Z.&VtUmtu. EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TIESDAT, APRIL 5, 1910. PAGE THBB3L NEWS OF THE . .NORTHWEST. School Lands Bring $40,068. Ellensburg, Wash. The state school lunds lying adjacent to tho city were placed on sale at the courthouse Eat urday and nettod.the state $40,0(8. The half of a section lying three miles east of the city brough $32,000, and . one of the 80 acre tracts bought by Frank Schorman for $7500 was sold two hours later for $8000. Crater Liiko Road Assured. . Portland. The Crater Lake road will bo built. Government approval of the project has been secured by Will a. Steel, a recognition appropriation of $5000 made. Engineer B. P. Heldle sent by the government . to Medford, and tho promiBo' given that 60 per cent of the work will have been ac compllshed by July 1 of this year. Child in Flume Is Rescued. Spoknne, Wash. Carried 300 yards through a covered flume, Audrey, the seven-year-old daughter of Mrs. Sam u'i II. Hughes, of Kellogg, Idaho, Is none tho worse for her experience. The child, with Eva Lynch, was play ing along the Bunker Hill flume near the old Stem Winder mill, .when sho slipped Into the race and was carried down 300 yards. Her playmate ran down the grade calling for help and Town Marshal Cavanaugh and James Butt or ton came to the rescue, drag ging the child out. That she had a heavy bearskin coat on accounts for the fact that she was carried so far without sinking. The flume is seven fnet deep and wbb full at the time. OldcMt linker Woman Dies. Baker City, Ore. Mrs. Sarah Dunn 94 years of age, reputed to be the old est woman in Baker county, died Sunday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Susan Bltts, In till in city. She was born In Pennsylvania In 1816, and moved to Ohio, where she was married to Aaron Dunn. The couple moved to Missouri, where they lived for B3 years, j Mrs. Dunn hnd 100 descendants. She was the mother of ten children, ' five of whom are living. There are 33 'grandchildren, 46 greut-grand-; children. She retained full possession ' of her faculties to tho lost. Death 1 was caused by a complication of all inents, Curb Liberty of C'owh. Mui'shwieiil, Ore. Cows belonging to the people of Coqulllo City, the county east of Coos county, can no longer roam at large. This has been a question that has been fought out ut the city elections for many years. At the last election those who ndvo. en ted allowing the cows to run at large won by only two 'or three votes. The city council, however, took the matter In hand, and as there was a strong sentiment against the system of pasturing In the city streets, an or dinance was passed, prohibiting -cows to run at lurge. This ordinance took effect April 1, so from now on the Cofiullle City cows must browse with in the bounds of fences, Saved from the Grave. "I had about given up hope, after nearly four years of suffering from a severe lung trouble," writes Mrs. M. L. D!x, of Clarksvllle, Tenn. "Often the pain In my chest would be almost unbearable and I could not do any work, but Dr. King's New Discovery has made me feel like a riew person. Its the best medicine made for the throat and lungs." Obstinate coughs, stubborn colds, hay fever, la grippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis and hcra morages, hoarseness and whooping cogh, yield quickly to this wonderful medicine. Try It, 60c and $1. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. woman between 20 and 30 years of age. M. Hamard, chief of the detec tive force, is attempting to discover the trunk of the body with the aid of several of tho best Paris police dogs. M. Hamard said that the crime seem ed to have been deliberately planned and that the fuco had been mutilated to prevent a photograph from being taken which might leud to Identifi cation. 'Several policemen who saw the head at the Hue Hradler police sta tion believe they recognized it as that of a woman of remurkahle beauty. The doctors also declared that the woniun was certainly good looking, with opulent hair which fell In ring lets over the ears and neck-. A telegram has been received from DIJon stating that the body of a head less woman also has been found there. No details are at hand, but It is won dered whether this discovery has any thing to do with the Paris one, and whether a new form of "Jaek-the-Ripperlsm" has broken out. LEAVES .MILLIONS TO ENDOW POOR BRIDES ALL PARIS STIRRED DV SHOCKING CHIME Paris. Tho discovery In the Rue Botzaris of the mutilated head of a woman, which had evidently been only recently severed from its body, has shocked all Paris. A police was patroling with his dog, when the ani mal discovered beneath a wall a pack ,et containing the head. It was apparently the head of n MOTH ITS FBI BID A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. No woman who bears children need Buffer during the period of waiting, nor at the time of baby's coming, If Mother's Friend Is used as a massage for the muscles, tendons and glands Of the body. Mother's Friend is a penetrating, healthful lini ment which strengthens the ligaments, lubricates and renders pliant those nmscles on which the strain Is greatest, prevents caking of the breasts by keep tng the darts open, and relieves nausea, backache, numbness, nervousness, eta Its regular use will prepare every portion of the system for the safety of both mother and child and greatly reduce the pain and danger when the little one comet. Mother's Friend Is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book, which . 4HBtn valuable information for expectant mothers. THE BRAD FIELD CO., ATLANTA, OA St. Petersburg. M. Vassaleff, a millionaire bachelor of this city, has bequeathed his entire fortune to pro vide poor engaged couples with the means of being married and setting up In a comfortable borne. He explained that he did "not wish to leave anything to his relatives, as they are rich enough already, but he wished to enable poor girls to marry. He asks: "What is the reason that so many beautiful women never get a husband? Solely that the young men of the pres ent day have no self-respect. They do not look for beauty, but for mon ey, when they seek a wife. "It Is not surprising, then, that so many of the loveliest creatures remain spinsters. No one will marry them because they have no dowry. I love all women, especially those who have to work for their living, and that is why I want to help them to get mar ried, for I consider that a single life Is the saddest thing on earth." The disappointed heirs are endeav oring to invalidate the will. 111 -i ALCOHOL .1 PEU rrm-n AVegelable PreparaflonlbrAs slmilaiiiigilicFooiIantlRetfula iuijjuu; atomams anauowasaf Promnlps nitoshnn rVoifiil nessandRestrnntolnsnriiim- Opiuni.Morphiiie noriliaeraL Jfm J a fx KIM AcfatfOtdDcSSlfXiniCBBL JlxJmaa JhcUltSdtt- finintiitnt DiGriMiiiUi msuTm is mm-. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A vtntfiwt UowutAv fnrfrmcftnft- AHU ICC I IKUOrUI IVI VWt"iy tlon , Sour Ston.Dlantoei: WonusjLonvuisiouSjevErisu ness amlLoss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. 66? In Use For Over Thirty Years The Economy of Time Is a most Important factor that all must consider, and the most taelpfat of all time savers Is a good, reliable watch, one that can be depended up on under all conditions. Our line of watches la very complete. We ha them at all prices, and In every sty), from the plainest to the most elabor ate. Watch and Jewelry repairing -specialty. We gnarantee our work. With Wm. E. Hanscom . Leading Jeweler Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMI OCMTAUS MUMMY, MrW TORS OTT. HIG POWER PLANT TO BE HEADY APRIL 15 Minidoka. Idaho. Master Mechan ic Wanchofe of the Minidoka Irriga tion project states that everything will be In readiness to start pumping by April 15. During the winter the second excit er and the second and third units of power were Installed, which means that there is 5000 horsepower, more than three times the power of last year, which fact assures a sufficient amount to light up the project and to more than supply the pumps on the snuth side. There is yet room In the power house for two more units, which will not be installed until more land Is opened up or more power needed for commercial purposes. Sev eral tests have been made and so far the machines have proved far better than tho required efficiency and at the dam everything points to a suc cessful season's run. Worse Than Bullets. Bullets have often caused less suf fering to soldiers than the eczema L. W. Harriman, Burlington, Me., got In the army and suffered with, forty years. "But Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured nie when all else failed," he writes. Greatest healer for sores, ul cers, boils, burns, cuts, wounds, bruis es and piles. 25c, at Tallman & Co. He won the wager, but is now In the , hospital in a critical condition. He ; Is dying of heart failure. I DltlNKS 250 BOCK BEEHS. IYiin-)IvHiiia Fish Dealer Wins Wa ger. Hut Is Now Dying. Heaver Falls. Pa. When the bock beer signs made their appearance here. Joseph Bova, a fish dealer, made a wager that he could drink 250 glasses of the beer In three days. Prompt relef In all cases of throat and lung trouble it you use Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing in effect. Snld hv all dealers. Every Woman . ts Interested and boold know . about toe wonderful a Marvel svuucne ror -wu r"TCLV,;f J- sw wiv r''rwA Ask toot draestot It. If he cannot imnrtr the MARVEL, accent no other, but send stamp fbr tHi trated book eealed. It (tall ssrtlralais and directions invaluable VHkUxs. SUinELC044twg3eM..NtwY A MODERN DWELLING SITUATED X THE BEST RESIDENCE LOCALTTT OF PENDLETON, ONLY FOUR BLOCKS FROM BUSINESS CENTER. UP TO DATX CONVENIENCES WITH SUFFICIENT ROOM Dt REAR FOR STABLE OR GARAGE. PRICE MtOe.M. FOR FURTHER PARTICU LARS CALL ON Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court St, Phone Mala U. F. A. CLISE. the only Exclusive Os- a tomeiriar locaiea xsn Tf .J Office John Schmidt building, Pest dleton, Ore. Over SO years practiM fitting glasses. Remember I grini my own glasses. Eyes carefully ex- . amlnod and glasses ground to fit. MMLMMsJMMMMM ssiss mm asskassBSBsiaasssijsBBssa mmmmmHimmmmmmmmmm Owing to a change in business the MS LL1NERY will be Closed Out at Once Store will be closed all day Tuesday to get ready for the crowds AM MiSlkery aft Cost Nothing Reserved Sale Starts Wednesday Morning, April 6, at 8 a. m. All sales cash, no alterations and no goods exchanged. Buy your Spring Hat NOW and save money at the CA1RH mm MILL SMEHY 740 Main Street, Next to First National Bank