4 1 .! 1? r PAGE SIX. PAH EAST OREUONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY. AriUIi 4. 1910. EIGHT PAGES. ANOTHER WOMAN CURED : By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Bhek Duck,-Minn. "About a year apo l wrote you that 1 was sick and . : icouKt not ao any oi f?Z9 j inv housework. "My rTl'f&Tt - 'sii'kness was called iiijfji Ketrotiexion. When SNrt'V"'! umil,I sit almvn I felt as if I could not pet up. I took Lydia E. Prakham's Vegetable Com pound and did just as you told me and now I am perfectly cured, and have a b'.e babv bov." Mr. Anna Axdk'rsdx. liox 10. Black luck, jiinn. i Consider This Advice. No woman should submit to a surgi cal operation, which may mean death, nntil she has Riven Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made exclusive ly from roots and herbs, a lair trial.' This famous medicine for women has for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic and invigoratorof the female orsranism. Women resid ing in almost every city and town in the United States bear willing testi mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It cures female ills, and creates radi ant, buoyant female health. If yu are ill, for your own sake as well as those you love, give it a trial. Mrs. Pinkhani, at Lynn, Mass invites all sick women to write her for advice. Her advice Is free, and always belpf ul. LOCAL AERONAUTS , STILL ON EARTH AMATEUR RIRDMEN ATTEMPT TO SOAK High School Aviation Enthusiasts Try Out Their Glider Several Flights Made, But Finish is Disastrous to Machine. CORSET. A model for every figure. The Economy of Time U a most important factor that all must consider, and the most helpful of all time savers is a good, reliable watch, one that can be depended up on under all conditions. Our line of watches Is very complete. We have them at all prices, and In every style, from the plainest to the most elabor ate. Watch and Jewelry repairing a specialty. We guarantee our work. With Wm. E. Hanscom Leading JJeweler MODERN DWELLING SITUATED S THE BEST RESIDENCE LOCALITY OF PENDLETON, ONLY FOUR BLOCKS FROM BUSINESS CENTER. CP TO DATE CONVENIENCES WITH SUFFICIENT ROOM Et REAR FOR STABLE OR GARAGE. PRICE 48O.0. FOR FURTHER PARTICU LARS CALL OX Mark Moorhouse Company US East Court Bl Phone Main 3. F. A. CUBE the only Exclusive Or is X.V' )S tometrlst located Office John Schmidt building, Pen dleton, Ore. Over 10 year practice fitting glasses. Remember I grind soy own glasses. Eyes carefully ex amined and glasses ground to fit. At the same time that Charles K. Hamilton was holding all Spokane wonder stricken with his birdlike raanoeveurs Saturday, and while Hu bert Leblon was flying to his death in sunny Spain, scarcely a mile out of Pendleton there was being, enact ed an aerial drama which in point of interest and the element of thrill was far superior to these feats, but unfortunately unwitnessed except by the participants. It was about a month ago that E. W. Brown of the high school In struction force and several of his student followers became Inoculated with the aviation germ which immedi ately produced in their veins an un controllable fever for flying. For a while the only manifestation of their strange malady was an occasional flight of fancy, but as the microbe became more active, more violent In dications became noticeable. A far away look crept into their eyes, and their gaze was ever directed upward and away from the earth that their feet fain would spurn. In their hearts was a great longing to rise above their plodding brethren. But it was not until the tertiary stage of their ailment that evidences of a realization of their desires be gan to be apparent. Action took the place of Idle dreams. Realizing their deficiency in angelic properties and dispairing of ever sprouting feathered wings, they set about to overcome the handicap of nature. Greedily they devoured all of the current literature on the science of soaring, and eager ly perused the accounts of all aviation meets. Their minds became storage batteries for Ideas on this sub ject until enough had accumulated to Start the creative machinery In their brains. They Build a Glider. As their limited exchequer would not permit the construction of a fully equipped aeroplane of the Wright Brother's type, they confined their efforts to the building of a glider which might be called an aeroplane minus the motor power. When pushed from some prominence one ot these machines, supporting a human form, glides off gently In the breez es, settling gradually down to terra firma. That is, the ideal theoretical glider acts in this fashion, but in practice it Is sometimes perverse and behaves not according to design or in tention. It . was upon one of this species of aircraft that these declples of Curtlss and Paulhan spent much time and effort until the resultant product of their labors wjas a model of perfection. Saturday the pride of their hearts was completed and the ardor of their enthusiasm could not be restrained. Despite adverse weather conditions, these amateur aeronauts sallied forth, carrying their light burden along back streets to avoid would be spec tators. Over the hills south of town they went, and selected the top of a gully as a most favorable spot from which to launch their Invention. The Initial Flight. The lot fell to Cecil Cole, to make the initial trip in the glider and silent ly and courageously he fixed himself In position. The final shove was giv en and the great bird rose beautifully to a height of ten feet. All altitude records might have been broken had not the embryonic aviator found the parting from terra firma too painful to endure. The receding earth to which he had been attached so long proved to have too great an affinity for him, and his heavenward Jour ney was cut short at his own volition. He Jumped from his airy steed and left It to its fate. Fortunately that fate was nothing worse than a pair of broken ribs. Lyman Rice was elected as the next emulator of the birds, and his ex hibition flight was entirely success ful and filled the hearts of all with Joy. Brown, himself, in whose fertile brain was the Inception of the plan to conquer the air, purposed to take the next trip. His performance was a duplication of Rice's feat, except that his first success filled him with a dtslre to capture all records. He ad Justed hmself again in position and the machine leaped upward. Because of cross currents of wind, a rope was attached to the end of each plane, which, in the hands of two helpers, guided the ship and at the same time prevented it from turning turtle. Un fortunately an unusually strong blast from the bellows of old Aeolus at this moment shot the craft upward with such force that young Rice, who was at the end of one of the ropes, was lifted from the ground. Not desiring to Journey through the air swinging from the end of a rope, he loosened his hold, and the culmination of the experiment was at hand and the quick finish record broken. Relieved of the weight on one end, the glider turned In the air like a wounded bird and came back to earth with a crash that destroyed in a second the handiwork of long days and nights. And Brown! Quietly he lay amidst the wreckage of his fallen hopes and one plane rest, ed on his neck. The wind from his body had Joined the atmosphere about him. When his companions had extri cated him from his position, and had pumped the life giving air bnck into his lungs, an examination revealed the fact that beyond the shock and a few bruises, the pedagogical bird man was in no wise hors de combat. Sadly the remains of the ruined gilder were carried to town and the work of repair begun. They have no Intention of allowing a first defeat to check their ambition. As Brown put It last night, "The element of danger only lends zest to the trials" he said, "and we shall yet soar Into the realms of the empyrean blue." Pendleton Headquarters for Nemo Corset?, R. (Sh G Corsets, Fownes Gtoves, Mnnsing Underwear, Pony Hosiery, Sorosis Shoes, Standard Patterns and Publications, Oynx Hosiery lhe Greater Alexander eparfcmei S tor e April Begins with rare Bargains on Bave money by reading today's ads D Spriig Goods $1.00 Foulard Sifts' at. 65c Yard Fifty pieces of the very best designs and colorings in this season's Foulard Silks, many patterns and colors to suit every taste, regular price $1.00 a yard; special at 65c 50 Women's Tailored Suits Values to $25.00, Choice $15.00 Beginning today in Pendleton's largest and best suit store. A lot of 50 Wo men's Tailored Suits at less than hair price. Womensand misses models made of serge and cheviots in grays tans, navy black and white. Coats are of medium length, semi-fitting, made with three seam back, small notch collar and revers plain tailoredjW trimmed models. A very special purchase that saves us about half factory prices, and here they are just when you are ready to buy (T 1 C. . 4 Spring Suits, Special at U Extraordinary values in Ladies Shoe Dept. $3.50 Oxfords and Pumps. $2.35 These are new oxfords and pumps just received in newest styles, patents and gun metals, all sizes S O Tt widths, special . . . V & $4.50 new Oxfords in Gun Metal and patents 3 and 4 Eyelet, one shape button 4 buttons, short vamps, high arch military heel, also a special lot in new tans in Russia calf and Havana Brown Special $3.78 Gilt Edge Shoe Polish at 19. I UtUM Fresh Fish Meata and Sausages v EVERY DAY. We handle only the purest of lard, hams and bacon. Empire Meat Go. Phone Main 18. NOTICE OP PROPOSALS FOX STRKET SPRINKLING FOR TOT SEASON OF 1010. TMntlrn la herebv riven that nrODO.- als will be received by the Street Com mittee of the common council or tae City of Pendleton at the office of the Cltv Recorder In the city hall build ing until April 13th. 1910, at 7:I o'clock, P. M. for sprinkling mm streets of the city of Pendleton, fer the season of 1910, the districts to oe sprinkled are as follows, vis: District No. 1. All streets on the north side of the Umatilla River. District No. 2. All streets on the south side of the Umatilla River, west of the east line of Main street, and north of the soath line of Webb street. District No. S. All streets lying east of a line be ginning at the Intersection of the east line of Main street with the Umatilla river, thence following the east Uae of Main street to the south line of Webb street, thence following tie south line of Webb street east to the west line of Vincent street thssae following the west line of Vlneeat street east to the north line of Bluff street, thence following the north line of Bluff street east, to the termina tion thereof, thence southerly to the City limits. District No. 4. All streets south of the south Uae of Webb street, and west of the west line of Vincent street The City to furnish sprinklers, wa gons and water, and the contractor to furnish horses, harness and driver, and to put up and take down all stand pipes etc., separate proposals will be received for each district, and no con tract will be awarded to any one bid der for more than one district the hours, of sprinkling to be In accord ance with the orders of the street committee, all bids shall specify the price per team and man per day of 10 hours, time when teams are aet engaged In sprinkling to be deducted. the city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 31st day of March, A. D. 1910. THOS F1TZ GERALD, City Recorder. FEARS THE LAW, SO LEAVES KIN TO DIE Cleveland. A misconception of Am erican law on the part of Otto Plch gave John Zahour, his father-in-law 10 minutes ertra In which to die. Plch found the old man hanging In the pantry of his home. He was still alive, but Plch says he believed him dead. Plch had heard that It was Il legal for anyone but the coroner to disturb a hanging man, and he left at once In search of somebody who could summon that official. Meeting a po liceman he explained the case to him. The policeman made a quick run for the Zahour home and succeeded in rutting the fathcr-ln-law down be fore life was extinct. Zahour died In an ambulance, however, on the way t a hospital. fitate of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Coon ty, as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that b. Is enlor partner of th firm of f. J. Che ney ft Co., doing builneu In the City of Toledo, County and Htate aforesaid, sod that said firm will pay tb. asm of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by the nae of Hall's Catarrh Core. FRANK 1. CnKNBT. Sworn to before m. and sntecrltwd In my prercoce, this 6th day of December, A. D. I860. , A. W. OLKABON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cart Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mocooa or faces of the system. Bend for testimo nials free. F. J. CHCNCT CO.. Toledo, O. Hold br all Draastota. 76c Take Hall's raally Pills for eoastlpsv STANFIELD WINS FROM EGHO TEAM NEW TOWN NOW LEADS IX THE IRRIGATION BELT Score Yesterday, Stanfleld 11, Echo 4 Five Thousand Sheep Shipped Out New Butcher Shop Opens Other News. (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore , April 3. The ball game played between Echo and Stanfleld to day resulted In a score of eleven to four In favor of the latter. Stanfleld so far certainly appears to be the crack team of the Irrigation Baseball league. The game was played today at Stanfleld, but was well attended by baseball fans from both towns and from the surrounding country. Five thousand head of sheep were shipped but of here on Saturday for Huntington. They were bought by Mr. oxman of Durkee from M. S. Corrlgal and the Donahue Bros., all of Butter creek. Mr. Oxman has ta ken them to his summer range and in the fall will ship them to the Chi cago stockyards. Ed Horach, formerly of this place, but who has been In Portland the past few months, has returned here and will open a butchershop here on Monday morning. Mr. Horsch Is a first class butcher and has the name of being the most up-to-date butchr ever In Echo. Jake Watenburger was in town the last of the week buying supplies for his shearing station. Mr. Watenburg er has his shearing plant as usual about four miles west of town on Joe Vey's place, known as the "White House." For three years Mr. Waten burger has sheared here. Thousands of sheep each year have passed through his corrals. Shearing will begin here In another week. O. L. Davis, who Is at the Hot Springs, writes his family that he was operated on March 31, for stomach trouble. This is the second operation Mr. Davis has undergone. At last ac counts he was Imroving. Mr, and Mrs. M. C. Barager spent today visiting friends In Pendloton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fulton of Port land are here visiting with Mayor Scholi and family. A Knocker Is a man who can't see good In any person or thing. It's habit caused by a disordered liver. If you find that you are beginning to see things through blue spectacles, treat your liver to a good cleaning out process with Ballard's Herblne. A sure cure for constipation, dyspepsia, indiges tion, sick headache, biliousness, all liver, stomach and bowel troubles.( A. C. Koeppen A Bros. Read the "Want" ada tod. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals will be received by the board of school directors of school district No. 14. Hermlston, Oregon, at the office of the clerk of said Bchool district, up to six o'clock p. as., April 14, 1910, for furnishing all ma terials and the erection and comple tion of an addition to the present school building in said school district according to plans prepared for the same by T. F. Howard, architect The present building Is not to be altered In any manner as shown by the draw ings, except as necessary In making roof connections. All parts of the addition are to be made as shown by the drawings, except the iron heating pipes and plumbing fixtures ln con nection therewith. A certified check will be required to accompany each bid for the work, made payable to the order, of the clerk of said school district In the sum of five per cent of the amount of the bid, which check will become the property of said school district in case the bidder selected by said board of school directors to perform the work of erecting said building shall refuse to enter Into a contract and furnish a good and sufficient bond to said district for the faithful perform ance of the work according to the plans and specifications. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids for the work. April 1, 1910. NOTICE OF PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING SIDEWALKS AND CROSS WALK ON THE WEST SIDE OF JANE STREET BE TWEEN the soirrn line or BLUFF STREET AND TirE NORII LINE OF HIGH STKLHT. Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the City of Pendleton will receive bids for the construction of sidewalks and a crosswalk on the west side of Jane street from the south line of Bluff street to the North line of High street up until April 13th, 1910, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., said bids to be filed with the City Recorder, before that time, all bids shall speci fy as follows, vis: Sidewalk per lineal foot... t Crosswalk per lineal foot.... $ Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check In the sum of $25 00 payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of Pendleton, the city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 81st day of March, 1910. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the Furnish Ditch company at Stanfleld, Oregon, up until Tuesday noon, April 12, 1910, for the building of "the stor age reservoir on the Umatilla river. Including about 140,000 cubic yards of earth exca vation, t 8000 cubic yards solid rock excava tion, and 1100 cubic yards concrete work. Maps, plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Furnish Ditch company, at Pendleton, Oregon, or at the office of the Furnish Ditch company, Beck Building, Portland, Oregon. THE FURNISH DITCH COMPANY. Dally Bast Oregonlan by canter, only IS cents per week.