t " - --r.,inr rrwi.n thm: t..t rC.-.,--" iTj-it-,'JiV.'. 'W' J '-' i. ,,,.!.; .--.-vt iv .... . .. . . . .4 -. - EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONtAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, ritlDAV, A PHIL 8, 19I0. PAGE TUKtB. BIG REflOVAL SAL BUYERS APPERCI ATE A GOOD THING This has been demonstrated by the way the public has taken to our profit-shorn prices on MEN'S CLOTHING, SHOES AND FURNISHING GOODS Below we quote you 3 Big Specials out of the numerous savings we afford you all over our store. All $27.50, $30, $32,$35 and $40 uits will go during our Removal sale at $25 C Regular $3 and $3.50 Hats, latest styles, AA JPV wiH go during our removal sale, at . . ' MwAA 0 If you haven't been there be there. The savings you will make are genuine, big and many. Everything in the Store Reduced in Price to save Expense and Damage of Moving Make our move your move. We gain by lowering prices, so do you lets get together at the BOSTON STORE wtch us crow R J. R regular $6 shoes and oxfords will go during our removal sale at Watch Our Ads. PUBLIC LIBRARY GETS MORE BOOKS ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF 149 IS RECEIVED Most of Tlicm Are of Technical Na ture Rut 32 Are Fiction Some Ju- Tcnlle Rooks In Lot Citizens Invited to In?peot Tliem Tonight. Another shipment of books has just been received at the free public- li brary and will soon be ready for dis tribution. There are 149 books in the llBt of which 105 are of a techni cal nature, while 32 are fiction and the balance are for juveniles. In the 105 there are books on bi ography, farming, literature, sociol ogy, natural history, reference books nd various others. The correction thus formed Is one of the best and most Interesting yet added to tho li brary. This evening, the citizens of the city are Invited to call and ex amine these books as they will all be on tho display shelves. The fiction and Juvenile books will probably be ready for distribution, Saturday aft ernoon, but It will bo several days be fore tho others are ready to be given out The following Is the list of fiction nd Juvenile books: Fiction. Beach Silver Horde. Bindloss Greater Power. Brown Mr. Tuckerman's Nieces. Burnett Dawn of Tomorrow. Butterworth Log Cabin on the Columbia. Cameron Involuntary Chaperon. Crockett Men of the Mountains. Deland Where the Laborers Are Few. Durley My Soldier Lady. Edgeworth Castle Rackrent & the Absentee. Leo Uncle William, the man who was shif'less. London White Fang. Mason Binding of the Strong. Mason Little Green God. Marlltt Old Mam'sollc's Secret. Meredith Diana of the Crossways. Miller Saul of Tarsus. Montgomery Anne of Avonlea. Montgomery Anno of Green Ga bles. Nicholson Lords of High Decision. Pago Gordon Keith. Page John Marvel, assistant. Parker Northern Lights. Rice Sandy. Sheldon Coffo & a Love Affair. Spearman Daughter of a Magnate. Waller A Tear Out of Life. Wells Ann Veronica. Wlnslow A Woman for Mayor. Wright Poppea of tho Postoffice. Stuart Napoleon Jackson, Van Dyke Fisherman's Luck. Jnvontle Book. Barbour Spirit of the School. Bldpar Tortoise and the Geese. Coolldge What Katy Did. Ellis Wide Awake Girls in Win slow. Phlllpotls Three Brothers. Grlnnoll Jark, the Young Ex plorer. Tappan Letters from Colonel Children. Hamp Trail of the Radger. White A Borrowed Sister. White An Only Child. Mardcn He Can Who Thinks He Can. Millard The Wonderful House That Jack Has. Lang The Orange Fairy Book. Bayllss Ixilami the Little Cliff Dweller. Dopp Early Cave Men. The Hiawatha Primer. Marshall Story of Napoleon. Nugent New Games and Amuse ments. Moores Life of Abraham Lincoln for Boys and Girls. Egglcston Household History of the United States. Quirk climatic cliangea try strong constitutions and cause, among other evils, nasal catarrh, a troublesome and offensive disease. Sneezing and snuffling, coughing and difficult breathing, and the drip, drip of the foul discharge Into the throat all are ended by Ely's Cream Balm. This honest remedy contains no cocaine, mercury, nor other harmful Ingred ient. The worst cases yield to treat ment All druggists, 50c, or mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren Street, New Tork. ENROPEANS THINK JOHN D. HAS HOME IN SPOKANE European people seem to think that John D. Rockefeller, the multimillion aire, is a resident of Spokane, says tho Spokane Inland Herald. At any rate this view of the matter is taken by John C. Talbott, superintendent of tho mailing division of the local post office. For the second time in the past few days a letter to the coal oil king has found Its way to the superintendent's desk. Tho first epistle came from France. The letter today arrived from Germany and left Herrentrup March 22. Talbott thinks that the sea-post mall clerk sent the letter direct to the point, as the letter bears no other postmark. The name of the sender is Prasso Mossenberg and the mis sive Is addressed as follows: "Herr John D. Rockefeller, "Also called the OII-KIng, "In or by Washington, "In North America." ' Tho letter was written In a fine German hand and required the serv ices of the postoffice janitor to Inter pret the Teutonic phrases. It will be dispatched to the home of the oil king with the correct address ap pended. "They say that lightning never strikes twice in the same place, but letters to John D. are getting rather numerous hero of late." murmured tho puzzled superintendent as ho glanced at tho missive. "He must have given out tho fact that he In tended to move Into this state while abrond." I For Candy ratnmlM U. "Modem fteaJer" 1 1 4r CnfMUary C.. Utn , Trtla, On J Tlio Demon of tlie Air. Is the germ of la grippe, that, breath ed In, brings suffering to thousands. Its after effects are weakness, ner vousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys. The greatest need then Is electric Bitters, the splendid tonic blood purifier nnd regulator of stom ach, liver and kidneys. Thousands have proved tha they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, build up the system and restore health and good spirits after an attack of grip. If suffering try them. Only 60c. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by Tallman & Co. Lmllrs and Gentlemen! Bring me your shoes and oxford that need repairing. Soles sewed for 6 Be per pair. My latest modern ma chinery Insures you better work. A. EKLUND. SWINDLERS WORK A E .MONEY SPENT LAVISHLY IN OHDER TO DfPE VICTIMS I'uke Millionaire Make Man Stake holder of $10(1,000 at Races, Then Borrow Ills $10,000 Get-away Follow. Get your horses clipped Commercial Barn. at the New Yoik. For lavish stage set ting, workmanlike execution and am ple financing, the story of a racing swindle ns told the police the other night by Henry Wagner, senior mem ber of a firm of billiard table manu facturers has no equal in the annals of the New Tork police bureau. To obtain $10,000 confidence men entrusted their dupe with $106,000 In cash, hired a private car from Balti more to Jacksonville, Fla., and im personated successfully a party of millionaires, one of whom being "II. H. Rogers, Jr., son of the late presi dent of the Standard Oil company." The story came out with the arrest of a man who gave his name as John Brown, 68 years old, and described himself as a broker and speculator, but who. the police say, Is George C. Rockwell, alias George C. Hammond, alias "Old Joe Eaton," a notorious confidence man. Last month Wagner met a man rep resenting himself to be Alfred San ford, private secretary to a Pennsyl vania millionaire with money to spend on coal lands. Would Wagner take an option on 2000 acres at $" an acre. lie could sell at a huge profit. Thq secretary lacked funds to finance the deal himself, but if it went through he asked only 25 per cent for his tip. A trip to Baltimore followed where the "millionaires.," including "H. H. Rogers. Jr." "Colonel Moffatt" of Colorado, one Talnier and one Mar shall. From Baltimore the entire party Journeyed to Jacksonville by private car all of the "millionaires" and at the race track there was heavy bet ting "between friends" In which the victim was not asked to Join. Instead, his confidence was soothed by his be ing made stakeholder until at one time he held $106,000. His draft for $10,000 was obligingly cashed and he generously loaned the money to one of the crowd to fill out a bet of $20,000. Then came the getaway. Wagner said that Brown, arrested recently, took the part of Moffatt. When searched by the police $2071 In bills was found strapped around Brown's waist "That guy thought he was in for something soft," said Brown. "He thought he was In for tome of that $106,000 and when he did not get it he was sore." Swiss railway gatekeeper at a level crossing, named Allaman, hearing an unusual hissing sound, walked along the lines, having a presentment that there was something wrong. He found that a stream flowing from the Jura mountains Into Lake Geneva had be come a torrent and, overflowing its banks, had swept away 30 yards of the permanent way, leaving the rails sus pended In the air. As the Geneva-Lausanne express, traveling 60 miles an hour, was due In a few minutes, and would be precipi tated into the torrent with its 60 pas sengers, Allaman rajl to "his little house for a red flag and stopped the express 50 yards from the suspended rails, and then returned home pleas ed with the fact that he had prevent ed a terrible accident. Some days ago the news of the affair arrived at the Berne headquarters of the federal railway company, ana the Swiss man agers thought such an act on the part of a gatekeeper should be rewarded. Allaman received his reward this week for saving the express and its 60 travelers from destruction. The re ward was $2, which works out at 3 cents a life. Liquid Foot Ease. Relieves tired, aching and sweaty feet. Happiness for every one at 25c a bottle. First Class Drug Stores. PILES PURED IN A TO 14 niTI PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to car say rase of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing Plies la 6 to 14 dara or moncT rafnn. ed. 60c LET AN ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest cheapest and moat reliable power for small or heavy work. Less danger and easier to operate yon turn ' lever and It does the work. The Housewife's work will be lessen ed when Electricty and Gas come Into the home COOK WITH GAS Make the work easier for her and save on your fuel as well. No dirt, dust and excessive heat No 'fuel to handh) and flrea to kindle and It costs less. For Her sake, put gas In your! home before thehot weather arrives Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. f Phone Malm M. Hade BaOdta. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas Coun ty, as. (rank J. Cheney makes oath that ha Is enlor partner of the firm of F. J. Che ney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, Connty and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the snm of ONE HUNDRED HOLLARS for each and every rase of Catarrh that cannot be cored by the ose of Ball's Catarrh Cor. FBANK 1. CHtfNET. Sworn to before me and tnbscrlbed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1880. ' A. W. GLRASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Care la taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and macon surfaces of the system. Bend for testimo nials fre. F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo, O. ' Hold by all Druggists, 75c Take Ball's Family rill for conitlpa-tloa. SAVES 60 LIVES AXD GETS $2 AS REWARD Geneva. During; the heavy rains nnd floods In the Cantons of Geneva and Vaud at the end of January, a A Nice $2.50 Guaranteed Watch FREE With Every $7.50 Purchase Here. The fact that this store has always under sold all competition in Men's Correct Clothing at the same time given the same quality, style and workmanship to its customers that it was possible for them to obtain elsewhere has made a big increase in our sales this year. Sales Growing Larger Every Month. BIGGER AMD BETTER LINES SHOWING i Before you buy your new Spring Suit, see our new lines just out of pure justice to yourself and your pocket book. And Remember--besides affording you big savings all over our store, we will give you a good, guaranteed watch free with every $7.50 purchase of Merchandise. This offer has proven so popular that we have been compelled to extend it another week. UORDkWS gLOTHIHG 0. Less expense makes our prices lower. New Spring Stetson Hats and Packard Shoes I t