PAGE F"CR DAILY EAST OKEGOXIAX. PENDLETON, OREGON, TVESHAY, AIMUl. 12, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. AX INDEPENDENT XEWSrAFER. potiUbm Kalljr. weekly and Semi-Weekly at rrodlWon. ureroo. oy in BA8T ORKUO.NIAN l'liiHSHING CO. 81'IWCRIITIOS RATK8. Dally, on rear, by mail Dally, all month, by mail Dally. tar months, by mall Daily, one mooU). by mall wily, oct year, bj carrier Iily, aix months, by carrier ba:.y. three months, by carrier.... Dally, one month, by earner Aeekiy. one year, by mail Weekly, tlx month, by mail Weeklr. four montta. by mail fcetnt Weekiy, one year, by mall... Setnl Weekly, ill tannins, by mall.. Semi Weekly, four months, by mail. .50 .50 8.75 1 15 5 1.50 ! b, 5 t .50 1.00 .7J .50 The I "ally East Oregonlan Is kept on aale at the Oregon News Co., 147 tth street. Portland. Oregon. Northwest News. Co. Portland. Oregon. Chicago Bnresa. tK'9 Security Building. Washington. D. C, Bureau. 501 Four teenth street. X. W. Member I'nited Presa Asoclatloa. Entered at the pastoiric at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mail matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. i Ck at- laBE? TAK1XG STOCK OK TIIOIBLES Taking stock of trouble a solemn day. that's I But it's mighty good. I tell you. lo weed 'em out the way! To tell 'em, high an' low. It's getting time to go. An' you're goin' to see An' you're goin' to see the j roses Where the garden knew the snow: Takin" stock of troubles just lay 'em on the shelf; Make somebody harpy, an' try a bit yourself! Just teU 'em high an' low. It's getting time to go, An' you're going to see the roses On the hillsides of the snow. Frank L. Stanton, in Atlanta Constitution. 4 ! HANDS ACKOSS THE LINE. i and made heroes of the youtniui Pendleton has been honored today ! Patricks, Isaacs and Isadores. Her by a visit from business men of Walla ! fetches are au fresh and readable Walla, and wiiile here the guests have.and thej. show a close sympathy with been entertained in the best manner !,nt, jife 0f the liuie people that flock possible under the circumstances, i fr,,m tne po0rer sections to the pub Within a short time a trip to Walla 1 1:( schools to become Americanized. Walla will be made by members of jjiiSs Kelly was plainly the friend of the Pendleton Commercial club. Prl- ! tne little children and the glowing or to receiving notice of Walla Walla's j tributes that have been paid her Intended visit the managers of the lo- s;rlce hPr death show that by her cal organization had planned o trip j -vritlngs she made a host of friends to the towns in the east end of this j for nerself. county and to the Garden City. i Is it not well to do this? Walla President Taft spoke in a concil Walla and Pendleton may be rivals j jatory vein at Washington Saturday in a sense. Yet there are many things ! while Attorney General Wiekersham, In common between the two places. Pendleton is the metropolis of eastern Oregon; Walla Walla of southeast ern Washington. In many respects the territory of Walla Walla is similar to the territory tributary to Pendle ton. The closer development and set tlement of one section begets Im provement in the other section. Then why cannot each place boost the other. Why should Walla Walla persistently knock Pendleton and allow certain Interests to misrepresent conditions here to the injury of this place? Why should Pendleton people endeavor to pia'e any blocks in the path of Wal la Walla's progress? Here Is hoping that the exchange of courtesies between the busine.-smen of the two towns will result in good. If the two places are to be commercial rivals at least they should learn not to "hit below the belt." W ANTED, A CAPTAIN'. It would be a fir.e thing could Pen dleton secure an armory that could be used for aud.tvriu:n purposes as well as for the dr.iling of the national guard. There are so many ways in which an aud.lori.irn could be used that it would be di'fic-uit to enumerate thti.i ail. Such a structure would be the place for hoiiing big conventions and w:th such a building here Pen dieton would be in position to eeek more conventions. The more conven tions the beuer. Then armories are frequently used for the holding of fairs an 1 shows. Ppikane holds the famous National apple show in its armory and the Spo kane armory is not exceptionally large either. That name armory housed the national irrigation congress last sum mer. Portland uses its armory for a multitude of purposes. Now it seems that Pendleton's chances for securing an armory are bright provided the ioccl guard com pany is maintained. The guard com pany can be maintained provided a capable man can be found to take the captancy. They why not secure such a man, keep the company going and In time obtain an armory. RUSSIAN' AGRICCLTX'RE. Even In benighted Russia the gos pel of better farming is now being preached and if reports are to be re lied upon It Is being taught with good effect In a recent report 'Consul General John H. Snodgrass of Mos- ccw tolj of the efforts of the Zem stvos to better agricultural conditi ons and the following selection Is from his report: In late years the Zemstvos have employed trained specialists to study tl.o capabilities and requirements of t5 00!the various districts and to Instruct iMjthe villagers In some higher branches of farming. L naer mese inraui improvements have been introduced, increasing the yield of the cereal crop better seed selection and modern ; I. I'ti'inci t in rrnn rotA- tion, by sowing a greater variety of grasses and roots, which serve as food for live stock, have also been more energetically adopted. Manure and chemical fertilisers are more gener ally and more scientifically applied, and there is an Increased cultivation o fruit and vegetables. Bulls and stallions are kept at certain centers for the improvement of the breeding of cattle and horses. There are about 33 agricultural ex perimental stations maintained by the Zemstvos. ranging In area from 54 to 13 acres. These experimental stations are mostly in connection with agricultural schools, the largest be ing in Kherson. Odessa, and Poltava, The efforts of the Zemstvos to In duce more extensive cultivation have been aided by the government, and .. oetoKiichmenr nf nericultural ' societies, mutual credit associations, jand village banks, to which In some i cases the state gives assistance."' This move should work for the ma terial advancement of the peasants of Russia and tend to do away with ni hilism which is r.n outgrowth of un satisfactory economical conditions. SHE WAS THEIIl Fill END. It is interesting to note the wide spread notices of regret over the death of Myra Kelly. Miss Kelly was a New York school teacher and one of the most sought after short story writers the magazines have discov ered in late years. All her stories dealt with Juvenile life in the schools of the east side. She wrote especi ally of the little immigrant children speaking for the administration, was severe upon the insurgents, "good team work." Is that If those "wire tappers" really made a million dollars by bunkoing the p. olroom operators Saturday it Is merely another case of where the stingers themselves were stung. The New York Sun suggests Eever i'Jze as the next democratic candidate for president. He may be the next republican candidate for that high office. Welcome to our city. SOME SPORTING DOPE. Hans Wagner and John Miller of the "Champions" are reported com panions. It is reported that this pair ot star Infielders are seldom seen around the hotel lobbies. They spend their time playing seen-up in their room. Wagner's only request this spring when he reported for duty was that he be assigned to a room with Miller. Having mastered a "half side arm swir.g" Three-Fingered Erown expects to win more games this year than ever. San Francisco has lost only one opening game in eight years on the Valencia street grounds. The Chicago Cubs have seven new left-handed hitters, but only one of them throws left-handed. Ty Cobb, the Detroit Tiger, works just as hard in spring practice as he does in champion games. "Strangler" Smith and Emil Taneer are training hard for their wrestling match, which Is to be staked by the PaHtirue Wrestling club next Friday night. Tanner is an ambitious wrest ler, who desires to make a showing here in the effort to secure a match with Eddie O'Connell. He Is tackling a tough proposition in Smith as his introductory. Chapin, who win catch for Albany in the Valley league, wore a Eugene uniform at the time Roseburg, Al bany. Salem and Eugene were in league combination. Since that time he has played In the Tri-clty and oth er semi-pro leagues of the northwest "Home run" Chapin was his soubri quet in Eugene. WHERE MICROBES ABOUND, The alimentary canal is the most perfect culture-tube known to bac teriological science. No part of the body Is so densely populated with mi croorganisms. It Is estimated that In the elementary canal of the aver age adult about 126,000,000,000 mi crobes come Into existence every day. They crowd this region so densely that scientists originally be lieved that they were indespensable to human life. Pasteur, who first dis covered them, maintained this view; but recent Investigations have rather disproved it. There are many ani mals that exist In perfect . health without any intestinal bacteria at all. Polar bears, seals, penguins, eider ducks, arctic reindeer these and oth er creatures in the arctic sone, have few traces of these organisms. They are absent from the digestive tubes of all animals during the foetal period. This fact led. some years ago, to a noteworthy experiment: A young guinea-pig was removed from its mother by the v.aes:irian up.raiii-n. kept under sterilized condition, and fed upon sterilized food. Under these conditions the an;mal lived. thus showing that normal guinea pigs, at least, could successfully worry along without intestinal bacteria. Mc Ciure's M.igazine. AUK YOU AX INYEXTOK? There are opportunities for the making of money in perfecting any one of the following devices: A cheap cash register. A simple device to quickly fasten the ttids of shoe laces. A satisfactory feruler for automo biles. A simple door lock' that is burglar proof. Ar. umbrella that can be folded in to a grip. A contrivance for deadening the noise of typewriters A trolley wheel that will not come off the wire. An envelope that cannot be open ed without detection. An adjustable washstand that can be raised or lowered. A register that will automatically indicate the number of passengers on street cars. A practical and cheap ice-making machine which can be operated at home. A practical corn husker that will cut and stack standing corn. A machine for stripping tobacco. A poison that will kill rabbits and no other animals. This preparation would find an immense sale among owners of orchards, who lose thou sands of dollars annually by the rav ages of these pests. A motor that may be operated by wave power. A safety stirrup, so contrived that, instead of imprisoning the rider's foot in case of a fall, it would release it. A white indelible ink for marking black cloth. A potato parer that is simple and practical. THE CALLEIt LEFT.' A quiet, bashful sort of a young fellow was making a call on an East Court street girl one evening not so very long ago, when her father came into the parlor with his watch In his hand. It was half-past 9 o'clock. At the moment the 'young man was standing on a chair straightening a picture over the piano. The girl had asked him to fix it. As he turned the old gentleman, a gruff, st'.ut fel low, said: "Young man, do you know what time it is?" The bashful youth got off the chair nervous y. "les. sir, ne repneo i w as just going." He went into the hall without any delay and took his hat and coat. The s rl's father followed him. As the caller reached for the doorknob the old gentleman again asked him if he knew what time it w-as "Yes. sir," was th youth's reply. "flood night!" And he left without waiting to put his epat on. After the door had closed the old g'-ntleman turned to the girl. "What's the matter with that fel low?" he asked. "My watch ran down this afternoon, and I wanted him to tell me th time so that I could set it." OLD IRISH PROVERBS. A blind man is no Judge of colors. When the cat is out the mice will dance. Even a fool has luck Fierceness is often hidden under beauty. There Is often anger in a laugh. A good dress often hides a deceiv er. Fame is more lasting than life. A foolish word is folly. Mild to the meek. Hope consoles the persecuted. The satisfied forget the hungry. Long sleep renders a child inert. Hurry without waste. Drunkenness is the brother of rob bery. It Is difficult to tame the proud. Idleness is the desire of a fool. Look before you leap. The end of a feast Is better than the beginning of a quarrel. A wren In the hand is better than a crane out of It. He who is out, his supper cools. The memory of an old child Is long. Everything Is revealed by time. A cat can look at a king. Learning Is the desire of the wise. Character is better than wealth. Without treasure, without friends. A hungry man is ancry.- No man is wise at all time. Every dear article Is woman's de sire. Wisdom exceeds strength. Wine is sweet; to pay for It Is bit ter. Sleep is the image of death. Enough Is a feast. Death is the physician of the poor. Not every flatterer Is a friend. Oregon was never so waked up be fore. CLOSE TO PENDLETON IX UMA TILLA COUNTY. 'l40 acres all fenced, good new posts, (00 acres In grain, 250 acres of alfalfa land mostly set, will cut 760 tons of alfalfa this year, a stream of water runs through which furnishes plenty of water for Irrigating, good concrete dams and ditches, food buildings, lots of fruit trees and ber ries. This la an Ideal place for feed ing stock for the market. A railroad run right through tbe middle of It Ton can buy this flue ranch for H, 000. E. T. WADE, Office In American Nat. Bank Bid. FeadletoH, Ore. Woman s Power Over Man Vorean'i moit i'iri.i';s rndownc-nt i the power t rt-ri'-rn rfd fcrH end hnnrtt love of r.-oi thy man. Vt lien tY.t io: c it and mill loves on, .;j one in the wid; worlj can knjiv the heart agony ta.iures. T'le woman who suSTers from weak ; :ii a.-J d?rr.4cmeut of Iwr social womanly or f'ji ivi'.: ti-tm liiics the power t: sway the heart of i. ii.. u. iic j,eocl n.-iiu supers and she loses I'rr ooJ looks, hir attractiveness, her amiability -nj io.- p;.vcr and prent iie as a woman. Dr. R.V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., with V.m L-.s-.tuno cf his staJ of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many t. : .:;:.cJs of obm, He ho devised a successful remedy for woman's ail mr:??;. It is known as Dr. l'iercr's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive rcr:ie for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It puri6es, reu Ijtes, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No kvmrtl dealer will advice you to accept a substitute in order to make little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. JV rvixys Plemsmat PtUrts reruA" Mad stnagtbem Slommeb, Llrwr iW Bowvlu DEAD OH, WELLS. Why do il wells, which - have sprung so suddenly Into life, cease al most as suddenly to pour gold Into the coffers of the exploiters? Many a well's flow has been reduced to such an extent that it could no longer be pumped profitably, not on account of there being no 'longer oil at the base, but for the reason that the pores of the oil sands had become closed, and would no longer permit of the passage of the fluid. The great majority of oil wells are afflicted with paraffin wax. which sticks to the Tock and closes the crev ices and interstices and prevents the passage ot the oil. This has long been the bane of the producers The first man yet to devise a suc cessful means of overcoming this is a resident of Jamestown, N. Y., Dr. F. A. Moore, and the Invention has brought him prominently before the oil producing world Dr. Monroe's invention, the efficacy of which has been positively demonstrated by its use in this section of the Appalachian field, means that the flowage of the wells now in operation may be mate rially Increased, and that those in which pumping has been suspended may be rejuvenated. The almost universal method up to this time of ridding wells of the para fin evil has been the blasting process, which is, lo say the least, crude. The Mi W MK3HT It Tf MX vain x vv vf v 9 WWE BANK? y. WiA--v- 16 WHEN you HAVE money is the best and only time you can save it. If you save only one dollar every day for twenty years and pile up the interest on it at four per eent which we pay on deposits, you will have a snug little fortune. No "rainy day" can harm you then. Start a bank account for yourself or for your children. When? Today. We pay four per cent interest on deposits and compound the interest every six months. THE American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Orpheum . P. KEDEUXAcn. ITopriew HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children', SEE PROGRAM IX TODAY'S PAPER. Program Change on Sunday, Tnenrlsv'H and Frldaj'a. Byers' Best Flour use of nitro-glycerine for this pur pose has always been expensive and unsatisfactory. That hot steam would melt the par afin wax from the surface of the oil rock and permit the oil to run freely has been a well-known fact, but the difficulty heretofore has been In the degree of condensation which occur red by the time the steam reached the shot cavity. The boiling water which resulted in addition to being injurious t ) the oil-bearing sands, caused the wax to set even harder than It had been before. Dr. Monroe's device consists, first, of a metal tube twelve feet long and four and a quarter Inches In diameter. In the upper part of this tube Is In serted a cylinder containing water, with a small aperture at the bottom regulating the flow and distributing It evenly over the outside of a disk. In the lower part of the cylinder are in serted cast-iron billets which have been heated white hot; the ends of the tube are then plugged. At three points In the tubing, near the top, bottom and center are rows of small holes. The water from the cylinder dropped on to these heated billets, generates steam which is forced up ward and out of these holes with great force, spraying the paraf.n coat ed walls of the shot cavity with hot dry steam. From "Making Old O.I Wells Spout." in the March Technical World Mngazlne. IT. HI TJ1 OB fsp ni fMj rm IM WITHOUT A Theatr Is made from the choicest wheat that erows. Good bread is assured when IJYEUS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, NhorU. Steam Tiolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. F S Cold Cure Will knock the worst cold in Two Days Comes in capsules. Not disagreeable to take Manufactured and sold'in Pendleton, by Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of Eastern Oregon. COLESWORTHY'S i International Stock Food the old reliable The best for your stock Try it COLESWOR.THY I 127-129 E. Alt Th. QUELLE Gus'La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cookc and service Shell fish m season La Fontaine BIk., Main St. The Coal Prices Of Suring are the lowest of the year why don't YOU then purchase your winter's supply. You not alne s ture a very reas onable figure but you're absolutely certain of avoiding all troubles Inci dent to a scarcity of supply that usu ally exists in late Fall and Winter. Place your fuel orders NOW for Hock Springs coal with HENR.Y KOPITTKE Phone Main ITS. vV3Vi 60 YEARS' ttivi'-ii'on ir, ir . -ni' frH. 4M ht i . f.r .in ir pittoiilH. i'mnut Ink en fi-..-, y m rocelvt Scieiiiiiic j..;.c. icaa. dilution t nnf iv:niu.' l -ti'-tiril, 'Icrm & m yinr: fmir imiiiths. L buiU lyll nowsHtoalerB HAFFNDR GD EN0RAVBR?rRNTHM PJsmHDicn.yo milne Transfer Phone "sin 5 Calls promptly answered for all haggrge transfer ring. Piano and Furnrur j moving pnd Heavy Truck j ing a specialty. Pally Kant Orrironlnn bv iarrir. LJ?rt-i. .......... Jfri fYjAUi a-if. -.."1 . lauiw only 15 cfnw pr week. '