EIGHT PAGE8. DAILY EAST OKEGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1910. PAGE FIVE. THE SHAVING SHAVERS Season U with ui and KOEPPEN8 have a nice line of aeaaonable gooda. SEE OUR WINDOW FOR TH2 DEASON'S SPECIAL OFFER. OUR $3.00 Razor Hone Strop Brush Mug Bylo Talc Pine Nut Cream Styptic Pencil Soap SPECIAL ALL FOR $3.00 THIS WEEK $2.50 $1.00 $1.00 50c 35c 25c 25c 10c 10c Total $6,051 KOKPPENS, "The Dnig- store That Serves Yon Best." Shaving Muga 85o to $1.50 Razor strops 25c to 93.00 Razor Hones B(Jc to $1.00 Shaving Soapa 10c to 50c Ordinary Razors fl to $4 Safety Razors $1 to so Shaving BtuhIics , . 23c to 91.60 Safety Strappers. .91.50 to 93.50 Newsy Notes of Pendleton Official Weather Report. Minimum temperature, 40. Maximum temperature, 60. Kearney Cae U Set. The $20,000 damage suit of Clar ence Kearney awalnut the O. R. & N. has been set for trial next week. Tues day, April It, la the- day and at that time It In supposed the work of se lecting the jury will be started. Sheets Wants Divorce, i A suit for divorce waa filed in the ! circuit court this morning by Casslus I Sheets against Ruth Sheets. The par ties to this suit are Freewater people j and the papers in the case were taken ! out Immediately after being filed by j the attorneys: LOCALS Pastime pictures please all. . Ice cream at Hohbach's, Court at Oats and timothy hay fed at the Commercial Barn. Get your horses clipped at the Commercial Barn, Ask us about Nyssa. Nyssa Im provement Company. Good gentle saddle horses for la dit. Commercial Barn. New bicycle store, next door to Long Bros.' auto garage. .Furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Sit south Main street Anyone desiring horses pastured, see George Hall, Pendleton, Oregon. There something doing In Nyasa. Write to Nyasa Real Estate Company. We make a specialty of caring for private horses and rigs. Commercial Barn. Loose. wheat hay, baled hay and chopped hay fed at the Commercial Barn. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre In the city the Pastime, Halrdresslng, manicuring and sham poping parlors In connection with the Vogue Millinery. For Sale 4 head of work horses, 2 colts and 3 head of cows. Ida M. Scott, Helix, Ore. Are you Interested In orchards at Nyasa? Write, Irrigated Lands Cor poration, Nyssa. Ore. The Pendleton Cash Market Is the place to buy pure lard at reasonable prices. Phone Main .101. Wanted Girl to do chamber work at Hotel Oregon, Hcrmlston. $25 per month and board and room. Wanted Young girl for assistant housekeeper. Inquire of Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Association building. Music furnished for all occaalona, dances In particular, by the United Orchestra R. W. Fletcher, Mgr. Phone Main 1 or Black 3836. Just received by express, shipment of new shapes of ladies and children's hats. The very latest style In black and colors. Campholl's Millinery. Wanted Middle aged woman for general housework. Very' small fam ily. New house. Easy work. Address Box No. 1, Stanfleld, Ore., at once. "If a party signing name as "A Drummer" will communicate with Carter & Smythe, Pendleton, he will leam something to his advantage and the matter will be treated confiden tially." Wanted Salesmen at once, ladies and gentlemen, for local and travel ing, to Introduce our special line of goods. Big money and permanent po sition for energetic people. Here a few days only. Call at Room I Pal ame Rooms, near French restaurant, Main street. Pendleton, Ore, April 12, 1910. . , j Librarian Has Resigned. 1 Miss Mayme Batterson, librarian of the Pendleton public library, has re signed in order to accept a post In the public library at Green Lake, Seattle. t 1 ne resignation is jiui 10 ui&e cilcul for a month and thus far has not been acted upon by the library commission. Says Stanfleld Is Busy. The newly incorporated town of Stanfleld Is a "hummer," according to James Cooper of the Hotel Bowman, who returned this morning on the motor from a hurried business visit to that end of the county. He says everyone is busy, all houses are full and that the boom spirit fairly per meates the atmosphere. "GIAXTS OF THE SEA" WILL SOON BE READY London. When the two new White Star liners are afloat, the Mauretanla and her sister ship will have to hide their diminished heads. The Olympic and the Titanic, which are to be launched very son at Belfast, will be the largest vessels afloat, and also the most luxurious and novel In their equipment. They will have a displacement of 10,000 tons each; the length la to be about 840 feet, and the beam 90 feet. The upper deck will be more than 60 feet above water. One of the upper decks is to be completely inclosed and will serve as a ballroom or skating rink. There will also be a skating rink and gym nasium large enough to permit diving The main dining saloon will seat more than 600 passengers. Other features include a palm gar den, a largo entrance hall, women's parlor, grill room and lounge. The hackneyed phrase, "a floating hotel," will apply to the new leviathans more truthfully than ever. New Freight Caelilc. W. E. Rose, newly appointed cash l lor of the O. R. & N. freight office, ' arrived from Portland this morning to take up his duties at the local of 1 flee. He will take the place made I vacant by the resignation of William ! Lyons, who is to go to Portland to take a ralroad position in that city. Mr. Rose, the new cashier, is a tal ented vocalist. "XKVEK AGAIN" SLOGAN OF MARRYING SQUIRE Cleveland, Ohio. Squire Phil Diet rich of Erie county is done with kiss ing brides. Paola Ruffa, an Italian, was married to Lucia de Gaetano by the squire. After the ceremony Dietrich stepped forward prepared to give the bride a smack. Then the new hubby proceeded to spoil the squire's kissing apparatus and the squire to duck blows. Ruffa rushed his bride out of the office. The squire didn't get any fee. Woman's Ixngue Meeting Tonight. The meeting of the local chapter of the American Woman's League, which was called for tomorrow eve ning, will be held this evening in the rest room at the city hall at 7:30 o'clock. Important matters for consideration are selection of name, adoption of constitution aVid by-laws and election of a delegate to attend the convention to be held in May In University City. Many Shoppers Come In. This morning's Pendleton-Walla Walla local was fairly loaded to the guards with residents of the east end of the county coming to this city to trade today. There were fully sixty altogether and every town along the line from Milton and Freewater on down, was represented in the crowd. The motor car also brought In an other large bunch of shoppers from the west end of the county. Itrer Coyote Too Foxy. H. R. Lorenzen, the Stage Gufch farmer, tells a good Joke on his neigh bor, Fred Lidwlll. Last Sunday Mr. Lldwill and his hired man trapped a coyote In a hole upon the former's pluce. It was a deep hole and to elevate the animal to the surface took some careful engineering. Fondly be lieving that they would get $2 for the scalp the two men worked away. But when they got the animal to the sur face he gave an imitation of a flash of chain lightning and was gone be fore the astonished ranchers could lay hands on him. District Manager Here. C. E. Van Houtte, district commer cial manager for the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., has been a visitor In the city today. In speaking of the recent advance In the four party phone rate here Mr. Van Houtte declared the change was an equitable move on te part of the company for the rea son that all new subscribers were re quired to pay the new rate and It was not just to allow old subscribers to enjoy a lower rate. Automobile, Beats Train. Dr. H. W. Coe came up from Stan fleld last evening In his automobile returning this morning. Missing the train at Stanfleld the Doctor started for Pendleton In his touring car and though the train had the slight ad vantage In time of starting It was overtaken and passed, the car reach ing the hotel Pendleton, a few min utes before the train pulled into the depot. The run up was made In an hour and twenty minutes. Chnnge In Train Service. . A slight change in train service on the O. R. & If. goes into effect this evening. With the exception of a change In mall cars at this point the Pendleton-Portland local will be run on through to Walla Walla each eve ning and the Walla Walla-Pendleton local will run on through to Portland each morning. The train crews will have the same runs as at present, the times and numbers of all the trains will be the same; the only change be ing that passengers will not be com pelled to change cars at this point. The change Is made for the purpose of expediting the service. Goes to Accept Cup. Amoy, April 12. Admiral Prince Ching, who has been designated by the Chinese government to receive the loving cup that will be presented to the Chinese navy by the second squadron of the Atlantic fleet has ar rived here with the cruisers Hal Chi and Hal Shun They will await the American warships here. Gun Practice Completed. Los Angeles, April 12. The torpedo boat destroyers Whipple, Truxton, Hull, Perry, Preble, Paul Jones, Ste wart Lawrence, Goldsborough and Rowan have completed gun practice In the outer harbor and will sail for Santa Barbara tomorrow. Silk Company Bankrupt. New York, April 12. An involun tary petition In bankruptcy was filed today against the Neuberger-Phlllips Silk company. Estimated liabilities, $350,000 and assets $250,000,000. Elliott Nomination Confirmed. Washington, April 12. The senate late today confirmed the nomination of Charles T. Elliott to be United States marshal for the northern dis trict Jf California. A New Line of Up-to-date Shoes of the Very Best Kiftds at these reductions At Wohlenberg Department Store Women's $5.00 Patent Leather Shoes, lace or button $3.95 Women's $3.00 Vici Kid Shoes, turns and welta $2.55 Misses $2 Vici Kid Shoes, lace only, sizes 11 1-2 to 2 .$1.50 Misses' $1.75 Vici Kid Shoes, lace only, 8 1-2 to 11 $1.35 Boys' $2.00 Shoes, heavy Calf, 13 1-2 to 2 $1.45 Other sizes and styles at similar great reductions. Domestics 15c Berkley Cambric for, yard 12c 12 l-2c Dress Ginghams, per yard . 10 12 l-2c Percales, 36-in. wide, per yard 9 $1.00 Hemmed sheets, 81x90 for, each 79 25c Pillow Cases, 45x36, for, each 20 65c White Linen Waisting for yard 48 12 l-2c Bleached Muslin for yard 10 50c All Wool Albatros for, yard 39 Wohlenberg Dep't. Store "BETTER. GOODS FOR. LESS2MONEY" RODE WITH LIGHT BRIGADE. Gallant Mussenden of the Royal Irish Hussars, Is Dead. London. The eighth King's Royal Irish Hussars, Lucknow, have lost their gallant old colonel, Major Gen era W. Mussenden, who rode down the "Valley of Death" with his troop on the fatal 21st of Octobed, 1 854. Major General Mussenden joined the eighth as a cornet in 1863. went to the Crimea with It the following year, was present at the action of Al ma, and was with his troop In the third line of the Light Cavalry Bri gade at Belaclava. He was one of I the TO Hussars who smashed up 10 times their own number of Russian lancers, and under their gallant Col onel Shewcll cut their way back to the masses of the enemy. Cornet Mus senden's horse waa killed under him in the charge. He subsequently was present at the action of Tchernaya and the seige and fall of Sebastopol, and afterward shared in the fortune of ; the eighth through the Indian mutiny, Including the capture of Kotah and the action of Kotarlah. Promoted major general In 1889, he retired In ! 1897, and was appointed colonel of the eighth Hussars in 1895. Major F. W. Mussenden, second In command of the eighth, is his son. Students Urged to Sedition. Calcutta, India. Every school and college In eastern Bengal haa recent ly been flooded with leaflets of the most save description, urging students to assist in making a collection of heads for the Goddess Kali, and to offer her a welcome sacrifice of for eign blood. They form part of a scheme to goad the mob to anger by representing foreigners as bleeding the mother country. 1 Read the "Want" a da today. 1 CRYSTA! Sugar 2V-.5'iSEAlfD BOOS BtST SUGAB TOR TtA AND CQTHE! BY OROOERS EVERYWHERE!" 1 BMMMHHVMassaBaM The Greatest, Most Extensive Line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's WASH DRESSES and JACKET SUITS ever Shown in Pendleton Now on Display on Balcony Pretty House Dresses, Nobby Street Dresses, and Jackets and Beautiful Party Gowns-All the leading shades in Plain, Stripes, Checks and Plaids. Never have we shown such a great variety of pretty garments. Over 800 in all and everyone this Springs Styles. House Dresses from $ 1 .50 to $4.90 Street Dresses from $5.00 to $25.00 Wash Suits from $7.50 to $ 1 5.00 Children's pretty Pongee and Rajah Coats in all sizes, prices and colors. Children's Capes in Navy, Red, Copen hagen and green $2.50 to $5.00. These are very popular now, better try one. Great Sale of Ladies' and Misses Tailored Suits . STARTS TOMORROW MORNING Sot ono suit will Ik) reserved excepting white All $30 and .$27.50 Suits will go at $19.95 and pongee. AU $2.50 Suits will go at $23.75 All $15.00 Suits will go at $11.90 AU 35,00 Suits will go at ! $26.50 4 ii rrt l io c -li i id AN $37.50 Suits will go at $27.50 All $1G.50 to $18.00 Suits will go at $lS.9o , j , ,. fto charges for alterations and a perfect fit All $20.00 Suits will go at ....... $13.8 guaranteod We cim show you the most com. All $22.50 Suits will go at $1G.40 pjete 8tock of taiiorea suits in Pendleton aud at All $25.00 Suits will go at $17.35 a big saving. Let us show you now. Our Gigantic Sale of $12,000 Worth of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes trows better day by day. Satisfied customers PATENT, KID OR CALF for women and r.ro telling their friends ubout it. Sales are increasing every day. children. Xot enough room here to tell vou all about on PUMPS, 0X1 ORDS, SLIPPERS and the prices but rest assured we can save vi IIOOIS IS BLACK, TAX and OX BLOOD, from 25 per cent to 33 1 -3 per cent. F. E. LIVENGOOD & COMPANY Tho largest exclusive Ladies' and Children Dry Ooods and Heady to Wear Store in Oregon, Outside of Portland. I