Store That Serves You Best." Razor . . $2.50 Hone ... $1.00 Strop ... $1.00 Brush .... 50c Mug . - . . 35c Bylo Talc .... . 25c Pine Nut Cream . . 25c Styptic Pencil . . 10c Soap . . . 10c Shaving Mugs 3 5c to $1.50 Razor Strops 25c to $3.00 Razor Hone BOo to $1.00 Shaving Soaps JOo to 50c Ordinary Razors $1 to $4 Safety Razors $1 to $6 Shaving Bruxhes . . I3o to $1.60 Safely Stroppcrs. .$1.50 to $1.50 Newsy Notes of Pendleton Murrlugo License. A marriage license was Issued thla morning to William Edwards of Spo kune and Ethel Southard of this county. Suing to Collect Note. The American National bank has brought suit against B. F. Chilson to ! collect a not for $588. The sum of i $75 Is asked as attorney fees. and who was brought to this city l.".st week by Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely, has been released on bonds. His brother put up $350 In cash to guar antee his appearance before the grand Jury. ' Jap Sues Jap Friend. I ' Alleging that his friend has re I fused and neglected to repay $109 which he loaned him, K. Hoshlno has ! brought suit against T. Akamaru. ! Both are subjects of Japan. LOCALS Pastime picture pleas all. Ice cream at Hohbach's, Court at Oats and timothy hay fed at the Commercial Barn. Get your horses clipped t the Commercial Barn. Good gentle saddle horses for la- d fi. Commercial Barn. New bicycle store, next door to Long Bros.' auto garage. ' Lost, a cameo stick pin. Reward if returned to 325 Water st. .Furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 311 south Main street. For sale Southern Cafe on Eaat Aita street. Inquire 206 East Alta. Anyone desiring horses pastured, see George Hall, Pendleton, Oregon. We make a Specialty of caring for private horses and rigs. Commercial Barn. Loose wheat hay, baled hay and chopped hay fed at tho Commercial Barn. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre in the city the Pastime. The Pendleton Cash Market Is the place to buy pure lard at reasonable prices, phone Main 101. , Wanted Girl to do chamber work at Hotel Oregon, Hermlston. $25 per mot)th and board and room. Wanted Young girl for assistant housekeeper. Inquire of Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Association building. Music furnished for all occasions, dances In particular, by the United Orchestra R. W. Fletcher, Mgr. Phone Main 1 or Black 3836. "If a party signing' name as "A Drummer" will communicate with Carter & Smythe, Pendleton, he will learn something to his advantage and the matter will be treated confidentially." 1 An Action for Money. J. H. Gwlnn versus John S. Estes 1 and wife is the title of a suit filed In the circuit court through which a i number of local merchants are seek ing to collect bills aggregating $171. The different amounts range from $2.10 to $66.50. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieum Program for Sunday. 1. A Rich Revenge. Blograph. A comedy of the California oil fields. 1000 feet long. 2. Two'Gentlemen of the Road. One of the well-liked Lubln comedies. 1000 feet long. 3. The Dreamer. Gaumont.' Very funny. 4. Amateur Billiards. Comedy for sports. 6. O'er Craig and Torrent. Scenic. The above program consists of 2800 feet of red hot comedy pictures and 200 feet of scenic. Very beautiful, all well photographed. "Dick" Nye Married. "Dick" Nye, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nye of this city, Is now a mar ried man. He was married on March 31 to Miss Emma Bahr, of Cam bridge, Idaho. Mr. Nye is now farm ing in Idaho and with his wife will make his home on his place near Cambridge. 1 linhy Girl Dies. . I The five-weeks-old daughter of j Conductor and Mrs. Frank Mytenger, died last evening about 7:35 at the home of Its parents, 403 College street. Death was due to an attack of whoop ing cough with which it had been suf- ! fcrlng for four or five days. The fun 'ral services will be conducted to- morrow afternoon at 2:30 and the in- torment will be In Olney cemtery. Attention Knig)its. Damon Lodge No. 4, K. of P. will mp(t In regular Besslon this evening at S o'clock. All knights please at tend. W. I. GADWA, C. C. R. V. FLETCHER, K. R. S. Read the "Want" ada today. The Pastime. For Sunday another of those fine shows Including three big feature films each 1000 feet long. "Michael Strogoff," 1000 ft. An exceptional film. Jules Verne's story under the above title Is known the world over. The story Is dramatic in the extreme, there are "the thrilling scenes along the frontier, the attempt ed blinding with a hot sword, and fin ally the duel in the palace, with the closing tableau. "The Flower of the Ranch," 1000 ft. Suberb casting, thrilling climaxes, make this picture a feature, the no table film of the week. The story ends with little Dorothy lu her lover's arms. "Further Adventures of the Girl Spy," 1000 ft. Braddock's defeat of the civil war. In the following pic ture on the same historical ground where It occure.d, tho thrilling story ot how "Nan, the Girl Spy," secured information for the Confederates. Notice to Public. On and after this date we discon tinue delivering building material. Prices made will not Include cartage. When ordering material make your own arrangements for having It hauled. The. above does not. affect fuel. OREGON LUMBER YARD. PENDLETON LUMBER CO." CRAB CREEK LUMBER CO. Meeting for E.ra Meeker. For the purpose of meeting with Ezra Meeker, the old pioneer, a mass meeting will be held at the Commer cial association rooms at 7:30 tomor row night. The meeting has been called at the Instance of Mr. Meeker and some of his local friends. All pioneer residents and others Interest ed In the work Mr. Meeker is doing are Invited to attend. Warm Weather Has Arrived. With a maximum temperature of 87 degrees, according to the thermo meter of the official weather obser ver, yesterday was the warmest day of the season up until that time. To day at 2:30 the mercury had only reached 85 and there Is still chance that yesterday's record will be reach ed. The indications are that It will bb cooler tomorrow. The minimum temperature for last night was 41 de. grees while for the night before it was 38. Auto Ileut Train. On an auto run from Walla Walla to Pendleton yesterday Sam Thomp son beat the evening passenger train on the run from Freewater to this city. The auto and train left Free water at the same time but Mr. Thompson arrived here ten minutes ahead of the train. Aside from Mr. Thompson there were three other people in the- auto upon the trip, the others being Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. William Blakeley and Miss Thelma Thompson, Fruit Is Uninjured. County Fruit Inspector S. J. Camp bell, who came down this morning from his home at Milton, on business In connection with his office, says the fruit outlook is just as bright today as it was before the frost of last week. He says no damage was suffered In the Freewater-MIlton country at all and that he has not heard of damage In any other part of the county. Ac cording to the fruit Inspector, there has not yet been frost enough to thin out the fruit sufficiency to permit of the be.t development. Hermlxton land Deal ReftorUxl. Mayor H. R. Newport of Hermiston rt ports another big real estate tran saction In the west end of the county which has been the scene of no end of real estate activity during the past several months. By the terms of the latest transaction W. H. Skinner dis poses ol his city property' to F. B. Swayze for 290 acres of land In the county adjacent to Hermlston. Skin ner recently disposed of all his ex tensive land holdings to the Columbia Land company but by this new turn of affairs he again has a foothold. XoulywedK Get Shower of Rice. When Justice of the Jeace Joe H. Parkos Ms afternoon had completed tying the hymeneal knot which united William Edwards of Spokane and Miss Ethel Southaed of this county, and the newly made man and wife were making their exit after the sacred or deal, they were suddenly beset by a number of friends and for several min utes a shower of rice deluged the happy and bluwhlng couple. lloiiicwted Case on Trial. The case of T. McOrath versus W. rsrown, is on trial today In the cir cuit court. This Is the case In wnlch McGrath is seeking to collect a sum of money he nlleges is due him In pay ment for his relinquishment -on a homestead. The land In question. Is on the government project at Herm lston and a large number of witness es are here from that part of the county. Nine Cambridge. Mass., men were fined $10 each for skipping a rope Sunday on a sidewalk. They might have celebrated the advent of spring In a worse way. .1. W. Vox Released on Bonds. J. W. Fox, the Walla Walla real es tate man who was arrested recently on the charge of obtaining money un der f;ilsc pretense by giving a check when he had no funds In the bank Wonder Store to Move. After the Boston store has moved from Its present location at the cor ner of Main and Court streets that location will be taken by the Wonder store owned by Dcspain & Bonney. An announcement to this effect was made today by J. B. Despaln, senior partner In the firm. According to Mr. Despaln the corner room of the Boston store location will be fitted up with a modern front. The Won der store will use both the rooms but only the corner room will be re modeled. In the small room on the north a "racket store'" will be conducted. ladsssesand CLOTH SUITS ALL REDUCED EXCEPT WHITE SER.CE Your Choice of any $20 Hand tailored Suits for . $14.00 Your Choice of any $23 Hand tailored Suit for . $16.25 Your Choice of any $25 Hand tailored Suit for . $18.75 Your Choice of any $26.50 Hand-tailofed Suit for $19.95 Your Choice of any $30 Hand tailored Suit for . $23.85 Your Choice of any $32.50 Hand-tailored Suit for $25.50 Your Choice of any $35 Hand tailored Suit for . $27.00 Your Choice of any $45 Hand tailored Suit for . $36.50 WOHLENBERG DEPT. STORE "Better Goods for Less Money" ing a very gifted speaker. There are large classes to be confirmed both at the mission and in the city. The class at St. Mary's church is unusually large this year. Oregon Athlete Home. James Johns, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Johns of this city, who Is a star athlete on the University of Ore gon track team, arrived home yester day evening to spend the April vaca tion. Young Johns participated in the Columbia Indoor meet at Portland Saturday, winning his event, the 440 yard dash in 54 seconds which is re markably fast time for a 12 lap track. In this meet the University of Ore gon won first honors with 46 ponnts. while Oregon Agricultural college took second place with 33 points. The other points were devlded as follows: P. U.,8; T. M. C. A., 6; Unattached, 1; Lincoln high school. 13; Washing ton high school 6; Eugene high school, 6; Portland academy, 5; Hood River high school, 5; C. U., 4; Corval lis high school 2; A. P. S. 1. Bishop O'Reilly Coming. The Right Reverend Charles J. O' Reilly, bishop of Baker City, is to be here early In May for the purpose of holding confirmation services at the St. Mary's Catholic church and at Pt. Andrew's mission on the reserva tion. The confirmation at the mlsslqiri will be held Sunday, May 1, while the service at the local church will be the following Sunday, May 8. The con firmation will be at tiigh mass, at 10 o'clock Sunday morning and at the tijne Bishop O'Reilly will deliver an address. Tho Grand. After an exchange of many tele grams and letters . Manager Smitt of the Grand has at last secured what la without a doubt the greatest novelty In moving pictures, the famous Ex traganza, '.'The Wizard of Oz." When the extravaganza was produced In Chicago It was considered the great est triumph in mechanical and sce nlcal effects, the moving picture of the "Wizard of Oz" has all the tV fects, but with the devices patented In the past two years, the Kansas Cy clone Is even more real than In or iginal production, the "Escapades of the Scarecrow." Tinman, Little Dor othy and her animal pets, are all de picted in this picture. It can safely be said that crowded houses will be "the rule at the Grand this week. Al so from all reports received the vaudeville bill Is of the best. Latsos ca comes here with an act that la above the ordinary. Lucy Lucles and Charles Elsworth In a high class singing and talking act. George Reiley comedy acrobatic dancing. 3000 feet of excellent motion pictures every performance. Scotch Get Granite In U. S. London. This is like carrying coals to Newcastle, but nevertheless It has been done. The Douglas Granite company of Glascow has Imported about 350 tons of granite blocks from America for polishing purposes, and in the belief that the venture can be made to pay. In consequence it is said, of the local scarcity of good gray stone. The company, it is said, has a cargo of a thousand tons awaiting the result of the experiment, and if It is successful the stone will be at once shipped to Aberdeen. AH men have a working knowledge of duty, A savage Is a man who has not cultivated the art of making a He has a reputation as be- i great deal of talk about It. CALL FOR WARRANTS. All road fund warrants registered from the first day of July, 1909, to the first day of April. 1910, will be paid ert my office In the county court house upon presentation. Interest ceased upon date of publication. Dated Pendleton, Ore.. AdHI IS 1910. G. W. BRADLET, County Treasurer. Lost Cameo stick pin, valuable as a keepsake. Liberal reward if return ed to 325 Water street. Science advances with research and civilization progresses only on well informer highways. Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Suit Sale all this leek The prettiest lot of suits we ever saw and so cheap too, so all the ladies say. If you haven't attended this sale on the balcony you have missed something. 150 Suits all this season's productions and absolutely correct, you can now buy just the one you have been wanting at a big saving All $15.00 Suits go nt ! .'. $11.00 All $22.50 .Suits go at $16.40 All $10.50 and $18.00 Suits go at. $12.95 All $25.00 Suits go at $17.35 All $20.00 Suits go at $13.85 All $30.00 ami $27.50 Suits go at $19.95 All $32.50 Suits go at All $35. 00 Suits go at - All $37.50 Suits go nt CHARGES FOR ALTERATIONS. $23.75 $26.50 $27.50 Dozens and Dozens of Pretty House and Street Dresses and Tub Suits Just, in Every shade and style imaginable House Drosses from '. .'. $1.50 up Street Dresses from $4.90 to $15.00 Wash Jacket Suits from $7.50 to $15.00 Children's Dresses, Coats and Jacket Suits Tn Wash Materials in Blue, Tan and White and all Fancy Materials. Dresses from 35 to $5.00 Jacket Suits from $3.50 to $5.00 Jackets from : $1.50 to $6.00 A Pretty Line of Capes for girls just unpacked. Call and sco them. The Monster Sale of our $ 1 2,000 stock of Women's and Children's Shoes Ret tor than ever. For tomorrow we place on sale new lots we have not shown before. 000 Fairs Ladies' up-to-date Shoes in all leathers and sold .regularly up to $4.00, now $2.67 350 Fairs Children's Shoes that sold up to $1.50 now go ing at 79 A Beautiful Line of Patent and Gun Metal 1 strap pump that other stores sell for $1.00, now $2.90 Silk Dresses from $18.00 to $25.00 REMEMBER Every shoe in the house now being sold at a great reduction. Let us shoe you F. E. LIVENGOOD & COMPANY