EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OltBOOWIAy, PENPLgTOX, OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1910. PACT UVU. Often Tfaa Kidneys Are - Weakened by Over-Wort fnbetltb? Kidneys Make Impure Blood Weak and unhealthy kidney are r sponsible for much sickness and suffering, mereiore, it Kidney . trouble is permitted to continue, serious re sults are most likely to follow, Yourothet organs may need at tention, hut your kid neys most, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidneys are weuk or out of order, roil can understand how quickly your en tire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begib taking the greut kidney remedy. iJr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con vince you of its great merit. The mild and immediate effect ol Swamp-Root, the great kidney an J bladder remedy, is 'soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been Croven in thousands ot the most distress ie cases. If you need a medicine you sboum nave the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dol lar sizes, .ou mov tr:zifz. have a sample bottle f PKittttW StV. bv mail free, also ajrgf camnhlet tellinn vou etzSESiZF low to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Pr. Kilmer & Co., Bingbamton, S. v. Don't make any mis. take, but reiuemWr the name, Swamp Root, and don't let a deuler sell you something in place of Swatnn-Root 'if you do you will be disappointed. POOR STUFF ONLY ARRIVALS IN YARDS i :ik:j::ss!-- AS CON SEQUENCE PRICES" PAID WEKE NOT FANCY Two Ix)nl rorni Total Arrivals for Open Market Over Sunday; 23 Loads of Sheep for Frye A Co. THE WHEAT MARKET ARMOUR AND PATTEN SELL WHEAT AND BRING DECLINE Chicago Market Closes Lower and Depressed Conditions Are Shown " Elsewhere; Cash Market Weaker. World's Wheat Prices. Portland Cash club, 96 97c; bluestem, 81.06 1.07. Chicago No. 2 red. 11.180 11.10; May , ll.lt 1-4. Kansas City May $1.08 6-8. Liverpool May, 8s, l-4d; July 7s. 11 l-8d. Minneapolis Mav. 81.1! 7-8. Winnipeg May, $1.06 bid. Duluth May, $1.1S 1-4. . St. Louis May, $1.11 1-4. Portland Union Stockyards, Stock da.e, April 4. While there were fair receipts of cattle in the yards over Sunday, only two loads were for this city, the remaining cars being for ,through shipment to the north. Of the cattle that came, there was no really fancy goods offering, and nothing over $6 was obtained. This was for a very common lot of steers, some poor cows sold at $5, and some very poor calves at $4.80. Two bulla of the shipment went at $4.25. Market for all livestock remains In a good position, with prices showing no change from last week. GcttliiK Slux-p from California. Pacific northwest packers are get ting practically all their sheep und lambs from California at this time, and therefore ther in very little in ducement to ship locally at the mo ment. Cattle are so scarce In this market at this time that meat sellers have been compelled to bring; In supplies of dressed beef from California. One shipment from San Francisco arrived for a local meat company today, Frank Hunt was nn arrival late Saturday afternoon with 22 cars of sheep from California. The hip ment came from Mendotn. near Fres no and was en route to Frye a Co., at Seattle. The shipment Is said to have been In good conditon. Charles Henry of Seattle had n a cattle shipment over Sunday. Among the Shippers. r. F. Walker came In with lx - loads of cattle and calves from On tario, Ore., with six loads of cattle and calves for Seattle. Bowman & Johnson had the only supplies on the market today. They shipped a mixed load of cnttlo and calves each from 'Durkee and Baker ! City, Ore. Today's run of livestock compares with this day In recent years ns fol lows: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep 1910 200 1909 640 380 19ns 777 S56 33 1907 164 90 1906 46 26 16 1905 596 A year ii(to today there was a firm tone In livestock with no change. In prices. Today's range of llvestork values: Cattle Best steers, $7; ood steers. $6.50 'ft! 6.60; common steers. JftiiD 6.26; cows, $2.503; bulls. $ 2 r. 0 'jp 4.60 Hons Best oust of the mountains, 911.10C911.1S; fancy, Jlltfll.lO; stockers and feeders, $9.50. Sheep Best wethers, $8.90; ordi nary. $8.25ff8.G0; spring lambs. $12; mixed lots, $7. Calves Best, $7; ordinary, $6; common, $1.60. Yards' Kopivseiilatlvo Snip. Following are representative of to day's transactions at Stoekdnln and In dicate demand, supplies and quality offering: STEERS. Av. lbs. Price. 15 steers ...1021 $6 00 COWS. 81 cows 1005 $5.00 CALVES. 11 calve 275 $4.25 BULLS. 2 bulls .'. 1480 $4.60 Hogs Steady in East. Chicago, April 4. Receipts, hogs, 18,000; cattle, 11,000; sheep, 14.000. Left over 3000; hogs are steady. Light $10.46 10.75 : mixed, $10.65 tj 10.90; heavy, 10.60 10.92 1-2; rough, $10, 60 10.70. Cattle steady to 10c high er. Sheep steady. Omaha, Neb., April 4. Receipts: Hogs, 4200; cattle, 1900; sheep, 6500. Kansas City, Mo., April 4. Re ceipts: Hogs, 7000; cattle, 7000; sheep, 8000. : ' Chicago, April 4. Wheat opened 1-8 to 5-8c lower and closed 1-2 to S-4c a bushel under Saturday. Weakness was shown on all sides. There were many reports regarding heavy selling by both Armour and Patten and this Induced considerable liquidation of longs. Foreign markets were weak and lower. At Liverpool there was a de cline of l-2d at the opening; closing was 1-4 to 3-8d under Saturday. Cosh wheat was generally lower and a loss of lc was shown at Kansas City during the day. The trading in May wheat was so very light today that It was almost Im possible to execute an order at the quotations. The new - business has now gone Into the July and Septem ber options. John Inglls, the crop expert, wired: "The western counties of Indiana have very promising fields, but the majority of the fields show thin and cooler weather will stimulate stool I ng. Raining at Brunswick, Mo., and looks like rain at Kansas City." Cash wheat. No. 2 red. $1 1801.29; No. S red, $1. 1301.18; No. 2 hard winter, $1.141.15; No. S hard win ter, 21.08911.14 1-2. Cash corn, No. 2. 69 l-2c; No. I white 60 l-2c; No. 2, yellow, 60c; No. 3, 57 l-2c; No. 2 yellow, 60c; No. 8, 67 l-2c; yellow. 68068 l-2c; No. 4, 62 ?EJ.e; No. 4, white, 53067c. American grain visible supply: Whea't Increased, 1,395,000 bush els. Corn Decreased, 398.000 bushels. Oats Increased 256,000 bushels. World's shipments: Wheat, 11, 782,000 bushels; corn, 1,040,000 bush els. Russian 4,684,000 bushels; Da nuban 504000 bushels. Wheat on passage increased 400000 bushels; corn decreased 747,000 bushels. Why Do You Surfer With headache, biliousness, consti pation and the ill's Its entails, when Foley's Orlno Laxative will relieve and cure you. It tones up all the diges tive organs, carries off the waste mat ter and stimulates the bowels to their normal activity. It Is a splendid spring medicine. Koeppen Bros. VESSEL INJURED BY HAIL. F-gg-Slwd Chunks of Frozen Mois ture Drive Crew Below. Galveston, Texas. The British steamer Oriole, Captain GaineB. which arrived recently from Amster day with a cargo of creosote, reports having encountered a most unusual hailstorm In the gulf on Tuesday eve ning about 200 miles off the west The First National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON Report of the Condition March 29, 1 9 1 0, to the Comptroller of the Currency CONDENSED RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1,524,331.74 Overdrafts 49,945.06 United States Bonds ; 250,i00.00 Other Bonds and Warrants 19,261.25 Bank Building 10,000.00 Cash and Exchange 273,361.87 $2,126,899.9: LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Profits- Circulation Due to Banks Deposits 250,000.00 189,985.90 237,500.00 19,002.60 1,430,411.42 $2,126,899.92 I, Q. M. Rice, cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. G. M. RICE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of April, 1910. C. K. CRANSTON", (Seal) Notary Public for Oregon. Florida coast. The vessel suffered considerable damage to Its super structure by the hall, which ranged In slse, it is said, to larger than hen's eggs. The hailstones rained down on the vessel for half an hour, forcing the crew below decks. The temper ature dropped about thirty degrees. Diarrhoea should be cured without loss of time and by a medicine which like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy not only curea promptly but produces no unpleasant after effects. It never falls and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by all dealers. Irate German (to stranger who has stepped on his toe) Mine frent I know mine feet was meant to be valked on, but dot brivilege belongs to me. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, OarttinlUllef f Feverlabneas, I'onallpntlon, II a ad ar ha, Niiau h Traublva. Tannins i Disorder, and D e airs ' w- J . Waraaa. Th-r Hrrak nn I olrta TratlaMArk. Inllhunit. Ata Dnian.la. ascla. Doo'taccapt Sample mailed FRKK. ArtdnMa, anttiaHtitur. A. S. OLMSTED. La Roy. N. Y. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets assist nature in driving all Impurities out of the system, insuring a free and regular condition and re storing the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by all dealers. There something doing In Nyssa. Write to Nyssa Real Estate Company. (T For Candy II Patronlaa tha "Modern Itoaler I Ask us about Nyssa. provement Company. Nyssa Im- Colonist Rates Shoflike tsa umohEacihc a Colonist Rates To OREGON and the Great Northwest The iiiauagciucnt of the Oregon Railroad fc Navigation Co. (Oregon Lines) takes great pleasure in announcing that the low rates from eastern cities, which have done so much in past soasons to stimulate travel to and settlement in Oregon, will prevail again this sjn ii!,' DAILY from March 1 to April 15. inclusive. People ot Oregon The railroads have done their part; now it's up to you. The colonist rate is the great est of all homcbuilders. Do all you can to let eastern people know about it, and encour age them to come here, where land is cheap and homebuilding easy and attractive. FARES CAN BE PREPAID at home if dssired. Any agent of the O. R & N. Co. is authorized to receive the required deposit and tehgraph ticket to any point in tha east ' REMEMBER TIIE RATES From Chit-ngn i33, fn St Louis ?32, from Omaha and Kansas City $25. This reduction is proportionate from all other citW. WM. McMURRAY, Gen, Pass. Agent, Portland, Ore. GJ. JACKSON, Agent, Pendleton, Ore. lfanlAds.fi WANTED. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 8621. WANTED TO TRADE 141 acres of land In Klamath connty, Oregon, for stock sheep or range horses. For particulars address P. O. Box 101, Plains, Mont ANYONE, anywhere, can start a mall order business at home. N can vassing. Be your own boss. Send fei free booklet. Tells how. Haacock 2708. Lock port N. T. FOR HALE. CHOICE ROSES. I Lave 60 varieties of choice ever blooming roses, all shades and of superb richness. Will refund price of rose to anyone dis- j appointed In any I sell them. They will bloom this season If planted any time this month. Address Cum mings Nurseries, Heppner, Oregon. EGGS FOR HATCHING. S. C. BUFF ORPINGTON BOOS fv hatching. Large, prize winning stock. $1 per IB. Infertile eggs re placed. D. C. Brown, Routs 1; Phone Red 2661 evenings. FOR SALE PLYMOUTH ROCK eggs) for setting 11 for IS. Phone R4 1811. FOR SALE a C. Black eggs. The kind for eggs, sla and beauty. Eggs fl.tt per It. LawUr Boyd. (10 Ernst Webb street. EGOS FOR HATCHING From my Rose Comb White Mlnorcas. Heavy winter layers from prise wlnnlag stock. D. E. Martin, Waltibors, Wash. - . FOR SALE CHEAP Good l-room house with lot and half; corner. Barn, chicken house and corral. 18 SO cash, or arrangements can be made for easy terms. Apply at 1614 W. Railroad, corner Pine. NICE STRAIGHT BLACK LOCUSTS, hardy soft maple, ash, elm, thorn less honey locusts, catalpa, speclo sa, hackberry and Russian olive, at Cummlngs Nurseries, Heppner, Or. FOR SALE Thoroughbred HngW Comb Buff Orpington eggs from the prise-winning Wlndle strain. I LIS per setting of IS. Mrs. A. B. Wis dom, (it Walnut street Pkene SL 1(11. FRED EIFFERT, auctioneer, Free water. Ore., R. F. D. 1; Walla Wal. la. Wash, R. F. D. 1; phone F. L. IX or Freewater Times Read the East Oregonlaa every day. USE DR. G. W. ROGERS Stack. & Poultry Remedies. Positively guaranteed to give satisfaction er money refunded. For sale by C . Bowlsby, 101 West Webb street, Pendleton, Oregon. Classified Directory PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD. M. D., HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 1411; residence, -ed Jl. DR. LYNN 7. BLA. ZJSLEE, CHRO nlo and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray ai d Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main S54. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN. DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone, black 2421; residence 'phone, red 2261. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SUR geon. Office, room 16 Judd build ing. Phone, red 2201. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSXNKBsl HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans oa city and farm property. Buys aag sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent insurance. Feferences, aay bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Prea. W. S. HENNINGER. Vlce-Pres. C. H. MARSH. Sec. BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 816 Mala street Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FE STABLES. VAUGHAN BROS., DENTISTS. OF flce In Judd building. Phone Main 78. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON I street, Carney St Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stables. Good rigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. 'Phone main 70. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB. LOCAL STATE Stork TnsDector and member State Veterinary Board. Office at residence 016 east Court St Res. 'phone Main 69. RESTAURANTS. ATTORNEYS. RALEY ft RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank building. CHINA RESTAURANT, NOODLES I and chop suey, Ung D. Goey, prop. 'At the old stand, Alta street in rear of Tall man a Co. !yEE SAM, LEE CO., NOODLE RES i taurant, Eng Dean, Prop. Chlckea I noodle soup, chop suey, etc. Webb St., between Main and Garden. Phone Red 8391. FEE ft SLATER, LAWYERS, OF flce In Despaln building. CARTER ft SMYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in American Nation al Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law.. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL a WINTER. ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office in Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17 Schmidt block. PETERSON a WILSON. ATTOR- neys at law; rooms 2 an. 4 Smith- Crawford building. I-HELPS a STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Offices In Smith-Crawford building. MISCELLANEOUS. HAIR WORK DONE! Go to Mada Kennedy's Hair Parlors and get yoar hair work done. No Importe Chi nese or leprosy hair used. The nat ural human hair, handmade and guaranteed. Shampooing, ' hair dressing, facial massage. (07 M. Court street Pendleton. Phone Red 27(2. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RB palr work on all kinds of macalnea. structural iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. Marlon Jack, Prop.; A- T. May, manager. FOii SAL& Old newspaper wrap ped in bundles of ISC each, suitable for wrapping, putting under car pets, etc. Price 15c per bundle, two bundles 2Se. Fnqulre this oi-tiee. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 2, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walks, etc. Phone black 2786, or Oregonlan office. AUCTIONEER. COI F. G. LUCAS. LTVE?TOC Auctioneer. Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmer' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. MACHINERY. UNITED ENGINEERING CO.. MB- chanlcal , engineers. Irrigation power or electric plants gas produc ers. 26-26 P.-I. Bid., Seattle, Wash lngton. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL DI rector and licensed embelmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone mala 76. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOTTW, work It's clean, reliable ar " con venient Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed. 16.26. Electric Hot Water aad Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock ef Gas and Electric fixtures. First-class wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughan. 816 Main street SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY. family washing; work done by hand; mending free; goods called for and delivered. 408 East Court street SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN SECOND- hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and second-haad furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and got his prices. No II! East Court street. FRATERNAL ORDERS. . PENDLETON LODGB No. Sf yy A. F. and A. M., meets tV first and third Mondays I each monlk. All rMUs txethra DAMON YODGE NO. 4. of P., meets every Monday evening In I. O. O. F. hall, Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. W. L Qadwa, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. ol R. a 8. Dally East Orcgonlan by carrier, only IS cents per week.